Apache camel route deployment - Independently? - apache-camel

Suppose I have 10 different Camel routes in my application, is it possible to stop one particular route alone during an issue and make changes to it(in one of the java processors) and deploy it again without affecting other routes.
Also can I create and deploy a new route on the fly, while other routes are already functioning.
If these are not the default behaviour, what are the options available to achieve this?

Karaf (so do Apache ServiceMix / JBoss Fuse)has hot deployment (nowadays this might be supported in JBoss AS / WildFly as well ). Meaning, you can create your routes as independent blueprint xml files in the deploy folder (meaning just xmls). Likewise you can have xml files for every route, whenever you make changes to XML's, it will be redeployed automatically.
This approach has few drawbacks, it will be complex if you have to deal with JPA or if your route has to deal with custom processors / classes.
Check out the examples in Apache ServiceMix / JBoss Fuse project.
I would recommend this approach especially if you want to take a microcontainer approach - Something like light weight Apache Karaf + Camel Route XML files + Docker.
I have done this few years back, may be this feature is possible to achieve in any other containers as well, which I am not sure.

You can stop a route via org.apache.camel.CamelContext.stopRoute(id) & you can modify it by building a new route and adding it to the context. This would let you change the logic of a route at runtime.
This wouldn't automatically let you hot deploy a new Java processor. I think this aspect of your question isn't Camel specific - their seem to be a few options for this, including OSGi/Karaf mentioned by #gnanaguru.
Perhaps moving the logic that you think might change from a Java processor to somewhere more dynamic (like some JavaScript in an external file, or in the route itself) would be a simpler solution to your problem.


Apache camel Endpoint schemes duplication

in apache camel, we have endpoints associated with scheme strings like "cxf", "ahc", "http" and the likes. What happens if there are two components built using the same scheme? I don't see a validation from camel framework which prevents the deployment of components with duplicate schemes. Should there be a validation in the first place or this is by design?
I have a need to re-use available camel components from the community but change the endpoint scheme to make it unique. For example I want to use amqp component but in my blueprint route i would like to have unique scheme used "<camel from uri="mydomain-amqp">. This way I can re-use the amqp as a new component but also keep others using the amqp as is.
Camel prevents adding a component using a name/scheme that already exists. Adding your component under a different name would be something like this:
getContext().addComponent("mydomain-amqp", new AMQPComponent());

Can I use AtlasMap with an older version of Apache Camel

Our pom.xml shows camel-parent is set at version 2.24.0, and AtlasMap says since Camel 3.7. We will not be updating our Camel version anytime soon, that is an entirely different conversation (government project with no budget for that).
I'm pretty new to Camel - can I just add AtlasMap to the pom.xml and use it anyway? If yes, any advice like special steps, etc?
It is possible to use AtlasMap with Camel 2.x: see https://docs.atlasmap.io/#running-with-apache-camel-2-x
Main differences are:
use atlas instead of atlasmap as component schemein Camel URIs
use io.atlasmap:camel-atlasmap as dependencies
Note that it was not a component provided by the Apache Camel projects in 2.x.

NextJS - Production Hot Reloading

Are there any examples out there of injecting new ReactJS components at Runtime, e.g:
A build is deployed on production is stable and running.
We need to add a component or a new route without running through an entire deploy process.
An additional usecase : the application ships with all the components ( e.g: A CMS Module library) - Only certain components were enabled in layout at build time but need more to be added later via a config.
Approaches I have considered.
Using next getStaticPaths and then using a override in the front-end to inject client side components. This will most probably be seen at runtim
Use a more faster deploy system - This is more obvious but imagine lots of changes within a day and multiple deploys.
Any similar problems or approaches people would have tried would be great.
Update Nov 2022
If you are searching on the internet and this comes up, Zack Jackson's Module Federation supposedly achieves this and is called live code sharing via Module federation - https://module-federation.github.io/ There is a NextJS Paid plugin https://app.privjs.com/buy/packageDetail?pkg=#module-federation/nextjs-mf (supports only CSR currently)
I think you would lose out on a lot of built-in build optimizations from Next by trying to circumvent the standard build process, e.g. automatic code-splitting as described here.
However, you might find the fallback feature solves your problem entirely - the fallback feature was meant for large ecommerce sites like it sounds like you're working with. As stated at the fallback true docs:
useful if your app has a very large number of static pages that depend on data (think: a very large e-commerce site). You want to pre-render all product pages, but then your builds would take forever.

Reactjs wordpress prerender existing client side application for SEO

I am using React in my project and I have problem with client-side prerendering.
More specifically, it would be necessary to configure SEO
Which is the least painless way to prerender existing reactjs app wiht react-routes
Some examples I have researched:
Gatsby.js - https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/porting-from-create-react-app-to-gatsby/
Next.js - https://nextjs.org/docs#custom-document
Netlify - https://dev.to/joelvarty/prerender-your-spa-using-netlify-for-better-seo-3h87
React-snap - https://web.dev/prerender-with-react-snap/
Prerender.io - https://prerender.io/
Keen’s Server Side Rendered - https://medium.com/keen-studio/keens-server-side-rendered-react-wordpress-rest-api-boilerplate-bb58edb7cc0a
Razzle - https://reactresources.com/topics/razzle
React Helmet - https://github.com/nfl/react-helmet
Can anyone suggest what option I should choose that is the least painless.
I have headless wordpress as backend and reactjs client-side as frontend.
Or are there other faster options besides the prerendering?
IMO you really don't need to use a framework to achieve SSR if you want to keep control without turning your codebase into a blackbox and choose your own stack.
I created some boilerplate using Node Express. It supports:
SSR using StaticRouter on the server and BrowserRouter in the client
ES6 webpack transpilation + hot reloading both client and server and auto-updating browser
Redux, data preloading and client store hydration
Last time I ran it, I noticed that I hadn't saved the favIcon in the public folder and perhaps there are some minor bugs that I will fix soon (I've fixed them in my projects but didn't update this repo because nobody looks at it anyway (lol!)), but what happens here isn't all that difficult to understand.
I created some basic SSR websites with it in a matter of hours.
I enjoy redux-observable to initiate server ajax calls before rendering the content (using forkJoin), but this is not included in the boilerplate (I haven't actually supported it since I uploaded the first time).
But in terms of setup, I don't really see a point in using a framework for this necessarily, it really isn't that painful / difficult to do yourself.
The benefit that I particularly like is that you don't depend yourself on the scope and dependencies of the framework. You don't get into trouble with things like 'the framework will support this feature or fix that bug in one of the upcoming releases'.
Although ultimately, it comes down to personal choice. So it's not like I want to downgrade these frameworks.
Note: The way Redux achieves pre-rendering is simply by adding Redux store (state) objects to the window object in the html that is sent back to the client.
Then at the client, the it initializes the stores with these objects.
So very simply, this is something that is easy to achieve, even if you decide not to implement any other SSR features.
to create server side applicantion with painless integration you can use my cli to generate a default configuration like create react app cli from facebook, https://github.com/ghondar/crassa

Is it a good idea to run React application on Apache?

I know standard approach is to use node.js. However, our server side api is written on Apache.
So, we wanted to run on Apache only.
Is it ok to run react on Apache or we need to install node js?
In apache setup, how do we do the .dotenv package? We need to set environment variables.
It's absolutely fine to run React on Apache. Remember that "React" is nothing more than a JS framework/library. If your app is client-side rendered and you don't have to worry about server-side-rendering (SSR) then all you need is to deliver the bundle of JS (usually coming off Webpack) from your Apache server to the client.
Nodejs tends to be integrated nicely and hence used most of the time, but if you really want to stick to Apache only, then you can do it.
Read the official CRA docs
This might also help
