Theming the reset password mail sent to to user - drupal-7

I want to theme the mail which is used to send a link to user when he/she forgot the password.I want to know what i need to name that template file so that drupal will take my email template file.

I got answer for my question. The file name should be
Hope this will help somebody.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the above answer is only true if you have the MIMEmail module installed.


Salesforce: get link from account connected to projects

I have an object "Project" that has a lookup field "Account__c". In the Salesforce experience builder, I want to have a link in the Project Detail page to the connected Account.
Something like "Go back to your account".
But I tried various links like "https://our webite/s/account/{!recordId.Account__c}"
I know that this: "https://* our website"/s/project/{!recordId}" works so I feel that there is a solution to this. I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance
I assume you're using standard detail page components and are looking to build a formula field to expose the linked Account URL?
/s/account/{!Account__r.Id} should do the trick as a relative URL.

Buildfire: How to modify the Login and Register page?

I'm new to buildfire and this is my first question on Stack Overflow. I want to edit the login and register page with additional field (randomly generated PIN), and use it for the login process. Could anyone help me about this issue? Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately the login and register pages are not customizable.
#attila226 is correct. They are not customizable (for now). However, you can turn off the baked-in Login and create your own if you really wanted to. I've seen other apps do this.

WP Contact Form 7 Database Migration Mail fields missing

After a database migration to another server "Mail" fields are missing.
e.g To, From, Additional Headers, Message Body etc are not there??
The form information is there.
I know this is plugin related I sent a message to contact form 7 message boards with no response yet.
Thanks for your help.
I figured out that it was to do with exporting the database to sql, then using find and replace on my URLs (to point to new URL upon migration), resets the "mail" section of contact form 7 leaving fields blank.
It also reseted the wysiwig content of another plugin called "Accordions" leaving it blank.
Workaround I used was to export the content using "Wordpress Importer" then re-imported files on new migrated site.
I know this is an old question, but I would like to suggest this plugin to fix this missing field error:

How to create new Custom Login Popup in Dotnetnuke 7?

My Questions are :
I just want to create Login Popup in DNN 7 according to my requirements and CSS.
Please suggest way for it .
also Which is better way Customize existing Login & Forgot Password Pages or to Create New Pages for these.
Is there any Free utility or service to make DNN development Easy
(Searched for Nucleus but could not find helpful info)
Please Suggest and provide useful Links also ..Thanks !
So Stackoverflow is great for 1 question at a time, I will start with #1 and ask you to break it up into other questions for the rest.
Does it need to be a popup? If not, try just creating a custom Login page and put the Account Login module on that, then Skin it as you wish.
If it needs to be a custom popup, you can look at the popupskin.ascx file in your SKIN, you can customize the way the popups look by changing your Popup Skin. My free DNN skin has an example of that file

DNN - Allow users to edit content but not settings

I'd like "Content Managers" of my DNN website to edit just the content of a particular HTML module instance, but not its settings. How do I achieve this? If I allow this role to "Edit" the module, they are able to access and change the module settings as well.
Thanks in advance for your inputs.
This can be achieved with DotNetNuke Professional edition using the extended granular permissions.
Or by using Oliver Hine's Enhanced Permission Provider for DotNetNuke.
you can achive this by adding your own its called "custom permission" to a module. (I can show you how you will achive this if you are interrested)
If you do this you will see in the settings of the module after the "edit" column of the permission section your custom created permission.
In your code you can then check if the current logged in user has got this permission and react making grids editable or not for example.
//get the moduleconfiguration
ModuleInfo conf = this.ModuleConfiguration;
ModulePermissionCollection myPermissionCollection = ModuleConfiguration.ModulePermissions;
//read out the custom data editright of the global constant
bool bCustomEditDataRights = ModulePermissionController.HasModulePermission(myPermissionCollection, "MyCustomPermission");
Hope this helps.
best regards, noone
