Solr Cloud Data Import Handler slow with replication - solr

I am setting up a Solr Cloud deployment with 3 nodes and 3 shards. Without replication my data import handler imports very quickly- around 1.2M documents in ~5minutes. This is great, however when I enable replication, i.e. re-create the collection with a replication factor of 2, the data import handler becomes significantly slower, taking around 1hr 30mins for the same 1.2M documents.
I am using solr 5.3.1 in cloud mode on 3 4x16 virtual servers with a zookeeper instance on each node. The data import comes from an MS SQL DB.
Most of my configuration is the defaults that come with Solr, I have tried changing the auto commit for hard and soft commits to being very long but no effect.
Any ideas/pointers would be much appreciated.

Maybe not a proper answer but the issue seemed to resolve itself. Of course we must have done something to make this happen, however all we can think of that we did was removing the CONSOLE logging in the log4j properties file and deleting the 11GB log file it had created.
Guess this may at least may give something else for others to try who are having the same issue.

When you send a document to a collection, it first gets proxied to the leader shard for that document, then the leader shard applies it locally, then sends it to all active replicas, then returns to the client.
This means the 'send a document' request is held open until all replicas have either received the document or failed. This means that the time to insert a doc is the max time for any replica to insert the document.
So yes, a collection with a higher replication factor will be slower to insert documents, assuming a fixed number of indexer connections.
With respect to logging, Solr uses synchronous logging by default, so if you're writing logs to a very slow disk or nfs or something, that could certainly influence query time. I highly recommend async logging for everything, but that means messing with the default Solr settings.


Replicate index from master at specific time in Solr 7

I have a use case where we have a Solr master that is replicated to three replicas in a cluster, and is also replicated to a separate replica in Hong Kong. We were initially replicating all of them every 00:01:05, but that's too much to do at once for network traffic. For the sake of data continuity on the front end, I still need to replicate the three in the cluster simultaneously, and I want to replicate to the HK index separately so when it replicates, it's not doing it at the same time as the three in the cluster.
My question has to do with setting when this happens. From everything I've read, you can only set pollInterval, which, as its name indicates, is a frequency. What I'd like to do is similar to what can be done with a *nix cron job, where you can set it to run at a specific time after the hour. So for instance, I'd like to have the cluster replicas do their replication at :05, :15, :25, :35, :45, and :55 every hour, and the HK index to replicate at :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, and :50. Is there a way to do that somehow with pollInterval, or perhaps another slave replication handler setting?
I don't think Solr supports natively the kind of scheduling that you are looking for. You might be able to do something like it by kicking of the replication via the Solr API through a cron job.

SolrCloud - 2 nodes cluster

We are planning to implement SolrCloud in our solution (mainly for data replication reasons and disaster recovery), unfortunately some of our customers have only 2DCs - and one DC may be completely destroyed.
We are aware that running ZK in 2 locations is problematic, as ZK requires quorum. And downtime on any side with 2 ZK nodes would cause cluster failure. And cluster failure would be also triggered by network partition between locations (master will cease to be master due to quorum lost, slave can't elect himself for the same reason).
So our current plan A is to go with a single ZK for both sites and backup ZK into the other site. So if the site withou ZK dies, we are OK. If the site with ZK dies, we should be able to start new ZK from backup and reconfigure Solr.
We also considered plan B with classic master-slave replication between the sites. BUT we are using Time Routed Aliases, hence we need SolrCloud features, hence we would need also to replicate data/configuratin in ZooKeeper (not only Solr index). So this case seems only as more manual work in Solr, while we would still need to backup/restore ZK. So this plan was rejected.
Plan C may be to have 2ZK, but one with with bigger weight. This should survive partition and dead of ZK with lower weight. The first ZK node should be automatically backed up using standard cluster mechanics. But I do not even know about anyone using ZK this way...
Is there any smarter way, how to setup SolrCloud in 2 nodes environment? Which solution should we prefer?
We do not expect High Availability; we want to achieve disaster recovery. Administrator intervention is expected in case of node failure, we only need to be resilient to short network glitches.
Edit: CDCR (Cross Data Center Replication) with Time Routed Aliases
We are considering to use TRA, because our data are time based, and customers are usually interested only in latest slice/partition. Without TRA, the index grows and performance degrades, more (unused/old) stuff is in index & RAM...
Here comes a problem with CDCR, according to docs, the source&target collection parameters are required. But with TRA, collections are created with the same solrconfig.xml automatically (every X days/months). This problem in CDCR is known (see comments), but not resolved yet.
Also it seems that CDCR really does not synchronize ZooKeeper (I have not found any mentions of the functionality in docs, jira and in code), which may be ok with static number of collections, but is very problematic with dynamically created collections (especially by some machinery in background outside users/developers code).
Edit: According to David (the main author of TRA), CDCR&TRA combination is not to be supported.

Running a weekly update on a live Solr environment

I have a server which has a Solr Environment hosted on it. I want to run a weekly update of the data that our Solr database contains.
I have a couple solutions but I was wondering whether one is possible and if it is which one would be better:
My first solution is to have 2 Servers with a Solr environment on both and when one is updating you just switch the url using to connect to Solr and connect to the other one.
My other solution is the one I am not sure how to do. Is there a way to switch the datasource that a Solr environment looks at without restarting it or cutting out any current searches.
If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.
Depending on the size of the data, you can probably just keep the Solr core running while doing the update. First issue a delete, then index the data and finally commit the changes. The new index state won't be seen before the commit is issued, which allows you to serve the old data while waiting for the indexing to complete.
Another option is to use the core admin to switch cores as you mentioned, similar to copying data into other cores (drop the mergeindex command).
If you're also talking about updating and upgrading the actual Solr version or application server while still serving content, having a second server that replicates the index from the master is an easy way to get more redundancy. That way you can keep serving queries from the second server while the first one is being maintained and then do it the other way around. Point your clients to an HTTP load balancer, and take the maintained server out of the list of servers serving requests while it's down. This will also make you resistant against single hardware failures, etc.
There's also the option of setting up SolrCloud, but that might require a bit more restructuring.

Solr master-master replication alternatives?

Currently we have 2 servers with a load-balancer before them. We want to be able to turn 1 machine off and later on, without the user noticing it.
Our application also uses solr and now i wanted to install & configure solr on both servers and the question is how do i configure a master-master replication?
After my initial research i found out that it's not possible :(
But what are my options here? I want both indices to stay in sync and when a document is commited on one server it should also go to the other.
Thanks for your help!
Not certain of your specific use case (why turn 1 server on and off?), there is no specific "master-master" replication. Solr does however support distributed indexing and querying via SolrCloud. From the documentation for SolrCloud:
Replication ensures redundancy for your data, and enables you to send
an update request to any node in the shard. If that node is a
replica, it will forward the request to the leader, which then
forwards it to all existing replicas, using versioning to make sure
every replica has the most up-to-date version. This architecture
enables you to be certain that your data can be recovered in the event
of a disaster, even if you are using Near Real Time searching.
It's a bit complex so I'd suggest you spend some time going thru the documentation as it's not quite as simple as setting up a couple of masters and load balancing between them. It is a big step up from the previous master/slave replication that Solr used, so even if it's not a perfect fit it will be a lot closer to what you need.
You can just create a simple master - slave replication as described here:
But be sure you send your inserts, deletes, updates directly to the master, but selects can go through the load balancer.
The other alternative is to create a third server as a master, and 2 slaves, and the lode balancer can be in front of the two slaves.

Solr appears to block update requests while committing

We're running a master-slave setup with Solr 3.6 using the following auto-commit options:
maxDocs: 500000
maxTime: 600000
We have approx 5 million documents in our index which takes up approx 550GB. We're running both master and slave on Amazon EC2 XLarge instances (4 virtual cores and 15GB). We don't have a particularly high write throughput - about 100 new documents per minute.
We're using Jetty as a container which has 6GB allocated to it.
The problem is that once a commit has started, all our update requests start timing out (we're not performing queries against this box). The commit itself appears to take approx 20-25mins during which time we're unable to add any new documents to Solr.
One of the answers in the following question suggests using 2 cores and swapping them once its fully updated. However this seems a little over the top.
Solr requests time out during index update. Perhaps replication a possible solution?
Is there anything else I should be looking at regarding why Solr seems to be blocking requests? I'm optimistically hoping there's a "dontBlockUpdateRequestsWhenCommitting" flag in the config that I've overlooked...
Many thanks,
According to bounty reason and the problem mentioned at question here is a solution from Solr:
Solr has a capability that is called as SolrCloud beginning with 4.x version of Solr. Instead of previous master/slave architecture there are leaders and replicas. Leaders are responsible for indexing documents and replicas answers queries. System is managed by Zookeeper. If a leader goes down one of its replicas are selected as new leader.
All in all if you want to divide you indexing process that is OK with SolrCloud by automatically because there exists one leader for each shard and they are responsible for indexing for their shard's documents. When you send a query into the system there will be some Solr nodes (of course if there are Solr nodes more than shard count) that is not responsible for indexing however ready to answer the query. When you add more replica, you will get faster query result (but it will cause more inbound network traffic when indexing etc.)
For those who is facing a similar problem, the cause of my problem was i had too many fields in the document, i used automatic fields *_t, and the number of fields grows pretty fast, and when that reach a certain number, it just hogs solr and commit would take forever.
Secondarily, I took some effort to do a profiling, it end up most of the time is consumed by string.intern() function call, it seems the number of fields in the document matters, when that number goes up, the string.intern() seems getting slower.
The solr4 source appears no longer using the string.intern() anymore. But large number of fields still kills the performance quite easily.
