Redux middleware logic - reactjs

I'm having a hard time understanding redux middleware and exactly how it gets configured within the Redux store. For example, I have the following examples
const store = compose(
)(createStore)(rootReducer, initialState);
resetRedux is a middleware that basically resets the entire redux store when the string LOGOUT_USER is dispatched. This works great, however, if I put a console.log within the resetRedux middleware, it only gets called once, which is strange, considering I'd imagine that action needs to be checked every time in order to be able to decide whether to reset the store.
export default function resetMiddleware(types = ['RESET']) {
return (next) => (reducer, initialState) => {
const resetTypes = Array.isArray(types) ? types : [types];
console.log('THIS IS ONLY CALLED ONCE??!')
const enhanceReducer = (state, action) => {
if (~resetTypes.indexOf(action.type)) {
state = undefined;
return reducer(state, action);
return next(enhanceReducer, initialState);
So, I'm curious how this is working when the console.log is only called once.

You're confusing and conflating "middleware" and "store enhancers". The resetRedux piece that you've written is actually a "store enhancer", not a middleware.
A real middleware would have its main body executed for every action that is dispatched. The store enhancer itself is evaluated/executed once, at the time of store creation. The reducer you're returning will be executed for every action, because you're creating a function that wraps around whatever the "real" reducer is that's provided to createStore.
As an addendum, the Redux Tutorials#Implementation Walkthroughs section of my React/Redux links list has several articles that explain how middleware work in Redux.

Thats what compose does, it takes your passed functions and create a new function that "compose" them.
(arguments): The functions to compose. Each function is expected to
accept a single parameter. Its return value will be provided as an
argument to the function standing to the left, and so on. The
exception is the right-most argument which can accept multiple
parameters, as it will provide the signature for the resulting
composed function. Returns
Returns (Function): The final function obtained by composing the given
functions from right to left.
You can check the source code here
Its a typical utility in functional programming, e.g. lodash's also provide it, underscore as well


How should I use selectors in Redux Toolkit?

I am learning Redux Toolkit. From a React POV it seems very intuitive to access whatever part of the state you need from within useSelector using an inline arrow function, and then conduct any calculations. As an example consider a cart item with its data (like item count) in redux store.
function CartItemCounter({ itemId }){
const cart = useSelector(state => state.cart);
const itemInCart = cart.items[itemId];
const count = itemInCart?.count || 0;
return <div>{itemId} - {count} nos</div>
But I'm seeing all this information saying you should define your selectors beside your slice, use createSelector and all. What is the right way, and why is it better?
The information that is out there is essentially talking about different levels of optimization while using useSelector.
What you need to understand before anything else, is how useSelector works internally.
How does useSelector work?
When you pass a function to useSelector (obviously inside a react component), it essentially hooks on to the global redux state. Whenever any change happens in any part of the global state (i.e. when dispatch() is called from any part of the app), redux will run all the functions you passed to useSelector in your app, and perform certain checks.
Redux will take the result from each function, and compare it to the value it got the last time it ran the same function.
How does it make this comparison?
It uses a reference equality for this comparison. So if redux has to think that the result of the function hasn't changed, either the value returned from the function has to be a primitive and equal.
4 === 4 // true
'itemA' === 'itemA // true
Or, the value returned must be a derived data type (arrays, objects), with the same reference. So essentially the same object.
const x = { name: 'Shashi' }
const fn1 = () => x;
const fn2 = () => x;
const fn3 = () => { name: 'Shashi' }
fn1() === fn2(); // true
fn1() === fn3(); // false, because the objects are different, with different references
In practice, redux changes the wrapping object if either a key (or key of a nested object) is changed, or you manually change the entire object using a dispatch action (This is related to the immer library integration). This is similar to how you would do in regular React.
/* See how most keys are spread in, and will hence maintain reference equality.
While certain keys like 'first', 'first.second', 'first.second[action.someId]'
are changed with new objects, and so will break reference equality */
function handwrittenReducer(state, action) {
return {
first: {
second: {
[action.someId]: {
fourth: action.someValue,
Otherwise it maintains the same objects within its state, and returns the exact same objects with the same references, when you access them. To verify this, if you access your cart twice, its literally going to be the same object.
const cart1 = useSelector(state => state.cart)
const cart2 = useSelector(state => state.cart)
cart1 === cart2; // true
What does it do with this comparison?
If the comparison returns true, i.e. the new value is the same as the old value, Redux tells that instance of useSelector to chill tf out, and not do anything. If it returns false however, it tells that component to re-render. After all, the value you are accessing from state has "changed"(according to Redux laws), so you probably want to show the new value.
With this information, we can make change the kind of function we pass to the useSelector, in order to get certain optimization benefits.
Optimization Levels
Level 0: Accessing slice data inline
const cart = useSelector(state => state.cart)
// extract the information you need from within the cart
const itemInCart = cart.items[itemId];
const count = itemInCart?.count || 0;
This is not a good way to access the data. You actually need a subset of the data from the cart, but you are fetching the whole thing, and doing the calculation outside the selector.
When you put stuff like this inline, what happens if you change the shape of your data in the future? You have to go to every place that uses useSelector and manually change it. Not so good.
More importantly, every time any part of the cart changes, the entire cart object actually changes. So Redux sees your component that asks for the cart, and thinks
The cart has changed. This component is asking for the cart. It should probably re-render.
BAM Every single instance of this component rerenders. And for what? The count of the item you're referencing probably didn't change. So ideally there shouldn't have been a re-render.
Level 1: Centralize the selector
An easy optimization is to put the selector function in a centralized location next to your slice. That way, if your data shape changes in the future, you can just change it in one place, and your whole app (wherever it uses that data) will work with the new shape.
// inside or next to the slice file
const selectCart = (state) => state.cart
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectCart)
Level 2: Access the relevant data
Since redux is comparing the results of your selector function, if you want to avoid unnecessary rerenders, you want to make sure the results have reference equality (===). So target the exact value you wish to look at, in your selector.
// extract the information you need from within the cart, *within the selector*
const count = useSelector(state => state.cart.items[itemId]?.count || 0)
// You don't have to use a one-liner, a multi-line function is better for readability
When Redux executes these functions, it keeps a record of the value returned from these selector functions, for each individual useSelector. This time the values are going to be the same for every single counter, except the one that actually changed. All those other counters that didn't actually change in value don't have to unnecessarily re-render anymore!
And if any of you folks think this is premature optimization, the answer's no. This is more along the lines of putting a dependancy array on your useEffects to avoid infinite loops.
Not forgetting the Level 1 optimization, we can also extract this function centrally
const selectItemById = (state, itemId) => (state.cart.items[itemId]?.count || 0);
function CartItemCounter({ itemId }){
// somewhere inside a react component
const count = useSelector((state) => selectCart(state, itemId))
So that solves all of our problems right?
For now, yes. But what if this selector function has to run some expensive computation.
const selectSomething = (state) => reallyExpensiveFn(state.cart)
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectSomething)
You don't want to keep running that do you?
Or what if you have no option but to return new objects from your select function. A common scenario for this case would be returning a subset of data from the state.
const selectFilteredItems = (state) => state.itemsArray.filter(checkCondition) // the filter method will always return a new array
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectFilteredItems) // re-renders every time
To solve this you would have to memoize or cache the results from the function call. Essentially you would need to make sure that if the input arguments are the same, the result will maintain reference equality with the previous result. This introduces the need to maintain some kind of cache state.
Level 3: createSelector
Fortunately, Reselect library, which is reexported with Redux Tookit, does this work for you. You can take a look at the redux toolkit for the syntax.
const selectFilteredItems = createSelector(
(state) => state.itemsArray, // the first argument accesses relevant data from global state
(itemsArray) => itemsArray.filter(checkCondition) // the second parameter conducts the transformation
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectFilteredItems) // re-renders only when needed
Here the second function is called the transformation function, and is where we put the expensive computation, or the function that returns inconsistent references as a result (filter,map etc).
The createSelector caches
a) the arguments to the transformation function
b) the result of the transformation function
of the previous call to the selectFilteredItems function. If the arguments are the same, it skips executing the transformation function, and gives you the result you got the last time it was executed.
So when useSelector looks at the result, it gets reference equality. Hence the re-render is skipped!
One little caveat here is that createSelector only caches the very previous result. This makes sense if you think about a single component. In a single component you are only concerned about differences in values and results compared to the previous render. But in practice, you are likely to share selectors across multiple components. If this happens, you have a single cache location, and multiple components using this cache. i.e. Stuff breaks.
Level 4: createSelector factory function
Since the logic for your selector is the same, what you need to do is run createSelector for each component that uses it. This creates a cache for each component, giving us the desired behaviour. In order to do this, we use a factory function.
const makeSelectFilteredItems = () => createSelector(
(state) => state.itemsArray, // the first argument accesses relevant data from global state
(itemsArray) => itemsArray.filter(checkCondition) // the second parameter conducts the transformation
// somewhere inside a react component
const selectFilteredItems = useMemo(makeSelectFilteredItems,[]); // make a new selector for each component, when it mounts
const cart = useSelector(selectFilteredItems) // re-renders only when needed
You intend to make a new selector (and by extension, cache) for each new component that mounts. So you put it inside the actual component function and not on the module scope. But this will re-run makeFilteredSelector for each render, and hence create a new selector for each render, and hence eliminate the cache. This is why you need to wrap the function in a useMemo with an empty dependency array. It runs on every mount.
And voila!
You now know where, why and how to use selectors in Redux. I personally feel that the createSelector syntaxes are slightly contrived. There is some discussion on changing cache sizes going on. But for now I feel that sticking to the docs should get you through most situations.
But I'm seeing all this information saying you should define your selectors beside your slice, use createSelector and all.
That's the way to go if you're deriving something from the state, which ends up being an expensive computation or something that's reused often throughout your app. Imagine, for example, your state.cart can contain 50.000 items and you need to sort them from most expensive item to least expensive. You don't want to re-calculate this all the time because it slows your app down. So you cache/memoize the result.
What is the right way, and why is it better?
The right way is to use memoization helpers like createSelector when/if you want to avoid expensive computation. Most people optimize prematurely, so I'd just stick to useSelector and keep it simple if in doubt.

Adding a callback to a Redux Reducer

Would there be anything wrong/anti-pattern-ish (in terms of 'thinking-in-react/redux') in added a callback to the passed into an action?
// reducer
var x = 123
if ( ) x )
return {
Then accessing that data later in the App when the action is called (in an container perhaps)
// later in the app
somedata: somedata,
callback: (x) => { console.log(x) }
The idea is not wrong, the implementation is.
Instead of adding a callback, return a promise from the action (you will need redux-thunk middleware or some similar alternative).
Then you can simply do:
Of course, you can also simply dispatch another action in your callback, which usually end up being one compound action.
const myAction = ...
const callbackAction = ...
const compoundAction = () => dispatch => {
.then(() => dispatch(callbackAction()));
The third principle of Redux (listed in the introduction section of the docs) is that 'changes are made with pure functions'.
A pure function is a function that always returns the same result given the same inputs, and doesn't cause any side effects. Having a callback log something out most definitely would be a side effect!
The docs go on to say:
It's very important that the reducer stays pure. Things you should never do inside a reducer:
Mutate its arguments;
Perform side effects like API calls and routing transitions;
Call non-pure functions, e.g. or Math.random().
The reasoning behind this is it makes your reducers predictable - you know that, given an action with a certain payload, you're guaranteed to have the same output. This makes your app both easier to understand as a developer, and easier to unit test.
If you want to perform side effects when an action takes place, you should install a middleware that allows you to do so - some common examples of these are:
redux-thunk, which allows you to dispatch functions that can in turn dispatch actions (commonly used to make API calls)
redux-logger, which allows you to log out actions that are dispatched.
redux-devtools-extension, which allows you to view your state and actions in a Chrome devtools extension.
If you can't find a middleware package that does what you need (rare, to be honest - there's lots out there already!), you can write your own quite easily.
Callbacks introduce side-effects, so when using Redux you should consider returning a new state with the result, for example with done: true flag and react to that in componentDidUpdate.
For managing asynchrony and effects you can use redux-saga, redux-thunk, RxJs or another library.
If you want to stick with callbacks, why even bother with Redux?

Sending error message from reducer to user

I'm new to React and Redux and I'm trying to write a simple application where a person can submit a URL for an image and it will show up on the page. Note that there is no backend to the application as of yet.
export const addImage = (url) => {
return {
type: ADD_IMAGE,
key: Guid.create().toString(),
payload: url
Adding an image creates an action of type ADD_IMAGE and my reducer updates the state consequently. However I also check if the URL is already in the list.
switch (action.type) {
if (state.find(image => image.url === action.payload)) {
return state;
} else {
{key: action.key, url: action.payload}
The problem is that when I deny a post because the URL is already in the state I also want to convey that message to the user by showing it in a div next to the form. From what I've read I think I'm not supposed to try to access React state from reducers (if that is even possible) and... well.. I'm just stuck. I've been trying to find a simple guide on how to do this but I find nothing I can quite understand. After adding a database I guess I will have to do this as part of the async process but as I have it now I guess there should be some kind of simple solution.
You are starting to introduce logic into your reducer and this will inevitably lead to situation where you need to process some state outside of the reducer's scope.
The solution is to transfer your reducer logic into a thunk using a middleware package such redux-thunk (or similar package). This allows you to treat special kinds of actions as functions which means you can extend a plain action with specific action-related logic. The example you give of needing to dispatch an error action under certain conditions is an excellent use-case for redux-thunk.
Below is a example of how you might pull the logic out of your reducer into a thunk. You should note that, unlike reducers, thunks explicitly support fetching state and dispatching subsequent actions via the getState and dispatch functions.
Thunk example
export const addImage = (url) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const key = Guid.create().toString()
type: ADD_IMAGE,
payload: url
const state = getState()
// you would want to use a `selector` here to locate the existing image
// within the state tree
const exists = selectors.images.exists(state, url)
if (exists) {
dispatch(actions.ERROR_IMAGE_EXISTS({key, url}))
A note on selectors
You will see that I am using a selector to determine if the image exists. In the same way that thunks are the place to put your dispatch logic, a selector is the place to put your state-traversal logic. They are used to return portions of the state-tree or provide simple state-utilities such as the exists function shown above. Packages are available to help, for example reselect.
Follow on questions from comments
Are selectors not a built-in thing in Redux?
No they are not. Selectors are an idea that builds on top of redux and the concept exists as a place to put your state searching, caching, reading logic. This extracts the sometimes complex state traversal logic out of your thunks and components and into a nice tidy, structured collection of selectors.
Why use a selector instead of state.images.find(i => i.url === url)?
If you use a selector package then you get far more benefit than just a good separation of concerns, you get a big performance improvement (see usage example below).
Here are the headlines from the popular reselect package:
Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the minimal possible state.
Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments change.
Selectors are composable. They can be used as input to other selectors.
Why doesn't actions.ERROR_IMAGE_EXISTS(url) work for me
Because I just made that up for the example. The point is that you can dispatch actions from within the thunk, how you declare or get access to the action is up to you. I tend to centralise all my shared actions into an actions object that I import.
Selector usage example
Here is an example from my real-life code that shows how I use selectors to passing portions of the state as props to a react component:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
model: services.model.selector.getSelected(state),
recommendations: services.recommend.selector.getRecommendations(state)
Each of these selectors is finding the correct portion of the state tree and delivering it back ready for use. Nice and tidy, and if you use reselector, very efficient.

how to reduce redux boilerplate

I'm new to redux and I find that every little thing x turns into x_success and x_failure, usually when fetching data or trying to create a new entity, and that means more action creators, and more handling in the reducers. What's the recommended approach here? thanks.
Recommended approach is x_success, x_failure etc. But this is for async operations only. Let's see why :
Async operations in your SPA are the operations you want to know
when operation started,
when you got response back
Type of response , success or failure
So that you will have seperate actions creator functions which return objects and one async action creator function which can return function instead of object and calls other action creators from its body.
For the reasons above you should have seperate action creators, one async action creator and of course for every action creator you should have a constant in your reducer.
Assuming you are writing your constants, actions and reducers in seperate folders, this can be a nightmare. If this is the case, you should take a look at here duck modular redux .
Duck modular redux is something you should definetely implement to reduce the boilerplate. Other things like seperate action creators, seperate constants, seperately checking on reducers for constants are required. There is nothing to feel bad about it.
I started to work with Redux almost since the beginning of its story, 2 years ago. While it is a great thing and it allows to eliminate a whole type of bugs and makes all business logic more explicit, it has a lot of concepts. For each entity, you need to create:
constants (for each state -- in case of async function, there are three of them, for start, failure and success)
action (function)
reducer (update state, sometimes a nested update)
It was mentioned that you can something like redux-ducks, which is an approach to organize your code, but you will not write less of the code. So, I strongly believe people should consider writing their own wrapper around redux more seriously.
I wrote a library redux-tiles, which deals exactly with this kind of situations -- it takes the burden of creating constants, update the state (so you don't need to write a reducer by yourself), and do nested updates if needed. So, code for async request, will look something like this:
import { createTile } from 'redux-tiles';
const apiRequest = createTile({
type: ['api', 'request'],
fn: ({ api, params }) => api.get('/api/items', params),
It also allows you to combine other actions easier, because in the fn you have access to dispatch and actions. You can take a look at more examples here.
I started using Redux and I loved the concept, but I got really annoyed by the big amount of boilerplate. I ended up creating actionware lib. Basically here's what you have with actionware:
no more action creators and action types, just actions (simple functions) and reducers
actions dispatch their result automatically
error status for every
action with no extra code busy status for every async action (yep, no extra code!)
cancellable actions
There are a number of ways you can reduce the bolierplate. Here's an excellent resource from official repo:
Besides, there are various community-driven libraries that help you in reducing redux boilerplate and in organising your store better. Redux Box might interest you in this regard:
A huge Boilerplate is one of the drawbacks of the flux architecture in general. You might want to checkout redux-fluent, it has been designed with that in mind.
import { createAction, createReducer, ofType } from 'redux-fluent';
const addTodo = createAction('todos | add');
export const todos = createReducer('todos')
(state, { payload }) => state.concat(payload),
.default(() => []);
To reduce Redux boilerplate you can generate action creators and reducer by describing one function with redux-blaze:
import { buildReducer } from "redux-blaze";
export const { actionCreators, reducer: filtersReducer } = buildReducer(initialState, {
setMySearch: ({ search }) /* <- payload */ => state => ({ ...state, search }),
setCategory: ({ category }) => state => ({ ...state, category }),
setSort: ({ sort }) => state => ({ ...state, sort }),
}, {
prefix: 'MY_FILTER',
// Just add auto generated reducer to root reducer:
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
filters: filtersReducer
// dispatch an action:
dispatch(actionCreators.setCategory({category: 'my category'}))
You can also find TypeScript examples here:

What are the most important considerations when designing Redux actions?

If I have a situation: a component has 3 operations(list all info || search needed info || filter info), but all of these operations depend on same API, just different parameters.
I'd like to know what is the best approach to design Redux actions? To design 3 actions that are mapping the 3 operations? Or just 1 action because of just 1 API?
What are the most important considerations when designing Redux Actions?
Whether it should be one or two or three actions really depends on how your reducers are organized, and on how your UI is connected to your store.
You should think of API calls as side-effects of your actions, and not as the actions themselves. Your redux store holds a particular state of your UI: what filter is active ? What is the current search query ? and the like...
The most important consideration when designing actions is : what do they mean for the state of my UI? What impact do they have on it ? How do they relate to my store's state ?
If your concern is to mutualize API calls code, there are various patterns to handle that : use a simple helper function taking parameters, use something like redux-saga to trigger side-effects, etc.. But all in all, API calls shouldn't be relevant when designing actions.
There's nothing in the docs that says that actions should map to API endpoints. So you shouldn't have to think of how many API endpoints you have.
Actions are payloads of information that send data from your
application to your store.
In your case though, if one action with payload can accomplish the result and mutate your state to the desired condition, I don't see a reason to use three (and thus have three reducers, etc).
The redux docs have a good section on how asynchronous actions/API usage should work within a redux app.
I've followed this pattern, using the thunk middleware, and found it to work really well. The idea is to give your actions the ability to return a function. You will have:
A "main" function that will dispatch that the application is making an API call, make the API call, and handle the results.
Two pure action creators (functions that return an object with a type and any number of other properties) that will pass the information related to the API call to your reducers.
The actions:
/* Inside ./action.js */
/* This is the function you will dispatch from another component (say, a container component. This takes advantage of thunk middleware. */
export function fetchAllInfo() {
return function(dispatch) {
/* Import your API function, make sure it takes a callback as an argument */
API.fetchAllInfo((allinfo) => {
/* Pure action creators */
function requestAllInfo() {
return {
function receiveAllInfo(allinfo) {
return {
The reducer:
/* Inside ./reducer.js */
export function inforeducer(state, action) {
switch(action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
/* This can be passed as prop so a component knows to show a loader */
isFetching: true,
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: false,
allInfo: action.allInfo,
return state
So with thunk middleware (or your own way of dealing with asynchronous dispatching) and a callback on each API call, you can use this method to work with API calls dispatching at both the beginning of the call and when you receive results.
