Atmel studio with Xmega Timer/USART - c

I'm new in embedded systems developing also in Atmel studio Environment,
I'm using Atxmega128a1 with 32MHz system clk.
I'm trying to send some characters to the PC thought RS232 module at every timer interrupt overflow (0.05s),
so I defined (tc)Timers,USART Drivers on ASF and wrote the below code in main.c file, finally I debugged it without any error but not succeeded to transmit any thing through serial port.
anyone can help me or give me some advices.
#include <asf.h>
volatile int flag=0;
uint8_t received_byte;
uint8_t tx_buf[] = "\n\rHello AVR world ! : ";
uint8_t tx_length = 22;
uint8_t i;
static void my_callback(void)
flag =1;
int main (void)
/* Insert system clock initialization code here (sysclk_init()). */
static usart_rs232_options_t USART_SERIAL_OPTIONS = {
.baudrate = 9600,
.charlength = 8,
.paritytype = USART_PMODE_DISABLED_gc,
.stopbits = false
usart_init_rs232(& USARTF0, &USART_SERIAL_OPTIONS);
//usart_set_baudrate_precalculated(& USARTF0,0x00017700,0x01E84800);
/* Insert application code here, after the board has been initialized. */
if (flag==1)
//received_byte = usart_getchar(& USARTF0);
//if (received_byte == '\r') {
for (i = 0; i < tx_length; i++)
usart_putchar(& USARTF0, tx_buf[i]);
usart_putchar(& USARTF0, received_byte);

I believe you are missing the initialization of the related system clock module:
sysclk_enable_module(SYSCLK_PORT_F, PR_USART0_bm);


The ISR executed once even when the event not happened

I am using PIC24FJ128GA204 microcontroller in PIC24F Curiosity Development Board.
The ISR is executed at least once even when the event not happened.
Here is the code:
#include <xc.h>
int Random_mode_condition=0;
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __shadow__)) _INT1Interrupt(void) {
Random_mode_condition = 44;
_INT1IF = 0;
void RC9_Switch_Config() {
_TRISC9 = 1; // Switch input
RPINR0bits.INT1R = 25;
IFS1bits.INT1IF=0;//Clear the interrupt flag
IPC5bits.INT1IP1=1;//Choose a priority
INTCON2bits.INT1EP=0;//rising edge
IEC1bits.INT1IE=1;//enable INT1 interrupt
int main() {
if(Random_mode_condition==44){ TRISC=0x0000; LATC=0xffff;}
return 0;
Random_mode_condition will equal 44 then the if statement will be executed.
Please help

USART crashes on PIC18F2550, What can I do?

I'm working in the communication of a PIC18F4550 and the PC with a pair of xBEE S2C. And
I am using xc8 to compile the code.
I send some characters to the PIC from the PC with an Xbee then I send a '/r', and the PIC has to return me the characters that I sent.
It works for 9 iterations, then it crashes. The image shows the
Serial Console (red characters are the response of the PIC).
I´ve tried resetting the EUSART but this doesn´t seem to work. Always fails at the 9th iteration. I´ve read some posts of OERR and I tried a lot of things but nothing has solved my problem.
EDIT: ***NOTE: This Error presents if the transmit interval of the package is
less than 1500 ms. And I need to transmit at least every 300ms.
Someone has an idea of what could it be?
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
volatile char bufferRx[60];
volatile char bufferTx[60];
volatile char dum;
int RxFlag,ContRx, ContTx;
void interrupt isr()
RCSTAbits.CREN = 0;
RCSTAbits.CREN = 1;
x = RCREG;
if(x== 13)
bufferRx[ContRx] = x;
bufferRx[ContRx] = x;
void main(void)
OSCCONbits.IRCF= 0b111;
PORTB = 0;
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
TXSTAbits.TXEN = 1;
BAUDCONbits.WUE = 0;
dum = RCREG;
RCSTAbits.CREN = 0;
RCSTAbits.CREN = 1;
for(int x=0;x<ContRx;x++)
bufferTx[x] = bufferRx[x];
bufferTx[x]= 00;
bufferRx[x]= 00;
You are not using the "volatile" keyword anywhere although you are modifying some globals inside the ISR and using them outside.

No output for Embedded application with PIC12, MPLAB and UART

I am working on RGB LED project and that's controlled by a PIC12F1572. The software that I am using is MPLAB IDE with the HiTech C compiler. The plan is to use serial communication to send LED RGB combination data commands to the PIC to be stored in a variable that will make it perform the LED blink and glowing I have been able to establish UART communication.Every function or step I code is right by syntax and works on linux command line terminal if I compile..
And it fails if I try to simulate using register injection in MPLAB.I wanted to run it in simulation also (anyone knows how register injection actuallly works in MPLAB?)
The problem I face together when I try to debug . it compiles but doesn't work
here is my code :
Any idea or hint about the problem will be highly appreciated.
I personally fee that placing the code [hierarchical way] may be wrong
#include <xc.h>
#include "mcc.h"
#include "LED.h"
#include "tmr0.h"
#include "interrupt_manager.h"
void SetLedColor(uint16_t R_color, uint16_t G_color, uint16_t B_color);
void main(void)
uint8_t data, i, j;
uint16_t R_value, G_value, B_value;
uint8_t value;
uint8_t RX_Buffer[FRAMESIZE] ,RGB_data[6] ,HEX_data[6];
// initialize the device
INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable(); // Enable the Global Interrupts
INTERRUPT_PeripheralInterruptEnable(); // Enable the Peripheral Interrupts
while (1)
// EUSART_Write(0x61);
while (!RCIF)
data = EUSART_Read(); // Read received character
for (i = 0; i < FRAMESIZE; i++)
RX_Buffer[i] = data;
//check if any data is received
for (j = 0; j = 5; j++) // get the RGB value in the separate array
RGB_data[j] = RX_Buffer[j + 3];
HEX_data[value] = RGB_data[j] / 16;
if (RX_Buffer[0] == 'R' && RX_Buffer[FRAMESIZE - 1] == '\n')
//ASCII to HEX separate values
// uint32_t number = (uint32_t)strtol(HEX_data, NULL, 16);
// R_value = number >>16;
// G_value = (number & 0xffff) >> 8;
// B_value = (number & 0x0000FF);
R_value = (uint16_t) atoh(HEX_data[0], HEX_data[1]);
G_value = (uint16_t) atoh(HEX_data[2], HEX_data[3]);
B_value = (uint16_t) atoh(HEX_data[4], HEX_data[5]);
SetLedColor(R_value, G_value, B_value);
void SetLedColor(uint16_t R_color, uint16_t G_color, uint16_t B_color)
if (R_color == 0xFF)
LATAbits.LATA2 = 1;
LATAbits.LATA2 = 0;
if (G_color == 0xFF)
LATAbits.LATA4 = 1;
LATAbits.LATA4 = 0;
if (B_color == 0xFF)
LATAbits.LATA5 = 1;
LATAbits.LATA5 = 0;
So till the receiving the UART frame and echoed back and from the storing data make LED blink , I am able to succeed and this is what I wanted for primary step here by hierarchical way
#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "atoh.h"
#include "LED.h"
#define _XTAL_FREQ 16000000
#define FRAMESIZE 19
void main(void)
uint8_t data,i,j,got_char;
uint8_t R_value, G_value ,B_value;
uint8_t value;
uint8_t RX_Buffer[FRAMESIZE];
uint8_t RGB_data[6] ,HEX_data[6];
// initialize the device
INTERRUPT_GlobalInterruptEnable(); // Enable the Global Interrupts
INTERRUPT_PeripheralInterruptEnable(); // Enable the Peripheral Interrupts
while (1)
if (EUSART_DataReady)
for (i = 0; i<FRAMESIZE; i++)
RX_Buffer[i] = EUSART_Read();
if (RX_Buffer[i] == '\n')
RX_Buffer[i] = '\n'; //append '\n' at the end of stoaring array for detection of frame
RX_Buffer[i+1] = '\0'; // End of an array
if(RX_Buffer[0]=='R' && RX_Buffer[FRAMESIZE-2] == '\n') //check for correct frame
LATAbits.LATA2 = 1;
LATAbits.LATA2 = 0;

Uart Check Receive Buffer interrupt vs. polling

Hello I am learning how to use the Uart by using interrupts in Nios and I am not sure how to start. I have made it in polling, but I am not sure how to start using interrupts.
Any help would be appreciated
Here is my code
#include <stdio.h> // for NULL
#include <sys/alt_irq.h> // for irq support function
#include "system.h" // for QSYS defines
#include "nios_std_types.h" // for standard embedded types
#define JTAG_UART_RV_BIT_MASK 0x00008000
#define JTAG_UART_DATA_MASK 0x000000FF
volatile uint32* uartDataRegPtr = (uint32*)JTAG_UART_0_BASE;
volatile uint32* uartCntrlRegPtr = ((uint32*)JTAG_UART_0_BASE +
void uart_SendByte (uint8 byte);
void uart_SendString (uint8 * msg);
//uint32 uart_checkRecvBuffer (uint8 *byte);
uint32 done = FALSE;
void uart_SendString (uint8 * msg)
int i = 0;
while(msg[i] != '\0')
} /* uart_SendString */
void uart_SendByte (uint8 byte)
uint32 WSPACE_Temp = *uartCntrlRegPtr;
while((WSPACE_Temp & JTAG_UART_WSPACE_MASK) == 0 )
WSPACE_Temp = *uartCntrlRegPtr;
*uartDataRegPtr = byte;
} /* uart_SendByte */
uint32 uart_checkRecvBuffer (uint8 *byte)
uint32 return_value;
uint32 DataReg = *uartDataRegPtr;
*byte = (uint8)(DataReg & JTAG_UART_DATA_MASK);
return_value = DataReg & JTAG_UART_RV_BIT_MASK;
return_value = return_value >> 15;
return return_value;
} /* uart_checkRecvBuffer */
void uart_RecvBufferIsr (void* context)
} /* uart_RecvBufferIsr */
int main(void)
uint8* test_msg = (uint8*)"This is a test message.\n";
//alt_ic_isr_register ( ); // used for 2nd part when interrupts are enabled
uart_SendString (test_msg);
uart_SendString ((uint8*)"Enter a '.' to exist the program\n\n");
while (!done)
uint8 character_from_uart;
if (uart_checkRecvBuffer(&character_from_uart))
// do nothing
} /* while */
uart_SendString((uint8*)"\n\nDetected '.'.\n");
uart_SendString((uint8*)"Program existing....\n");
return 0;
} /* main */
I am suppose to use the uart_RecvBufferIsr instead of uart_checkRecvBuffer. How can tackle this situation?
You will need to register your interrupt handler by using alt_ic_isr_register(), which will then be called when an interrupt is raised. Details can be found (including some sample code) in this NIOS II PDF document from Altera.
As far as modifying your code to use the interrupt, here is what I would do:
Remove uart_checkRecvBuffer();
Change uart_RecvBufferIsr() to something like (sorry no compiler here so can't check syntax/functioning):
volatile uint32 recv_flag = 0;
volatile uint8 recv_char;
void uart_RecvBufferIsr(void *context)
uint32 DataReg = *uartDataRegPtr;
recv_char = (uint8)(DataReg & JTAG_UART_DATA_MASK);
recv_flag = (DataReg & JTAG_UART_RV_BIT_MASK) >> 15;
The moral of the story with the code above is that you should keep your interrupts as short as possible and let anything that is not strictly necessary to be done outside (perhaps by simplifying the logic I used with the recv_char and recv_flag).
And then change your loop to something like:
while (!done)
if (recv_flag)
recv_flag = 0;
Note that there could be issues with what I've done depending on the speed of your port - if characters are received too quickly for the "while" loop above to process them, you would be losing some characters.
Finally, note that I declared some variables as "volatile" to prevent the compiler from keeping them in registers for example in the while loop.
But hopefully this will get you going.

Saving data to External EEPROM with PIC18

I have PIC18F87J11 with 25LC1024 external EEPROM, and I would like to store some data on it and be able to read it later on. I have done some research, but unfortunately I could not find a tutorial that uses similar board as mine. I am using MPLAB IDE with C18 compiler.
Note: two more links are written as comment below.
This is where my problem is ...
In order to write to the 25LC1024 external EEPROM I followed the tutorial from microchip. The first problem is that this tut is written for PIC18F1220 and I'm using PIC18F87J11. So upon opening the project I get two files not found error, but I simply ignored them.
I copied the file AN1018.h and AN1018_SPI.c to the project I am working on, and I copied some piece of code from AN1018.c file.
Code from AN1018.c file
void main(void)
#define PAGESIZE 16
static unsigned char data[PAGESIZE]; // One-page data array
static unsigned char i;
init(); // Initialize PIC
data[0] = 0xCC; // Initialize first data byte
/* Low-density byte function calls */
LowDensByteWrite(data[0], 0x133); // Write 1 byte of data at 0x133
data[0] = 0xFF;
LowDensByteRead(data, 0x133);
void init(void)
ADCON1 = 0x7F; // Configure digital I/O
PORTA = 0x08; // Set CS high (inactive)
TRISA = 0b11110111; // Configure PORTA I/O
PORTB = 0; // Clear all PORTB pins
TRISB = 0b11111100; // Configure PORTB I/O
My second problem is that the output message is always 1e0. In other words, I do not know if the write was successfully made or not. Also I am not sure about what I might be missing.
If I can receive some kind of help, I would appreciate it. To sum up everything, I want to store data to my external EEPROM and retain it when needed. Please know I am a beginner with Microcontroller programming.
As a first step (before reading & writing) you have to be sure that your SPI interface (hardware and software) is correctly configured. To check this step you can read the "Status Register" from the 25LC1024. Look the datasheet for "RDSR", the instruction to send to the eeprom should be 0b00000101 so (int)5.
Here some code for 18F* + 25LC* wirtten in sdcc of a really old project. The code is very basic, no external library used, you just have to replace register variable names and init config for your pic.
Some code comes from here, thanks to bitberzerkir!
#ifndef SPI_HH
#define SPI_HH
#define SpiWrite(x) spiRW(x)
#define SpiRead() spiRW(0)
unsigned char spiRW(unsigned char data_){
SSPBUF = data_;
PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0;
return SSPBUF;
void SpiInit() {
SSPSTAT = 0x40; // 01000000
SSPCON1 = 0x20; // 00100000
PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0;
Note: Since the addr of 25LC1024 are 3x8bits make sure your compiler 'long' type has at least 24bit
#ifndef EEPROM_HH
#define EEPROM_HH
#include "spi.c"
#define CS PORTCbits.RC2
void EepromInit() {
CS = 1;
unsigned char EReadStatus () {
unsigned char c;
CS = 0;
c = SpiRead();
CS = 1;
return c;
unsigned char EWriting() {
unsigned char c;
CS = 0;
c = SpiRead();
CS = 1;
return c & 1;
unsigned char EReadCh (unsigned long addr) {
unsigned char c;
// Send READ command and addr, then read data
CS = 0;
// Address in 3x8 bit mode for 25lc1024
SpiWrite((unsigned char) addr);
c = SpiRead();
CS = 1;
return c;
void EWriteCh (unsigned char c, unsigned long addr) {
// Enable Write Latch
CS = 0;
CS = 1;
// Send WRITE command, addr and data
CS = 0;
SpiWrite((unsigned char) addr);
CS = 1;
Set your init according to the datasheet
#include <pic18fregs.h>
#include "eeprom.c"
void main(void) {
char out;
TRISB = 0x01;
TRISC = 0x00;
PORTB = 0x00;
PORTC = 0x00;
EWriteCh('a', 0x00);
out = EReadCh(0x00);
If you want to read/write a buffer take care of pagination. Eg here:
// Page byte size, 64 for 25lc256 and 256 for 25lc1024
#define PSIZE 256
// Addr mem limit 7FFF for 25lc256, 1FFFF for 25lc1024
#define MLIMIT 0x1FFFF
void EReadBuff (unsigned char c[], unsigned long dim, unsigned long addr) {
unsigned int i;
// Send READ command and addr, then read data
CS = 0;
SpiWrite((unsigned char) addr);
for(i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
c[i] = SpiRead();
CS = 1;
void EWriteBuff (unsigned char c[], unsigned long dim, unsigned long addr) {
unsigned char i;
unsigned int begin = 0;
unsigned int end = dim > PSIZE ? PSIZE : dim;
while (end > begin && addr + end <= MLIMIT) { // check if addr is a siutable address [0, MLIMIT]
// Enable Write Latch
CS = 0;
CS = 1;
// Send WRITE command, addr and data
CS = 0;
SpiWrite((unsigned char) addr);
for(i = begin; i < end; ++i)
CS = 1;
dim -= PSIZE;
begin += PSIZE;
addr += PSIZE;
end = begin + (dim > PSIZE ? PSIZE : dim);
I think before directly using the AN1018.h/AN1018_spi.c you will need to verify that it is compatible with your micro-controller. I recommend to check the datasheet of both micro-controllers and see the difference specifically for SPI module as the external EEPROM which you are using will be connected to SPI bus. If these two micro-controller has same register configuration/module for SPI then you can use it else you will have to write the driver on your own. You can use AN1018_spi.c for reference I guess you will just need to change some registers if required.
Then in you init function, you are not initializing SPI module, you will need to specify correct SPI clock, SPI mode based on your external device. Once you have properly initialize SPI module. You will need to write EEPROM_Read/EEPROM_Write function. In which you will have to following protocol given in datasheet of your external device for sending/receiving data from device using.
hi i googled and get a very good website Where i found post on Interfacing external EEPROM with PIC Microcontroller via i2c protocol with FM24C64 and the code which they given in post which i tested and working fine. i give that link may it help you.
