Problems with GCC "build file: no target in no project" - c

I have a problem with C. When I want to compile my sources codes, I see the message:
=== Build file: "no target" in "no project" (compiler: unknown) ===
The classic Hello world works, but I have this message.
I want to make a program that read all absolute directories and subdirectories recursively, print all names with 252 characters or more in a file. I use codeblocks and GNU gcc.

I have just had this problem with Codeblocks. Although I had a compiler.
The problem was that I have not saved the file with the correct extension - e.g. it was Untitled4 instead of Untitled4.c or Untitled4.cpp (for c++). Simply renaming the file has worked.

I just had this problem too but I managed to get it going. I had to go to New --> Project --> Console Application.
My guess is that an update has changed functionality or something. I distinctly remember that I could just simply add a new Empty File and then be able to debug and it run from there. Apparently not anymore. I now specifically have to go to the add new projects option and then choose the console application.
Don't forget to choose the C compiler and not C++ compiler when it walks you through the process.

I have encountered the same problem. So i found that i do have created a project file, but my files(.cpp, .h and other) files were not included in my project, to check that open your codeblock ide-> open your project-> and on the left hand side you will see a Management tab, which should contain all your file( if you are not able to see Management tab, just follow step: go to view panel )

While the process is active, you canĀ“t run the program.
Open the Task Manager and kill the process created by CodeBlocks (the same name of your project).

Just create a new project and Copy and paste your texts into the new files. It will work.


How to fix function (that validates input) from not reading a text file? [duplicate]

Trying out the Clion EAP on the Mac. How does one change the current working directory for a launched program? It appears to be set to the output directory of the binaries.
This can be changed via the Run -> Edit Configurations... dialog, just like Idea.
The mix of needing to make changes to CMakeLists.txt for so much of the configuration just threw me, and I've been hunting for a way to change it there, but this bit at least is consistent with the other IDEs, which is good.
Hopefully they'll improve the rest of the Project Settings in a similar fashion.
The "Working Directory" is where the executable starts. Modifying the "Working Directory" in the Configurations setting tells Clion to change to the "Working Directory" after the executable starts execution.
If you want to change where the executable starts execution you will need to add a line to the CMakesLists.txt file.
add_executable(TimeServer ${SOURCE_FILES})
Position in the cmakes file is important. If you add the set command after the add_executable it will not work. It must come before.
These answers are relatively old. Not sure when the feature was added but there's a very nice UI way to set the current working directory now.
I made a YouTube tutorial for my COSC1030 (Beginning C++) students but the solution is the same for everyone:
If you know your CLion fairly well and don't need a demo, here's a short-hand version: Edit Configurations (from drop-down menu at top right of screen), enter the directory you want to use in Working Directory or select via "..." pop-up.

how do you create a .c file in Visual Studio 2017 Professional

I am extremely new to programming and have found that a good majority of my mentors use Visual Studio to code in C.
I would like to get an early start using SAMS C Programming.
Can anyone please tell me how to create a .c file in VS 2017? I am only able to create a .cpp file at this time.
What you most likely actually want to do is create a project. Go to File-> New-> Project. Most likely, the first programs you will write are console applications (meaning they appear on that screen that resembles an old computer monitor, or what some computer screens look like when booting). If you want to create a console application, go from Project to Visual C++-> Windows Desktop-> Windows Console Application. Ignore any additional pop-up windows and just keep clicking continue. A file called main.cpp will automatically be generated. This is the file you will want to use for your code examples (but DO NOT DELETE the #include "stdafx.h" line, even if your example code does not have it).
Visual Studio compiles both .c and .cpp files as C++ by default. C++ has nearly everything that C has, but may take longer to compile when dealing with huge projects. If you want to use strictly C with no C++, then go to Project (a separate project tab on the same toolbar as the file tab -- it isn't within the file tab)-> ProjectName(Your Project Name) Properties-> Configuration Properties-> C/C++-> Advanced and select "Compile As". You should see a square with a upside-down "^" in it. Click that and select "Compile as C Code (/TC)". The "/TC" is just what you would type in if you were using command-line arguments instead of the convenient window that appears for you to modify everything. Finally, rename main.cpp to main.c.
Since you're learning C, I would also like to mention that I started making a C tutorial on my web site (and if anybody else also happens to see this post and the tutorial, criticize the tutorial as harshly as you can in the comments below).
Click on File, Choose Project --> Visual C++ --> Windows Desktop and under Windows desktop Choose Windows desktop wizard and give project name in the bottom then click on OK. a pop of Windows Desktop Project will come, check empty project and uncheck all options.then click on OK after that in the right side along with your project name more options will come..right lick on source file-> add -> new items -> choose c++ plus file but in bottom give file with extension .c..and you are done .enjoy coding
If you are truly interested in learning to program in C, then leave the VS Code IDE for later and learn to Build C/C++ code on the command line. VS provides a reasonably good compiler (cl.exe) and pre-configured command line (command prompt) windows to build both 32 and 64 bit applications.
The benefit to using the command line is learning what the compiler options are and what they actually do. Simply open a VS command line window and type cl /help. The compiler will list all options along with a short description. There are a great number of resource for command line building that can be accessed through the link above.
A second benefit is you can rapidly compile all your beginning C examples without worrying about projects, etc.. Just cl /nologo /Wall /Ox /Foname.o /Fename.exe /Tc name.c and you are done. (you will want to suppress unneeded warning with individual /wdXXXX options where XXXX is the warning to suppress) 50 Times faster than using the IDE.
Once you are proficient in using the command line, you will have a much easier time transitioning to the IDE -- because you can properly configure the IDE with the appropriate options for your build and you will know what the IDE is doing under the hood (or should be doing under the hood)

C error parsing in Eclipe-Indigo is not functioning

I'm trying to migrate some C programs from Windows Server to Linux. To edit the code, I'm using Eclipse-Indigo. The machine on which I'm working has WinXP on it (not my choice, so no comments please). My eclipse workarea is on a samba shared drive which is in my home directory on the Linux server.
Each C program is in a separate makefile project. I have specified the cygwin gcc compiler/parser in the settings for new CDT Projects and selected all relevant error parsers in the makefile project settings.
There are no syntax errors showing and the errors that are listed seem somewhat bizarre. The first error states:
make: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../fiscus/vo/src/mk/'. Stop.
The make script at the end is wrong. There is a value in the name which comes from an environment variable. The path is correct exactly as shown but the script name has hte variable $(WA_PLATFORM) in it. This is not being resolved although I have specified the value in the build environment variables.
The subsequent errors are even weirder. For each subsequent project I get the message:
Program "make" is not found in PATH
This makes me wonder how the first message was generated. Besides, the path on my winXP environment, which I assume is the relevant one here, does indeed have the directory with the make program in it.
Where have I mucked it up? Any hints?
One last piece of information. When I shut down eclipse I get access violation errors for the following:
I find this to be suspicious...
The problem appears to lie in the fact that I was using the samba share as my workarea. Apparently the regular backups made on the server changed something (don't know exactly what, though). The projects were no longer being recognised as makefile projects and certain essential metadata files were not accessible. The permissions certainly were not the problem, since I checked those on the server (everything was set to rwxrwxrwx).
To solve the problem I copied the entire workarea to my local hard drive. I then pointed eclipse at this new workarea. The next step was a bit of a pain, because I had to delete each project (without deleting the source, of course) and then import "Existing code as Makefile Project". This can be done with "File->import..." or with a right-click in the package explorer and select "import...".
The last requirement is to specify the required "include" directories. This can be done with "Project-> Properties-> C/C++ General-> Paths and Symbols". Select the "Includes" tab, choose the language (in this case "GNU C") and add the directories where the headers are defined.
Now it works properly again.

how to know the path,where the errors and warnings are stored in eclipse

My doubt is related to the storage of Error/Warning Messages.
For example I wrote a C program in Eclipse IDE and compiled. The Error/Warning Messages are displayed in the problem tab.
If this is the situation which file in my computer contains the Error/Warning Messages. I need to know the location of this file because I am doing a project related to IDE creation.
Any suggestions or Ideas?
First of all you should know that what you see in Problems view in eclipse has not been saved as a log file in plain text. But if you want to see it:
1- Under each workspace there is a folder named ".metadata" . In linux it is a hide folder and you have to choose show hide files. I am not sure about windows.
2- open this path ".plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/" under ".metadata".
3- choose the sub folder with the project name. (The project you want to see prolems for it).
4- there is two files holding the problems named ".markers" and ".markers.snap"
As said this is under Linux. Under windows may be it differs. But it should be something like this.
Not every text editor opens these files. I used emacs!

Why do I get a "Metafile not found" error when trying to compile a WPF application?

I had to rebuild a project in my application.
I created a new project, created each file, and copied the contents of each file into the new project one at a time making all the necessary changes.
Now when I try to compile the project, it gives me three errors:
The metafile c:\projects\project1\CustomerModule\bin\Debug\CustomerModule.dll could not be found.
Application Definition Element could not be given by the library project file.
The project file has invalid properties.
Clicking any of these does nothing.
What are these errors telling me? What do I need to change to get my application running again?
New info: If I do a "rebuild" on just the project, I only get the second two errors, so these seem to be the original issue, but what is the library project file and what properties are invalid?
I found the answer on this forum question.
Basically the thing I did wrong was copy images from a directory in one module to a directory in another module within the Solution Explorer. Don't do this. Instead, copy them from the Windows Explorer into the Solution Explorer, then everything works fine.
Click add a reference and browse for the dll file you want to use.
You may have to rebuild the dll for it to work.
