Jump between Thumb and ARM - arm

I am interested in the ARM and Thumb2 commands: LDR and LDR.W, PC, =ADDR for absolute jumping to a certain address.
For example, when I jump from ARM code to ARM, the command LDR PC, =ADDR is performed.
But what happens in the other scenarios?
from ARM to Thumb2
from Thumb2 to Thumb2
from Thumb2 to ARM
when is +1 needed to be added to the address? and why?

The rule is actually quite simple:
If bit 0 of the address is 0, the CPU will execute the code as ARM code after the next branch
If bit 0 of the address is 1, the CPU will execute the code as Thumb after the next branch
Of course if there is a mismatch, the CPU will certainly get a fault (After executing random code) because it has no way to check if the code is ARM or Thumb.
This is what explains the +1.
Note that depending on the compiler, and depending on the label used, bit 0 of the address may be automatically set by the compiler.

You need to just read the documentation.
The following instructions write a value to the PC, treating that value as an interworking address to branch
to, with low-order bits that determine the new instruction set state:
— BLX (register), BX , and BXJ
— LDR instructions with <Rt> equal to the PC
— POP and all forms of LDM except LDM (exception return), when the register list includes the PC
— in ARM state only, ADC , ADD , ADR , AND , ASR (immediate), BIC , EOR , LSL (immediate), LSR (immediate), MOV ,
MVN , ORR , ROR (immediate), RRX , RSB , RSC , SBC , and SUB instructions with <Rd> equal to the PC and without
flag-setting specified.
Since you mentioned thumb2 that means armv6 or newer. (did you say thumb2 and generically mean thumb?) and I believe the docs are telling us the above applies for armv6 and armv7.
Note that bit is consumed by the instruction, the pc doesnt carry around a set lsbit in thumb mode, it is just used by the instruction to indicate a mode change.
Also note you should think in terms of OR 1 not PLUS 1. If you write your code correctly the toolchain will supply you with the correct address with the correct lsbit, if you add a one to that address you will break the code, if you are paranoid or have not done it right you can OR a one to the address and if it has it there already no harm, if it doesnt then it fixes the problem that prevented it from being there. I would never use a plus one though with respect to switching to thumb mode.


Understanding Cortex-M assembly LDR with pc offset

I'm looking at the disassembly code for this piece of C code:
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
int main(void){
// Initialization code
while(1) {
SW1 = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10; // Read PF4 into SW1
// Other code
The assembly for that SW1= line is (sorry can't copy code):
Here are my questions:
At the first line, PC = 0x00000A56, and PC + 92 = 0x00000AB2, which is not equal to 0x00000AB4, the number shown. Why?
I did a bit of research on SO and found out that PC actually points to the Next Next instruction to be executed.
When pc is used for reading there is an 8-byte offset in ARM mode and 4-byte offset in Thumb mode.
However 0x00000AB4 - 0x00000A56 = 0x5E = 94, neither does it match 92+8 or 92+4. Where did I get wrong?
Strange behaviour of ldr [pc, #value]
Why does the ARM PC register point to the instruction after the next one to be executed?
LDR Rd,-Label vs LDR Rd,[PC+Offset]
From ARM documentation:
address = (PC[31:2] << 2) + (immed_8 * 4)
Rd = Memory[address, 4]
The pc is 0xA56+4 because of two instructions ahead and this is thumb so 4 bytes.
(0xA5A>>2)<<2 + (0x17*4)
(0x00000A5A&0xFFFFFFFC) + (0x17<<2)
This is an LDR so it is a word-based address ideally. Because the thumb instruction can be on a non-word aligned address, you start off by adding two instructions of course (thumb2 complicates this but add four for thumb). Then zero the lower two bits (LDR) the offset is in words so need to convert that to bytes, times four. This makes the encoding make more sense if you think about each part of it. In arm mode the PC is already word aligned so that step is not required (and in arm mode you have more bits for the immediate so it is byte-based not word-based), making the offset encoding between arm and thumb possibly confusing.
The various documents will show the math in different ways but it is the same math nevertheless. The PC is the only confusing part, especially for thumb. For ARM you add 8, two ahead, for thumb it is basically 4 because the execution cannot tell if there is a thumb2 coming, and it would break a great many things if they had attempted that. So add 4 for the two ahead, for thumb. Since thumb is compressed they do not use a byte offset but instead a word offset giving 4 times the range. Likewise this and/or other instructions can only look forward not back so unsigned offset. This is why you will get alignment errors when assembling things in thumb that in arm would just be unaligned (and you get what you get there depending on architecture and settings). Thumb cannot encode any address for an instruction like this.
For understanding instruction encoding, in particular pc based addressing, it is best to go back to the early ARM ARM (before the armv5 one but if not then just get the armv5 one) as well as the armv6-m and armv7-m and full sized armv7-ar. And look at the pseudo-code for each. The older one generally has the best pseudo-code, but sometimes they leave out the masking of lower bits of the address. No document is perfect, they have bugs just like everything else. Naturally the architecture tied to the core you are using is the official document for the IP the chip vendor used (even down to the specific version of the TRM as these can vary in incompatible ways from one to the next). But if that document is not perfectly clear you can sometimes get an idea from others that, upon inspection, have compatible instructions, architectural features.
You missed a key part of the rules for Thumb mode, quoted in one of the question you linked (Why does the ARM PC register point to the instruction after the next one to be executed?):
For all other instructions that use labels, the value of the PC is the address of the current instruction plus 4 bytes, with bit[1] of the result cleared to 0 to make it word-aligned.
(0xA56 + 4) & -4 = 0xA58 is the location that PC-relative things are relative to during execution of that ldr r0, [PC, #92]
((0xA56 + 4) & -4) + 92 = 0xab4, the location the disassembler calculated.
It's equivalent to do 0xA56 & -4 = 0xa54 then +4 + 92, because +4 doesn't modify bit #1; you can think of clearing it before or after adding that +4. But you can't clear the bit after adding the PC-relative offset; that can be unaligned for other instructions like ldrb. (Thumb-mode ldr encodes an offset in words to make better use of the limited number of bits, so the scaled offset and thus the final load address always have bits[1:0] clear.)
(Thanks to Raymond Chen for spotting this; I had also missed it initially!)
Also note that your debugger shows you a PC value when stopped at a breakpoint, but that's the address of the instruction you're stopped at. (Because that's how ARM exceptions work, I assume, saving the actual instruction to return to, not some offset.) During execution of the instruction, PC-relative stuff follows different rules. And the debugger doesn't "cook" this value to show what PC will be during its execution.
The rule is not "relative to the end of this / start of next instruction". Answers and comments stating that rule happen to get the right answer in this case, but would get the wrong answer in other Thumb cases like in LDR Rd,-Label vs LDR Rd,[PC+Offset] where the PC-relative load instruction happens to start at a 4-byte aligned address so bit #1 of PC is already cleared.
Your LDR is at address 0xA56 where bit #1 is set, so the rounding down has an effect. And your ldr instruction used a 2-byte encoding, not a Thumb2 32-bit instruction like you might need for a larger offset. Both of these things means round-down + 4 happens to be the address of the next instruction, rather than 2 instruction later or the middle of this instruction.
Since the program counter points to the next instruction, when it executes the LDR at address 0x00000A56, the program counter will be holding the address of the next instruction, which is 0x00000A58.
0x0A58 + 0x5C (decimal 92) == 0x00000AB4

Very Baisc Arm Assembly Questions(add, compare)

TLDR: What exactly does bx lr do?
I have trouble understanding these two following examples:
*Add Example: *
I understand that the code "add r0, r0, r1" add r1 to r1 and stores it to register 0. What I do not understand is that how the code "bx lr" knows how
to return r0 without explicitly stating r0.
Compare Example:
Same here I understand that the code "BGT r0_Gt" compares if r0 > r1, and if this is true, the code will skip to r0_gt: However, how does bx lr know how to return the correct value?
It is defined by the used ABI; for ARM, this is EABI which states in "5.4 Result Return"
A Fundamental Data Type that is smaller than 4 bytes is zero- or sign-extended to a word and returned in r0.
bx lr doesn't return any register at all, it just passes control over back to the caller (in the address in the lr register), without modifying any other registers than pc.
The caller then knows, based on the calling convention, that on return, the return value will be in the r0 register (depending on the exact type of the return value and the platform's calling convention).
BX simply means branch exchange, it does a branch and can switch modes between arm/thumb if supported for that architecture. LR is a shortcut for register 14 its that simple. branch to the address in r14.
if you look at the bl instruction you see that r14 will be set with the address after the bl instruction, the return address from a function call.
The pair bl something then later bx lr (or mov pc,lr also works if you dont need to change modes and are in arm mode) is how you make function calls in arm.
The processor has very little concept of context (in an abstract sense). It does not know where it came from, what the registers are for, or if it is in a function call/subroutine. The higher level languages and compiler do know this, and use some common standards to make things easier.
A very small number of operations do have a special, well defined purpose. A BL instruction updates both the 'next instruction to execute' (otherwise known as PC or R15), but also magically updates R14 (the link register).
Exceptions (in V7-A) change a few of the banked core registers around, including the register which is usually used to access the stack, and the link register. This means that exceptions can happen without loosing track of everything else that was going on. Cortex M does things differently, and actually uses the stack to help with the banking (setting R14 to a 'magic value' to indicate if the most recent call was an exception or not).
Unless an instruction interacts with specific registers, CPSR specifically, it probably doesn't care about the context. Some operations (related to security) will be restricted so they can only happen in privileged states - this is ultimately used to prevent an operating system from the user applications, but usually these will relate to accessing very specific control registers.

ARM Program Counter distinguishing feature

How does the R15 of ARM differ from the general PC of a CPU?
Both of them are program counters only. What is the difference?
ARM's PC is more similar to a regular register with some restrictions than x86's IP is similar to a regular register.
Considering general PC is an Intel x86 based CPU, in x86's case you can't manipulate PC (Instruction pointer) directly but it is updated implicitly by provided control flow instructions.
In ARM's case historically Program Counter (PC), mapped as register at index 15 (16th register) can be manipulated directly via arithmetic instructions. For example you can add 16 to PC which would alter flow of instruction stream similar to a 16-byte forward jump instruction.
The ARM PC maybe more of a general register than most CPUs, but it is still very special. The traditional simple arithmetic instructions can use the PC as an input argument in many cases. Here it functions as a pointer or array base. It can also be used as the output for control transfer with these instructions. As a read-only value, it is useful for calculating return values in a PC-independent way. It is also useful to use as a constant table look-up in near-by code. For these cases, the PC is very much like a regular register. This is probably more common on many RISC CPUs as opposed to a CISC ISA.
However, when the PC is used as a destination (lvalue or updated and written), the behavior is often non-standard. Some examples of special cases (for some ARM architechure versions) for R15/PC are,
adcs - copies SPSR to CPSR
adds - copies SPSR to CPSR
ands - copies SPSR to CPSR
bics - copies SPSR to CPSR
bx r15 - highly discourage or not supported.
clz r15 - not supported.
mcr pXX, xx, r15,... - unpredictable
In most cases, using the PC as a destination of an instruction will have some special case. Especially, the use of the S (normally to set conditions codes) can be used to return from an exception. This might be used as some sort of veneer when returning from an exception or just a direct return. In some cases, the meaning of the instruction might change completely. For instance, ldm sp, {r0-r15}^ and ldm sp, {r0-r14}^ use different register banks; the first will load the registers according to the mode in the SPSR; whereas the 2nd will load the register to user mode.
For load/store, atomics, mode manipulation, co-processor and complex arithmetic (64 bit multiplies, etc) instructions, the PC is often unsupported or has a different meaning; the different meaning is often a mechanism for handling exceptions for system level code.

Intel x86 to ARM assembly conversion

I am currently learning ARM assembly language;
To do so, I am trying to convert some x86 code (AT&T Syntax) to ARM assembly (Intel Syntax) code.
__asm__("movl $0x0804c000, %eax;");
__asm__("mov R0,#0x0804c000");
From this document, I learn that in x86 the Chunk 1 of the heap structure starts from 0x0804c000. But I when I try do the same in arm,
I get the following error:
/tmp/ccfNZp9F.s:174: Error: invalid constant (804c000) after fixup
I am assuming the problem is that ARM can only load 32bit instructions.
Question 1: Any idea what would be the first chunk in case of ARM processors?
Question 2:
From my previous question, I know how memory indirect addressing works.
Are the snippets written below doing the same job?
movl (%eax), %ebx
LDR R0,[R1]
I am using ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
Trying to learn arm by looking at x86 is not a good idea one is CISC and quite ugly the other is RISC and much cleaner.. Just learn ARM by looking at the instruction set reference in the architectural reference manual. Look up the mov instruction the add instruction, etc.
ARM doesnt use intel syntax it uses ARM syntax.
Dont learn by using inline assembly, write real assembly. Use an instruction set simulator first not hardware.
ARM, Mips and others aim for fixed word length. So how would you for example fit an instruction that says move some immediate to a register, specify the register, and fit the 32 bit immediate all in 32 bits? not possible. So for fixed length instruction sets you cannot simply load any immediate you want into any register. You must read up on the rules for that instruction set. mips allows for 16 bit immediates, arm for 8 plus or minus depending on the flavor of arm instruction set and the instruction. mips limits where you can put those 16 bits either high or low, arm lets you put those 8 bits anywhere in the 32 bit register depending on the flavor of arm instruction set (arm, thumb, thumb2 extensions).
As with most assembly languages you can solve this problem by doing something like this
ldr r0,my_value
my_value: .word 0x12345678
With CISC that immediate is simply tacked onto the instruciton, so whether it 0 bytes a way or 20 bytes away it is still there with either approach.
ARM assemblers also generally allow you this shortcut:
ldr r0,=something
which says load r0 with the ADDRESS of something, not the contents at that location but the address (like an lea)
But that lends itself to this immediate shortcut
ldr r0,=0x12345678
which if supported by the assembler will allocate a memory location to hold the value and generate a ldr r0,[pc,offset] instruction to read it. If the immediate is within the rules for a mov then the assembler might optimize it into a mov rd,#immediate.
Answer to Question 1
The MOV instruction on ARM only has 12 bits available for an immediate value, and those bits are used this way: 8 bits for value, and 4 bits to specify the number of rotations to the right (the number of rotations is multiplied by 2, to increase the range).
This means that only a limited number of values can be used with that instruction. They are:
256, 260, 264,..., 1020
1024, 1040, 1056, ..., 4080
And so on. You are getting that error because your constant can't be created using the 8 bits + rotations. You can load that value onto the register following instruction:
LDR r0, =0x0804c000
Notice that this is a pseudo-instruction though. The assembler will basically put that constant somewhere in your code and load it as a memory location with some offset to the PC (program counter).
Answer to question 2
Yes those instructions are equivalent.

Explicitly accessing banked registers on ARM

According to the ARM manual, it should be possible to access the banked registers for a specific CPU mode as, for instance, "r13_svc". When I try to do this gcc yells at me with the following error:
immediate expression requires a # prefix -- `mov r2,sp_svc'
What's wrong?
Update. The following text from the ARM Architecture Reference Manual for ARMv5 and ARMv6 led me to believe that it is possible, section A2.4.2:
Registers R13 and R14 have six banked
physical registers each. One is used
in User and System modes, and each of
the remaining five is used in one of
the five exception modes. Where it is
necessary to be specific about which
version is being referred to, you use
names of the form: R13_mode
R14_mode where mode is the
appropriate one of usr, svc (for
Supervisor mode), abt, und, irq and
The correct syntax for this is mrs r2,sp_svc or mrs r3, sp_usr. This is a new armv7 extension. The code can be seen in the ARM Linux KVM source file interrupt_head.S. The gas binutils patch for this instruction support by Matthew Gretton-Dann. It requires the virtualization extensions are far as I understand.
According to what I understand, the LPAE (large physical address extension) implies the virtualization extensions. So Cortex-A7, Cortex-A12, Cortex-A15, and Cortex-A17 may be able to use this extension. However, the Cortex-A5, Cortex-A8, and Cortex-A9 can not.
Documentation on the instruction can be found in the ARMv7a TRM revC, under section B9.3.9 MRS (Banked register).
For other Cortex-A (and ARMv6) CPU's you can use the cps instruction to switch modes and transfer the banked register to an un-banked register (R0-R7) and then switch back. The obvious difficulty is with user mode. The correct way to handle this is with ldm rN, {sp,lr}^; user mode has no simple way back to the privileged modes.
For all older CPUs, the information given by old_timer will work. Mainly, use mrs/msr to change modes. mrs/msr works over the full class of ARM cpus but requires multiple instructions and hence may have race issues which require interrupt and exception masking depending on context.
This is an important instruction (sequences) for context switching (which VMs do a lot of).
I don't think that's possible with the mov instruction; at least according to the ARM Architecture Reference Manual I'm reading. What document do you have? There are is a variant of ldm that can load user mode registers from a privileged mode (using ^). Your only other option is to switch to SVC mode, do mov r2, sp, and then switch back to whatever other mode you were using.
The error you're getting is because it doesn't understand sp_svc, so it thinks you're trying to do an immediate mov, which would look like:
mov r2, #0x14
So that's why it says "requires a # prefix".
You use mrs and msr to change modes by changing bits in the cpsr then use r13 normally.
From the arm arm
BIC R0,R0,#0x1F
ORR R0,R0,#0x13
mov sp,#0x10000000
or if you need more bits in the immediate
ldr sp,=0x12345600
or if you dont want the assembler placing your data, you can place it yourself.
ldr sp,svc_stack
b 1f
svc_stack: .word 0x12345600
You will see typical arm startup code, where the application is going to support interrupts, aborts and other exceptions, to set all of your stack pointers that you are going to need, change mode, set sp, change mode, set sp, change mode ...
