Adding a new page to a GitHub wiki using Gollum - gollum-wiki

Months back I started populating a wiki for someone else's GitHub repo.
I put instructions here.
Yesterday I decided I wanted to add a new page. Nobody has modified the wiki in the meanwhile so I figured I can just repeat those instructions from...
Make the edits:
So I run gollum from /path/to/MathBox/ (which currently contains a and which correctly reflects the wiki as is), launch my browser at localhost:4567, and add a new page by adding [[foo]] to the homepage, saving it, clicking it.
Which opens it up as blank page in edit mode, and I then add some dummy text, save, quit browser, quit gollum.
But the files in the current folder haven't changed. should have an extra line, and there should be a new file containing my dummy text. But nothing!
And even stranger, running Gollum again shows the wiki in its new state. So my changes are getting recorded somewhere. But as it is not in the working folder, GitHub Desktop doesn't grok that I have made modifications.
What's going wrong here?

Gollum reads and stores files on a git repository, it doesn't read from uncommitted files stored in the current directory.
When you are creating a new file using its internal editor it will create a file with the content and will commit it to the local repository.
But when you create a file with an external editor, you have to commit it so gollum can read it from a a git repository.


How could I find out the old file name in Azure DevOps?

I moved a file one folder up. Now in Azure DevOps in commit content I see [rename] written next to the file, but I do not see how the file name was changed (i.e. I do not see the old file name). Is there any way I could find this out?
Hovering over the file name in the commit content diff explorer shows a title containing the information I was looking for. It says {new branch name} [rename] renamed from {old branch name}.
Would be nice not to have to hover over to see this though. Since sometimes there are a lot of files. Hopefully Microsoft will add another way to view this in future.

Why is VSCode creating a history file?

VSCode keeps creating a history file even after I delete it. If I don't delete it, it accumulates to over 5000+ pending changes in my source control tab, and I don't know what I did with my settings for it to keep recreating the history folder. How can I delete this for good? I don't know if it affects my other files, and based on my history of deleting it, I don't think it does.
you can always add a .gitignore file and add the following line in it. This way your git engine won't pick them up.
It just means you have a lot of vscode settings in your local, you can ignore them or delete them if you don't want to keep these editor settings. These settings won't affect any other files or other people's computer, as long as they don't get committed into the code repository.

Working With A Codename One Project In Git/SVN version control

We are trying to work on a Codename One project using git version control.
When I pull the project from git, the files (modified and newly added theme res files) are updated but they don't appear in the theme.
My changes aren't reflected when I try to run the project, how to refresh the project?
I tried to build/clean, refresh the cn1lib too but made no progress.
Thankyou shai, i uncheck the xml team mode but that doesnt make any difference.. you gave the link (, what is this for?? sorry i didn't quite get it.
And the solution isnt that clear. what do you mean by checking the res directory...
Let me clear my problem here.. when my team member adds a form (eg main form) in the gui builder, it get pulled from git in my project. there r 2 files main.ui and main file but when i open my res file or gui builder, the main form is not there.
This is actually triggered by a feature specifically designed for working with a team in version controlled environments. You can get this to work by unchecking File->XML Team Mode in the designer but that would "work around" this feature:
The solution would be to checkin the res directory, when it exists opening the res file refers to that instead of to the theme file. This allows your team to edit that directory together and avoid conflicts that will arise when sharing the binary res file.

How do I update a SharedResources.resx file in DotNetNuke 7

I am trying to edit a SharedResources.resx file for the ViewProfile control in DNN 7.
The file path is \DesktopModules\Admin\ViewProfile\App_LocalResources\SharedResources.resx. The default profile view has an 'Avatar' image which we are not implementing and I would like to remove the [PROFILE:PHOTO] token and surrounding image tag.
I am able to do this manually, but the page never seems to update with my changes.
So I go into the Language Editor and do the update there. However, when I click Save a new file is created called SharedResources.Portal-0.resx and my changes are saved to that file and are still not applied to the site.
The other resource files (type filename.ascx.resx) do not display this behavior. If I update a value it is reflected upon page refresh on the site.
I would like to know why this is happening and what the correct method of updating files of this type is.
Thank you.
You could try editing the SharedResources.resx file manually, instead of through the language editor, and see if that change takes effect.
The thing to keep in mind in doing that though, is that the file will be overwritten the next time you do an upgrade of DNN, so you would need to modify that file again.
By changing that file however, you can at least see if the change takes effect, if it does not, than would have to believe the info is somehow coming from a different location.

File doesn't show up in TYPO3 Fileadmin

is TYPO3 doing some indexing of the filesystem into database?
We try to add a video to our page here, but video isn't selecable from the file window altough its put into the right directory.
The Fileadmin says "9 records found" in the folder and is displaying only 7 Files, because someone might have deleted two of the files out of the folder.
But the new video file we've put there won't be displayed, too.
Is there any way to manually start TYPO3s file indexer?
I don't think TYPO3 does any indexing of the files; it just reads the list of the files straight off the filesystem. So there's no file indexer to start.
My suggestion for your problem would be to check the permissions on the file you uploaded and make sure it's readable by whatever user the Web server is running as ('apache', 'www-data', etc). If it isn't readable by the Web server it won't show up in the fileadmin area.
Okay guys, I feel stupid right now - altough I can't really explain the behavior...
What happened seemes to be some strange caching failure.
If you click on the "choose file" button it shows the window as seen in the screenshot above, displaying the last used folder.
But: this view is somehow cached.
If you select the same folder again from the file tree from the left, the view is updated and the missing files are shown -.-
