For loop to average over individual time points Matlab - arrays

I have a 21x2 vector in Matlab that looks like this:
A = [0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5;
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1]';
each element in the first row corresponds to either a 0 or 1 in the second row. I need to treat each of the set of 0's and 1's as blocks so that I can single out the elements such that I have a vector containing all the first elements of the 1 blocks and then another vector containing all the second elements of the 1 blocks and so on until I have all the elements separated out.
so for e.g. vector1=[1.0 2.1], vector2=[1.1 2.2] etc etc.
This is because I need to average over individual points between blocks so that I have for e.g. avg_vector1, avg_vector2, avg_vector3... etc.
So far I have been trying to write a loop to do this but I can already tell it won't be so efficient and might not work every time because I will have to have a an if for each j (see below) and the "number of j's" is not really fixed, sometimes the block could be longer, sometimes it could be shorter.
for i=1:size(A,1)
if A(i,2)==1
if j==1
j=j+1; %j is acting as a counter for the "size" of the block of 0's and 1's
if j==2
Does anyone know how to do this more elegantly and simply?

(Hopefully) correct version:
M = logical(A(:, 2));
is_start = [M(1); ~M(1:end-1) & M(2:end)];
is_start = is_start(M);
A_valid = A(M, 1);
group_idx = cumsum(is_start);
group_start_idx = find(is_start);
sub_idx = (1:numel(is_start))' - group_start_idx(group_idx)+1;
means = accumarray(sub_idx, A_valid, [], #mean);
There is possibly a slightly neater way of doing this with one or two fewer steps, but this should work.
Take home lesson: use cumsum more often!


How can I create a new matrix that from the other's elements?

I want to pick out the elements which are
where k=0,1,2,3... which means integer, and fill them (i1) into the other matrix.
But my problem is, I don't know how to make "k" be row. (By the way, dividends and divisors are float, so I need to find the approximations and see them as 2*pi*k).
My code, only can find the elements which are (2*pi*k), but can't order them like if k=1, then it will be put into k=1 row; if k=2, then the element should be put into k=2 row.
For example,
A = [2*pi 6 3 4;0.5*pi 0 2;3.1 7 4 8;2*pi 7 2 9;2.6 4*pi 6*pi 0]
I want the output to be
B = [0 2*pi 4*pi 6*pi;0 2*pi NaN NaN;NaN 2*pi NaN NaN]
This is my code:
for m=380:650;
for n=277:600;
if abs((rem(abs(i(m,n)),(2*PI)))-(PI))>=3.11;
It can find what I want but they seem not to be ordered the way I want.
As others, I'm a bit unsure what you want. Here's how I understood it and would code it:
check whether (2*pi*k) is contained in A, you want a numerical approach
output binary result
here's the code:
testPI=#(k) (2*pi*k); %generates 2*pi*k, where k is up to the user
A = [2*pi 6 3 4;0.5*pi 0 2 0;3.1 7 4 8;2*pi 7 2 9;2.6 4*pi 6*pi 0]; %A from example (fixed dimension error)
ismember(A,f(1:10)) %test if k=1:10 is contained in A
ans =
5×4 logical array
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
Adapt 1:10 to any value you'd like. Of course this only works if k is within reasonable range, otherwise this approach is suboptimal

How to delete rows from a matrix that contain more than 50% zeros MATLAB

I want to remove the rows in an array that contain more than 50% of null elements.
if the input is
1 0 0 0 5 0
2 3 5 4 3 1
3 0 0 4 3 0
2 0 9 8 2 1
0 0 4 0 1 0
I want to remove rows 1 and 5, but retain the rest. The output should look like:
2 3 5 4 3 1
3 0 0 4 3 0
2 0 9 8 2 1
I want to do this using matlab
Use logical indexing into the rows, based on the mean of the rows of A negated:
t = .5; % threshold
A(mean(A==0,2) > t, :) = [];
What this does:
Compare A with 0: turns zeros into true, and nonzeros into false.
Compute the mean of each row.
Compare that to the desired threshold.
Use the result as a logical index to delete unwanted rows.
Equivalently, you can keep the wanted rows instead of removing the unwanted ones. This may be faster depending on the proportion of rows:
A = A(mean(A~=0,2) >= 1-t, :);
You can also use the standardizeMissing function and rmmissing function together to achieve this:
>> [~,tf] = rmmissing(standardizeMissing(A,0),'MinNumMissing',floor(0.5*size(A,2))+1);
>> A(~tf,:)
The call to standardizeMissing replaces the 0 values with NaN (the standard missing indicator for double), then the rmmissing call identifies in the logical vector tf the rows that have more than 50% of their entries as 0 (i.e., those rows that have more than floor(0.5*size(A,2))+1 0-valued entries. Then you can just negate the tf output and use it as an indexer. You can adapt the minimum number missing easily to satisfy whatever percentage criteria you want.
Also note that tf is a logical vector here that is only the size of the number of rows of A.
As I mentioned on Luis' answer, one downside to his approach is that it requires an intermediate logical array of the same size as A to be created, which can potentially incur a significant memory/performance penalty when working with large arrays.
An explicit looped approach with nnz (overly verbose, for clarity):
[nrows, ncols] = size(A);
maximum_ratio_of_zeros = 0.5;
minimum_ratio_of_nonzeros = 1 - maximum_ratio_of_zeros;
todelete = false(nrows, 1);
for ii = 1:nrows
if nnz(A(ii,:))/ncols < minimum_ratio_of_nonzeros
todelete(ii) = true;
A(todelete,:) = [];
Which returns the desired answer.

Generating a matrix to describe a two-dimensional feature

Let's say I have a vector A = [-1,2];
Each element in A is described by the actual number and sign. So each element has a 2 dimensional feature-set.
I would like to generate a matrix, in this case 2x2 where the columns correspond to the element, and rows correspond to the presence of a feature. The presence of a feature is described by 1's and 0's. So, if an element is positive, it is 1, if the element is the number 1, then the result is 1 as well. In the case above I would get:
Element 1 Element 2
Is this a 1? 1 0
Is this a positive number? 0 1
What is the smartest way to go about accomplishing this? Obviously if statements would work, but I feel that there should be a faster, much smarter way of going about this. I am coding this in matlab by the way, and I would appreciate any help.
#Benoit_11's solution is a fine one. Here's a similar but maybe simpler solution. You could try both and see which is faster if you care about speed.
features = [abs(A) == 1; A > 0];
this assumes A is a row vector in order to get the output in the format you specified.
Simple way using ismember for the first condition and logical operation for the 2nd condition. ismember outputs a logical array which you can plug into the output you need (here called DescribeA; and likewise when you check for values greater than 0 using the > operator.
%// Test array
A = [-1,2,1,-10,5,-3,1]
%// Initialize output
DescribeA = zeros(2,numel(A));
%// 1st condition. Check if values are 1 or -1
DescribeA(1,:) = ismember(A,1)|ismember(A,-1);
%// Check if they are > 0
DescribeA(2,:) = A>0;
Output in Command Window:
A =
-1 2 1 -10 5 -3 1
DescribeA =
1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 1
I feel there is a smarter way for the 1st condition but I can't seem to find it.

graph representing the randomization of each column in a binary matrix

Imagine the following binary image exemplified by the matrix below. This is a simplified version of the images I'll be working with:
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 1
I want to construct a graph that will represent the randomness of each column. My thought is to develop a random index = the total transitions between each value in the column / by the total possible transitions. In the matrix above, each column could have a total possible of 3 transitions.
For the example above:
Column 1 would have a random index of 0% (0/3)
Column 2 would have a random index of 66.7% (2/3)
Column 3 = 100% (3/3)
Column 4 = 0% (0/3) even though they are 1's and not 0's. Doesn't matter, I just want the transitions.
Can I draw a boundary around all the 1 values and then have MATLAB sum all of the boundaries?
To calculate what you are suggesting you can just do:
sum( diff(A) ~= 0 )
The diff(A) will take the forward difference down the columns and the sum will count the number of non-zero changes. So if you do this you will get:
ans =
0 2 3 0
Let your image be defined as
im = [ 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 ];
The random index you want can be computed as
result = sum(diff(im)~=0) / (size(im,1)-1);
Explanation: diff computes the difference between consecutive elemtents down each column. The result is compared against zero (~=0), and all nonzero values within each row are added (with sum). Finally, the result is divided by the maximum number os transitions, which is the number of rows minus 1 (size(im,1)-1)
Equivalently, you could use xor between consecutive rows:
result = sum(xor(im(1:end-1,:), im(2:end,:))) / (size(im,1)-1)

Using bsxfun with an anonymous function

after trying to understand the bsxfun function I have tried to implement it in a script to avoid looping. I am trying to check if each individual element in an array is contained in one matrix, returning a matrix the same size as the initial array containing 1 and 0's respectively. The anonymous function I have created is:
myfunction = #(x,y) (sum(any(x == y)));
x is the matrix which will contain the 'accepted values' per say. y is the input array. So far I have tried using the bsxfun function in this way:
dummyvar = bsxfun(myfunction,dxcp,X)
I understand that myfunction is equal to the handle of the anonymous function and that bsxfun can be used to accomplish this I just do not understand the reason for the following error:
Non-singleton dimensions of the two input arrays must match each other.
I am using the following test data:
dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20];
X = [2 5 9 18];
and hope for the output to be:
dummyvar = [1,0,0,0]
Cheers, NZBRU.
EDIT: Reached 15 rep so I have updated the answer
Thanks again guys, I thought I would update this as I now understand how the solution provided from Divakar works. This might deter confusion from others who have read my initial question and are confused to how bsxfun() works, I think writing it out helps me understand it better too.
Note: The following may be incorrect, I have just tried to understand how the function operates by looking at this one case.
The input into the bsxfun function was dxcp and X transposed. The function handle used was #eq so each element was compared.
%%// Given data
dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20];
X = [2 5 9 18];
The following code:
compared every value of dxcp, the first input variable, to every row of X'. The following matrix is the output of this:
dummyvar =
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
The first element was found by comparing 1 and 2 dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20]; X' = [2;5;9;18];
The next along the first row was found by comparing 2 and 2 dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20]; X' = [2;5;9;18];
This was repeated until all of the values of dxcp where compared to the first row of X'. Following this logic, the first element in the second row was calculating using the comparison between: dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20]; X' = [2;5;9;18];
The final solution provided was any(bsxfun(#eq,dxcp,X'),2) which is equivalent to: any(dummyvar,2). seems to explain the any function in detail well. Basically, say:
A = [1,2;0,0;0,1]
If the following code is run:
result = any(A,2)
Then the function any will check if each row contains one or several non-zero elements and return 1 if so. The result of this example would be:
result = [1;0;1];
Because the second input parameter is equal to 2. If the above line was changed to result = any(A,1) then it would check for each column.
Using this logic,
result = any(A,2)
was used to obtain the final result.
which if needed could be transposed to equal
Performance- After running the following code:
dummyvar = ~any(bsxfun(#eq,dxcp,X'),2)'
It was found that the duration was:
Elapsed time is 0.000085 seconds.
The alternative below:
arrayfun(#(el) any(el == dxcp),X)
using the arrayfun() function (which applies a function to each element of an array) resulted in a runtime of:
Elapsed time is 0.000260 seconds.
^The above run times are averages over 5 runs of each meaning that in this case bsxfun() is faster (on average).
You don't want every combination of elements thrown into your any(x == y) test, you want each element from dxcp tested to see if it exists in X. So here is the short version, which also needs no transposes. Vectorization should also be a bit faster than bsxfun.
arrayfun(#(el) any(el == X), dxcp)
The result is
ans =
0 1 0 0 0 0
