Angular.js app with Salesforce platform - angularjs

I need to create a event app in angular and node.js with login functionality as normal user and salerforce user . How can I create it ? Also I need to manage event on salesforce and update and delete from thre UI .
I want to understand how to create a custom app in angular and how to fetch data from salesforce ? Also how to manage that data on salesforce . I have gone through lot of documents and videos but couldn`t understand how exactly salesforce help me to build my app and can be integrated with it .
Any help appreciated .

If you decide you want to use Angular 2 I have created a boilerplate for getting started. Allows you to develop your application completely locally and deploy to Salesforce only when you want to.

Check out this Node + Salesforce REST quick start:
That example doesn't use Angular but you could easily add it in. Also check out:


Integrate Salesforce Einstein chatbot in website built using Dot Net and Angular

I am trying to add chatbot feature to my website (built using .Net and Angular). So, I am thinking of using Salesforce Einstein Chatbot for it. But is it possible to add Einstein chatbot feature to my website as I don't see any results on google on how to integrate Einstein chatbot to external website built using .Net and Angular.
There's nothing special about Angular and out of the box chat uses only Salesforce, there's no .NET integration. What have you tried so far, what problems/errors you have? We are not a magical free code writing service.
After you finish configuring the bot you end up with a piece of JavaScript code you have to put on your site (can be in otherwise plain html page or Angular app or whatever)
If you don't have the bot yet, and are good start.
Once you have it, go to Setup -> Embedded Service Deployments and you should find piece of HTML to inject into any page you want.
You might have to "Angularize" it, put the initialisation into page load event (How to execute AngularJS controller function on page load? ng-init? I don't know, I'm not Angular dev), maybe move styles to separate file.

Send mail by using Strapi and React.js

Since one month me and my team are working on a project with React as frontend and Strapi as our backend.
We need to do a form that has to automatically send e-mails by using the Strapi e-mails plugin.
However, we're still beginners with those technologies, and we aren't able to implement this kind of functionnality.
Is anyone familiar with Strapi and also this plugin ?
We don't find a lot of tutorials and documentation about it on the web.
Thank your for paying attention.
you can follow instructions of this guide -
You can create a custom route/controller to manage your contact form.
Here is an example -
Make sure to create a POST route.
Then in your controller, get your form data with ctx.request.body

Rewrite the code to handle the views in an Angular-Laravel App

I am working on an App which is going to be huge.This app is using Laravel for backend and currently uses Angular to load views which i believe is not suitable for a large application.I would like to rewrite the code to load the views using Laravel's Blade engine.
I have gone through this:
What application structure to use with AngularJS and Laravel?
I am interested in the second option provided in the answer but have no idea how to implement it in my existing application.
Please suggest me what changes do i need to do.
Thanks in advance.

Laravel and Angular Real Time Application

My assignment is to create a realtime application using Laravel and AngularJs. I have gone through some blogs and youtube videos. But i am not able to decide what are the exact technologies i should use.
I have created REST API in Laravel and frontend in AngularJs. There are some modules in the application which requires data should be realtime.
Example : There is a job listing page having status property, This status should be automatically changed if the status of job is updated by someone else.
Suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
in laravel 5.1 there is an option to use pusher,which is works like as socket.Using this i did an realtime chatting application.See the video it will help you to make sense how will you go

Backend for Ionic app

I'm new to Ionic and Angular, so I'm doing basic things with tabs, tables... The thing is that I want to implement a timetable so that it can be updated from a remote site, and everytime the user requests an update the app timetable updates.
How could I go for it? I thought of a remote server in php for example where you add events and remove events, so it connects and gets the data from there... But how could I make "dynamic tables" in the case there are more events or less events?
You can use Backand.
They have full integration with Ionic.
You can see example at ionic blog.
use a hosted service like Parse, Firebase or Kinvey to get started
