Cakephp 3 : How to get max amout row from a table - cakephp

I have table call users , like
id name amount created
1 a 100 6-16-2016
2 b 200 5-16-2016
I need max amount full row, I have tried below code but getting syntax error.
$user = $this->Users->find('all',[
'fields' => array('MAX(Users.amount) AS amount'),

simplest way
$user = $this->Users->find('all',[
'fields' => array('amount' => 'MAX('),
using select instead of an options array
$user = $this->Users->find()
->select(['amount' => 'MAX(']);
making use of cake SQL functions
$query = $this->Users->find();
$user = $query
->select(['amount' => $query->func()->max('')]);
the above three all give the same results
if you want to have a single record you have to call ->first() on the query object:
$user = $user->first();
$amount = $user->amount;

Simplest method using CakePHP 3:
Will result in an array containing the maximum amount in that table column.

Is is better to disable hydration before getting the results, to get the results as an array, instead of entity. Below is a complete example of how to get the results in an array, with distinct steps:
//create query
$query = $this->Users->find('all',[
'fields' => array('amount' => 'MAX('),
$query->enableHydration(false); // Results as arrays instead of entities
$results = $query->all(); // Get ResultSet that contains array data.
$maxAmount = $results->toList(); // Once we have a result set we can get all the rows


CakePHP 3 - unable to generate a query with WHERE...OR conditions

CakePHP 3.7
I'm trying to generate a query which uses a WHERE...OR pattern. The equivalent in MySQL - which executes and gives the results I want is:
SELECT * FROM groups Groups WHERE (regulation_id = 1 AND label like '%labelling%') OR (id IN(89,1,8,232,228,276,268,294));
I've read the Advanced Conditions ( part of the documentation but can't generate that query.
Assume the Table class is Groups I have this:
$Groups = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Groups');
$groups_data = $Groups->find('all')->where(['regulation_id' => 1);
$groups_data = $groups_data->where(['label LIKE' => '%labelling%']);
This produces the first segment of the WHERE statement, i.e.
SELECT * FROM groups Groups WHERE (regulation_id = 1 AND label like '%labelling%')
However I can't see how to attach the OR condition, especially since orWhere() is deprecated.
So I've tried this - which is even given as an example in the docs:
$in_array = [89,1,8,232,228,276,268,294]; // ID's for IN condition
$groups_data = $groups_data->where(['OR' => ['id IN' => $in_array]]);
But this just appends an AND to the inside of my existing SQL:
SELECT * FROM groups Groups WHERE (regulation_id = 1 AND label like '%labelling%' AND id IN(89,1,8,232,228,276,268,294);
Which does not yield the correct results as the syntax isn't what's required to run this query.
How do you "move out" of the WHERE and append an OR condition like in the vanilla query?
I made several attempts using QueryExpression as per the docs, but all of these produced PHP Fatal Errors saying something to do with the Table class - I doubt this was on the right lines anyway.
"moving out" is a little tricky, you have to understand that internally the conditions are pushed into a \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression object which by default uses AND to concatenate the statements, so whatever you push on to that, will be added using AND.
When you create OR statements, being it implicitly with the shown nested array syntax, or explicitly by using the expression builder, this creates a separate, self-contained expression, where its parts are being concatenated using OR, it will compile itself (and since there's only one condition, you don't see any OR's), and the result will be used in the parent expression, which in your case is the main/base expression object for the queries where clause.
Either pass the whole thing at once (being it via array syntax or expressions), eg:
'OR' => [
'AND' => [
'regulation_id' => 1,
'label LIKE' => '%labelling%'
'id IN' => $in_array
and of course you could build that array dynamically if required, or, if you for some reason need to use separate calls to where(), you could for example overwrite the conditions (third parameter of where()), and include the current ones where you need them:
'OR' => [
'id IN' => $in_array
I know this issue is old but maybe someone is looking. Here is my solution:
protected $_hardValues= array(
'company_id' => $company_from_session;
function beforeFind($event=null, $query = null, $options = null, $primary = true){
$conds = [];
$columns = $this->getSchema()->columns();
foreach( $this->_hardValues as $field => $value){
if( !is_null($value) && in_array($field, $columns) ){
$conds[$this->_alias . '.' . $field] = $value;
if( empty( $conds)) return true;
$where = $query->clause('where'); //QueryExpression object;
if( empty( $where)){
As of CakePHP 4.x, the documented way of doing this is:
$query = $articles->find()
'author_id' => 3,
'OR' => [['view_count' => 2], ['view_count' => 3]],
See documentation

how to get sum of column in datatable using cakephp

I have database column (wallet) in table (users).
how can I get total amount of (wallet) where role_id = 2 ?
what can I use find('list') and SUM?
I'm using cakephp 2
I got error, can you help me to fix it?
var $virtualFields = array('total_m' => 'SUM(User.wallet)');
$total_m = $this->RequestedItem->find('all', array(array('fields' => array('total_m'), 'conditions'=>array('RequestedItem.role_id'= 2 )));
$query = $this->Users->find();
$query->select(['role_id', 'sum' => $query->func()->sum('wallet')])
->where(['role_id' => 2]);
retun $query;
Start learning:

Cake PHP 3 needs limit option for find all method

Inside a cell I need to access the TreeOptions model.
So I've wrote this :
$this->loadModel( 'TreeOptions' );
$i = $this->TreeOptions->find( 'all' );
But when I do the foreach like this :
foreach( $i as $row )
debug( $row->description );
It only returns the last record of the result.
The only way I've found to make it work as desired is adding the limit clause :
$i = $this->TreeOptions->find( 'all', [ 'limit' => 200 ] );
And then, I can get the whole set of records.
What am I missing ?
In your first snippet, the variable $i, is a state where the query has not yet run. See the excerpt from CakePHP 3 Cookbook: Retrieving Data & Results — Using Finders to Load Data:
// Find all the articles.
// At this point the query has not run.
$query = $articles->find('all');
// Iteration will execute the query.
foreach ($query as $row) {
// Calling all() will execute the query
// and return the result set.
$results = $query->all();
// Once we have a result set we can get all the rows
$data = $results->toArray();
// Converting the query to an array will execute it.
$results = $query->toArray();

CakePHP 2.x : How to get last insert single field in controller?

I have a tansaction table and have a field called balance. Here I am trying to update this field with new data but insert in new transaction. So I need balance field in controller. So, I have tried below code.
$client_id = $this->request->data['Transaction']['user_id'];
$new = $this->Transaction->find('first', array(
'conditions'=>array('Transaction.user_id'=> $client_id),
$this->request->data['Transaction']['balance'] =$this->request->data['Transaction']['debit_money']-$this->request->data['Transaction']['credit_money']+new;
But here I am not getting old balance data.
$new is an associative array. You are adding an array to a number.
Try the following:
$client_id = $this->request->data['Transaction']['user_id'];
$new = $this->Transaction->find('first', array(
'conditions'=>array('Transaction.user_id'=> $client_id),
$this->request->data['Transaction']['balance'] =
- $this->request->data['Transaction']['credit_money']
+ $new['Transaction']['balance'];
Alternatively, this should also work:
$client_id = $this->request->data['Transaction']['user_id'];
$this->request->data['Transaction']['balance'] =
- $this->request->data['Transaction']['credit_money']
+ $this->Transaction->field('balance',array('Transaction.user_id'=> $client_id),

cakephp pagination set condistion from array

I am using a form with several check boxes i need to display only those data which is in check box category.
How to write conditions for that.
$opt1=".'Gig.bangsalsodeliverings' => ".$this->request->data['filter']['delivering'][$i];
$options=array('conditions' => array($opt2));
$this->Paginator->settings = $options;
$agetGigsItem = $this->Paginator->paginate('Gig');
But getting error.
Thanks in advance
It seems you're using a string contatenation instead of array to build the conditions array.
Also it's not clear to me if the filter delivering is a set of strings or integers.
I guess you can try:
// Merge the filters into a csv string
$filters = array();
foreach($this->request->data['filter']['delivering'] as $v){
$filters[] = "'{$v}'";
$csv_filters = implode(",", $filters);
// Use the csv to make a IN condition
$this->Paginator->settings = array('conditions' => array(
"Gig.bangsasodeliverings IN ({$csv_filters})",
Please note that sql injection can be made here, so prepare your data before creating $csv_filters.
