Where magic database for filetypes - file

Where one can download or obtain source of magic database for libmagic (a file command). I have compiled version in /usr/share/misc/magic.mgc but can not find original source file. (Ideally I would like to know where on the Internet is original, NOT system/distribution-specific format of such file.)
I was unable to find it ever after hours of googling.

In the sources for the file command (github; ftp). Specifically, in the "magic" subdirectory. There is not a single source file; the database is compiled from multiple sources.
("libmagic" is part of the file package).

The file utility has a GitHub repository at https://github.com/file/file and a homepage at http://www.darwinsys.com/file/
I imagine that any distribution using these sources do so in a modified form. It might even be that the local file utility and the associated libmagic library has diverged significantly from the above sources.
On OpenBSD systems, the libmagic library is available as a port. It will pull the sources from an FTP site associated with the GitHub repository above.

In Ubuntu, you can get exact source code for libmagic (with patches, if any) with the following command:
apt-get source libmagic-dev
It will download the source to the current directory.
If you didn't know the package name, you could use apt-file to find out:
apt-file search libmagic.so
You might need to install apt-file using
sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update


C app deployment and managing dependencies in c

I'm new to c development, but I have some experience in other modern languages .so the first thing that I found hard is dependencies and deployment, while we got Gradle, maven, NuGet and pipy and... but in c I find it a bit difficult to manage this process.
for example, I have an app that should use mongo-c-library, log4c,libarchive so basically, in my development environment, I download and unzip all of the tar files of the above libraries and then followed their instruction(usually some make stuff) and installed them in order to include them in code make the code work.
I have studied a bit about CMake but I couldn't get a clear picture of how that could actually solve the problem.
at this moment my best solution is to create an install bash script and zip all dependencies unzipped folder with that install script and then send it to the production server to deploy it.
1.The first question is : is it possible to just copy and past all of .so .h and etc files in /path/of/installed/dependencies/include
and /path/of/installed/dependencies/lib in the destination server libary path.
2.if not what is the faster way?
while I was surfing the CMake source file I found that its developers just use this package source code directly.
cmxxx contains the xxx sources and headers files.
3.how can apt-get and Linux package manager help in the deployment process?
2 first question was more about dependencies. imagine we have a simple c app and we want to install(build and make a useable executable file) quickly. how it can be related to .deb packages.
1.The first question is : is it possible to just copy and past all of .so .h and etc files in /path/of/installed/dependencies/include and /path/of/installed/dependencies/lib in the destination server libary path.
Yes, technically it's possible. That's essentially what package managers do under the hood. However, doing that is a colossal mistake and screams bad practices. If that's what you want then in the very least you should look into package managers to build up your own installer, which handles this sort of stuff already for you.
2.if not what is the faster way?
You're actually asking an entirely different question, which is: how should I distribute my code, and how do I expect users to use/deploy it?
If you want users to access your source code and build it locally, as you've mentioned cmake then you just to set up your project right as cmake already supports that usecase.
If instead you just want to distribute binaries for a platform then you'll need to build and package that code. Again, cmake can also help you on that one, as cmake's cpack supports generating some types of packages like DEB packages used by Debian and Ubuntu, and which are handled by apt.
3.how can apt-get and Linux package manager help in the deployment process?
apt is designed to download and install packages from a repository.
Under the hood, apt uses DEB packages, which can be installed with dpkg.
If you're targeting a system that uses apt/deb, you can build DEB packages whenever you release a version to allow people to install their software.
You can also go a step beyond and release your DEB packages in a Personal Package Archive.
You would typically NOT download and install source packages. Instead you should generally rely on the libraries and development packages of the distribution. When building your own package you would typically just reference the packages or files that your package is dependent on. Then you build your own package and you're done. Upon installation of your package, all dependencies will automatically be resolved in an appropriate order.
What exactly needs to be done is dependent on the package management system, but generally the above statements apply. Be advised, package management apparently is pretty hard, because so many 3rd party developers screw it up.

Could not perform backup protocol version exchange, error code -1

I need to backup iphone with libimobiledevice, using ubuntu, the device is detected but going to launch the backup commands the following error is displayed:
Started "com.apple.mobilebackup2" service on port 49343.
Could not perform backup protocol version exchange, error code -1
What could it depend on?
Several Github issues have reported this problem, like this one.
you need to use latest version of idevicebackup and libimobiledevice
Indeed, if you use Ubuntu 20.04 (for instance), the libimobiledevice package is outdated, as of now.
If that's your case, you'll have to either wait for the next Ubuntu release (22.04) or compile it from source, what may become necessary at some point after the release of Ubuntu 22.04 anyway.
Disclaimer: downside of compiling yourself is that your binaries are not managed by the package manager. You'll have to update yourself, git pulling or downloading the newest source code releases and re-compiling everything everytime. You might have to redo all of this after a distribution upgrade. Upside is that your binaries do work...
Note: compilation steps are described on the official site only for debian; I could perform them equally well on a Linux Mint 20.3 (based on Ubuntu, based on debian). OP does not mention the OS he or she uses, but debian based seem to be the only ones available for now, so what follows should work on debian based OSes.
Compilation from source, step by step:
uninstall the official package and its dependencies and:
install the build dependencies: sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall git autoconf automake libtool-bin libplist-dev libusbmuxd-dev libssl-dev usbmuxd (see "from source" here)
get libimobiledevice source code from its repo, using for instance git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice.git. You might get to the releases page and use the latest tar.gz instead (1.3 at the moment).
also get source code of other libraries required by libimobiledevice: libplist, libimobiledevice-glue and libusbmuxd. (I also compiled usbmuxd instead of using the official package, but I am not sure it is necessary). For each one of them, you can git clone it or download and untar the latest source code release, if available.
choose a prefix directory, where libraries and binaries will go. Create it if necessary (official libimobiledevice site suggests /opt/local and I will use this too in the next steps; in order for the compilation to work, you'll have to sudo mkdir /opt/local and export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig before starting the first compilation)
to compile and install, cd to the root of each git-cloned (or source-downloaded) directory (in this order: lipblist, libimobiledevice-glue, libusbmuxd and libimobiledevice, because each one depends on the previous one) and execute, in each one of them: ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/local, then make and finally sudo make install. (Note, the autogen line for libimobiledevice may be ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/local --enable-debug, as suggested here).
Having done all of this, the iphone was not mounted automatically, I had to manually run idevicepair pair and then could mount it using ifuse ./iphone_mount_point/ (do sudo apt install ifuse if necessary) and perform a backup using idevicebackup2 backup --full iphone_backup/. Read the help of idevicebackup2 for more information.

How to build axis2c Unofficial source code

I have to create SOAP services in C using axis2C. But since axis2C is kind of not maintained properly as per this question, I have to use axis2C unofficial source code. But I could not see configure file to build the sources. How should I build this. I checked all the documentation both in here and in the github repo but no luck. All points to the axis2C official documentation. Should I copy the sources from unofficial to official code and try with the configure script in official folder ?
This project probably uses the GNU build system. In this system, ./configure is a portable shell script that is automatically generated from hand-written input files, the main file is configure.ac.
So, distribution packages of the source will contain ./configure, therefore enabling anyone on any platform with a sh-compatible shell and a make utility to build the software. But as it is a generated file, you will not find it in source-code repositories, e.g. on github.
To build a package using the GNU build system directly from source controls, you have to use the GNU autotools yourself to generate ./configure. In order to do this, install the following packages:
autoconf -- generates ./configure from ./configure.ac.
automake -- generates portable makefile templates Makefile.in from Makefile.am (those templates are then filled with values by the ./configure script to write the final Makefiles)
libtool -- tools for building dynamic shared objects on different platforms
Then, the command autoreconf -i given in the root of your source package should generate the ./configure script for you.
Note that there are packages providing a script ./autogen.sh (or similarly named). If this is there, you should call it instead of running autoreconf -i yourself, it might contain additional necessary preparation steps. ./autogen.sh will typically directly run the generated ./configure for you.

sql.h header file missing though unixODBC is installed

I am on an up-to-date Ubuntu 12.04 system. I have unixodbc (v2.2.14 from ubuntu repos), MySQL and its relevant drivers installed. Also connected to a valid DSN. Verified by issuing isql DBName UName passwd.
I am trying to compile a C application that interacts with the database using ODBC. Almost everywhere I searched seemed to indicate that I should have "sql.h" installed somewhere. A find / -iname sql.h -print showed I don't have it.
So my question is: where is it? Did something go wrong with the install (no errors were reported though)? And what steps do you recommend? Reinstallation? Compilation from source code (the latest version?)?
You need to install the unixodbc-dev package to get the development header files.
sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev
The -dev packages contain the require header files required to compile and build programs using these headers to make calls to the library. The library files themselves would be part of the regular package i.e. unixodbc in your case.
If you want to know which package provides a certain file, you could use apt-file:
sudo apt-file update
sudo apt-file find sql.h

How do I build a debian package whose sources include symbolic links outside of the source tree?

I have a project whose source includes symbolic links to other source trees (notably, the CppUTest framework). I need to build a debian package out of my project, but dpkg-source will not follow the symbolic links.
Digging further, I believe this is because the default behavior for tar is not to dereference symbolic links unless explicitly told to (with -h).
I was unable to find a way to pass this extra option to tar when building the debian source tarball.
So what am I doing wrong here? Is it possible to build a debian source tarball whose origin includes symbolic links? If so, how?
As read in this thread.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9752860&postcount=3
They can be included in the package just like normal files.
The details depend on the way you're doing the packaging, but using something like the following in debian/rules's `install' target should work:
ln -s /usr/share/whatever/file/you/want $(CURDIR)/debian/<pkgname>/usr/whatever/place/you/want/the/link
Everything inside debian/ will end up inside the .deb, including the symlinks you put there.
