Im trying to understand how $= works in 1.0 - polymer-1.0

I have been working with a checkbox component and i noticed different workflows for checked$="{{model.isChecked}}" vs checked="{{model.isChecked}}" and i wanted to know what the $ actually does.
It seems there are some artifacts with the design.
Ideally, when it is checked it will toggle the value in model.
checked$="...." binds to the attribute which is added to the DOM.
checked="..." binds to the property and only reflects to the attribute if reflectToAttribute is set to true (` or if it is a native property that reflects to an attribute.
See also Properties and Attributes in HTML


Is it possible to perform a two way binding on a custom directive with ngModel?

My use case is completely different. When I strip off all the other factors, it boils down to this.
Say I have the following input element
<input type="text" [customDirective] [(ngModel)]="myValue" >
The job of this customDirective is to look into value entered by the user and changed its value based on the input on the fly.
How to achieve two-way binding for this.
I played around with ControlValueAccessor, DefaultValueAccessor. But no matter what I do, I was not able to achieve the two-way binding. The maximum I achieved at one time is view update on model update but not the other way round. But that code is somewhere lost.
Here is the vanilla plunker link.
PS: I already referred the following. But none of them were helpful in achieving 2-way binding w.r.t to directive
angular2 wysiwyg tinymce implementation and 2-way-binding
Thanks in advance
Finally figured out how to do this.
Model to UI changes can be done using ControlValueAcessor
UI to Model can be done like below
import {Output} from '#angular/core';
Use the event emitter
#Output() ngModelChange = new EventEmitter();
Whenever data gets changed emit the event
Here is the detailed example
Using Tinymce editor as a directive

Extjs TwoWayBindable pressed button

I want to create a button which is property "pressed" is binded to a data in a view model.
But it didn't work, I don't understand why.
See my fiddle:
My problem is that the extended property value doesn't change.
I know that I can do this by event, but I want to understand why it doesn't work and how to this with ExtJs property before going to a "workaround".
Adding a reference solves the issue.
For example:

Creating a checkbox directive with angular that works for mobile devices

For a project I'm working on at the moment, I need to have styles which aren't supported on regular checkbox elements.
To work around this I've created an angular directive which recreates the checkbox functionality. While this is working for me, I do question that I'm using the correct html markup as something doesn't feel right about what I've got.
Traditionally you'd use something like this for a checkbox with a label:
<input type="checkbox" /> Click to check
and by clicking on the label it'd toggle the checkbox.
Since I'd like to replicate this functionality with angular, I've knocked up a demo here that I believe does the trick but I wonder if I'm missing something? I suppose it's worth mentioning that screen readers are not an issue with this project. I also considered how this may render on mobile devices but since it's only a checkbox it should work correctly.
Have I approached this correctly or am I doing something hideously wrong here?
I think you don't need scope variables you defined in directive.
{elementId: '#', isChecked:'=?'}
By the way, what did you want to tell with those '=?' ? Actually it goes 'typeOfVariableConnection'+'attributeName'. So by your way, it should accept two-way binding with attribute named '?'. I don't think such attribute name is allowed by HTML specification.
But you will need value of checkbox outside the my-checkbox directive, so it will be a good idea to pass some scope variable to that directive to have access to it's value in controller.
I've changed plunker a little bit, connected native checkbox and your own by same model value.

how to prevent AngularJs from having old view and new view on dom when route changes

I am using a directive "slideable" which creates a slideout area and has a toggle. This code that was not written by me but it demonstrates a larger issue for me. When I changing views (most commonly /user/:id type), slideable is a directive used on the template. The directive searches for an element during its link function and binds a click event. The issue is that when I am changing routes and the new view ( same type but different id ) is being loaded the directive is re-binding to the old view. If I stop the browser in chrome during the link then I will see two ng-views on the dom and the issue is it binds to the one that is leaving.
I also have other issues that appear to be related to this phenomenon. Is it normal that the old view would still be on the dom while the new view is being formulated?? Why wouldnt the old-view be destroyed before the new one is rendered? How do I get around this issue in a directive like this?
I am looking to understand conceptually what is happening. I already modified the directive to select the latest view and to appropriately search and bind to the correct element. But I am a bit perplexed as to why there would be a state where both co-exist on the dom.
One definitive reason why the old HTML fragment is briefly present along with the new one is to support animation of transitions from the old to the new. Take a look at the ngView documentation and you'll see an example of an animated transition, and it'll be clear that this is not a bug or a design flaw.
Usually when someone has problems with binding to the right element or element's event, it's because they are selecting the element without limiting the scope of the selector to the HTML fragment being added or updated, or trying to target parts of the DOM outside of the directive. So that's the first place to check, that the directive is doing things right, but like I said we'll need code to check on that.

AngularJS init model from controls value

I have very big form (~500 controls) and want to integrate AngularJS on it. I have one problem, when I'm setting ng-model property it resets my value property.
Is there any way to automatically set model values from input values properties (textareas and selects), without messing with controller code?
You can use "ng-init"
<input ng-model="data.instructions" ng-init="data.instructions='bla bla'">
But still, the recommended way is using a controller.
Hope it helps.
