Turn by turn navigation in Google Maps with voice - maps

I have implemented a map with turn by turn of Google Maps and I would like to put voice to directions
Is it possible??


Is there a Google Map API which returns a polygon that maps the boundary for a specific location?

I want a set of coordinates representing a polygon around a region like given by OpenStreetMap. Does google map provide any similar API?
I found a similar implementation on OpenStreetMaps API which provides a polygon for a specific area like this example.
As mentioned by MrUpsidedown there is no Google API for automatic city/region boundaries as Polygon from Google Maps API but I integrated nominatim of OSM with Google Maps to get the desired functionality.

Any alternative to Google Maps API with directions from current location?

I am currently developing a web site for my thesis which features my City's tourist spots (e.g. malls, parks, restaurants) with Google Maps API that shows the current location of the user and the destination point and all the possible routes to said destination. But sadly, with the Billing system I am limited to load a few maps before it says "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT".
I have researched few free Maps API and I have found some, like MapBox, HERE Api... What would be the best free alternative for Google Map API?
P.s. I am still a student and can not afford to pay $200. If there are any other possible ways in handling this, please do let me know. Thank you!
Check Freemium Plan from HERE Maps, 250.000 transactions/months for free, no need for credit card.
You can use JS, REST and Native APIs.

Using Google Maps website to create a keyless Embedded map

I notice that, if I follow the instructions on this google maps answer, there is no information about the requirement for an API key when embedding a Google Map iframe into the HTML of my website or blog.
What will be the requirements for this sort of use regarding keyless embedded maps access following June 11?
None I suppose,
I'm using ruby explaining the code below
<iframe ... src="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=#{question}&z=15&ie=UTF8&iwloc=&output=embed" ... ></iframe>
So far this is working (Aug 30) and should be working for a while since it's the Maps way to share addresses. This embed forces a couple logos related to Google like, Maps Embed API (free but not keyless)
If you plan to use Maps as a developer with other options please consider registering an API in Google cloud.
Meanwhile, you could use it like you are using it.

Google Maps Embed API not showing traffic when using waypoints

I am building a web page where I can select a source and destination location and then show the distance, travel time (with current traffic) and actual traffic on a Google Map.
The Google Maps API documentation suggests to use the Google Maps Embed API, as so (route = Paris to Amsterdam):
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/directions?origin=Paris&destination=Amsterdam&key=APIKEY"></iframe>
This works fine.
Now I want to add waypoints to the routes so that I am certain specific route will be selected and shown, as so (route = Paris to Amsterdam via Brussels):
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/directions?origin=Paris&destination=Amsterdam&waypoints=Brussels&key=APIKEY"></iframe>
In this case no traffic is shown and the calculated travel time doesn't include the delays because of traffic. You can also see the effect on this page I built to show the issue.
I didn't find in the Google Maps Embed API documentation that traffic is not shown when using waypoints. Is this a bug or didn't I read it well enough? Are there alternatives to the Google Maps Embed API?

Bada - Integrating Maps API to my application

I'm trying to integrate Maps to my Bada application. I've tried deCarta but unfortunately it comes with an ad. There is an ad on each form that displays a map and it's not pleasant.
So, can you please recommend me another maps API that will work well with the Bada platform. Does Google Maps API or Yahoo's service go along well with Bada? Or is there a way to remove the ad on deCarta's maps (on the free version)?
Any help, comment and such will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks =)
Please don't remove the ad - that would be a violation of the terms of service. You could always pay to use the API and then you will never have to deal with ads on your application.
What is the part of the advertisement that you don't like. It would be great if you could give suggestions on how you would like to see the advertisements presented in the application.
