Make x3dom 3D non draggable - x3d

I have created a surface-plot using X3DOm. I want to fix its position. How to make the 3D objects created using x3dom as not draggable or rotatable. I want to fix it. Please assist.

you need to change the type field of the NavigationInfo element to NONE.
Find documentation here.


Is there a way to have a stacked sparkline widgetColumn in ExtJS?

Ext.js has the Ext.sparkline.Bar class. Is it possible to make that bar chart stacked? I have implemented a cartesian as the widget for the widget column to achieve this effect, But it has led to very long load times (particularly when calling grid.reconfigure()). I'm wondering if a more lightweight version can be achieved via a sparkline.
The reason I'm thinking it may be possible is because of the stackedBarColor config in the Ext.sparkline.Bar class. Aside from that, I haven't been able to find anything in regards to implementing it.
Anyone have any idea?
If you look at the source for Ext.sparkline.Bar, do a CTRL+F, type: 'stacked'. You can follow the logic there. at the most basic level you can achieve a stacked bar chart by passing in an array of arrays into the values config: values: [[0,1,2,3,4,5],[0,1,2,3,4,5]]. Each array will be its own stack.

React.js Circular slider with two thumbs

I am trying to build a circular slider with two thumbs(knobs). The requirement is very specific our client wants it to be circular in shape and should have two knobs .I tried changing the shape of MUISlider to circular(already supports two knobs not circular though) but in vain.
We tried this but doesnt support two knobs -
Please find attached image for refrence help me in finding something that suits our requirement .
You can try to use the roundSlider plugin which supports lots of customization. Check the below demo for the circular slider with two thumbs example:

Ordering 2d/3d object behind other element

As you can see in the link, I have two elements: first is image element which is taken from camera (using EmguCV) and the other one is viewport3d which renders 3d object. I also include 2d object (see the rectangle).
When I run my program I see this.
Yes indeed, the object (hand) will be ordered in front of the image.
The question is how to order 2d/3d object behind the hand object? Is it possible to do it using single camera? Just like this one.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
There are two ways of doing it.
Use kinect depth map to find the distance of hand from camera.
Do image processing to detect hand and it's distance.
I think it will be difficult to directly blend WPF UI with camera image.
Try RenderTargetBitmap

Is there any way of adding an image to a bar in a chart in ExtJS via the highlight property?

I want to add an icon in the column/bar onMouseOver and was wondering if highlight already supported that. The docs say you can add whatever Sprite has available to the highlight object ( however even in the Sprite definition ( ) there's no mention of how to do this beyond setting the type to image.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
From the docs there doesn't seem to be an easy way of doing this. The Sprite class supports addCls and removeCls methods though, you could try setting a className to the sprite element and see whether a background image for an element with that className works. Otherwise the sprite element for the bar chart would have to be redefined into something more complex that takes images as a component.
In future, you should post over on the Sencha forums as you will get a quicker response.

Check for overlapping shapes in WPF

I have a set of shapes which need to be drawn on top of each other. I need to re-order them such that the smallest shape gets drawn last (i.e. it will be closest to the user). Is there any way to check whether a shape overlappes (encloses and/or intersects) another shape. I know there is a method in Rect structure called Contains which checks whether there is an object within it. Is there a similar method or a way to simulate it on Shapes in WPF? Thanks in advance for any help.
You could probably use the Geometry.FillContainsWithDetail method. Its name is ill-chosen IMHO, but the description is clear :
Returns a value that describes the intersection between the current geometry and the specified geometry.
I have successfully used it for collision testing before, so it should work for you too...
