How to call App Engine Endpoints with the JavaScript library in promises mode - google-app-engine

I have a web application which calls several App Engine Endpoints with the Google API JavaScript client library.
I am currently changing this application from callback mode to promises mode, as recommended by Google ( and I am encountering a problem. Note that the app works well with the callback mode.
My problem with the promises mode is to find what is the correct path argument to use when calling the request method:
JavaScrit code:
var params = {'webSafeKeyParent’: ‘neN4fm15xW52b2ljZXMtb19saW5lmlYLEglBY1NFwpRpdHkYgICAgQj97AoM’};
'path': '',
'params': params
}).then(function(response) {
// Handle response
}, function(reason) {
// Handle error
Endpoint definition in "customerApi":
name = "listByParent",
path = "customerByParent/{webSafeKeyParent}",
httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET,
scopes = {Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE},
clientIds = {Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID,},
audiences = {Constants.ANDROID_AUDIENCE})
public List<Customer> listByParent(final User user, #Named("webSafeKeyParent") final String webSafeKeyParent, #Nullable #Named("cursor") String cursor, #Nullable #Named("limit") Integer limit) throws UnauthorizedException {
For few of my endpoints it works by including in the path argument of the JavaScript request method, the values of "path" and "name" as declared in the #ApiMethod annotation.
i.e. for the above endpoint, the following path works:
Strangely enough this does NOT work for some other endpoints of the same kind. I receive either a 404 HTTP error or a 503 one.
I've also tried with the paths displayed under "Request" when you query the endpoints with the APIs Explorer but without success....
Is there any detailed documentation on how to call App Engine Endpoints with promises, with the Google API JavaScript client library? I have not found any. Do you have some advice to share please?
Thanks in advance

Actually the request method DOES work ALL THE TIME with the "path" argument composed of the values of "path" and "name" as declared in the #ApiMethod annotation...
It was a mistake on my side if it didn't work for some endpoints. Don't know which mistake, however.
Note that I have noticed that it is very important to pass to the JavaScript request method the correct httpMethod of the App Engine Endpoints. By default the request methid assumes that it is a GET. In case your Endpoint has httpMethod= ApiMethod.HttpMethod.POST in the #ApiMethod annotation, you shall pass the argument 'method': 'POST', as detailed in the doc:


Optional response body for rest client using RESTEasy

I'm writing a POC for Quarkus. I'm using this quick start guide to build a REST client. The REST service I'll be integrating with is third party. Here is a simple example of my current implementation:
public class EmployeeApi {
ApiResponse createEmployee(#RequestBody Employee employee)
This works fine. The issue I'm having is that the third party API will, depending on success / failure, return a response body. In the scenario it does fail, it provides details in the response body (ApiResponse) on why it was unsuccessful. When it succeeds, it returns nothing. This causes Quarkus to throw the following exception: RESTEASY003145: Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type application/octet-stream and type
I've tried to wrap ApiResponse in an Optional type but does not solve the problem. I see absolutely nothing in Quarkus / RESTEasy documentation that would indicate a work-around.
I'm wondering if I should be using instead.
The problem is JaxRS tries to fit ApiResponse to a default return type being application/octet-stream
You should make sure to specify explicitly that you're returning application/json
This is possible using #Produces(APPLICATION_JSON) on top of your service.
Here is the correct code snippet
public class EmployeeApi {
ApiResponse createEmployee(#RequestBody Employee employee)

App Engine Endpoint: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL

Following is my App Engine Endpoint. I annotate it as ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET because I want to be able to make a get call through the browser. The class itself has a few dozen methods understandably. Some of them using POST. But getItems is annotated with GET. When I try to call the url through a browser, I get a 405 error
Error: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
The code:
#Api(name = "myserver",
namespace = #ApiNamespace(ownerDomain = "", ownerName = "thecompany", packagePath = ""),
version = "1", description = "thecompany myserver", defaultVersion = AnnotationBoolean.TRUE


 public class myserver {
#ApiMethod(name = "getItems", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET)
public CollectionResponse<Item> getItems(#Named("paramId") Long paramId) {
return CollectionResponse.<Item>builder().setItems(ItemList).build();
This is not for localhost, it’s for the real server. Perhaps I am forming the url incorrectly. I have tried a few urls such as
The proper path for this is /_ah/api/myserver/1/getItems. /_ah/spi refers to the backend path, which only takes POST requests of a different format.
Side note: API versions are typical "vX" instead of just "X".
You can use the api explorer to find out whether you're using the correct url. Go to
this works on the devserver as well:
Also if you're not planning to use the google javascript api client you should add path="..." to your #ApiMethods, so you are sure about what the path actually is.

REST API Endpoint for Retrieving Empty Object

I have a REST API endpoint for creating an empty object. What is the "standard" url scheme for this GET method? I'm currently using a factory in an angularjs app to make the call to the server.
Right now I have the following scheme:
My $resource:
ngServices.factory("TESTfactory", function ($resource) {
return $resource("testNewItem/new", {}, {
create: {method: 'GET'}
A successful call to the above resource:
$scope.newItem = TESTfactory.newItem.create();
Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.
I've looked at the following links, which did not specifically list a url scheme for getting empty objects:
REST API Overview
Quick Reference section in this doc
A GET method should never create something. GET is supposed to be nullipotent, which means that it should have no side-effects. Creating a resource is certainly a side effect.
So, the standard http call would be
or better yet just

Making calls from the Javascript client library with #Named and unnamed parameters makes no sense

I have a Cloud Endpoints method that looks like this:
#ApiMethod(name = "hylyts.insert")
public Hylyt insertHylyt(#Named("url") String url, Hylyt hylyt, User user)
throws OAuthRequestException{"Trying to save hylyt '"+hylyt+"' with id '"+hylyt.getId());
if (user== null) throw new OAuthRequestException("Your token is no good here.");
hylyt.setArticle(getArticleKey(url, user));
return hylyt;
I call it from the Javascript Client Library using this:
Now, if I structure {PARAMS} as suggested in the docs (second example),
'url': url,
'resource': {
'hylyt': {
'contentType': 'application/json',
'data': hylyt
I get a null object in the endpoint (not to mention that the whole point of this library is to make these calls simple, which this structure clearly violates).
When I structure {PARAMS} as these answers suggest,
'url': url,
'resource': hylyt
I get a null object in the endpoint again. The correct syntax is this:
'url': url,
'text': hylyt.text
Which just blows my mind. Am I doing this all wrong? Is this a bug? Is it only happening because gapi is also passing the auth token in the background?
Yes, I could use the request syntax instead, but, again, why even use the library if it's just as complex as making the XHRs in pure javascript? I wouldn't mind the complexity if Google explained in the docs why things are happening. But the docs, paraphrased, just say use these methods and the auth, CORS, and XHR magic will happen behind closed doors.
Is the API method correctly recognized as POST method?
The resource parameter which is sent as POST body won't work correctly in a GET request.
The way it looks you are actually sending a GET request with the Hylyt properties in the query string.
To make sure you can change the method annotation to this:
#ApiMethod(name = "hylyts.insert", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST)
Yup, agreed it's a bug. caused me great pains as well.
So i guess the work around is to create a combined object to pass to your api all named and un named parameters. Rather than hardcode each.. a quick loop might be better.
var param = {};
param["url"] = url;
for (var prop in hylyt) {
param[prop] = hylyt[prop];
That mashing together of parameters / objects can become a slick function if you really want.. but it's a band aid for what I'd consider a defect.
I see in the related question (cloud endpoints resource attribute for transmitting named params & body not working), you actually logged a defect.. Good stuff. Though there still appears no movement on this one. fingers crossed for someday!
The bug has been resolved. The correct syntax is
gapi.client.hylytit.hylyts.insert({url: url}, hylyt).execute(callback);

Accessing Jenkins API from AngularJS

I'm trying to retrieve information about one job build from the api rest provided by Jenkins with Angularjs.
Jsonp is actually disabled on Jenkins:
Jenkins Security Advisory 2013-02-16
so this piece of code can't work:
var url = 'http://jenkins-server:8080/job/job-name/api/json?jsonp=callback';
$http.jsonp(url).success(function (data) {
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
Cors is not enabled by default... to be honest I can't find the way to install this plugins:
and this code can't work as well
var url = 'http://jenkins-server:8080/job/job-name/api/json'
$http({url: url, method: 'GET'}).success(function(data){console.log(data)})
You can use this CORS filter plugin:
Or you can host your Angular app on the Jenkins server using the User Content mechanism:
There seems to be a plugin now for whitelisting JSON requests...Just go to the plugins, and search for JSON.
The Secure Access plugin.
#Mauro, starting with Jenkins 1.537 you can implement "" and allow the json request to work.
You just have to implement the method permit(StaplerRequest req, Object bean) and have your validations there and just return true (based on your validation result) to allow the request.
Once you done that you can simply use the first code snipped you have mentioned in your question.
Example SecureRequester Implementation : -
import hudson.Extension;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
public class AllowRequest implements SecureRequester {
public boolean permit(StaplerRequest req, Object bean) {
// A method to validate the request and return the appropriate result
return YOUR_VALIDATION_METHOD(req,bean);
private boolean YOUR_VALIDATION_METHOD(StaplerRequest req, Object bean) {
// validation goes here
You need to build this as a plugin and install it in you Jenkins setup to work.
