i have a model of how this:
figures: [
id: "5433234"
figure: [
"active": false,
"name": "Alvar"
"active": false,
"name": "Peter"
id: "1276544"
figure: [
"active": false,
"name": "Jhon"
id: "1231645"
figure: [
"active": false,
"name": "Luka"
I'am doing this:
db.collection.update({"_id": userId, "figures.figure.id": figureId}, {$set:{"figures.figure.$.active": true}})
userId and figureId are variables that come from req.body on expressjs.
But i see this:
The positional $ operator cannot be used for queries which traverse more than one array, such as queries that traverse arrays nested within other arrays, because the replacement for the $ placeholder is a single value
My question is, how can i update the field active of figure on nested array with mongoose?
I want to track changes on MongoDB Documents. The big Challenge is that MongoDB has nested Documents.
"_id": "60f7a86c0e979362a25245eb",
"email": "walltownsend#delphide.com",
"friends": [
"name": "Hancock Nelson"
"name": "Owen Dotson"
"name": "Cathy Jarvis"
after the update/change
"_id": "60f7a86c0e979362a25245eb",
"email": "walltownsend#delphide.com",
"friends": [
"name": "Daphne Kline" //<------
"name": "Owen Dotson"
"name": "Cathy Jarvis"
This is a very basic example of a highly expandable real world use chase.
On a SQL Based Database, I would suggest some sort of this solution.
The SQL way
Hancock Nelson
Suarez Burt
Mejia Elliott
after the update/change
Daphne Kline
Suarez Burt
Mejia Elliott
Hancock Nelson
Daphne Kline
If there is an update and the change has to be tracked before the next update, this would work for NoSQL as well. If there is a second Update, we have a second line in the SQL database and it't very clear. On NoSQL, you can make a list/array of the full document and compare changes during the indexes, but there is very much redundant information which hasn't changed.
Have a look at Set Expression Operators
Be ware, these operators perform set operation on arrays, treating arrays as sets. If an array contains duplicate entries, they ignore the duplicate entries. They ignore the order of the elements.
In your example the update would result in
removed: [ {name: "Hancock Nelson" } ],
added: [ {name: "Daphne Kline" } ]
If the number of elements is always the same before and after the update, then you could use this one:
friends: [
{ "name": "Hancock Nelson" },
{ "name": "Owen Dotson" },
{ "name": "Cathy Jarvis" }
updated_friends: [
{ "name": "Daphne Kline" },
{ "name": "Owen Dotson" },
{ "name": "Cathy Jarvis" }
$set: {
difference: {
$map: {
input: { $range: [0, { $size: "$friends" }] },
as: "i",
in: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: [
{ $arrayElemAt: ["$friends", "$$i"] },
{ $arrayElemAt: ["$updated_friends", "$$i"] }
then: null,
else: {
old: { $arrayElemAt: ["$friends", "$$i"] },
new: { $arrayElemAt: ["$updated_friends", "$$i"] }
$set: {
difference: {
$filter: {
input: "$difference",
cond: { $ne: ["$$this", null] }
Consider the following document format which has an array field tasks holding embedded documents
"foo": "bar",
"tasks": [
"status": "sleep",
"id": "1"
"status": "active",
"id": "2"
There exists a partial index on key tasks.id
"v": 2,
"unique": true,
"key": {
"tasks.id": 1
"name": "tasks.id_1",
"partialFilterExpression": {
"tasks.id": {
"$exists": true
"ns": "zardb.quxcollection"
The following $elemMatch query with multiple conditions on the same array element
"tasks": {
"$elemMatch": {
"id": {
"$eq": "1"
"status": {
"$nin": ["active"]
does not seem to use the index
"winningPlan": {
"stage": "COLLSCAN",
"filter": {
"tasks": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$and": [{
"id": {
"$eq": "1"
"status": {
"$not": {
"$eq": "active"
"direction": "forward"
How can I make the above query use the index? The index does seem to be used via dot notation
db.quxcollection.find({"tasks.id": "1"})
however I need the same array element to match multiple conditions which includes the status field, and the following does not seem to be equivalent to the above $elemMatch based query
"tasks.id": "1",
"tasks.status": { "$nin": ["active"] }
The way the partial indexes work is it uses the path as a key. With $elemMatch you don't have the path explicitly in the query. If you check it with .explain("allPlansExecution") it is not even considered by the query planner.
To benefit from the index you can specify the path in the query:
"tasks.id": "1",
"tasks": {
"$elemMatch": {
"id": {
"$eq": "1"
"status": {
"$nin": ["active"]
It duplicates part of the elemMatch condition, so the index will be used to get all documents containing tasks of specific id, then it will filter out documents with "active" tasks at fetch stage. I must admit the query doesn't look nice, so may be add some comments to the code with explanations.
I have the following query and it works with $in but not with $nin.
I'm trying to remove the link list items by name (itemA and itemB) from all records that are NOT part of a document that has a user name which contains '#not_these' or '#nor_these'.
db.users.update({userName:{$nin: [ RegExp('#not_these.com'), RegExp('#nor_these.com') ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
If I make it $in and and declare the RegExp() explicitly it does remove the array items as expected.
db.users.update({userName:{$in: [ RegExp('#yes_these.com'), RegExp('#and_these.com') ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
This one does remove itemA and itemB array list items for those explicitly declared users.
Why can't the items '#yes_these' and '#and_these' be removed using the first example? It seems to do nothing when executed.
Sample document:
"_id": ObjectId('5e34741aa18d8a0c24078b61'),
"myLinkList": [
"name": "item",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"name": "itemA",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"name": "itemB",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"userName": "#yes_these.com"
After update (hopefully):
"_id": ObjectId('5e34741aa18d8a0c24078b61'),
"myLinkList": [
"name": "item",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"userName": "#yes_these.com"
I verified this did work:
db.users.updateMany({userName:{$nin: [ /#not_these\.com/), /#nor_these\.com/) ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
I want find in this document groups:
"document": {
"groups": [
"id": "5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6"
"id": "73b43unbfkfmdmddfdf84jjk"
are contains some of my query array groups ID:
[ '5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6',
'5cdee5d114edac2cc00bb333' ]
A simple find query suffices:
db.collection.find({ 'groups.id' : {$in : [ '5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6',
'5cdee5d114edac2cc00bb333' ] }})
I have mongoDB content as below:
Here I have an array named 'Category' where it contains objects with different category id.
I need to
select a particular category id - '57c3df061eb1e59d3959cc40'
From the above selected Category, we get 'Value' array
From Value array need to find if the second value is equal to 'ZZZZZ' ie. value[1] == 'ZZZZZ'
And now, update the matched value arrays with a new value at the end
should be updated to
should be updated to
I have tried as below:
"Category.CategoryId": new ObjectId('57c3df191eb1e59d3959cc43'),
"Category.Value.$.1": 'ZZZZZ'
{"$set": {"Category.Value.$.3": "update1"}
}, function(err, resData){
But, nothing gets updated. Its there any way to get this work. Please help to update the inner array.
Thanks in advance.
Your goal is not possible at the moment since you need to update two positional elements.
There is a JIRA trackable for the sort of behaviour you want here: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-831
It's a problem since you need to match two elements positions:
the Category element with the matched CategoryId
the Value element in the Value array of arrays
If one of these wouldn't be an array it would have been possible.
Anyway, Your update try above was wrong. IF this feature was possible (and it is not!!!) it would have been something like this:
Category: {
$elemMatch: {
CategoryId: ObjectId('57c3df061eb1e59d3959cc40'),
Value: {
$elemMatch: {
'1': 'ZZZZZ'
$push: {
'Category.$.Value.$': 'update1'
The positional $ operator should be used during the update and not the find like you did, and it will update the first element that matched the query.
Doing the above will return the error:
Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path 'Category.$.Value.$'
Because of the missing feature I explained at the top.
So, currently (version 3.2) you will not be able to do this unless you change your schema.