App Engine Endpoint: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL - google-app-engine

Following is my App Engine Endpoint. I annotate it as ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET because I want to be able to make a get call through the browser. The class itself has a few dozen methods understandably. Some of them using POST. But getItems is annotated with GET. When I try to call the url through a browser, I get a 405 error
Error: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
The code:
#Api(name = "myserver",
namespace = #ApiNamespace(ownerDomain = "", ownerName = "thecompany", packagePath = ""),
version = "1", description = "thecompany myserver", defaultVersion = AnnotationBoolean.TRUE


 public class myserver {
#ApiMethod(name = "getItems", httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET)
public CollectionResponse<Item> getItems(#Named("paramId") Long paramId) {
return CollectionResponse.<Item>builder().setItems(ItemList).build();
This is not for localhost, it’s for the real server. Perhaps I am forming the url incorrectly. I have tried a few urls such as

The proper path for this is /_ah/api/myserver/1/getItems. /_ah/spi refers to the backend path, which only takes POST requests of a different format.
Side note: API versions are typical "vX" instead of just "X".

You can use the api explorer to find out whether you're using the correct url. Go to
this works on the devserver as well:
Also if you're not planning to use the google javascript api client you should add path="..." to your #ApiMethods, so you are sure about what the path actually is.


404 page not found error when passing getMapping( value="/") and requestParameters

Myapp is java springboot microservice deployed in kubernetes. In local it works fine since I do not need proxy and kubernetes.yml, however when I deploy to int environment, I run into "404 page not found" error.
Please advice if there is any other way to call the service endpoint with this path /api/v1/primary-domain/domain-objects?parameter1=645&parameter2=363&parameter3=2023-02-01
Why is it not able to find the resource? Are there any options to make this work still with same naming pattern for path?
server.servlet.context-path=/api/v1/primary-domain/domain-objects management.endpoints.web.base-path=/
#API Registry
`#GetMapping(value="", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<List<DomainObjectsMsResponseDTO>> getDomainObjects(
#RequestParam(name = "parameter1", required = false) String parameter1,
#RequestParam(name = "parameter2", required = false) String parameter2,
#RequestParam(name = "parameter3", required = false) String parameter3,
) throws Exception{..}`
The path variable in proxy is /v1/primary-domain/domain-objects
spec: path: /v1/primary-domain/domain-objects target: /api/v1/primary-domain/domain-objects
Due to the architecture direction the path for health, doc and actual service endpoint should follow certain naming convention, hence running this issue.
If I use proxy.yml path variable v1/primary-domain and getMapping( value="/domain-objects"..) then it works fine but the domain-objects/doc endpoint returns sever array with url: api/v1/primary-domain, which is not what I want. Since under primary-domain multiple microservices will be created which will be in their own gitRepos and they will path like /primary-domain/points and /primary-domain/positions
I tried getMapping( value="/"..) and removing value variable entirely from getMapping, but still getting same error
I tried changing the Label variables, path target and paths in kube and proxy and matched the app.proeprties and controller to go with it. However with every approach one thing gets broken. None of the approach satisfies endpoint, health endpoint, doc endpoint( open api)

Issue using tensorflow loadGraphModel from a signed URL on node.js

I have uploaded the model.json file of my tensorflow graph to a private repository on an AWS S3 bucket, and am now trying to load the graph with the loadGraphModel (alongside with the binary files of the weight manifest values, group1-shard1of1). Here's my code, which I run with node (I've kept the bucket path and signature keys private)
TFJSConverter = require('#tensorflow/tfjs-converter')
const MODEL_URL = "https://[BucketName][PathToModel]/model.json?[credentials]&[securitykey]";
global.fetch = require('node-fetch')
However the loadGraphModel function looks for a model url ending with '.json'. If not, it looks for the full model url and checks for a weight manifest file called weights_manifest.json, with no signature. An error request then follows:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Request to https://[BucketName][PathToModel]/model.json?[credentials]&[securitykey],https://[BucketName][PathToModel]/weights_manifest.json failed with status code 403. Please verify this URL points to the model JSON of the model to load.
I've checked that the signed url actually works, is there a solution for signed urls?
Installed versions:
node v10.15.3
Many thanks!
The correct library to use to load the model is tfjs and not tfjs-converter
let tf = require("#tensorflow/tfjs");
403 error is an authorization error response. Try to set the credentials in the request using requestInit of the object passed as parameter of loadGraphModel
This worked for me:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
global.fetch = fetch
but you can also try:
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL_URL, { fetchFunc: fetch } )
as described in the documentation:

Solr 4.3.1 Data-Import command

I'm currently using Solr 4.3.1. i have configured dih for my solr. i would like to do a full import through command prompt. I know the url will be something like this http://localhost:8983/solr/corename/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&commit=true is there any method i can do this without using curl ?
string Text = "http://localhost:8983/solr/Latest_TextBox/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&commit=true";
var wc = new WebClient();
var Import = wc.DownloadString(Text);
Currently using the above code
Call it like a normal REST url that's it !! I am using it in my application for importing and indexing data from my Local drive and it just works fine ! :) . Use HttpURLConnection to make a request and capture response to see whether it was successful or not . You don't need any specific API to do that . This is a sample code to make a GET request correctly in C# .Try data import handler url with this, it may work !
Console.WriteLine("Making API Call...");
using (var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate }))
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("answers?order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow").Result;
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);
You'll have to call the URL in some way - Solr only operates through a REST API. There is no command line API (the command line tools available just talk to the API). So use your preferred way to talk to a HTTP endpoint, that being curl, wget, GET or what's available for your programming language of choice.
The bundled solrCli application does not have any existing command for triggering a full-import as far as I were able to see (which would just talk to the REST API by calling the URL you've already referenced).

How to call App Engine Endpoints with the JavaScript library in promises mode

I have a web application which calls several App Engine Endpoints with the Google API JavaScript client library.
I am currently changing this application from callback mode to promises mode, as recommended by Google ( and I am encountering a problem. Note that the app works well with the callback mode.
My problem with the promises mode is to find what is the correct path argument to use when calling the request method:
JavaScrit code:
var params = {'webSafeKeyParent’: ‘neN4fm15xW52b2ljZXMtb19saW5lmlYLEglBY1NFwpRpdHkYgICAgQj97AoM’};
'path': '',
'params': params
}).then(function(response) {
// Handle response
}, function(reason) {
// Handle error
Endpoint definition in "customerApi":
name = "listByParent",
path = "customerByParent/{webSafeKeyParent}",
httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET,
scopes = {Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE},
clientIds = {Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID,},
audiences = {Constants.ANDROID_AUDIENCE})
public List<Customer> listByParent(final User user, #Named("webSafeKeyParent") final String webSafeKeyParent, #Nullable #Named("cursor") String cursor, #Nullable #Named("limit") Integer limit) throws UnauthorizedException {
For few of my endpoints it works by including in the path argument of the JavaScript request method, the values of "path" and "name" as declared in the #ApiMethod annotation.
i.e. for the above endpoint, the following path works:
Strangely enough this does NOT work for some other endpoints of the same kind. I receive either a 404 HTTP error or a 503 one.
I've also tried with the paths displayed under "Request" when you query the endpoints with the APIs Explorer but without success....
Is there any detailed documentation on how to call App Engine Endpoints with promises, with the Google API JavaScript client library? I have not found any. Do you have some advice to share please?
Thanks in advance
Actually the request method DOES work ALL THE TIME with the "path" argument composed of the values of "path" and "name" as declared in the #ApiMethod annotation...
It was a mistake on my side if it didn't work for some endpoints. Don't know which mistake, however.
Note that I have noticed that it is very important to pass to the JavaScript request method the correct httpMethod of the App Engine Endpoints. By default the request methid assumes that it is a GET. In case your Endpoint has httpMethod= ApiMethod.HttpMethod.POST in the #ApiMethod annotation, you shall pass the argument 'method': 'POST', as detailed in the doc:

Why does GAE BlobstoreService#createUploadUrl(String) include the request query parameter

I am using the GAE Blobstore with Jersey REST on ther server side. I send a GET request to the server via Android and include a query parameter called logindx. My server side code snippet looks like this:
public Response getUploadUrl(#QueryParam("logindx") Long logIndx ) {
BlobstoreService blobstoreService = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
String uurl = blobstoreService.createUploadUrl("/logblobkey");
logger.severe("urltest: " + uurl);
return Response.ok(uurl).build();
The problem is that the result String I get back at Android (and which is also logged) is:
The part ?logindx=-43803902306520/ in the above upload URL should surely not be there? Ho does the createUploadUrl function even know how to get hold of the HttpRequest object to extract the query parameter?
The problem is when I try to use the above uri in my android app like so:
HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(uri);
I get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 253:
Even more confusing is that I don't get the ?logindx=-43803902306520/ part when I do the get request on my local server (from Eclipse provided by App Engine):
In that case the browser returns something like:
Clearly it has got nothing to do with Android and I can't see how this can be Jersey specific either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks - from Africa.
I got it right now by simply dropping the last slash (/) in the uri and the Illegal character in query error went away. The uri was working perfectly with the Blobstore with the ?logindx=-43803902306520/ part included. Don't matter now, but still wondering why it is included in the upload uri?
