How to avoid leading whitespace being trimmed off of directive string bindings? - angularjs

I'm creating a custom directive that I want to use to display the value of a field and an optional suffix (expected for units and such). Note that my example is shortened to stay concise.
My template looks something like
<div class="my-value">{{boundValue}}{{boundSuffix}}</div>
For the value, I'm using a two-way binding (=) and for the suffix, I'm using a string binding (&).
It worked great when I bound &deg into the suffix to display a temperature, but when I tried to bind in meters (note, there's a leading space - I don't want it pushed up against the number) the leading space seems to get trimmed and my result ends up looking like 123meters.
Using the chrome developer tools, I added a link function and inspected the directive's scope. By the time it reaches the link function, boundSuffix has already been trimmed. It seems like Angular is pulling some shenanigans on my behind the hood. Is there any way for me to avoid this trimming?

It's better to use angular filters to solve your problem. Filters allow to format your output as currency or as UPPERCASE (for example). Try to look here for more info. And here is working example


LogicApp Split and Replace having problems with \n

I have been trying to split a string into an array of each line \n
As this doesn't work I tried replacing replace(outputs('Compose_6'),'\r\n','#') with a view to then splitting on #.
I have searched the internet and tried various things but nothing seems to work.
Can someone explain how to do this?
Thanks in advance
Using split(variables('string var'),'\n') expression, you can split string into array. By default logic app will add an extra black slash to original back slash. So suggesting you to change expression in code view as mentioned above.
I have created logic app as shown below,
In first initialize variable action, taken a string variable with text as shown below
Test split functionality
Using logic apps
Next initialize variable action, using a array variable and assigning value using expression as split(variables('string var'),'\n'). Make sure you dont have double back slash added in code view. Only one back slash should be there when you see it in code view.
Code view:
The output of logic app can be shown below,
Refer this SO thread.

What encoding function does useSearchParams() use?

I am writing a wrapper around react-router's useSearchParams() hook that automatically handles the (de)serialization of individual search parameters. In my unit test I am attempting to verify that calling the update function returned from the useSearchParams() function will also update the location's search property properly (handling any encoding automatically).
My unit test is nearly working, but the final check is failing. I am expecting the updated value to be $%{ }#=! - and when I use encodeURIComponent on it it becomes: "%24%25%7B %20 %7D%23%3D !"
However, the value that I get back for the parameter from useLocation()'s search property is "%24%25%7B + %7D%23%3D %21"
(white space added so I can bold things for emphasis)
While very similar, and clearly the same value when decoded, react-router is encoding certain characters ever so slightly differently from the standard encodeURIComponent function. Here we see that the whitespace character is getting encoded as %20 by encodeURIComponent and as + by react-router. The exclamation mark is being left simply as ! by encodeURIComponent while react-router has encoded it as %21
Is there a standard function somewhere that will allow me to use and test against react-router's encoding? Or is there any documentation describing the differences between react-router's encoding vs the standard encodeURIComponent function so that I might write my own?

What does a circumflex in a require property mean?

I am looking at some AngularJS-based code. It contains the following line:
require: '^wizard',
In this line, what does the circumflex character (^) mean?
This sounds like a question that should be easily answered by a glance into the documentation. Unfortunately, using the search feature on to look for circumflex does not yield a single hit. Looking directly for ^ returns many results, but at least the first few of them that I checked do not even appear to contain that symbol - hence, I guess the circumflex character is simply ignored in the search. Likewise, when searching directly in Google for angularjs circumflex, I am finding questions on Delphi, encoding problems related to circumflex characters, resources on accented characters, etc.
(A ^ prefix would make the directive look for the controller on its own element or its parents; without any prefix, the directive would look on its own element only.)
In here, The directive has a require option with value ^wizard. When a directive uses this option, $compile will throw an error unless the specified controller is found.

CakePHP/Croogo: Searching for strings with some special chars returns no results

I noticed there is a bug in Croogo's NodesController::search() when searching for words with some non-ascii chars on them e.g. 'üäö'. If I search for example for 'Steuergeräte' (german) I get no results, even though I should. If I search for 'Steuergerate' (which would be misspelled in german) I get the desired results. Which is totally weird.
A direct query on the db I works fine:
"SELECT * FROM i18n WHERE content LIKE '%Steuergeräte%';"
Which returns the expected records.
But it's not a general problem with unicode-chars, as for example, searching for a japanese word worked as expected. So this only affect some chars.
Cakephp: 2.4.0, Croogo: 1.4.5
Ok, I found the cause of the problem.
On the search-view, the string to be searched for is cleaned with:
$q = Sanitize::clean($this->request->params['named']['q']);
Which among other things runs html_entities on the string as default, when 'encode' => true is set (default). This would turn e.g. ö into ö and then search for words with html-entities on them.
I got a workaround by doing:
$q = $this->request->params['named']['q'];
// Use encode=false on Sanitize::clean to prevent äüöß etc. getting
// replaced by html entities. And strip tags manually first to prevent
// html injected strings.
$q = strip_tags($q);
$q = Sanitize::clean($q, array('encode' => false));
Note: If like in my case, TinyMCE is set with 'entity_encoding' => 'raw' then the body field in the nodes table would contain äöü instead of htmlentities as well, which IMO is a far better practice as replacing them with htmlentities. Per default though, tinymce replaces chars with htmlentities, so the body field would work with the default search behaviour of Croogo/Cakephp. But searching, for example, in the title-field wouldn't.
Ok, as mark comments suggested, sanitizing and using cake's paginate method, is not necessary, so the Sanitize part can be skipped. I also found using htmlspecialchars even better as strip_tags, as strip_tags wouldn't take care of e.g. '&', and on the body, tinyMCE saves those as html_entities. So the updated code would look like this:
$q = htmlspecialchars($this->request->params['named']['q']);
// go on with searching for nodes on paginate-method

unterminated string literal error in salesforce

I am trying to get a value from salesforce class into a javascript variable. I am able to get the value if its a single line value, but if its multiline textarea it gives a unterminated string literal error
caseUpdate.Description = "{!ac__c.C_Info__c}";
After googling for sometime i came to know we can have a workaround for this by having a hidden field and using DOM storing it using the document.getElement.Id. But i am calling this code on a button click so i would not be able to create a input text or hidden field value.
Any body who can provide an way to do it?
You should just be able to use the standard Salesforce JSENCODE() function if you are using OnClick Javascript in a button. This will escape any characters for you.
See the documentation.
It is because of line breaks. merge fields are rendered unescaped into the output stream meaning that CRLFs push into a new line and break javascript strings. Either use the div/input trick or use Apex to replace \r\n's in the field with <br/> or whatever best suits the purpose. Also keep in mind that " will also terminate your JS string.
The easiest way is to just include a function in your extension and then you can use it across board
public String FixNewLine(String s) {
if (s != null) return s.replaceAll('\r\n', '<br/>').replaceAll('"', '\\"');
return null;
I had the same issue but was able to fix it! The trick is the JSENCODE function. Its basically {!JSENCODE(Obj.Field)}"; So you are replacing your merge field with this function and nesting the merge field itself within the function. In my scenario I ended up with opptyObj.Description="{!JSENCODE(Case.Description)}"; as my total syntax. First calling upon my set object and field, and then the merge data to populate it.
