Angular automatic scroll - angularjs

The question is I have 10 grids and I would like to scroll these div's automatically in angular. what is the best thing I can do,
more probably the data might be dynamic in future. Any suggestions on how to do this would be a great help.
Thanks in advance.


Collection repeat angular equivalent

Is there an equivalent directive for angular thats similar to collection-repeat for ionic? I'm looking for ways to do infinite scroll without taking too much of the dom. Tried the ngInfiniteScroll and the angular ui/ui-scroll.
Are you looking for directives that handle very large collections with decent performance?
I think what you're looking for is called Virtual Scroll. There are a few libraries that do it. I haven't used any yet, but check out angular-virtual-scroll or angular-vs-repeat.

How to increase the performance of html editor in IE browser?

We have used htmleditor in our application. When the form is loaded every component is loaded properly. But htmleditor is taking huge amount of time to load.
Can anyone please suggest, is there any way to solve this problem?
As I found on a forum:
When I enable "CombineScripts" on the toolscriptmanager it is much
faster but the toolbar is not displayed.
Using CSS sprites or images on a directory for the toolbar (not as
resources as it is now) and removing any resourcestrings will boost
the control speed more than 1000%! Hope someone will implement it on a
next version, or I will do it when I find some time.
Hope it helps you.

How do I create an expaning panel in Silverlight 4?

I'm a rank newbie at animations and so on in Siverlight, and have a need to create an expandable panel, which can be used as a help facility. The idea is that the screen would have a small button at the top-right, and when clicked, this would animate the width of a panel containing help info from zero to some width. Clicking the button again would shrink the help panel back to zero width.
This sounds like it ought to be really easy, and in WPF it is, but as Silverlight doesn't seem to support a lot of the functionality of WPF, I'm struggling badly here.
I looked at the expander control from the toolkit, but as far as I can see, this doesn't do what I want, as the control always takes up the same screen area. I want the expandable panel to disappear when it's not in use.
Anyone able to provide a simple example of how this could be done? Note that I'm using SL4, not SL5.
Thanks very much in advance.
If you've got access to Expression Blend, this can (almost) all be done in XAML.
This is a good place to get started
Found another SO question where someone posted XAML to do something almost identical...
Silverlight Project - Slide-in and out Panel - How?
Hope this helps someone else :)

AngularJs resizable border layout

In my app, there is going to be a page that occupies the whole window (i.e. you can't scroll in any direction, the page resizes itself to the window size). I'm sure I can do some CSS trickery to achieve that, but this page is also going to contain some resizable areas. Basically there will be a sidebar that the user can make wider (within a min-max range).
Essentially what I'm trying to do is recreate this page if you select "Border" under Basic Layouts. I'm at a bit of a loss about how to do this. Should I try introducing some jQuery UI, or is there a purely AngularJS was to do it?
I know I haven't provided any code, so I'm not expecting anyone to give me the full working code. But a nudge in the right direction would be great!
No, there isn't a "pure" AngularJS way to do it without writing some new code or adding a framework to the mix such as you mentioned. I'd suggest looking at the more popular UI frameworks and see how they fit (maybe jQueryUI, or even Sencha).
Additionally, you sh/could write a directive to wrap your usage of the component to black-box it a bit more and be in the spirit of AngularJS (& so that you could more easily replace it in the future).
Given that type of functionality can be a bit tricky to create cross-browser (depending on browsers supported), it's probably best left to others who've done it.
A bit late but guess it is what you wanted AngularJS UI Layout
A borderlayout or splitterlayout plugin with AngularJS.

ExtJS grid and cell merging

does anybody know if it's possible to have the cell merging feature in the ExtJs grids?
then is the ExtJs grid working exactly in the same way in all browser and in the Android phones browser as well?
Out of the box a Grid(View) will never support this and negative margins won't work on all browsers. The more I think about it I must say no, you can't do this a save way.
The only possible solution is a custom rendered Table with a custom storebind. But I wouldn't do that.
Maybe this answer is kind of late, but it is a solution, it was created by a Sencha developer:
Row Spanning Solution.
And he also gives some suggestion here.
