Backend for Ionic app - angularjs

I'm new to Ionic and Angular, so I'm doing basic things with tabs, tables... The thing is that I want to implement a timetable so that it can be updated from a remote site, and everytime the user requests an update the app timetable updates.
How could I go for it? I thought of a remote server in php for example where you add events and remove events, so it connects and gets the data from there... But how could I make "dynamic tables" in the case there are more events or less events?

You can use Backand.
They have full integration with Ionic.
You can see example at ionic blog.

use a hosted service like Parse, Firebase or Kinvey to get started


Add databound dropdown to Azure API App logic app shape

I have developed an azure API app that I am using in a logic app. For the purpose of this post, it doesn't matter what my app does.
In my logic app shape (Azure API App) I have managed to render a drop down list by making one of my API post params an ENUM. Then changing the swagger / swashbuckle configuration to render the definition differently.
This is a good start but I really need a data driven drop down that reads it's data from a constantly changing data source (blobs, documentDB for example but it doesn't matter).
I can't find any posts on this.
All help will be greatly appreciated
Great question - we have on our backlog to support what we call "Dynamic Swagger" that lets you do just this. I'm hoping it will be in production near the beginning of March. In the meantime you will need to just enter in the values of those fields manually.

Angular.js app with Salesforce platform

I need to create a event app in angular and node.js with login functionality as normal user and salerforce user . How can I create it ? Also I need to manage event on salesforce and update and delete from thre UI .
I want to understand how to create a custom app in angular and how to fetch data from salesforce ? Also how to manage that data on salesforce . I have gone through lot of documents and videos but couldn`t understand how exactly salesforce help me to build my app and can be integrated with it .
Any help appreciated .
If you decide you want to use Angular 2 I have created a boilerplate for getting started. Allows you to develop your application completely locally and deploy to Salesforce only when you want to.
Check out this Node + Salesforce REST quick start:
That example doesn't use Angular but you could easily add it in. Also check out:

Setting up an Angular/Ionic Mobile Application with MongoDB

I was wondering if anyone could help me at all.
I posted a previous question in regards to this title but I didn't receive much of a response (probably due to lack of information).
I started out with an Ionic Application and built the view files using state URLS to navigate from page to page in the WWW folder. I've then created corresponding controllers for the view files, for basic calls and functionality that I want my app to do in the front-end via Ionic.
My question is how do I setup MongoDB + Mongoose so I can have access to the models I have created?
I have scoured the internet but to no avail, I mean I know there is no set way to define a model within this type of application but some general guidance would be really appreciated.
I understand that when building an application with Angular you're essentially building 2 applications, the front-end where your CSS, JS and HTML goes with the front-end frameworks on top of them.
Then the backend application that runs the server, stores data and runs the business logic. This is where I have created the User Schema model for my application and have inserted a document into my database via the MongoDB shell whilst running mongod.
However I also created a users.js in another models folder in my front-end where I'm returning a resource following a url with either a get, save, query, remove or delete.
First of all I would like to say I'm relatively new to building mobile applications so this may even be entirely wrong and secondly up to this point I get lost as to what to do in my application.
I have tried setting up an express server in my app.js file and I can connect to it via my terminal as it is listening on the port number, but in the browser it is coming up with cannot /GET.
If you need any more information please feel free to ask, I know I haven't really gone into any technicals, but I'm really not sure even if I'm asking the right questions to begin with.
Thank you in advance.

Laravel and Angular Real Time Application

My assignment is to create a realtime application using Laravel and AngularJs. I have gone through some blogs and youtube videos. But i am not able to decide what are the exact technologies i should use.
I have created REST API in Laravel and frontend in AngularJs. There are some modules in the application which requires data should be realtime.
Example : There is a job listing page having status property, This status should be automatically changed if the status of job is updated by someone else.
Suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
in laravel 5.1 there is an option to use pusher,which is works like as socket.Using this i did an realtime chatting application.See the video it will help you to make sense how will you go

Reusing backbone views/routes on the server when using Backbone.js pushstate for seo/bookmarking

I'm doing some due diligence on backbone for a single page app and wonder if it is possible to re-use the same views/routes from the client on the server side, so that when google visits a pushstate URL, or it is accessed directly, the server can generate the exact same HTML that would be generated by backbone in the client.
It would be a pain to have to maintain two separate sets of views/routes, one on the client and one on the server. I have seen the backnode project on github however this seems to miss the point a bit and you end up having to write the same backbone router twice.
Just wondering how people are generally handling the case when using pushstate urls in backbone and needing to serve the same view from the server? Are people duplicating code or is there a better way?
I haven't tried this yet but these ideas using node.js and backbone might help:
Basically the only way to make it so your not writing the same thing twice is to have both your node.js server and frontend client share the same routing/model code. If you are using something else on the server side (like Ruby) you would have to place node.js in front of your app server. Then make node.js proxy for new clients (push state and client js) and do actually rendering work for old/bot clients.
The other option is doing what jQuery Mobile does which is the Hijax method. The idea to make tons of HTML5 pages (you'll have to look at its routing to see).
And for completeness you should be aware of how google crawls AJAX:
This project does exactly what you are trying to do. It might interest you to check it out.
