best xml format for store it in sql server database - sql-server

I have a workflow in xml format like this:
<task type="start" id="Task_038517r" name="addRequest">
<form id="Form_3y245d1"/>
<task type="final" id="Task_1sytah6" name="confirmationRequest">
<form id="Form_3y245d1"/>
And I can change this to another format:
I need to store this xml in workflowXML field. workflowXML is filed of workflow sql server table. I need to get value of attributes using entityframework in web application.The first format is less volume. The second format has better structure.
It would be very helpful if someone could explain which method is better.

One advantage of the attribute oriented storage is that Each value belongs to the given element and it cannot exist twice.
If humans' readability is of any importance, the second format might be easier to be read (you call it better structure), but - to be honest - this should not bother you. XML is - in most cases - read by a machine. Attributes are closely bound to their elements.
As your data is probably generated, you should not have to bother about a (possible) duplication of a sub-element either, which might break your data.
So, my final statement would be it is somehow your personal taste. I'd prefer the attributes

I think you will get attributes value of xml nodes using entityframework. Then you have to read about linq to xml and use it in this way. So I think the first format shows that can be done.
visit this links:
how to get Attribute Value using linq to xml?
Linq to XML simple get attribute from node statement


Include text in ForXMLPath query in SQL Server

I want to include a line (simple text) in ForXMLPath query as
but I am having difficulties.
When I try it brings in weird characters with it.
Please help.
I expect this
but it displays below
I must admit, that your question is not clear...
XML is not just some text with fancy extras, but a very strictly organised text based container for data.
A simple SELECT '<Cat>' would never return as <Cat> without a FOR XML somewhere in your query. So please show us a (reduced!) example of your full query and the expected output, best provided as MCVE (a stand-alone sample with DDL, sample data, own attempt and expected output).
Just some general remarks:
If you want to place <Cat> within your XML the whole output will be broken XML. This opening tag demands for a closing </Cat> (or - alternatively - a self-closing <Cat />)
Assumably you try to add out-written tags to your XML as you'd do it in XSLT, JS, ASP.Net or any other XML/HTML producing approach.
Assumably your solution will be a FOR XML PATH() approach without the need of an out-written tag within your XML.
Just to give you an idea:
SELECT 'test' AS [SomeElement] FOR XML PATH('SomeRowTag'),ROOT('SomeRootTag');
prouces this XML
If you want to add a <Cat> element you could use an XPath like here
SELECT 'test' AS [Cat/SomeElement] --<-- You can add nest-levels here!
FOR XML PATH('SomeRowTag'),ROOT('SomeRootTag');
The result

How to avoid in SQL to store an XML <option></option> like <option />?

When I try to store a XML in SQL than have an empty Element, SQL just change it and store it with only one tag for the element.
For Example the XML to store is:
Then Sql stored it like
The sql update is just very simple:
I need like this because I have some query that fails when a element is empty, you can see it here..
Merging many rows in a single
I don't think you can, looking at the following link:
XML Data Type and Columns
According to this (XML Storage Options Section):
The data is stored in an internal representation that preserves the
XML content of the data. This internal representation includes
information about the containment hierarchy, document order, and
element and attribute values. Specifically, the InfoSet content of the
XML data is preserved. For more information about InfoSet, visit The InfoSet content may not be an
identical copy of the text XML, because the following information is
not retained: insignificant white spaces, order of attributes,
namespace prefixes, and XML declaration.
So the internal storage will strip out all parts it deems unnecessary, the document goes on to state that if you need an exact copy of the XML document and not just the content, you should use either [n]varchar(max) or varbinary(max)
are equivalent; any XML parser will treat them identically - as an empty element. If your query fails on an empty element, it will fail on either of them. You'll need to either rewrite your query to handle empty elements, put some content in the <MIDDLENAME> element, or omit the element entirely (if your query can handle it's absence.)

Reading data from an XML file using C

This is follow-up to:
using xslt to create an xml file in c
<element1 type="type1" name="value1">
<start play="no"/>
<element2 aaa="AAA"/>
<element2 bbb="BBB"/>
<element3 ccc="CCC">
<element4/><!-- play="no"/>-->
Lets say I get this xml file, how do I read individual nodes? I mean, not all nodes are mandatory. Do I need to go though all nodes via "libxml2" or something similar and read its values? OR I can use some sort of schema to define what my xml can look like? What is a better way of dealing with this problem?
A schema is never a bad idea, however it won't help you read the xml as such. All schema would do given you validate the xml against it is tell you it follows whatever rules are in there.
For the rest of it, a quick search on here would have found this. How can libxml2 be used to parse data from XML?

Setting the FROM clause via parameter in MyBatis

I haven't been able to see anything in the documentation which speaks to my question, and upon deploying it, my app does not quite work right (more on that in a sec). I am trying to do something like
<select id="getLookupRows" parameterType="map" resultMap="lookupMap">
select id, name, active, valid
from #{table}
in MyBatis. I have a number of lookup tables that have shared columns and so the user at the view level determines which lookup table is ultimately used. The error I get when I try to execute getLookupRows is
Cause: org.apache.ibatis.executor.ExecutorException: There was no TypeHandler found for parameter table of statement info.pureshasta.mapper.LookupMapper.getLookupRows
$Proxy15.getLookupRows(Unknown Source)
My mapper interface is as follows:
List<Lookup> getLookupRows(#Param("specificColumn") String specificColumn,
#Param("table") String table);
so we know that I am trying to pass a String to this query, nothing special. I have the specific column, because that will be my next task. Really one of the columns of each of the lookup tables is unique, and so I have to call the appropriate specificColumn, but I would be really happy if I could the table parameter and the FROM clause working.
<select id="getLookupRows" parameterType="map" resultMap="lookupMap">
select id, name, active, valid
from ${table}
does the trick. There is a different notation from actually injecting in a value for the column name and table then say the column value. If you are injecting a value in a where clause, then the # notation is the correct to use.
If the value used for table in this query is not escaped then SQL injection problems can occur. For my use case, the DB preceded me and while I can do whatever I want to the Java and View portions, I am not allowed to alter the fundamental structures of the tables.
If anyone wants to further explain the stack trace I got (i.e. what type myBatis thought table was) I would love to read and be further educated.

Decoding the xml to html content from t sql xml column

Earlier,In TSQL we have an XML column to store the html data with xml serialization.
But now we think to keep the html content in CDATA region.
How can I convert the existing xml serialized content to the corresponding html content?
e.g. XML serialized column data : <Node Txt="<b>bold text</b>" />
Expected corresponding transform : <Node><![CDATA[<b>bold text</b>]]></Node>
The above transformation is expected to be carried over by sql script.
I think of a solution to replace all those 5 xml special chars corresponding replacement characters (&,<,>,",etc.). But I dont think string manipulation may work in xml to html transformation.
Any cleaner way or idea to transform those existing xml to html data?
Maybe use the PHP function htmlspecialchars to translate it. If it's a one time thing, this shouldn't be too much trouble for you.
If not, you could code something up using SQL string functions.
