i wanted to ask you if there is a way to get the google maps place details in a different language than English. I use AngularJs and i created a directive in which i perform the below steps:
User types in an autocomplete field
I get the results, i parse them and then I try to get the details like this:
service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(theMap.map);
placeId: placeId,
key: googleMapsAPIKey,
language: 'el'
}, function(place) {
myLangAddressComponents = place.address_components;
The problem is that myLangAddressComponents information is still in English.
Any help would be appreciated.
Based on the documents regarding Optional Parameters: language,
The language code, indicating in which language the results should be returned, if possible. Note that some fields may not be available in the requested language. See the list of supported languages and their codes. Note that we often update supported languages so this list may not be exhaustive.
I think that there is no problem in your code, it is just not yet available in the requested language. I hope this clear some issues you've encountered. :)
Keep in your mind that you are passing the map instance in the PlacesService. As I saw from experimenting if the map is localized in el then the results would be also in el.
sorry i was new here so this problem maybe simple.
anyone knows how to check variable content?
like xx($a);
then page shows all relate information about $a. Is CakePHP allowed to do that?
i setup a kit on my cakephp
You might be looking for either var_dump() or print_r()
You can use PHP built-in functions like
var_dump() - displays structured information about variable
print_r() - the same, but preformatted with some differences
get_defined_vars() - returns array with all defined variables
Or use true CakePHP-way
Debugger::dump() - It will print out all properties and methods (if any) of the supplied variable
For more convenience you may use CakePHP Debug Kit plugin, which provides nice toolbar and some useful tools for your purpose.
I am creating a website using CakePHP that requires translation not only into multiple languages but also multiple phrases per language depending on the type of the logged in user. This will allow the same functionality but with more formal or more friendly language without duplication.
As a very simple example:
Type 1: "Customer", "purchase","shopping cart"
Type 2: "Client", "buy", "basket"
Type 3: "User", "order","invoice"
Each of these types would be available in multiple languages.
I've got the standard localization working in CakePHP (one of the reasons I chose it!) and have the appropriate default.po files in the /Locale/[lang]/LC_MESSAGES/ directory and all is working fine there (thank you to the user who noted on this site that ger needed to be deu to work ;) ).
Before I get too far into the app I'd like to add the phrasing so I can set e.g. the language as French and phrasing as type2. If I was doing this outside of a framework I'd have a matrix look-up to find the correct string based on language and phrase keys but am unsure of how to do this within CakePHP's localization.
Currently I'm using the standard __([string]) convention but as this is early in the development cycle it would be trivial to change if necessary.
I was considering using __d([phrase],[string]) but can't see how to set this without creating my app as a plugin and then I'm back to the same problem with /Locale/
I have been unable to find any example of this in my searches on SO or the cakePHP community sites so would be grateful for any suggestions.
Is there a standard way to do this within cakePHP? if not, what would be a good "best practice" way to implement this?
Edit - following the answer below here's how it was implemented:
in /app/Locale/[lang]/LC_MESSAGES/ I created a new .po files with the new phrasing in them as phrase1.po, phrase2.po etc.
Where I set the language I also set the phrasing where the phrase file matches the name of the po file:
Configure::write('Config.language', 'deu');
Configure::write('App.langDomain', 'phrase1');
and all strings were wrapped with:
__d(Configure::read('App.langDomain', 'string')
And it just works.
Use __d() like this:
__d(Configure::read('App.langDomain'), 'Some string');
In bootstrap.php check the conditions and set App.langDomain based on whatever you need.
__d() has nothing to do with plugins, you can use it everywhere.
And alternative would be to wrap your translations with a custom method, something like
__dd(Configure::read('App.langDomain'), array('foo' => __('String1', 'bar' => __('String2'));
The array is an array of langDomain => stringForThatDomain mappings. Your __dd() method would take the one that is passed in the first argument.
I have created a site with multiple languages in sitecore... I the content editor (system > languages) I have specified three languages (Dutch, English and German). No I have 2 problems.
When an item has, for example: an English version but no German and Dutch version and I type the address to the German site: www.testsite.com/de I get the German site, but without content. In this case I want a 404 page to be shown.
Another problem is when I go to language that is not specified in system > language and also on the item is still get an empty site. In this case I also want a 404 page to be shown. Sitecore shows the page as long as it is a valid ISO-code.
I'm using Sitecore 6.4
Does anybody has a solution for these problem(s)?
Thanks in advance!
My LinkManager is specified as follows in the Web.config:
<add name="sitecore" type="Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider, Sitecore.Kernel" addAspxExtension="true" alwaysIncludeServerUrl="false" encodeNames="true" languageEmbedding="asNeeded" languageLocation="filePath" shortenUrls="true" useDisplayName="false"/>
Unfortunately you have to manage both of these scenarios manually in Sitecore, they both have quite simple solutions but will require some development on your part.
For the first (accessing of pages without translations) I think you would need to extend the current ItemResolver within Sitecore and have it explicitly check that a version exists for the language that has been selected. I haven't implemented that myself but that's how I'd look at handling it.
The second (only accepting certain languages) is something I have handled, and it really bothered me that Sitecore couldn't handle it itself (though perhaps it does and I missed it). For this I created a step in the pipeline immediately after the LanguageResolver called PermissableLanguageChecker. This checks to see if the current language of the request is one of certain allowable values, and if it isn't it sets the language back to the default language, or in your case throw a 404.
For the "allowable values", I read them from the site config with a new property there:
<site name="website" ... permissableLanguages="pl-PL,en" language="pl-PL" ... />
That permissableLanguages property is handy as we can also use it later on in the site when presenting a language selection control to the user.
You may want to take a look at the Language Fallback module in the Sitecore Shared Source Library. As it covers some of your scenarios.
in cakebook on page http://book.cakephp.org/view/1331/Defining-the-Fields there is a sentence what I am not able interpret:
When defining fields for TranslateBehavior to translate, be sure to omit those fields from the translated model's schema. If you leave the fields in, there can be issues when retrieving data with fallback locales.
Can somebody explain me in a more simple way than it is in originally?
I think I have language problem as english is not my native :P
It means that in the following case:
class Article extends AppModel
var $actsAs = array('Translate' => array('title'));
You should not have the field Article.title (i.e. articles.title) in your database, otherwise you'll have trouble at some point.
Basically, when you design your table you plan to translate, omit those fields you want to translate.
Hope that helps!
I've never used that behaviour and I have to say that I would be looking elsewhere for an explanation of how to use it as I too (and I'm English) am having trouble understanding it.
My guess is that you need to ensure that there are no fields in the i18n table with the same name as a field that you are translating, i.e. if you are translating Post.name you must be careful not to have i18nTable.name
I don't use the console and there is no explanation of the required name or structure of the i18n table, so my comment is guesswork but I hope that it is in someway helpful.
I haven't found any reason for the existence of a few of the App Engine classes. There's a PhoneNumber, a Link, a PostalAddress, a GeoPt, a Rating, etc. Why are these given special treatment? They don't seem to have any smarts - e.g. geo searching. I know Link has more space than a String property, but the rest?
Those types are 'semantic' types. They're present in the Java API for parity with the Python API. In the Python API, they define special behaviour with regards to the .to_xml() method - for example, a PhoneNumberProperty serializes like this:
<property name="foo" type="gd:phonenumber"><gd:phoneNumber>12345-678</gd:phoneNumber></property>
I think they're mostly just there to cover common cases and save developers time. If a lot of apps use a phone number field, why require each developer to have to write them? A developer can still write their own if they need/want to.
Not sure about java, but in python the following model/code (tested on dev server) will throw BadValueError, with the message "Invalid URL: stackoverflow.com"
class foo(db.model):
link = db.LinkProperty()
bar = foo()
bar.link = 'stackoverflow.com'
bar.link = 'http://stackoverflow.com'
Works fine.
I haven't tested, but the other properties may or may not also do validation.
Basically using this types in your models allows to add indirect meta data to your code. This may be useful if you are working with any kind of universal renderer for your model classes or if you are performing validation of user input on your models.
For example if you are using PhoneNumber type for a field named userNumber you reflection based renderer may understand that it should automatically assign corresponding validator to text field which will represent it.