Having issues compiling an exploit using GCC - c

I was trying to compile a C exploit for a security class I'm in and was struggling to get GCC to perform. The issue is that my /usr/include folder is missing folders that GCC is looking for to handle the includes of the file. The first error below describes a folder that doesn't exist.
asm/page.h: No such file or directory
What I've tried so far:
Symlink it with my /usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/* folders, but files within that folder start throwing errors that they in turn can't find other files.
Using GCC's -I parameter to manually specify each folder to look in for my includes but this also doesn't work. (Below)
gcc 10613.c -o workdamnit-I/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/asm-generic/ -I/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/linux/ -I/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/uapi/asm-generic/ -I/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/uapi/linux/
ERROR: In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:33:0,
from 10613.c:2:
/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/linux/stddef.h:4:31: fatal error: uapi/linux/stddef.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I updated the import statement to use page.h from my kali linux common headers. When I tried to run this, I received the below error:
'PAGE_SIZE' undeclared (first use in this function).
Lastly, I tried to compile with wine gcc but this particular exploit uses a socket library that I guess can't be compiled on a windows machine.
GCC version: 5.3.1
Link to exploit: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/10613/
My knowledge of C and its compilation requirements is very limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Please give a usable and compilable example: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
Based on the errors, it looks like -I/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include/uapi/linux/ should actually probably be -I/usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.0-kali1-common/include.


Why can my C program run in "git bash", but not in "cmd"?

I wrote a demo using libpq to connect to a PostgreSQL database.
I tried to connect the C file to PostgreSQL by including
#include <libpq-fe.h>
after I added the paths into system variables I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\lib as well as to I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\include and compiled with this command:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -m64 -I "I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\include" -L "I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\lib" testpsql.c -lpq -o testpsql
It first raised three errors, like
libssl-1_1-x64.dll is missing
libintl-8.dll was missing
libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll was missing
After I downloaded these three files and put them into I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\lib, and compiled it again, it shows the error
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0150002)
when I type testpsql. But if I type ./testpsql on git bash, it works. Anyone can please tell me why?
The code that I used was the first example from here.
Environment: PostgreSQL 12, Windows 10, MinGW64
“Download the DLL files” sounds dangerous. From where?
I would get rid of these files again. Since you probably don't reference these libraries from your code, it must be the dependencies of libpq.dll and are probably found in I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin (if you used the EDB installer).
The problem is probably that you the PATH environment variable is different in git bash and in cmd.exe, and in the latter case not all required shared libraries can be found on the PATH. The solution is to change the PATH so that it includes all DLL files the executable requires, not to start copying around files.
It is probably enough to include I:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin in the PATH. To resolve missing dependencies, use a tool like dependency walker or this replacement.

(Kali & Ettercap) Plugin compilation error

Okay I'm having a particular issue during compilation using the command gcc -shared -o attack_test.so -fPIC attack_test.c. Specifically, when I run the command, I get the error fatal error: ec.h: No such file or directory. Any idea how to fix this issue? Thanks.
EDIT: To give a little more issue background, I'm running this command from the desktop, where my C source code is located. Perhaps there's a specific place I need to put the source and run the command?
EDIT 2: So I was able to get past the above error by running the command sudo apt-get install libssl-dev, and then changing the line #include <ec.h> to #include <openssl/ec.h>, which seemed to negate the issue. Adding the <openssl/...> to the other includes did not work the same way. So now, instead of fatal error: ec.h: No such file or directory, it's fatal error: ec_plugins.h: No such file or directory. Any ideas for possible fixes? Thanks so much!
For reference, I'm building upon the the dos_attack.c source code from this link.
TO BE CLEAR: This is for a project and tested upon in a CLOSED ENVIRONMENT. This is COMPLETELY* for EDUCATIONAL use and for the study of Denial-of-Service and Man-In-the-Middle mitigation techniques.
<ec.h> is intended to refer to a file in the Ettercap include directory, not an OpenSSL header. The same goes for the other ec_*.h headers.
Adding -I/path/to/ettercap/include to your compiler flags should fix this.

Multible definitions including open source library (with seemingly correct linker settings?)

Im working on a program for my studies, that uses an open source library. It is meant to run on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Kernel). Because of my intention to be also able to load it on a PLC i used mostly pure C. The Library itself comes with suitable header and .c files.
When i use the pre installed GCC compiler on the Raspberry my program compiles without any errors and works fine. Now here comes my problem:
I tried to get this projekt to work on windows using code::blocks IDE with MinGW installed. I revisited the library and downloaded the zip for windows (apperently same header and .c file, but also .lib and .dll included).
I set the search directories and linker settings within the project and included the header as usual with #include "header.h" for the relative path. It doesn't compile and gives alot multible definition and first defined here which usually indicate wrong linking and inclusion.
As i tried to identify some of this definitions i noticed that the functions which cause errors are defined one time in the library.c file. At the beginning of this .c file it also includes the header one time.
Short summary:
This works with raspbian GCC:
$ gcc -sdt=c99 main.c library.c -o executable
but gives errors with Windows IDE + MinGW
Am i missing something serious? The dynamic link lib should only be used by the executable afterwards. I thought maybe the libraby.c gets replaced by the library.lib but if i remove one of them the project doesn't know the functions. I also searched for wrong inclusions. I'm really at the end of my knowledge here, and also searched for posts that would help me, but those were mostly "where is the linker path" or "inclusion of .c files". It seems so an simple problem which i overlooked.
Any help Would be appriciated. I will supply more details if needed.
Edit (2):
obj\Debug\open62541.o:open62541.c:(.text+0x3152a): undefined reference to `__imp_shutdown'
obj\Debug\open62541.o:open62541.c:(.text+0x3153f): undefined reference to `__imp_closesocket'
obj\Debug\open62541.o:open62541.c:(.text+0x315a7): undefined reference to `__imp_send'
obj\Debug\open62541.o:open62541.c:(.text+0x315b9): undefined reference to `__imp_WSAGetLastError'
Edit (3)
Answer 1!
Compiled good now, thanks everyone.
It looks like your library is open62541.
There are two ways to include the library in your source:
Build a shared/static lib and link it to your code
Enable Amalgamation which generates a single .c and .h file which you can directly compile with your code
You are combining both methods on mingw which adds the whole library two times.
Probably you only want to link the .c file without the .lib, thus your compile command should look something like this:
gcc -sdt=c99 main.c open62541.c -o test
Additionally, since open62541 needs the ws2_32 library on windows, the compiler should be called with:
gcc -std=c99 main.c open62541.c -o test -lws2_32

Bypass C errors to generate clang debugging information

Can you generate clang debugging information(CFGs, PDGs) when the original source file have DEPENDENCY errors from missing header files that cause compilation issues such as undeclared identifiers and unknown types? The files are syntactically correct. Is there a flag that maybe set all undeclared identifiers to INTs for debugging?
I am using Clang to analyze source code packages. Usually, I modify the makefile so clang generates debugging information using the command below
clang -emit-llvm -g -S -ferror-limit=0 -I somefile some_c_file
However, this approach is very makefile focused and if developer does not support Clang in that given build version, I have to figure out how to generate the debugging information.
This is not good for automation. For things such as OpenSSL where they include dozen of files(headers) and custom configurations for the given platform, this is not practical. I want to suppress or ignore the errors if possible since I know the build version's file under test is syntactically correct.
Recently I used clang-tidy for source code analysis of one of our projects. The project uses GNU compiler and we didn't wanted to move away from that. So the process that I followed was below:
1) Use bear to generate the compilation database i.e. compile_commands.json which is used by clang-tidy
2) By pass the include files that we don't want to analyze by including them as system files i.e. use --isystem for their inclusion and project specific files using -I. (If you can't change the Make files you could change the compile_commands.json by a simple find and replace)
Hope this helps

Statically Linking glib

I'm trying to statically link glib into my C program. I'm not sure what's the best way to do this. I downloaded the code and put it in a subdirectory called glib-2.36.4. I added "-Iglib-2.36.4" when using gcc. The glib.h is in the glib-2.36.4/glib directory and in that file there are references to other header files under the glib directory (such as #include ).
I'm not sure why that is since both glib.h and these other header files are at the same level (in glib subdirectory). I got a compile error due to galloca.h not being found (even though it's there). So I copied glib.h up one level and those errors went away. I then got an error about a missing glibconfig.h. I copied that from my usr directory and that error went away. I compiled my project and now I'm getting an error about undefined reference to g_ptr_array_new. I guess this must be because I haven't actually compiled glib. I had tried to build glib, but when I typed "./configure", but I got this message:
checking if arpa/nameser_compat.h is needed... configure: error: could not compile test program either way
I did install glib using yum, but I really want this code to run even if glib is not installed on a machine.
You need to install both glib and glib-dev via yum, compile using ./configure, (take a look in the ./configure script to see if there are any flags you need to supply or defines you need to produce the static build), without moving any files about, and then you need to compile your code using -i path/to/glib/includes and link with -L path/to/built/static/library
