According to an excellent explanation of how to add translation using angular-translate (
I have a breaking my head error and I'm wondering why that happens? And what am I doing wrong?
angular.js:36 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=app&p1=Error%3A%20…alhost%3A9085%2FScripts%2Fcomponents%2Fangular%2Fangular.min.js%3A18%3A170)
Partial loading translations in my entire app
What I've done:
Downloaded (both) via bower and included into the project.
Added them into ReguireJS config file (after Angular)
'angular': '../Scripts/components/angular/angular.min',
'ngAnimate': '../Scripts/components/angular-animate/angular-animate.min',
'ngResource': '../Scripts/components/angular-resource/angular-resource.min',
'ngRoute': '../Scripts/components/angular-route/angular-route.min',
'ngCookies': '../Scripts/components/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.min',
'pascalprecht.translate': '../Scripts/components/angular-translate/angular-translate.min',
'angularTranslate': '../Scripts/components/angular-translate-loader-partial/angular-translate-loader-partial.min'
Added shim:
'pascalprecht.translate': {
deps: ['angular']
'angularTranslate': {
deps: ['pascalprecht.translate']
In app.js file included dependencies (at the end, after angular stuff):
var app = angular.module('app', ['...',
'angularTranslate' ]);
App.js config
app.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', '$httpProvider', '$translateProvider', '$translatePartialLoaderProvider',
function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider, $translateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider) {
Stuff in controllers config:
function(angular) {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('common', ['', 'common.controllers', 'common.directives', 'common.filters', 'pascalprecht.translate']);
return module;
define(function (require) {
'use strict';
function angularTranslate ($translateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider) {
$translateProvider.useLoader('$translatePartialLoader', {
urlTemplate: '../Translations/locale-{part}.json'
return angularTranslate;
After precisely following above tutorial I still get thi error.
I albo searched in github and stackoverflow but nothing works for me.
Please help!
Short: You dependency management in RequireJS is not correct. The controller's module should require angularTranslate, not pascalprecht.translate.
At first I would advice you using the official documentation and guide which you will found at
I also recommend using both the latest AngularJS (which is 1.5.x atm) and angular-translate (which is 2.10.x atm).
Additionally, I would also advice using only the non minified versions of libraries because they will give you a much better experience. Minified source files are not for the developer.
And I would also appreciate working demo using JSFiddle, Plnkr or others because they give everyone a running proof of concept/bug.
Said this, it is not clear which version of angular-translate you are using. If you have run bower install angular-translate, you will probably have the latest already -- but the page behind the link you have referenced is made with an older one (about three years old). APIs have changed.
Coming to you actual issue: I would say you have mixed the problems both in AngularJS and RequireJS which leads in such exceptions.
First of all: Your (shim) configuration for RequireJS is misleading/confusing. You should not name the partial loader plugin as angularTranslate.
'angularTranslate': '../Scripts/components/angular-translate-loader-partial/angular-translate-loader-partial.min'
'angularTranslate': {
deps: ['pascalprecht.translate']
Less confusing would be a name like pascalprecht.translate.partialLoader.
And now the RequireJS module dependency management:
You have defined a shim dependency angularTranslate -> pascalprecht.translate. Whenever the last one will be requested, the first one will be loaded before. That's fine.
You have defined your app depends on both pascalprecht.translate and angularTranslate (which is the partial loader actually). This is fine, but the first one is actually obsolete. It will be available automatically because you have defined the shim dependency already.
However the controller's module only requires the core library pascalprecht.translate.
This means: The dependency management resolver of RequireJS will not wait for the partial loader (no reason it should do this) and therefor it can/will be not available when processing the AJS injections (here: translatePartialLoaderProvider).
Disclaimer: I'm the co-maintainer of the AngularJS plugin angular-translate.
app.js looked like this:
var app = angular.module('app', ['...',
'angularTranslate' ]);
but it should be like:
var app = angular.module('app', ['...',
'pascalprecht.translate' ]);
I've defined submodule angular-translate-loader-partial as normal module and that causes the error. Dependency between both modules (angular-translate and angular-translate-loader-partial) should be made only in requirejs shim.
I'm getting this error when using the recommended component loading method (See step 3 )
Error: Module name "angular-ui-router" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([])
app module definition:
var adminApp = angular.module('adminClientApp', [require('angular-ui-router'), 'ngMaterial', 'ngResource', 'ngMessages', 'ngMdIcons']);
According to the doco, there isn't a need to include a script tag - it will be loaded via requirejs
Requirejs main.js definition:
'angular-ui-router': 'vendor/angular-ui-router/release/'
'angular': {
exports: 'angular'
app layout:
-- root
-- js
-- app (angular files here)
-- vendor (3rd party libs)
requirejs main.js setting in index.html
<script data-main="main.js" src="vendor/requirejs/require.js"></script>
The guide you are using is not made for RequireJS. After applying the instructions there, you are doing something like this:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-ui-router')]);
This will generally fail to work with RequireJS because calling require with a single string fails unless the module is already loaded. This call is guaranteed to work only if it is inside a define, like this:
define(function (require) {
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [require('angular-ui-router')]);
This code is a module which should be in a separate .js file and loaded with require(['module name']). (Note that the parameter is an array of strings. This is a different form of require than the one that takes a single string parameter.)
You should use Component, which is what the author of the guide you are using was using when he/she wrote the guide, or a tool that is equivalent to it. Otherwise, you need to convert your code to work with RequireJS.
I am developing an AngularJS application. To ship the code in production, I'm using this Grunt configuration/task:
grunt.registerTask( 'compile', [
'sass:compile', 'copy:compile_assets', 'ngAnnotate', 'concat:compile_js', 'uglify', 'index:compile'
It's really hard to debug, and it's kind of a question to people who already ran into such problems and can point to some direction.
My main module is including those submodules:
.module('controlcenter', [
The error I get is following:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module controlcenter due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module controlcenter.websites due to:
Error: State 'websites'' is already defined
If I remove the websites module, I get the same error for
I am using the ui-router to handle routing inside the app.
After my build process (for integration testing), everything works just fine:
grunt.registerTask( 'build', [
'clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'sass:build',
'concat:build_css', 'copy:build_app_assets', 'copy:build_vendor_assets',
'copy:build_appjs', 'copy:build_vendorjs', 'copy:build_vendorcss', 'index:build', 'karmaconfig',
So maybe ngAnnotate or or concat/uglify are doing weird things here?
It has something to do with my configuration of the modules. Here is the code:
config.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function config($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state( 'websites', {
url: '/websites',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'WebsitesController',
templateUrl: 'websites/websites.tpl.html'
When I change the name of the state to websites_2, I get an error
with 'websites_2 is already defined'.
When I remove the module completely, the next one hast the same problem inside the config file. So is the structure wrong?
Update 2:
The problem seems concat related.
It takes every JS file and adds it one after another to one, bigger file. All of my modules are at the end. The last module always has the problem with 'state already defined'. So it's not just the order of the modules appending to each other, it's something elsse...
Update 3:
I placed my code (I've excluded every Controller-Code and functions, just the scaffold) in a gist. This is the outcome after my compile process, without uglifying it.
You have multiple files that contains a config function to configure your module, like this:
.module('controlcenter.websites', [])
function config() {
// ...
The problem is that after you concatenate all files you end up with a big file with multiple declarations of config. Because of JavaScript's variable hoisting, all declarations are moved to the top and only the very last of them is evaluated, and this one is:
function config($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state( 'websites', {
url: '/websites',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'WebsitesController',
templateUrl: 'websites/overview/websites.tpl.html'
data : {requiresLogin : true }
Hence, each time you .config(config) a module, you are telling Angular to configure your module with that particular configuration function, which means that it executes multiple times and tries to define the state websites more than once.
Wrap each JavaScript file code with a closure. This way you will avoid declaring a variable/function more than once:
(function (angular) {
'use strict';
.module('', ['ui.router'])
config.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function config($stateProvider) {
.state( 'websiteDetails', {
url: '/websiteDetails/:id',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'WebsiteDetailsController',
templateUrl: 'websites/details/website.details.tpl.html'
data : {requiresLogin : true }
.state( 'websiteDetails.categories', {
url: '/categories',
views: {
"detailsContent": {
templateUrl: 'websites/details/website.details.categories.tpl.html'
data : {requiresLogin : true }
I strongly recommend you wrap your files into closures. However, if you still don't want to do that, you can name your functions according to their respective modules. This way your configuration function for would become controlcenterWebsiteDetailsConfig. Another option is to wrap your code during build phase with grunt-wrap.
window.angular and closures: This is a technique I like to use on my code when I'm going to uglify it. By wrapping your code into a closure and giving it a parameter called angular with the actual value of window.angular you are actually creating a variable that can be uglified. This code, for instance:
(function (angular) {
// You could also declare a variable, instead of a closure parameter:
// var angular = window.angular;
angular.module('app', ['controllers']);
angular.module('controllers', []);
// ...
Could be easily uglified to this (notice that every reference to angular is replaced by a):
On the other side, an unwrapped code snippet like this:
angular.module('app', ['controllers']);
angular.module('controllers', []);
Would become:
For more on closures, check this post and this post.
If you check it in the concatenated file, do you have the states defined twice? Can it be that you are copying the files twice? Check the temporary folders from where you are taking the files (also in grunt config, what you are copying and what you are deleting...).
So I had the same problem but with the following setup:
yeoman angular-fullstack (using typescript)
With the angular-fullstack configuration, the closures were already implemented (as Danilo Valente suggests) so I struggled quite a bit until I found out that in Webstorm, I had the typescript compiler enabled which compiled all of my *.ts files to *.js. But since Webstorm is so 'smart', it does not show these compiled files in the working tree. Grunt however concatenated of course all files regardless if it is typescript of JS. That's why - in the end- all of my states were defined twice.
So the obvious fix: Disabled typescript compiler of webstorm and deleted all the generated *.js files and it works.
In my project, I hope the lazy loaded modules can add their own state, so I found the ui-router-extras. It's really useful for me, but when I want to use ng-grid in the lazy loaded module like the module1 in demo, the module1.js file looks like this:
define(['angularAMD', 'ngGrid'], function () {
var app = angular.module("module1", ['ui.router','ngGrid']);
and the main.js file looks like this:
waitSeconds: 100,
paths: {
"angularAMD": "../../lib/angularAMD",
"jQuery": "../../lib/jquery",
"ngGrid": "../../lib/ng-grid-2.0.14.debug"
shim: {
"angular": { exports: "angular" },
"ngGrid": ["angular", "jQuery"],
deps: ["app"]
But I got an exception from ng-grid : "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'factory' of undefined". I found the ng-grid source code where the exception happened:
angular.module('').factory('$domUtilityService',['$utilityService', '$window', function($utils, $window) {....}
So I found in the lazy loaded module, get module by angular.module('mymodule') returns the undefined. Is there something I forgot to write, or is there another way to use ng-grid or other plugin in the lazy load module with ui-router-extras future?
You need to use the 'ngload' plugin for AngularAMD to load a module on the fly.
Excerpt from the docs:
3rd Party AngularJS Modules
3rd party AngularJS modules, meaning any module created using angular.module syntax, can be loaded as any normal JavaScript file before angularAMD.bootstrap is called. After bootstraping, any AngularJS module must be loaded using the included ngload RequireJS plugin.
define(['app', 'ngload!dataServices'], function (app) {...});
In case you need to load your module using the RequireJS plugin or if you have complex dependecies, you can create a wrapper RequireJS module as below:
define(['angularAMD', 'ui-bootstrap'], function (angularAMD) {
In this case, all dependencies will be queued up and when .processQueue() is called, it will go through the queue and copy them into current app using app.register:
I have problems with call a factory in one module from another module. I am using angular.js + require.js.
Here is my code
Module 1:
define(['angular', 'app/admin/app.admin', 'app/admin/account/services'], function (angular, app, services) {
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'providerService', function ($scope, providerService) {
$scope.showMe = false;
$scope.provider = providerService.Providers;
return app;
Module 2
define(['angular', 'app/admin/config/index'], function (angular) {
'use strict';
var service = angular.module('', []);
service.factory('providerService', ['app.admin.config',
function (config) {
var providers = [
{ name: 'google+', url: config.AUTH_URL + '/google' },
{ name: 'facebook', url: config.AUTH_URL + '/facebook' }
return {
Providers: providers
return service;
When i try to call providerService in module 2 from module 1. I got an error say providerService is not there. Can someone tell me what I did wrong here?
It is perfectly fine to use RequireJS and AngularJS together, however the term "module" has different meaning between the two and is a little bit confusing when it comes to dependencies.
In RequireJS a "module" is a typical Javascript file that encapsulates a piece of code. You define the dependencies using RequireJS in order to pass in/around other modules as dependencies and ensure correct script load ordering.
In AngularJS the term "module" specifically means an AngularJS "module", which is a container for a number of controller/services/directive etc. declarations.
You use RequireJS to define the order and dependencies of your script files. You then also need to tell Angular which "Angular modules" your module depends on, essentially importing all of the controllers/services/directives along with it.
In 'app/admin/app.admin' make sure you define the dependencies for your AngularJS module by passing in the '' module as a second parameter e.g.
var app = angular.module('app.admin', ['']);
That will then import the '' module into your main module making your providerService available for dependency injection.
i have a weird problem regarding angular resource. when i try to define it it causes the app to create an error. i dunno but is this the correct style of defining an angular Resource? tIA
'use strict';
paths: {
jquery: 'libs/jquery/jquery-1.9.1',
angular: 'libs/angular/angular.min',
ngResource: 'libs/angular/angular-resource.min'
shim: {
angular: {
exports: 'angular'
resource : { deps : ['angular'], 'exports' : 'ngResource'},
function ($, angular, app, routes) {// set main controller
var $html = $('html');
angular.bootstrap($html, [app['name']]);
Just to help out those users who are not familiar with the code above; The code shows RequireJS configuration and initialization structure, and only a small part at the end is the actuall AngularJS code.
You have correctly configured RequireJS to include ngResource before initialization, but you didn't actually tell Angular to use it.
I'm not sure what app['name'] stands for, but your angular bootstrap call should include the ngResource module:
angular.bootstrap($html, ['ngResource']);
And, btw, I don't think you need to add the class ('ng-app') at the end.
In your callback when all resources are loaded, try to explicitly define the modules and dependancies before bootstrapping, like this:
angular.module('fooApp', ['ngResource']); // Module name and list of dependancies.
angular.bootstrap(document, 'fooApp');
There is no need to manually add the ng-app class, when this class is used to do bootraping automatically, witch is not what you want. You want to load the applicatiopns module when all scripts are loaded, with the ngResource module as a dependancy.
Hope this helps.