What does a circumflex in a require property mean? - angularjs

I am looking at some AngularJS-based code. It contains the following line:
require: '^wizard',
In this line, what does the circumflex character (^) mean?
This sounds like a question that should be easily answered by a glance into the documentation. Unfortunately, using the search feature on AngularJS.org to look for circumflex does not yield a single hit. Looking directly for ^ returns many results, but at least the first few of them that I checked do not even appear to contain that symbol - hence, I guess the circumflex character is simply ignored in the search. Likewise, when searching directly in Google for angularjs circumflex, I am finding questions on Delphi, encoding problems related to circumflex characters, resources on accented characters, etc.

(A ^ prefix would make the directive look for the controller on its own element or its parents; without any prefix, the directive would look on its own element only.)
In here, The directive has a require option with value ^wizard. When a directive uses this option, $compile will throw an error unless the specified controller is found.
Reference: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive


regex with OR condition not working in angularjs [duplicate]

I'm creating a javascript regex to match queries in a search engine string. I am having a problem with alternation. I have the following regex:
I want to be able to match strings that have the string 'word' or 'qw' in addition to 'wd', but everything I try is unsuccessful. I thought I would be able to do something like the following:
but it does not seem to work.
replace [wd|word|qw] with (wd|word|qw) or (?:wd|word|qw).
[] denotes character sets, () denotes logical groupings.
Your expression:
does need a few changes, including [wd|word|qw] to (wd|word|qw) and getting rid of the redundant {1}, like so:
But you also need to understand that the first part of your expression (.*baidu.com.*[/?].*) will match baidu.com hello what spelling/handle????????? or hbaidu-com/ or even something like lkas----jhdf lkja$##!3hdsfbaidugcomlaksjhdf.[($?lakshf, because the dot (.) matches any character except newlines... to match a literal dot, you have to escape it with a backslash (like \.)
There are several approaches you could take to match things in a URL, but we could help you more if you tell us what you are trying to do or accomplish - perhaps regex is not the best solution or (EDIT) only part of the best solution?

How to avoid leading whitespace being trimmed off of directive string bindings?

I'm creating a custom directive that I want to use to display the value of a field and an optional suffix (expected for units and such). Note that my example is shortened to stay concise.
My template looks something like
<div class="my-value">{{boundValue}}{{boundSuffix}}</div>
For the value, I'm using a two-way binding (=) and for the suffix, I'm using a string binding (&).
It worked great when I bound &deg into the suffix to display a temperature, but when I tried to bind in meters (note, there's a leading space - I don't want it pushed up against the number) the leading space seems to get trimmed and my result ends up looking like 123meters.
Using the chrome developer tools, I added a link function and inspected the directive's scope. By the time it reaches the link function, boundSuffix has already been trimmed. It seems like Angular is pulling some shenanigans on my behind the hood. Is there any way for me to avoid this trimming?
It's better to use angular filters to solve your problem. Filters allow to format your output as currency or as UPPERCASE (for example). Try to look here for more info. And here is working example

Why special Characters is invalid button content?

What the problem with this << give the button name like this not accepted in xaml
< , > , & , "" and space Thank You
Try this:
<Button Content="<<"/>
To explain this behavior we need to know the following:
Button is one of content controls, which are simply controls that are
constrained to contain a single item. Content controls all derive from
System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl, which has a Content property
of type Object that contains the single item. Because a content
control’s single item can be any arbitrary object, the control can
contain a potentially large tree of objects. There just can be only
one direct child.
If you open an Error list window, you can see many errors there, not just that one in your picture.
For me, it's
White space is missing.
The value "<" is not valid in an attribute.
Expecting an XML tag name.
The token "" HorizontalAlignment="Left" (omitted for brevity) is unexpected.
2x The open angle bracket character '<' is not valid in an attribute. It should be written as &amplt;.
Now, you could guess why it's not a valid character, not to mention that a solution is also described there in the last error. The compiler is confused, it thinks that you are nesting in a new UI element.
As for the other question about not allowed characters in a name, it's obvious. They are not allowed to be used in names in C# or VB.NET either. If you try it in XAML, it will produce an error saying what's allowed. It's just a decision made by a team who designed this. There are languages where these characters can be used as identifiers for objects.
There's a more elaborative explanation in the following blog post.
Try « for << and » for >> this are called "ISO Latin-1 code" for more checkout this link:
I have just written an answer which is
I guess you should use < instead.
but actually I mean
I guess you should use < instead.
The characters < in my answer were escaped to <.

Sublime Text Snippet: Create camelcased string from the hyphenated file name

I am trying to create a Sublime Text snippet for AngularJs. This snippet should expand to AngularJs controller (or service, etc or any ng component). In the resulting code, it should construct the controller name in camelCase from the hyphenated file name.
For example:
when I type the snippets strings, say, ngctrl in an empty file called employee-benefits-controller.js, it should expand as given below:
angular.module('').controller('EmployeeBenefitsController', ['', function(){
I am trying to use the $TM_FILENAME variable by applying a regex on it to achieve this conversion. If anyone has already done this, please let us know.
You could use something like this:
angular.module('${1:moduleName}').controller('${TM_FILENAME/(^|-|\.js)(.?)|/\U\2\E/g}', ['', function(){
Note 1: maybe you want to change the scope so that the snippet its only triggered in javascript context.
Note 2: I'm not familiar with angularjs, so I don't know its naming conventions (I have supposed that an uppercase letter its needed after a hyphen [-] character and at the begining of the name, but I don't know if a uppercase character its needed after a dot character for example). So, you'll probablly have to adapt the snippet.
Note 3: expression explained:
TM_FILENAME its the var_name item
(^|-|.js)(.?) its the regex (the parts of the variable we select).
\U\2\E its the format_string (how we format what we have selected).
g its the options (g means globally, so every time something its selected the format its given).
TM_FILENAME: the file name with the extension included.
\U => init uppercase conversion. \E => finish uppercase conversion. \2 => second group, i.e. second parénthesis, (.?), its a single char or an empty string.
(^|-|.js)(.?) First we look for the beginning of the word (^), or for a hypen character (-), or for the extension (.js).
(.?) Then we select in a parenthesis group (second group) the character (if any) after that hypen (or at the beginning of the word or after the extension).
Finally we use the uppercase conversion over that selected character as explained. Note that as there is not character after the extension, we are simply removing the extension from the output.
Note 4: as you probablly know, using ${1:moduleName} and ${2://functionCode} allows you to quickly move (using tab) and edit the important parts of the snippet once it has been triggered, such as the module or the function code.

WPF Flowdocument - Prevent line break before % sign

I've got a FlowDocument generating a document for a client, and it's getting a line break that they don't like. Is there any way to mark a section of text that it should avoid line breaks? Something like this:
<Paragraph>Here is a paragraph where there should be <span NoLineBreak=True>no line break</span> in a certain part.</Paragraph>
Obviously, a Span doesn't have a NoLineBreak property, but I'm wondering if there's some equivilant functionality available, or if someone can get me started on a way of implementing a SpanWithNoLineBreak class or RunWithNoLineBreak class?
Actually, one issue I'm having is with a percent sign, where there isn't even a space:
<Paragraph>When I print and ½% I want the one-half and '%' symbols to not line break between them.</Paragraph>
The & #x00BD; is the unicode for a ½ symbol. I'm getting a line wrap between the 1/2 and the % even though there's no space between them.
The Unicode character "Word Joiner" (U+2060) is intended for just this purpose. It "does not normally produce any space but prohibits a line break on either side of it" (Wikipedia). You place it between U+00BD and '%' to prevent a line break between them.
Unfortunately, WPF (or perhaps the typical fonts supplied with Windows) don't support it properly, and instead render it as a square box. As an alternative, you could use U+FEFF; the use of this character as a zero-width non-breaking space is now deprecated (it's reserved for use as a byte-order mark), but it worked as a line-break-preventer for me.
Finally, there are some other characters that can also be used for this purpose: U+202F (narrow no-break space) also prevents breaking, but also renders as a very thin space. U+00A0 (no-break space) prevents breaking and displays as a normal space.
Try replacing the spaces with non-breaking spaces.
EDIT: Well there's always the backup plan of just putting in TextBlocks in your FlowDocument with TextWrapping=NoWrap, but I'd try to find a better way...
