codename one List scroll to the selected item - codenameone

I want to display a list of names on the screen and a vertical alphabet scroll bar on the right side of it...similar to the contact list application in Android.
So when I click a letter from alphabet scroll bar, all the names starting with that letter should appear at the top of the screen.
List of names

That is what fixed lead section mode does. It fixes the selection in one place so the rest of the list moves around it. This is quite common in non-touch UI's for mobile phones but not so much for newer devices so this feature isn't mentioned in the developer guide or used anywhere in our samples...
Furthermore, please notice that we no longer recommend using List as explained in the section covering it in the developer guide. It's an advanced and complex component that won't deliver advantages for most common use cases.


Do transition to left between page in ionic

I would like to achieve IONIC application that allows a transition from right to left (and up to down, and others) between two pages, much like Snapchat. To switch from the main screen (the camera) in the center, to the list of snap on left and the list of stories on right.
Do you have an idea / solution to this problem?
PS: Snapchat is just one example, I do not wish to reproduce the application itself, but if you want me to examples in the basis for comparison, that's fine.
You may want to use ion-slides for transition from right to left
There should be other solutions for other type of transitions (for example however mixing all type of transitions and in different directions might be confusing for the end user. I would suggest to stick with the standard UI controls and behavior which is clear and unambiguous for the end user.

How do you design an image for Codename One TouchCommand?

I am 2 days in experimenting with Codename One and Mobile development in general and tested out some basic navigation and features so far. Now I want to work on the look and feel of the app.
I looked at the 9-border vid which was helpful, but not sure of the best way to add an image for the touchCommand that takes 3 tabs on that bar ( Example: home, profile, settings.. Similar to how instagram's TouchCommand is at the bottom of the app).
If I add the image, it does not line up with my Commands.
What is the best way to approach this to ensure the "TouchCommand" image appears as one, but is broken up to 3 parts for each individual commands when pressed, home, profile and settings? I might be asking this all wrong, forgive me as this is all new to me.
This is what was done.
In Theme -> Constants added commandBehavior= bar . This gives the default bar at the bottom. Created in photoshop a new bar 300x80 and added it to the TouchCommand. (See ScreenShot 1). Took this bar and broke it up in photoshop into 3 different buttons for the tab press etc. In GUI Builder, added Home, Profile, Settings in the commands. Added the image to Press Icon for Home and it didnt line up (screenshot 2). Very Frustrating to design layouts. I am hoping there is a much better technique as I am still experimenting with Codename one?
What is unclear to me, is I cant find any documentation on how to approach this and what the dimensions of each image should be as it seems that codename one has issue aligning them. I am assuming the steps would be to create the background image and add the icons as interactive layers for the user. I really care for the image being pressed and changes color like the instagram example. I dont see a way to do this in codename one GUI builder and themes.
Okay, I have decided to use tabs instead of the bar at the bottom. If I add my image to it, I get the results (screeshot 3). Is this the right method to use to accompolish what I want? If so, I dont see a way yet to alter this to become what I want :( .
Plus adding the background, shows one size in the display and looks different in the simulator. (screeshot4)
Answered Here: How do you get ActionBar from SocialBoo theme to show up in your GUI?
Tabs are customized individually so the border should apply for an individual tab to create the background. The foreground element is the icon which you define in the Tabs component itself thru the icons property which allows you to define 3 icons for the 3 tabs (assuming you use the GUI builder). If you add the tabs via addTab in the code you can specify an icon there.

substitutes for vertically scrolling through a large list

I am envisioning a Google Glass knitting app to help my sister. Many knitters, including her, like to work from knitting charts, which are big grids with special symbols to indicate the type of stitch. You work your way down the chart, one row at a time, knitting the indicated stitches, and voila! you have a fancy sweater or whatever. She often knits while sitting on the bus, or even while walking, and having the chart on Glass would leave her hands free to do what's important.
Let me describe the ideal, but apparently unsupported, interface, and then you can tell me if there's any good substitute. Ideally, there would be a bundle containing 100 numbered rows of knitting symbols (or however long the chart is). The user sees the current row across the middle of the screen, with the rows above and below displayed more dimly. Swiping back and forward would move up and down the chart, vertically scrolling by one row and highlighting the current row. Because there are so many rows, the user needs a way to skip to a particular row, if they are picking up where they left off. I imagine them tapping to bring up a menu that allows them to speak the desired row number.
It appears that this is completely impossible at the moment. Vertical scrolling is not supported; instead, I would need to create a bundle of horizontally scrolling images of sets of three rows, with the one in the middle highlighted to be the "current" one. OK, that's an acceptable substitute. But then how does the user select a particular row? Do I need to give each card a menu allowing them to somehow request a particular row, which then gets sent over the network to the server, which then sends back a new version of the bundle with the desired row toward the beginning? That sounds wasteful, slow and fragile. Does the Glass UI provide any way to handle this kind of data? If not, is it possible that it will handle it in the future?
I can imagine plenty of applications (teleprompter, karaoke, etc.) that involve vertically scrolling through significant numbers of rows, so I'm sure I'm not the only requester of this, which makes me think that maybe, if it's not currently supported, it might be in the future. Thanks.
It sounds like you are interested in filing a feature request with the Glass team. You can do so here by clicking the New Issue button in the top left. In your request, it will be helpful to the Glass team to summarize the use case that you have described in this question.

Search for words like in chrome

this is how Chrome finds you a word when you search for it:
1) select it in all the places it appears.
2) draw little line in the scroll bar wherever it found the searched word.
I have a canvas with scroll view around it, and I want to perform the same thing on it.
I gues that for enabling the selection i'll have to use only richtextboxes ?!? (hope not).
any third party or idea or anything will be highly appreciated
Without looking directly at the Chormium Project (which is open source and available at Chormium Homepage) I would imaging what is happening on this particular example is something following these steps:
Word Highlighting
Search the page source/content for the keyword using a simple regex
Insert that text into some form of a HTML container (either a span or a div) with a particular id
Use CSS to style that container to indicated the highlighting
Sidebar Highlighting
Use some algorithmic method to vertical position of the highlighted term
Add a indicator to the side bar in a some presentation layer/control that is transparent and below the scroll bar
It may be possible that there exists a 3rd party control that does these things, or it may be possible to leverage your work off of the existing work in the chromium project. However it is most likely not done using a RichTextBoxes nor simple text selection.

Custom scroll layout with fisheye in WPF

I know Windows Forms quite good but I'm new to WPF.
I'd like to create application similar to RSS reader - in main window every note will be displayed in Post-it like frame and all notes should be chained and scrollable up and down. I also want to include kind of fisheye view - single note will be displayed full size in the centre of the screen and will shrink and rotate on the edge.
I know custom control, transformation and databinding concepts but I'm not sure how to handle displaying and scrolling notes in the main window. The questions are:
what is the suggested way to arrange, display and scroll ordered chain of notes?
should single note discover own position on the screen or it should be notified by it's container?
how in such solution provide feature which will open related notes as a "multiple popups" notes connected by a line with original one? (like traversing correlated results in Google Wonder Wheel, adobe flash there)
are there any standard solutions for displaying and manipulating (moving, attaching, collapsing) such popup-widgets?
If there are any similarities in your proposal to other GUI frameworks (Forms, Swing, SWT), comparison are welcome too.
Thanks in advance!
It seems to me you are describing a "carousel control" or "element flow" or "cover flow". I've put some links at this answer.
