I have command list which will be executed on several server. There is 2 specific command which gets the logs from system and I need to parse these 2 log files to get only required data, which is currently working from below code. but am not able figure out how to check if command executed is that of those 2 log command if so, proceed with rest of the logic, if not then just skip the next few lines. I am not able to find how can we use if statement in batch script which can have OR condition as well.
although am using for loop currently in which am able to check only one command but not both
command list file content :
from the above command, I would like to check if either of the command ie, sys1/log1 or map1/log1 then perform below logic
code :
for /f %%i in ('findstr /li /c:"sys1/log1" /c:"ipconfig" !MyLog!') do (
echo echo severity date time Description > !MyLog!_out.log
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('type !MyLog!^|findstr "severity= date= time= description="') do (
if "%%a"==" severity" echo\
REM this is four SPACES above before severity
<nul set /p "=%%b "
REM above there is a SPACE and a TAB after %%b
) >>!MyLog!_out.log
type !MyLog!_out.log | findstr /b "severity %wanted%" > !MyLog!_out.log
1 for /f %%i in ('findstr /li /c:"sys1/log1" /c:"ipconfig" !MyLog!') do 2(
3 set "wanted=WARNING MINOR MAJOR"
4 echo echo severity date time Description > !MyLog!_out.log
5 (
6 for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('type !MyLog!^|findstr "severity= date= time= description="') do (
7 if "%%a"==" severity" echo\
8 REM this is four SPACES above before severity
9 <nul set /p "=%%b "
10 REM above there is a SPACE and a TAB after %%b
11 )
12 echo/
13 ) >>!MyLog!_out.log
14 for %%a in (!MyLog!) do (
15 echo %%a | find /n /i !wanted! >> !MyLog!_out.log
16 echo %%a
17 )
18 )
Any idea/suggestion/help please.
MyLog.log output :
echo severity date time Description
MINOR 01/04/2015 08:56 Maintenance note: App logs cleared through sys tool
WARNING 02/22/2015 19:59 POST Error: Caching will be enabled once Super-Cap has been charged. No action is required.
WARNING 03/13/2015 14:34 POST Error: Caching will be enabled once Super-Cap has been charged. No action is required.
MAJOR 10/13/2015 15:03 Network Adapter Link Down (Slot 0, Port 1)
MAJOR 01/13/2016 13:03 Network Adapter Link Down (Slot 0, Port 0)
MAJOR 01/21/2016 02:39 Network Adapter Link Down (Slot 0, Port 0)
MAJOR 06/09/2016 01:01 Network Adapter Link Down (Slot 0, Port 0)
Once you implemented rojo's suggestion, incorporate this script instead of yours inner loop inside the outer FOR loop, and post here if any issues:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Inside your outer FOR loop, add this construct
for %%a in ("%wanted%") do (
for %%b in (!MyLog!) do (
echo %%b | find /n /i %%a >nul >> !MyLog!_out.log
echo %%a %%b))
I try to write a little batch script. It should play a sound if my phone joins my network.
#echo off
ping -n 1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx | findstr TTL && start airsiren.wav
goto A
The problem is now that if the phone is detected, it repeatedly starts the sound. But it's supposed to just play once.
Does anyone know a simple fix? Maybe with an IF condition?
I haven't been doing much with batch, but I think I got some basic knowledge.
I suggest following code:
#echo off
set "LastExitCode=1"
%SystemRoot%\System32\ping.exe -n 1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx | %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /C "TTL" >nul
if not %ErrorLevel% == %LastExitCode% set "LastExitCode=%ErrorLevel%" & if %ErrorLevel% == 0 start "Play sound" airsiren.wav
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 5 /NOBREAK
if not errorlevel 1 goto Loop
PING outputs a line with TTL if there is a response on echo request and exits usually with value 0 on receiving a response and with 1 on getting no response. But PING does not always exit with 0 on a positive response which is the reason for using FIND.
FIND processes the output of PING and searches for lines containing the string TTL. FIND exits with value 0 on finding at least one line with TTL and otherwise with 1 for indicating no line found containing the search string. The output of FIND to handle STDOUT is of no interest and therefore reduced to a minimum by using option /C and redirected to device NUL.
Now the exit code of FIND is compared with an environment variable which holds last exit value of FIND initialized with value 1.
On current exit code being equal last exit code, there is no change in availability of the pinged device on network and therefore nothing to do.
Otherwise on a difference the current exit code is assigned to the environment variable for next loop run and current exit code is compared with value 0. If this second condition is true the pinged device sent the first time a positive response on echo request by PING. In this case the sound is played.
There is nothing else done on pinged device not available anymore on network, i.e. the exit code changes from 0 to 1.
Then a delay of 5 seconds is started using TIMEOUT with giving the user to break it with Ctrl+C. This reduces the processor core usage giving Windows the possibility to use the processor core for other processes and also reduces network usage when the pinged device is available at the moment on network. And of course the pinged device does not need anymore to permanently response on echo requests.
A jump to label Loop is done if TIMEOUT exited normally without a user break. Otherwise on user pressing Ctrl+C the batch file processing also ends.
TIMEOUT with parameter /NOBREAK requires Windows 7 or a later Windows version.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
echo /?
find /?
goto /?
if /?
ping /?
set /?
start /?
timeout /?
See also single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for an explanation of operator & and meaning of if not errorlevel 1.
This can be fixed very easily using %errorlevel% and an IF statement.
Original script by Jelle Geerts.
ping -n 1 "xxx.xxx.xxx.xx" | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms"
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo Device was found!
start airsiren.wav
) else (
goto Search
My solution:
#echo off &:: modem_tester_xp+.bat
REM original https://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic2917839.html
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem set connection name (for newer than Win XP) from Network Connections (preferred name doesn't have space)
set _connection_name=internet
rem make file which close this script
echo #echo.^>"%~dpn0.exit"^&#del /q "%%~f0">"%~dp0close_%~nx0"
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims==." %%a in ('wmic os get Version /value ^|find "="') do if "%%~c" neq "" set "_system_version=%%~a.%%~b"
set "_con_ip="
set "_my_ip.last="
::-n (seconds+1)
ping >nul -n 3
set "_my_ip="
if not defined _con_ip call :get_con_ip "%_connection_name%"
if defined _con_ip for /f "tokens=3-5 delims= " %%p in ('route print ^|find " "') do if "%%~r" neq "" if /i "%%~p"=="%_con_ip%" ( set "_my_ip=%%~p" ) else if /i "%%~q"=="%_con_ip%" set "_my_ip=%%~q"
rem if connection lost clean variable _my_ip.last
if not defined _my_ip (
set "_con_ip="
set "_my_ip.last="
) else if /i "%_my_ip%" neq "%_my_ip.last%" (
rem remember last connection addres
set "_my_ip.last=%_my_ip%"
call :2run
if not exist "%~dpn0.exit" goto start
del /q "%~dpn0.exit"
goto :eof
:get_con_ip &::ConnectionName:return variable _con_ip
if "%_system_version%"=="5.1" (
rem XP find modem address
for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%a in ('netsh diag show gateway WAN* ^|find "." ^|find "="') do if "!_con_ip!"=="" set "_con_ip=%%~a"
) else (
rem if newer works like win7, if not: if "%_system_version%"=="6.1" (rem Windows 7
if "%~1" neq "" for /f "tokens=1,4* delims= " %%n in ('netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces ^|find /i "%~1"') do if "!_con_ip!"=="" if /i "%%~p"=="%~1" for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%i in ('netsh interface ipv4 show addresses %%~n ^|find "." ^|find /i "ip"') do if "!_con_ip!"=="" set "_con_ip=%%~j"
if "!_con_ip!" neq "" set "_con_ip=!_con_ip: =!"
goto :eof
rem run external
rem start "modem started" /min /b cmd /c "echo %date% %time% '%_my_ip%'&pause"
start airsiren.wav
There are two problems with your code
Your code will unconditionally goes to the beginning even after the phone is connected, so it repeats playing the sound. You could use ... && (start airsiren.wav & goto :EOF) to terminate the batch file or use another label other than :EOF to do something else. But this doesn't give you the option to keep monitoring the phone for disconnection and re-connection.
You have to check the setting of the default media player (Typically Windows Media Player) and make sure that it is not set to continuously loop or repeat the media. Also it is overkill and somewhat inconvenient to launch a full fledged media player just for playing back a short notification sound, and usually you have to close the media player afterwards.
So this is the code I propose which solves the above mentioned obstacles by providing the option to continuously monitor the phone's connection status and also provide a more programmatic way to play the notification sound in a self contained player by using a hybrid BAT/JSCript solution.
#if (#Code)==(#BatchScript) /* Hybrid BAT/JScript line */
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set #PlaySound=start "" /b cscript //nologo //e:JScript "%~f0"
set "SoundFile.Connect=%SystemRoot%\media\ringout.wav"
set "SoundFile.Disconnect=?"
set "GenFail.Localized.Text=General failure"
:: set to 0 to disable continuous connection monitoring
set "ContinuousMonitoring=1"
set "PhoneIP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
set "Timeout=3000"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "CheckGeneralFailure=1"
echo [%TIME%] Waiting for connection...
ping -n 1 %PhoneIP% -w %Timeout% | findstr "TTL" >nul && (
echo [!TIME!] Phone Connected.
!#PlaySound! "!SoundFile.Connect!"
if %ContinuousMonitoring% NEQ 0 goto :MonitorConnection
goto :EOF
) || (
if !CheckGeneralFailure! NEQ 0 (
ping -n 1 %PhoneIP% -w 100 | findstr /i /c:"%GenFail.Localized.Text%" >nul && (
ping -n 1 -w %Timeout% >nul
(call,) %= Set errorlevel to 0 =%
) || set "CheckGeneralFailure=0"
goto :WaitForConnection
ping -n 1 %PhoneIP% | findstr "TTL" >nul && (
ping -n 1 -w %Timeout% >nul
goto :MonitorConnection
) || (
echo [!TIME!] Phone Disconnected.
echo [!TIME!] Waiting for connection...
set "CheckGeneralFailure=1"
REM Play another sound for disconnect?
goto :WaitForConnection
goto :EOF
/*** End of batch code ***/
/*** JScript Sound Player ***/
var wmpps = {
Undefined : 0,
Stopped : 1,
Paused : 2,
Playing : 3,
ScanForward : 4,
ScanReverse : 5,
Buffering : 6,
Waiting : 7,
MediaEnded : 8,
Transitioning : 9,
Ready : 10,
Reconnecting : 11,
Last : 12
var SoundFile;
if (WScript.Arguments.length) SoundFile = WScript.Arguments(0);
var WaitCount = 0;
var objPlayer = new ActiveXObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7");
with(objPlayer) {
URL = SoundFile;
settings.volume = 100;
settings.setMode("loop", false);
while(playState == wmpps.Transitioning) {
if (WaitCount > 200) break;
if (playState == wmpps.Playing) {
while(playState != wmpps.Stopped) WScript.Sleep(1000);
I am trying to create a DOS batch script on my Windows 7 machine. I want to execute file 123456.bat, which contains the following command and parameters:
call **startSelenium.bat** 55 someSuiteName suite-someSuite.html development 1 1 10 10
That script calls into the startSelenium.bat script below:
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET TimeStamp=
FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ("%date%") do set datestr=%%l%%j%%k
FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=.: " %%i in ("%time%") do set timestr=%%i%%j%%k%%l
SET TimeStamp=%datestr%%timestr%
set a=2
set b=0
set /a c=%a%+%b%
FOR /l %%t IN (1, 1, %c%) do (
call :SEARCHPORT %%t
echo %startPort%
Start java -jar C:\Selenium\2\selenium-server-standalone-2.47.1.jar -port %startPort% -singleWindow -userExtensions C:\selenium\2\user-extensions.js -firefoxProfileTemplate "c:\selenium\2\ffprofiles\2rc" -htmlSuite "*chrome" "https://www.google.com" "Z:\selenium\2\environment\%4\suites\%3" "u:\results\%4\result-%1-%computername%-1234-%TimeStamp%.htm"
timeout /t 10
netstat -o -n -a | find "LISTENING" | find ":%startPort% " > NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" equ "0" (
set /a startPort +=1
) ELSE (
set freePort=%startPort%
echo %startPort%
When I run the script, the first instance of the java applications runs with a free Windows port that the SEARCHPORT subroutine found; however, the second instance pops up and quits immediately. I suspect the code is using the same variable from the first time it went through the FOR loop instead of getting a new unused port number.
What am I doing wrong? I copied various parts of this code from other sources. I am obviously a nube, so plain English would be helpful. :)
You have got an delayed expansion issue.
You already enabled delayed expansion, but you don't use it. You have to replace %startPort% with !startPort! inside your for /l loop.
I have multiple TraceRT log files containing 30 hops. I'm only looking for similar IP (ex. 192.168.1) and would like to log it on one file with:
1) Successful: %IP% found in %Filename%
2) Fail: Specified IP not found in %Filename%
I'm trying to use:
rem US date
set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
rem US hour
set HOUR=%TIME:~0,2%
set MIN=%TIME:~3,2%
set SEC=%TIME:~6,2%
set HUNDREDS=%TIME:~9,2%
rem Make sure that hour has two digits
IF %HOUR% GEQ 10 goto twoh
set HOUR1=%TIME:~1,1%
goto fulltid
#echo off & setLocal EnableDELAYedeXpansion
findstr /m "192.168.1" *.txt > FILENAME
echo on
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (*.txt ^| find "192.168.1") do (
IF %%a neq %%b (
echo Suscessful: %%a %FILENAME% >> Log%YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%.txt
) ELSE (
echo Fail: Specified IP not found in %FILENAME% >> Log%YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%.txt
goto START
You have specified an invalid pipe | find. You cannot pipe (a) text file(s) into a command.
Either provide the file(s) as argument(s) to find, or use redirection (this works for a single file only but not for multiple ones nor */? patterns though).
You are using for /f not correctly.
It looks as if you wanted to parse the output of find. To accomplish that, but you must enclose the command within single-quotes '. Type for /? and see the help text for more details.
The following line of code should work:
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('find "192.168.1" *.txt') do (
To get current date and time, I strongly recommend to read variables %DATE% and %TIME% once only and within a single line! Otherwise you might run into problems, especially concerning the fractional seconds, which might not be equal between consecutive expansions.
To ensure %HOUR% to have two digits, you simply need to use set HOUR=0%HOUR% then set HOUR=%HOUR:~-2%.
Since a one-digit %HOUR% is prefixed by a space here, you can have it even simpler (thanks for your comment, #Stephan!) by just replacing the space by a zero: set HOUR=%HOUR: =0%.
i searched & tried for hours to get a newline when using a Batchfile with output -> file.
I am new to batchprograming and need some help. So here is my problem:
What i want :
I have a Batch that ping a spezific Server and writes the result in a "xml" format. This format is not real xml - its a kind of XML that a second app (LCDHost) understand.
Finaly the outfile should contain :
When getting this LCDHost can read this File and show the result in a external LCD ( im my case a G19 Keyboard).
What i actually get :
<host>myhost2ping.com</host> <date>22.12.2013</date> <time>17:03:25,55</time> <ping> Minimum = 36ms</ping>
My Batch:
for /f "delims=," %%a in ('ping -n 1 myhost2ping.com') do #echo ^<host^>myhost2ping.com^</host^> ^<date^>%DATE%^</date^> ^<time^>%TIME%^</time^> ^<ping^>%%a^</ping^> > ping.txt
goto :begin
What i already tried :
all versions of & echo.
set ^ as Var
/n, /c/n , /r/n
What i need :
each node ... in his own line
last entry should be cutted to only ms :
From Minimum = 36ms to 36.
thanky you for your help.
Here's another method using your code:
(for /f "delims=," %%a in ('ping -n 1 myhost2ping.com') do (
echo ^<host^>myhost2ping.com^</host^>
echo ^<date^>%DATE%^</date^>
echo ^<time^>%TIME%^</time^>
echo ^<ping^>%%a^</ping^>
)) > ping.txt
goto :begin
try this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set NL=^
REM the two empty lines above are required!
for /f "delims=," %%a in ('ping -n 1 www.google.de^|find "Minimum"') do ( set t=%%a )
rem it's easier to work with the variable outside the for-block:
set "t=%t: =%" :: remove spaces
set "t=%t:Minimum=%" :: remove Minimum
set "t=%t:ms=%" :: remove ms
set "t=%t:~1%" :: remove first char (equal sign)
#echo ^<host^>myhost2ping.com^</host^>!NL!^<date^>%DATE%^</date^>!NL!^<time^>%TIME
%^</time^>!NL!^<ping^>%t%^</ping^> > ping.txt
timeout /t 6
goto :begin
I have made a character file in which my game pulls data and variables from. Looks like so:
playerName= Marche
playerRace= Elf
playerHP= 100
playerSPD= 200
playerATK= 120
playerDEF= 70
Final Fantasy reference anyone...? Anyway, when the character levels up, I need a batch script to find the string "playerHP= 100". playerHP is set as a variable within the script. Basically, it takes the current health, and multiplies it by 120%, increasing the number. How do I echo the result of that math to replace the current number?
For example if that didn't make any sense, I have 100 health. I level up, thus increasing my health stat by 120%, so now I have 120 health. I would want to find the string "playerHP= 100" and replace it with "playerHP= 120".
If it can be avoided I don't want to download any other commands (I've seen sed a few times). Thanks much
EDIT: Instead of searching for the string and replacing I took jeb's advice and just deleted the file and re-echoed all of the data. It ended up looking like this:
set /a LeveledUpPlayerHP=(%ppHP%* 12) / (10)
set /a LeveledUpPlayerSPD=(%ppSPD%* 12) / (10)
set /a LeveledUpPlayerATK=(%ppATK%* 12) / (10)
set /a LeveledUpPlayerDEF=(%ppDEF%* 12) / (10)
echo Updating stats...
del "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\CMDRPG\player\playerData.dll
ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
echo playerName= %playerName%>playerData.dll
echo playerRace= %playerRace%>>playerData.dll
echo playerHP= %LeveledUpPlayerHP%>>playerData.dll
echo playerSPD= %LeveledUpPlayerSPD%>>playerData.dll
echo playerATK= %LeveledUpPlayerATK%>>playerData.dll
echo playerDEF= %LeveledUpPlayerDEF%>>playerData.dll
The playerName and playerRace are all loaded in prior to this section of the code. Ping is used just as a wait function to let the file delete before echoing new data. Seems to work okay. Thanks all
try this (output is in %inifile%.new):
SET "inifile=file"
FOR /f %%a IN ('^<"%inifile%" find /c /v ""') DO SET /a lines=%%a
< "%inifile%" (
FOR /l %%a IN (1,1,%lines%) DO (
SET "line="
SET /p "line="
IF NOT "!line:playerHP=!"=="!line!" (
FOR /f "tokens=2delims= " %%b IN ("!line!") DO SET /a HP=%%b*12/10
SET "line=playerHP= !HP!"
>type file
playerName= Marche
playerRace= Elf
playerHP= 100
playerSPD= 200
playerATK= 120
playerDEF= 70
>type file.new
playerName= Marche
playerRace= Elf
playerHP= 120
playerSPD= 200
playerATK= 120
playerDEF= 70
Presumeably it does not matter what order the values appear in you file. If that is so, then the following will effectively "edit" your file.
It first uses FINDSTR to isolate the current playerHP value, and FOR /F to parse out the value from the string. SET /A increments the playerHP. Then a new file is created using FINDSTR to write all the current values except for playerHP, and then the new playerHP info is appended to the end.
#echo off
set "file=gameData.txt"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%N in ('findstr /bl "playerHP=" "%file%"') do set /a "newHP=%%N*120/100"
>"%file%.mod" (
findstr /blv "playerHP=" "%file%"
echo playerHP=%newHP%
move /y "%file%.mod" "%file%" >nul
But why go to all that trouble. I should think you already have all your values in memory as environment variables. Simply make sure that all variables that are to be stored in a file start with a common unique prefix. In your example, they all start with "player", but you probably want something a little more generic - perhaps a symbol like #. So you could have #playerName, #playerRace, etc.
Simply update the values in memory as needed. When it comes time to save the current game state to a file, then all you need to do is
>"gameData.txt" set #
A brand new file will be created each time containing all the current values.
To load the values, you do exactly what jeb suggested:
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("gameData.txt") do set %%A
To save your data in a file, you could use a block like
echo playerName=%playerName%
echo playerRace=%playerRace%
echo playerHP=%playerHP%
) > player.ini
And to load it you could use
for /F "delims=" %%L in (player.ini) do set "%%L"