Automatic screen rotate on mobile devices - mobile

Is something solution for coercion screen rotate?
For example i have phone with display 540x960 and implicitly every site will display vertical. I would to automatic change view during first open on horizontal.

Maybe there is something I'm missing, but have you tried?


Scrollable and zoom options in the Codename One Simulator

Can you please explain me what is the difference of the two options "scrollable" and "zoom" of the Simulator? I've done some trials and they seems to act equally.
Zoom used to have a different meaning. Right now it maps to disabling/enabling scrolling and sizing the window to a reasonable size.
We kept the menu option in place since people are used to that and Scrollable isn't an intuitive name.

Codename One:Container moves down when loading toastbar

I am developing app using codename one .On login screen when toastbar gets loading container moves down.
I have attached screen shot in which i have shown exact error.
If I rotate the device or simulator it produced same effect.I used border layout and value of includeNativeBool = true
Can you please let me know how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance
I have attched screen shots of my form structure
There is no scrollability in this layout. I'm also guessing you assigned percentage heights in the table layout and some nuances might change.
Container1 should be scrollable on the y axis but that might break your entire layout because you rely on problematic behaviors of table layout so it will fit "exactly" it wasn't designed for that.

WP7 WebBrowser control enlarges text when in Landscape mode

I have a WebBrowser control that is getting content via the NavigateToString() method. It looks fine in portrait mode, but when I change the orientation to landscape, the text becomes noticeably larger (I'd say about 2 times larger). I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not doing anything to the WebBrowser control on orientation changed. If I change the orientation back to portrait, it looks correct again. Does anyone know what could be going on here?
I'm guessing that you're using a fixed width for the viewport and this is causing the text to be enlarged as all the content is stretched to the wider screen size when in landscape mode.
If you can post an example of the HTML you're using we could probably say for sure.

Center a Silverlight modal popup in a canvas that is larger than the screen

I currently have a Silverlight canvas that exceeds the viewable area of the screen (I'm letting the users drag the viewable areas around to navigate). I'm trying to display a modal popup that always shows up in the middle of the viewable area, and I can't seem to find any property that tells me what currently is on the screen. Basically if the user has panned down to the bottom and clicks something that causes a modal popup to appear it is stuck at the far top of the screen.
Any ideas anyone?
I don't think this is possible since the visibility isn't being surfaced. Perhaps with some fun JavaScript to figure out where the panning is?
Quite true. I wound up creating a holding canvas, making that full screen, and putting everything else as a child canvas within that. The modal popup now comes up in the holding canvas.
Gabriel GuimarĂ£es one works good.
App.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight(and ActualWidth) does bring the browser size inside. Good for calculating position. And of course you can use LayoutUpdated on your main control to double check the sizes and resize stuff if need be.

Resizing a Silverlight or Flash video player?

Is it possible to resize a silverlight/flash video player on the fly? I would like to create a video where I can drag the bottom left corner to resize the player (maintaining aspect ratio) or at least eliminate the possibility of doing so I could move on to other methods.
Thanks in advance...
EDIT: // forgot to mention
Sorry forgot to mention, this would also mean that the actual video itself resizing right?
Silverlight: Absolutely. Just set the the Stretch property to Uniform and then alter either the Width or Height as you resize.
Flash: Yes, you can alter the size of a flash object through JavaScript. Using a YUI, jQuery, or a Mootools JavaScript library, this should not be too difficult to prototype.
Here is a posts which explains how to resize flash from within your flash code.
Proportional resizing - here is an example of that as well using jQuery.
I'm not sure if the same is true for Silverlight browser objects, although I'd be surprised if you couldn't do the same.
This is a CSS solution for resizing videos on the fly.
The video can even resize itself according to the user settings if it is styled using EMs. This demo shows how a video resize itself according to the width of the user agent.
Here is an example of the silverlight scaling. This photo retouching and restoration site has a couple of silverlight controls that scale with browser resizing. There is quite a nice photo gallery that shows the photos before and after the retouch.
As of version 5.3 they added a resize() method to the javascript API which allows you to resize a player - and all the control bar etc. will resize correctly too.
resize(width, height) Resizes the
player to the specified dimensions.
width:Number: the new overall width of
the player.
height:Number: the new
overall height of the player. Note: If
a controlbar or playlist is displayed
next to the video, the actual video is
of course smaller than the overall
