Missing text for IMessageService buttons - mahapps.metro

This is a simple IMessageService.ShowAsync call, with MessageButtons.YesNoCancel, on Windows 7. I'm using Orchestra (Catel) + MahApps Metro shell.
Can the buttons' text be fixed?

here is the corresponding issue https://github.com/WildGums/Orchestra/issues/56 and the corresponding pull request https://github.com/WildGums/Orchestra/pull/57.
The PR is already integrated.


Printing Multiple pages in wpf

I have a Scroll Viewer and inside that a text block with multiple pages contents.
How can I print everything within the Scroll Viewer.I'm Using WPF MVVM pattern.
Is text block is the right control for this?Or shall I go for any other WPF controls.?
Thanks in advance..
DocumentViewer ir a better control for paginated printing
I don't know what is exactly the problem,But something related to Printer.
From Control Panel->Printers & Fax
1.Right Click the Printer and take Printer preferences
2.Change the Source property to 'Manual Feed'& Apply.(Initially it was'AutoSelect')
3.Still got some error.
4.Again me changed the Source property back to 'Auto Select'& Apply.
5.Changed the Quick set Property to 'Defaults'& Apply
5.Now its Working Fine

Hiding Tile text from Silverlight WP7 Application

I saw the post at " How to hide application title in WP7 application tile". However, I can't seem to find that setting in the Silverlight application. I've tried changing it in the project settings and cannot much like what was stated in the previous question.
The Answer seems to work.
In WMAppManifest.xaml if you remove the values in Title element, it works. Even for Mango.
<PrimaryToken TokenID="FishJumpToken" TaskName="_default">
<BackgroundImageURI IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">Background.jpg</BackgroundImageURI>

WinForms "mini-windows"

I need to create some mini-windows, like the ones shown in the image bellow, in my winform main form.
It would be nice if they could be draggable, resizable, and, mainly, closable.
How can I approach this design? Has anybody already seen some control (with code available) implementing something similar?
alt text http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/5765/imagea.png
A normal Form works fine for this. Set its FormBorderStyle to either FixedToolWindow or SizableToolWindow as desired.
If you want to keep your floating windows inside your main window, use MDI (Multiple Document Interface). Here is a tutorial (Google can find you many more).
Have you tried just setting the FormBorderStyle property to SizeableToolWindow?
Is that what you're after?
You can create them as resizable and draggable custom controls.
You could use my example at:

WPF search windows - like tabPages in tab control

I have idea to implement my wpf windows like TabPages in tab control. It is possible to do that dynamically in c# code.
In Example i have Menu in main window. Some Menu items calls search type windows. Is it possible to do such a thing in C# code (SomeMenuItem_Click): this code adds new tab in tabControl of main window.
If there are no search windows called -there is no tab's shown, if there are many search windows called - there are many tab's.
So how do I code this?
And whats the technique with the windows? I suppose that my search type windows must be implemented like some UserControls. I think its no a good idea to implement that like simple wpf windows. I have tried to do that by using Marlon grech "Blend like UIs using DOCKY", find at:
But I failed, dont find the way how to add controlls in code dynamically, not in xaml.
I would appreciate code examples to illustrate how to achieve this.
Is it possible to do such a thing in C# code (SomeMenuItem_Click): this code adds new tab in tabControl of main window.
Yes. The basic pattern is:
TabItem newItem = new TabItem();
You'll obviously need to set the relevant properties of your tab item (such as the Header and Style) but that should get you started.
You'll then need to create any controls you want to show and add them to the tab item itself (or more correctly - a container within the tab item).

How to disable default TextInputPanel for an application?

I have a wpf application (I use CAL) for a tablet pc.
I created a custom text input panel.
Now is my question: How can I disable the default TextInputPanel?
This is only through my application offcourse because I still want the utility in my winxp and other apps on the tablet.
The problem is that when I hover to long near a textbox, the small tooltip to open a TextInputPanel always appears and I want to suppress that!
Kind regards,
Already posted at WPF Forums but with no result :s
Disabling the Input Panel UI
Setting the DisableInPlace registry key to zero prevents the Input Panel user interface (UI) from appearing in an application. You must place the DisableInPlace registry key at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TabletTip. Then, add a new registry value by using the full path of the application in which you want to disable Input Panel. The following example registry entry disables Input Panel in an application called MyApp:
"C:\Progam Files\My App\MyApp.exe"="1"
(Finally) Found this info here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms812266.aspx
I don't like it that much (reg. editing) but at least it's a solution ;)
Kind regards,
