Error while installing Underscore typings - angularjs

I am trying to install Underscore typings but getting error
Unable to find "underscore" ("npm") in the registry. Did you want to try searching another source? Also, if you want contribute these typings, please help us:
I have tried different switches based on my research and solutions provided by others as you can see in image.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.

The core issue was a permission issue on my Mac. Your user account need to own your npm install directory.
Then you can run the command:
typings install dt~underscore --global --save
You should not see any more errors.

Below command is works for me,
typings install dt~underscore --global --save
Reference - GitHub Link

This is more recent as of April 2017
npm install --save #types/underscore


Can't resolve 'react-motion'

I am having troubles on runnning a code online, it's the sliding image puzzle from this link: and here is the github from the video's description:
If I type in npm start, it shows
this error on the local host.
After running it on the VS Code, it shows
this error that says \node_modules\react-motion doesn't exist.
Whenever I try npm install --save react-motion , it shows
this error on the Visual Studio Code.
Please help me this is for my project thank you!
The reason is because the library doesn’t support react 17 yet.
Try by reinstalling your modules from scratch with the following:
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json; npm i; npm i react-motion
If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to force the installation:
npm i react-motion —-legacy-peer-deps
If the library still have problems, you’ll then need to downgrade react to version 16 instead of 17 to make it work.
Last but not least, if you don’t want to downgrade, you can try to do the same by using yarn instead of npm

Error while running ‘hello-react’ program in react.js

With lots of issues while installing react.js finally when I thought that issues were resolved and everything is in a good place. I found this as a heartache issue.
Error description Image for reference:
Whenever you see this error, it means that something went wrong when you installed the dependencies.
The proper method to fix this error and install all the dependencies again can be found in this answer.
A quick workaround can be to install this specific dependency again using the following npm command:
npm intall react-scripts start
This will help you solve this issue. I still recommend you to install all the dependencies again so that you won't run into such issues later on.
Please mark this answer as accepted if it solves your issue.
Please execute the below-mentioned command.
npx i -g create-react-app
It takes few minutes and displays a message similar to below
We suggest that you begin by typing:
cd your-app-name
yarn start
Happy hacking!
cd into the your-app-name folder and execute npm start
Additional Reference:

react-bootstrap-table-next doesn't have type script to support import

After I installed react-bootstrap-table-next, I tried to use
"import BootstrapTable from 'react-bootstrap-table-next';" in my tsx file. As example showed in here
I got error message says "Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-bootstrap-table-next'. '../node_modules/react-bootstrap-table-next/lib/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type."
And I run npm install #types/react-bootstrap-table-next, but couldn't find any.
Does anyone has same issue? or how did you solve the problem?
Right now it looks like there are no plans to support Typescript by the team that develop the project.
You can track the develop of the issue here on this issue and maybe you can vote up. I'm also waiting for it.
You can use this package. There is support for TypeScript now.
npm install --save #types/react-bootstrap-table-next
yarn add #types/react-bootstrap-table-next
try running
npm install react-bootstrap-table-next --save

Installing 2 year old application

I started a project 2 years ago that I now can't seem to install into other directories.
I used to follow these steps to install my angular frontend
npm install gulp
npm install typings
npm install
typings install
gulp build
I never had to do them again and it correctly installed a typings folder from which the gulp file found all it packages, it worked and I didn't mind how.
I am now trying to install it again and it does not fill the typings folder correctly, there only appears a index.d.ts file.
I found here
that it should've been around version 1.0.4.
So I try to install with:
npm install typings#1.0.4
But this still does not install any typing directory.
Any direction I should look into further would be apreciated.
If you look have a package.json file for the 2 year old project (which you should) then you should find the version numbers of each dependency in there.
Putting all my files in the package.json to the specified version an not just compatible with changed the error to Syntax error parsing, I was able to fix that with removing a translate application.

Angular-phonecat getting started (Bower install) fail

my problem is described in the following image:
The main problem is that im getting a: Bower ENOENT no bower.json present error and as you can see in the image (second command) the file is actually present. So ive been trying to find what actually bower install does and havent found it in the NPM documentation and Git documentation as well
Also, in the research ive done some forums suggest installing bower globally and it hasnt worked
Since i've been googling for about 3 nights looking for somebody with the same problem and havent found anybody else with the problem I started wondering about if I changed any environment variable. So i uninstalled node.js and Git and then reinstalled both programs without any change in the result
Hope somebody can help me with this, thanks in advance
Bower is a package manager for HTML 'bower install' will download all the packages listed in bower.json and add them to a folder called 'bower_components'
You must have bower install globally via
npm install -g bower
To get a list of NPM packages installed successfully global use:
npm list -g
Having a look at the github issues of that Repository(Angular-phonecat) theres alot of issues related to bower(, which is strange because bower is not that complicated. Have you looked through any of those fixes.
