How to preview the thumbnail of any file - angularjs

I have number of files like .doc,.pptx, .avi.. that means i have uploaded number of files to my database using the angularjs and node api, now my query is,
How to show those uploaded file preview as thumbnail.


React - Rename file attachment dynamically in browser

I have a page in my React application that contains a set of files as attachments(something similar to email attachments on gmail). I am trying to rename the files once they have been added to the page and not while uploading the file from 'choose files'. Any inputs would be much appreciated.

CKEditor How to remove image files in server when canceled posts

I'm using nodeJS(back-end), react(front-end), mongoDB. And I installed CKEditor5 for posting on board with many images.
It perfectly works uploading images on my server folder with CKfinder. But If someone stop to post with images uploaded, useless images remain on my server folder. And, delete uploaded images on the editor (like tab a delete key), still remain on server folder.
How can I delete images on my server folder when users delete images on editor or stop to post with images uploaded.

React File Preview (FIREBASE)

I currently have files stored in Firebase Storage. I want to be able to generate a file preview for each file in real time (mapping).
For example, a PDF files will show the first page as an image, a .docx will be the first page of the document, a pptx will be the first slide, an unknown document will be a default document symbol.
Anyone know any good services for easy integration into React ES6?

File upload and download - Angular with Node

I am working on project where I have to store a file/img/pdf for a particular user instance and retrieve the files when the user logged in.
So the theme is, whenever user uploads a file it should be populated in his screen like profile pictures, invoice PDF's etc.,
Moreover, I just want to perform a carousel slideshow of uploaded images by user.
I came through several baked in modules such as ng-file-upload in angular and I was successful in uploading files too but how can I retrieve the particular file from the server and display them to user?
What is the best practice to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!

Create thumbnail after upload of any file extension

I want to upload a file with any extensions and then from that extension I need to create the thumbnail image for that particular image.
For example, if I upload .pdf file then the thumbnail image should be 'pdf.jpg', so as if .docx file then should be 'word.jpg' and if .zip file then name should be 'zip.jpg'.
I have tried to do this but no luck, file is uploaded but thumbnails is not.
Is there any codes which can do this, I mean to upload any extension and from that extension to create the thumbnail image also?
If any one has idea please share. :)
