I got a Mesosphere-EE, and install on fedora 23 server (kernel 4.4)with:
$bash dcos_generate_config.ee.sh --web –v
then output:
Running mesosphere/dcos-genconf docker with BUILD_DIR set to/home/mesos-ee/genconf
Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use.Either use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` or use `--storage-opt
dm.no_warn_on_loop_devices=true` to suppress this warning.
07:53:46:: Logger set to DEBUG
07:53:46:: ====> Starting DCOS installer in web mode
07:53:46:: DCOS Installer v1
07:53:46:: Starting server ('', 9000)
Then I start firefox though vnc, the vnc is on root. then:
07:53:57:: Root page requested. 07:53:57:: Serving/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/dcos_installer/templates/index.html
07:53:58:: Request for configuration type made.
07:53:58::Configuration file not found, /genconf/config.yaml. Writing new onewith all defaults.
07:53:58:: Error handling request
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/genconf/config.yaml'
But I already have a genconf/config.yaml, it look like:
bootstrap_url: http://<bootstrap_public_ip>:<your_port>
cluster_name: '<cluster-name>'
exhibitor_storage_backend: zookeeper
exhibitor_zk_hosts: <host1>:2181,<host2>:2181,<host3>:2181
exhibitor_zk_path: /dcos
master_discovery: static
- <master-private-ip-1>
- <master-private-ip-2>
- <master-private-ip-3>
superuser_username: <username>
superuser_password_hash: <hashed-password>
I do not know what’s going on. If you have any idear, please let me know, thank you very much!
Disable Selinux!
Configure SELINUX=disabled in the /etc/selinux/config file and then reboot!
Be ensure the selinux is disabled by the command getenforce.
$ getenforce
Correctly installing the enterprise edition depends on the correct system prerequisites. Anyway I suppose you're still on the bootstrap node so I will give you some path to succed in your current task.
Run the script as root or as a user issuing sudo dcos_generate_config.ee.sh
The script will also generate the config file automatically; if you want to use your own configuration file then create a folder named genconf and put it inside before running the script. You should changes the values inside <> with your specific configuration. If you need more help for your specific case send me an email to infofs2 at gmail.com
I have installed and configured and also used TV the first time today in Nvidia jetson Xavier,
but after restart Im getting this issue:
teamviewerd.service: Can't open PID file /var/run/teamviewerd.pid (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
Please tell me why and how to fix it, it is of extreme importance !
I use TeamViewer to connect to a machine (Ubuntu 20.04) that not always have a graphical user session started and I noticed that even with teamviewerd running the machine is offline.
I fixed the problem running:
sudo teamviewer setup
From teamviewer --help:
teamviewer setup Configure headless modes (non-gui/console)
Without running this, the only way for me was to start manually a graphical user session and open the TeamViewer GUI on the host I wanted to use.
Make sure you enable/start gdm.service or another supported login manager
Found this question via a search when facing the same issue on Fedora 30 x86_64.
Solution for me was to edit /etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service and comment out the line that says:
PIDFile = /run/teamviewerd.pid
So it reads:
# PIDFile = /run/teamviewerd.pid
(or whatever PIDFile it specifies)
then run:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start teamviewerd
systemctl status teamviewerd
So I need to run a custom server. It worked on other machines, but not on mine (all of them are on Windows).
My input:
nssm start custom-server
Error message:
custom-server: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control.
I tried to re-start it, but got the same message.
Use the following instructions to change I/O redirects:
nssm set [SERVICE_NAME] AppStdout [APP_PATH_INSTALL]\logs\service.log
nssm set [SERVICE_NAME] AppStderr [APP_PATH_INSTALL]\logs\service-error.log
Check the service log files to find the failure.
In my case, the failure was caused by a dependency on Python libraries.
As Garric15 states it is probably your install command.
This could be for example a StdOut redirect to a path / file that does not exist on your local machine.
Look in the Application event log for errors where the source is nssm around the time you installed the service.
The reason is because firewall is blocking the software which you are running as a service, start first software separately, it will ask you to add to firewall exclusions , then you can use it via nssm
Some scenario
App directory not provided or doesn't exist
nssm nssm set xyz-service AppDirectory "D:\Work\ShoppingKart"
File which is given for service may be corrupted (rebuild code)
The application trying to run is not proper or corrupted. Try to run without windows service once.
Program (.exe) file path not found (in this case look for the solution, or else give full path, if java not found even if it is there in env, just add full path)
I solved it by using no mws (Managed Windows Service?) release,
gogs_0.12.10_windows_amd64 works
gogs_0.12.10_windows_amd64_mws not working
The issue for me was there had been a Java update on my machine. The JAVA_HOME environment variable was now pointing to an invalid directory (i.e. the old Java version). Just needed to update the JAVA_HOME path and restart the solr services to fix it.
I was attempting to configure rclone as a windows 10 service. I fixed it including the rclone.conf archive inside the rclone folder.
In my case, the problem was that after the service was installed using nssm.exe, the program name was changed. This caused service to always go to paused state after start or restart the service, using either services.msc or nssm.exe command line.
Editing service nssm.exe startup parameters solved the problem for me.
I am trying to install the latest GCC compiler on windows 7 by using "Win-builds Project". Since the company I am working for has proxy. When I run the command win-install.bat. I got an error:
2014-02-21 11:39:44 ERROR 407: Proxy Authentication Required.
In the batch file, I found code:
yypkg -init
yypkg -config -setpreds host=%_YY_ARCH%-w64-mingw32
yypkg -config -setpreds target=%_YY_ARCH%-w64-mingw32
sherpa -set-mirror http://win-builds.org/1.3.0/packages/windows_%_YY_BITS%
I think the yypkg.exe does the initialization work and configs sherpa and let sherpa.exe to download and install files.
My question is how can config yypkg my username and password? I did google search, but I cannot find any info about yypkg nor how to config sherpa.
[enter code here][1]Proxy set up can be done via command line
How can I set a proxy server for gem?
set http_proxy=http://your_proxy:your_port
set http_proxy=http://username:password#your_proxy:your_port
set https_proxy=https://your_proxy:your_port
set https_proxy=https://username:password#your_proxy:your_port
These command snippets need to be entered on 'cmd.exe', and before running the wget, to download files manually via portable wget as described on page:
few IMPORTANT Pointers, after the packages have been downloaded manually, and running the 'yypkg-1.5.0.exe'
At first the Application UI is unresponsive, DO NOT CLOSE IT
After some time, change mirror dialog appears where you would need to type/paste the Local folders location(this is the folder where files were downloaded manually)
Local folder path needs to be similar to the following where 'package_list.el.tar.xz' file resides.
after that all works fine
I have a Nagios server installation up and running.
I'm starting to deploy check_mk out to all my client machines.
I am using mrpe for custom checks on my client machines.
As one of the checks, I would like to use the check_ssh plugin.
I tried to copy check_ssh from another machine to the client but it looks like it won't allow me to run it this way. Can I get away from actually installing the nagios agent and just stick to check_mk and be able to run Nagios plugins?
The exact error I am getting is:
ld.so.1: check_ssh: fatal: libintl.so.3: open failed: No such file or directory
thanks in advance
Most of the plugins in the standard nagios-plugins pack are compiled C, so if you're copying them to a different distribution or architecture they may not work. I would consider just downloading the nagios-plugins package or grabbing the latest source package for the client machines.
Nagios Plugins Source tarball
You can check SSH without nrpe plugin, it can be done from the Nagios server, just use the check_ssh plugin with this command (launched from the server):
./usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ssh -H <client_ip>
If it's enabled it should print something like:
SSH OK - OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u1 (protocol 2.0) |
(That's because i'm using Debian Wheezy)
check_ssh comes with Nagios plugins tarball...
I'm currently using
Good luck...
Something that I've noticed recently on two different machines is that Apache2 installed via MacPorts seems to have stopped launching when I boot up. The honest truth is that I can't swear it did so before, but it's something I think I'd notice because installing the LaunchDaemon is part of my install process. In fact, if I try to reload the LaunchDaemon, it fails:
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist
org.macports.apache2: Already loaded
Unless I start Apache manually (using sudo apachectl restart), grep'ing for either "apache2" or "httpd" in my process list only produces this:
$ sudo ps -ef | egrep "apache2|httpd"
0 52 1 0 0:00.06 ?? 0:00.08 /opt/local/bin/daemondo --label=apache2 --start-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2/apache2.wrapper start ; --stop-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2/apache2.wrapper stop ; --restart-cmd /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2/apache2.wrapper restart ; --pid=none
1410639199 6960 6792 0 0:00.00 ttys001 0:00.00 egrep apache2|httpd
Looks like the daemon itself is in place, but no executable. As far as I know/can tell, the relevant executables (httpd and apachectl) are executable by everyone.
Has anyone else noticed this? Any ideas?
As requested below, I did execute launchctl list. The list is long and I'm not sure how to snip it, but suffice to say that no org.macports.* items are listed. That in itself is interesting because my MySQL daemon is loaded the same way. It works, but also doesn't appear in the list. Let me know if the entire output is really needed.
I assumed that I had executed launchctl list under sudo, but prompted by mipadi's comment below, I tried again ensuring that I did so and I assumed incorrectly. When executed under sudo, the MacPorts items appear:
51 - org.macports.mysql5
52 - org.macports.apache2
I'm not sure whether that will help, but it's a little more info nonetheless.
I've asked a different, but related, question at LaunchDaemons and Environment Variables. I'll update both questions as I learn more.
Today, based on mailing list input, I tried using a wildcard home directory. Academically, it's a little more inclusive than I'd like, but the practical reality is that I'm the only one using this computer; certainly the only one who'd have Apache config files laying around.
Include "/Users/*/Dropbox/Application Support/apache/conf.d.osx/*.conf"
Include "/Users/*/Library/Application Support/MacPorts/apache/conf.d/*.conf"
httpd: Syntax error on line 512 of /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Wildcard patterns not allowed in Include /Users/*/Dropbox/Application Support/apache/conf.d.osx/*.conf
I found my answer to this problem here:
"I apparently fixed this when changing my local dnsmasq config. In /etc/hosts I added my servername (gala) to the loopback entry: localhost gala
and then I changed ServerName in /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf to match:
ServerName gala
Apache now starts at boot for me."
Since I now know why Apache has stopped loading on startup, I'm going to articulate that answer and mark this question as answered. The reason Apache has stopped launching on boot is that I'm trying to share an httpd.conf file across systems. The config file needs to Include files from directories that exist within my home directory. Since the home directory is different on each machine, I was trying to reference the ${HOME} environment variable.
This works fine when manually starting after the machine is booted, but fails on startup because the environment variable isn't yet set. As mentioned above, see this question for more information.
Had the same problem: "sudo launchctl load -w ..." started Apache2 while I was logged in, but did not work during startup (the "-w" should have taken care of that). Also, as you noticed, the daemon seems to be registered with launchctl. It will show up with "sudo launchctl list" and another "sudo launchctl load ..." will result in the error message.
I played with "sudo port load apache2" and "sudo port unload apache2", but could not get httpd running on reboot.
In the end, I got rid of the MacPorts startup item: "sudo port unload apache2", checked with "sudo launchctl list" that org.macports.apache2 is no longer registered for startup.
Afterwards, I followed the steps on http://diymacserver.com > Docs > Tiger > Starting Apache. I only had to adapt the path from /usr/local/... to /opt/local/...
Now the MacPorts Apache2 is starting fine with every reboot.
Good luck, Klaus
I found that my MacPorts apache2 was not starting on boot because of an “error” in my httpd.conf.
I was using
Listen # Example IP, not the one I was really using
And in Console.app I was seeing
4/8/12 4:59:06.208 PM org.macports.apache2: (49)Can't assign requested address: make_sock: could not bind to address
4/8/12 4:59:06.208 PM org.macports.apache2: no listening sockets available, shutting down
4/8/12 4:59:06.208 PM org.macports.apache2: Unable to open logs
I tried adjusting permissions on all the log folders (despite the fact that logs were being written just fine when I manually started apache2) and that didn't help.
Even though the Apache Documentation for Listen clearly states
Multiple Listen directives may be used to specify a number of addresses and ports to listen to. The server will respond to requests from any of the listed addresses and ports.
I decided to try switching back to just using
Listen 80
And after doing so apache2 is starting on boot with no errors or warnings.
If you're using Subversion with Apache, you may find that Apache is not starting because the mod_dav_svn.so file has moved to /opt/local/libexec. You'll need to adjust your Apache startup files to account for the new location of this file.
In newer versions of MacPorts you can run sudo port load apache2 to instruct MacPorts to take care of the launchctl setup and automatically start the process. To stop the process run port unload.
After loading check /opt/local/apache2/logs/error_log for errors, including configuration issues.
In addition to my previous answer I have also found that sometimes Apache fails to start because something else with the system is not yet ready.
On one OS X Server machine I also use the DNS to create a “internal only” DNS name for the machine and that name is used in my Apache configuration. Sometimes when Apache tries to start the DNS server is not yet ready and Apache fails to load because the hostname isn’t valid.
I have also seen this on other non-Server systems without local DNS as well where something else required by Apache must not be ready yet.
One thing that has worked is to edit the apache2.wrapper located at /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2/apache2.wrapper that MacPorts’ daemondo uses to start up Apache.
Edit the Start() function to add a sleep command to wait a bit before launching Apache.
Original (Lines 14-17 on my machine)
[ -x /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl ] && /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start > /dev/null
With wait time added
[ -x /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl ] && sleep 10 && /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start > /dev/null