Python 2.7- separating b,g,r in an array - arrays

Ok, so what I want to do is go through an entire array of pixels, and for each pixel grab the green value, blue value and red value. This is so later I can see patterns between them.
So, this is what my code looks like.
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format='bgr', use_video_port =True):
ColourCount = Calculations(data)
Ok, now that was just to show you what the general code is. This is where it gets tricky. Also, if that doesn't work for you guys on Pc, just use any opencv, I'm sure they save the data the same.
for n in data:
for s in n
Then when I print these, it doesn't yield the result I want.
So s is like [0, 14, 0]
And B is like [0, 0, 0] as is the others. (those are just examples, although the values aren't getting high for some reason.
Now what I would like, is to split it so B is the blue channel, G is the green channel, etc.
So for the N example:
B= 0
G= 14
R = 0
So how do I achieve this?
I want single integers, but it's sending me back an entire pixel nearly?
EDIT: I believe part of my mistake before was that the item I was collecting was in fact a row instead of a pixel. So I put another for loop in, as seen above.

You can use the split() function.
bgr = cv2.split(data)
B = bgr[0]
G = bgr[1]
R = bgr[2]


Determine index of triangle point that remains after selecting the other two

(This feels like a really dumb problem, but I'm having trouble coming up with a "good" solution, despite a lot of vague Google searching.)
Let's say I have an array of triangles, and within each is an array containing the triangle's three points (indices 0, 1, 2). In the process of searching for a triangle that contains an edge, I find the triangle and record the indices of the two points on the edge in variables (i.e. 2 and 0). These two can be selected in any order.
Now I need to know which index was not selected. So if the edge was on indices 2 and 0 of the given triangle, then index 1 is the remaining point that was not selected.
Is there a way to determine this algorithmically, without using a tree of if statements for each combination? Perhaps a bit mask, though I'm not exactly sure how for this case.
If you have two distinct integers a, b out of 0, 1, 2, then the following trick will give you the third:
c = 3^a^b;
If a and b are 0 and 1, this produces 2. If they are 0 and 2, this produces 1. And if they are 1 and 2, this produces 0. Note that ^ is the bitwise exclusive-OR operator.
Alternatively, you could do:
c = 3-a-b;
to achieve the same result.
More generally, if you have three numbers x, y, and z, and a and b are two of those numbers, then c = s-a-b is the third, where s = x+y+z. Alternatively, c = p^a^b is the third, where p = x^y^z.

Matlab: Plot array such that each value has random shape and a color map

In Matlab:
How do I modify plot(x,y,'o'), where x=1:10 and y=ones(1,10), such that each point in the plot will have a random shape?
And how can I give it colors chosen from a scheme where the value at x=1 is the darkest blue, and x=10 is red (namely some sort of heat map)?
Can this be done without using loops? Perhaps I should replace "plot" with a different function for this purpose (like "scatter"? I don't know...)? The reason is that I am plotting this inside another loop, which is already very long, so I am interested in keeping the running-time short.
First, the plain code:
x = 1:20;
nx = numel(x);
y = ones(1, nx);
% Color map
cm = [linspace(0, 1, nx).' zeros(nx, 1) linspace(1, 0, nx).'];
% Possible markers
m = 'o+*.xsd^vph<>';
nm = numel(m);
hold on;
for k = 1:nx
plot(x(k), y(k), ...
'MarkerSize', 12, ...
'Marker', m(ceil(nm * (rand()))), ...
'MarkerFaceColor', cm(k, :), ...
'MarkerEdgeColor', cm(k, :) ...
hold off;
And, the output:
Most of this can be found in the MATLAB help for the plot command, at the Specify Line Width, Marker Size, and Marker Color section. Colormaps are simply n x 3 matrices with RGB values ranging from 0 to 1. So, I interpreted the darkest blue as [0 0 1], whereas plain red is [1 0 0]. Now, you just need a linear "interpolation" between those two for n values. Shuffling the marker type is done by simple rand. (One could generate some rand vector with size n beforehand, of course.) I'm not totally sure, if one can put all of these in one single plot command, but I'm highly sceptical. Thus, using a loop was the easiest way right now.

Plotting arrays using a grouped horizontal bar graph

I am trying to generate a graph that should look similar to:
My arrays are:
I cannot find the right way to group my arrays in order to plot them in the way shown on the above graph.
I tried using the following function explained in:
where y=[Array1,Array2;Array3,Array4] and x={'1m';'2m';'3m';......'60m'}
but it does not work.
Why Your Current Approach Isn't Working
Your intuition makes sense to me, but the barh function you are using doesn't work the way you think it does. Specifically, you are interpreting the meaning of the x and y inputs to that function incorrectly. Those are inputs are constant values, not entire axes. The first y input refers to the end-point of the bar that stretches horizontally from x = 0 and the first x input refers to location on the y-axis of the horizontal bar. To illustrate what I mean, I've provided the below horizontal bar graph:
You can find this same picture in the official documentation of the MATLAB barh function. The code used to generate this bar graph is also given in the documentation, shown below:
x = 1900:10:2000;
y = [57,91,105,123,131,150,...
barh(x, y);
The individual elements of the x array, rather confusingly, show up on the y-axis as the starting locations of each bar. The corresponding elements of the y array are the lengths of each bar. This is the reason that the arrays must be the same length, and this illustrates that they are not specifications of the x and y axes as one might intuitively believe.
An Approach To Solve Your Problem
First things first, the easiest approach is to do this manually with the plot function and a set of lines that represent floating bars. Consult the official documentation for the plot function if you'd like to plot the lines with some sort of color coordination in mind - the code I present (modified version of this answer on StackOverflow) just switches the color of the floating bars between red and blue. I tried to comment the code so that the purpose of each variable is clear. The code I present below matches the floating bar graph that you want to be plotted, if you are alright with replacing thick floating bars with 2D lines floating on a plot.
I used the data that you gave in your question to specify the floating horizontal bars that this script would output - a screenshot is shown below the code. Array1 & Array2:[0;1;2;3;4;5;6;Nan;Nan;Nan;Nan;17;18;.....60], these arrays go from 0 to 6 (length = 6) and 17 to 60 (length = 60 - 17 = 43). Because there is a "discontinuity" of sorts from 7 to 16, I have to define two floating bars for each array. Hence, the first four values in my length array are [6, 6, 43, 43]. Where the first 6 and the first 43 correspond to Array1 and the second 6 and the second 43 correspond to Array2. Recognizing this "discontinuity", the starting point of the first floating bar for Array1 and Array2 is x = 0 and the starting point of the second floating bar for Array1 and Array2 is x = 7. Putting that all together, you arrive at the x-coordinates for the first four points in the floating_bars array, [0 0; 0 1.5; 17 0; 17 1.5]. The y-coordinates in this array only serve to distinguish Array1, Array2, and so on from each other.
floating_bars=[0 0; 0 1.5; 17 0; 17 1.5; 20 6; 20 7.5]; % Each row is the [x,y] coordinate pair of the starting point for the floating bar
L=[6, 6, 43, 43, 40, 40]; % Length of each consecutive bar
thickness = 0.75;
for i=1:size(floating_bars,1)
curr_thickness = 0;
% It is aesthetically pleasing to have thicker bars, this makes the plot look for like the grouped horizontal bar graph that you want
while (curr_thickness < thickness)
% Each bar group has two bars; set the first to be red, the second to be blue (i.e., even index means red bar, odd index means blue bar)
if mod(i, 2)
plot([floating_bars(i,1), floating_bars(i,1)+L(i)], [floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness, floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness], 'r')
plot([floating_bars(i,1), floating_bars(i,1)+L(i)], [floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness, floating_bars(i,2) + curr_thickness], 'b')
curr_thickness = curr_thickness + 0.05;
hold on % Make sure that plotting the current floating bar does not overwrite previous float bars that have already been plotted
ylim([ -10 30]) % Set the y-axis limits so that you can see more clearly the floating bars that would have rested right on the x-axis (y = 0)
How Do I Do This With the barh Function?
The short answer is that you'd have to modify the function manually. Someone has already done this with one of the bar graph plotting functions provided by MATLAB, bar3. The logic implemented in this modified bar3 function can be re-applied for your purposes if you read their barNew.m function and tweak it a bit. If you'd like a pointer as to where to start, I'd suggest looking at how they specify z-axis minimum and maximums for their floating bars on the plot, and apply that same logic to specify x-axis minimum and maximums for your floating bars in your 2D case.
I hope this helps, happy coding! :)
I explain here my approach to generate these type of graphs. Not sure if it is the best but it works and there is no need to do anything manually. I came up with this solution based on the following Vladislav Martin's explained fact: "The y-coordinates in this array only serve to distinguish Array1, Array2, and so on from each other".
My original arrays are:
The values contained in these arrays make reference to the x-axis on the graph. In order to make the things more simple and to avoid having to code a function to determine the length for each discontinuity in the arrays, I replace these values for y-axis position values. Basically I give to Array1 y-axis position values of 0 and to Array2 0+0.02=0.02. To Array3 I give y-axis position values of 0.5 and to Array4 0.5+0.02=0.52. In this way, Array2 will be plotted on the graph closer to Array1 which will form the first group and Array4 closer to Array3 which will form the second group.
for col=1:2:size(Datatable,2)
for row=1:size(Datatable,1)
if isnan(Datatable{row,col})==0 % For first array in the group: If the value is not nan, I replace it for the corresponnding cont1 value
if isnan(Datatable{row,col2})==0 % For second array in the group: If the value is not nan, I replace it for the corresponnding cont2 value
The result of the above code will be a table like the following:
And now I plot the Arrays using 2D floating lines:
for array=1:2:size(Datatable,2)
hold on
hold off
And this will generate the following graph:

Plotting from a 2D Array Using a Loop

This seems like a trivial problem, though I've been hitting myself over the head with it for too long.
This doesn't even plot just the (0,0) -- I can't seem to find much about plotting from arrays -- rather just matrix plots (and only columns at that).
The data is properly in these arrays, I just need to make plots! Doesn't seem so complicated. I don't even need separate colors for the different sets...just all one big scatter plot.
Any suggestions?
# Plot first point
plot(0,0, col = "blue", type = "n", xlab="PES", ylab=""%eff")
#Loop to Plot remaining points
for(rows in 1:nrowX)
for(cols in 1:ncolX)
points(X[rows,cols],Y[rows,cols], col = "blue", type = "p")
I have also tried using to have an empty plot...but no such luck.
Turns out I'm just a fool. Code is acurate and the suggestions below do indeed work.
R happened to be open in another tab and since it was open, never let go of the plot (why? I don't know). As soon as it was closed, the plot appeared. Now I can get my plot again and again...
Thanks to everyone who tried helping a problem that wasn't a problem!
I like this place already!
When you set type = "n", the plot function will not plot anything at all. It is used to set up a basis for the rest of the plot (like axis labels, limits etc). That is why the first point at (0, 0) does not show up.
The rest of the points are probably outside the range. Use xlim and ylim to set up the ranges properly. I'm going to assume X and Y have the same size and dimension. Try this:
# Set up the plot
plot(0, type="n", xlab="PES", ylab="%eff", xlim=range(X), ylim=range(y))
# Now plot
points(X,Y, col="blue")
Of course you could let the plot function take care of the limits for you:
plot(X, Y, xlab="PES", ylab="%eff")
Your initial plot will set up the coordinates, but since you only give it one point it does not know how much room to leave around the 0,0 point (so it does not leave very much). I expect that the rest of your points fall outside of that range which is why they don't show up on the plot (you can use par("usr") to see what the extents are).
When you create the initial plot you should include xlim and ylim arguments so that the plot includes the area where the new points will be added, something like:
plot(0,0, type='n', xlim=range(X), ylim=range(Y))
You may also be interested in the matplot function which will take a matrix as either or both the x and/or y argument and plot accordingly.
The following works for me:
X <- matrix( runif(390), nrow=10 )
Y <- matrix( rnorm(390), nrow=10 )
plot(0,0, col = "blue", type = "n", xlab="PES", ylab="%eff",
xlim=range(X), ylim=range(Y))
#Loop to Plot remaining points
for(rows in 1:nrow(X))
for(cols in 1:ncol(X))
points(X[rows,cols],Y[rows,cols], col = "blue", type = "p")
I did remove an extra " from the ylab, was that your problem?
also worked without the looping.
Check with just the console to see if it works before worrying about sending to a pdf file. If this has not fixed it yet, we still need more details.

Entering Elements in a 4-D array in the Correct Orientation

In the code below "G" returns a (10*4) matrix which is in the correct orientation.
All I want then is to be able to view/call these (10*4) matrices indexed by (j,k). However when I store the matrix "G" in the 4-D matrix "test" the data is displayed in a way that is a little counter intuitive? When I look at test in the variable editor I get:
val(:,:,1,1) =
val(:,:,2,1) =
val(:,:,3,1) =
val(:,:,4,1) =
val(:,:,1,10) =
val(:,:,2,10) =
val(:,:,3,10) =
val(:,:,4,10) =
So all the data is there but I want it displayed at a 10*4 matrix?
Also as you will see I had to change the code for "Correl_betas" and transpose "G" to get to where I am above. However I felt I did this by playing around rather than what I thought the code should be doing. Why does the original code not work? I am having to change the order of the 3rd and 4th dimensions when declaring "Correl_betas" and then pass the transpose of G, but this seems totally counter intuitive as the last two dimensions in the original "Correl_betas" and the original (un-transposed) "G" also match? But when I did it this way the ordering seemed even further from the 10*$ matrix I want.
So I have 2 questions?
1.) How can I get to the 2-dimentional (10*4) matrices I want indexed by j,k from where I am?
2.) How come the original code above doesn't result in the last two columns producing (10,4) matrices?
A large part of the problem is that I have very little experience working with matrices that have more than 2 dimensions so sorry if this question shows a lack of understanding. Maybe a pointer to a god tutorial on how to interpret manipulate higher dimensional matrices would help too.
for j=1:51
for k=1:51
lambda=[ L1; L2 ];
G= [ones(nObs,1) (1-exp(-mats./lambda(1)))./(mats./lambda(1)) ((1-exp(-mats./lambda(1)))./(mats./lambda(1))-exp(-mats./lambda(1))) ((1-exp(-mats./lambda(2)))./(mats./lambda(2))-exp(-mats./lambda(2)))];
To reshape the matrix as desired,
val2 = permute(val,[4 3 2 1]);
This brings the 4th dimension (size of 10) onto the first, and the the 3rd dimension (size of 4) onto the second.
In your loop, both j and k cycle through 1:51 so the first two dimensions of Correl_betas will end up being length 51 too.
