Unable to see and scroll the html view of ionic modal when keyboard appear - angularjs

I am using ionic modal in ionic project. the modal is appearing on page clearly, but when I am trying to enter any text into any textbox the keyboard is appearing on page.
Once the keyboard appeared, I am unable to see the html of modal and also unable to scroll modal.
kindly refer the screenshot.
Thank you.

Waited for long time and did't get any answer, So I have written some css to fix this issue, This is working in my project as well as dominik
also tried this. see the comment by him
#media(min-width: 680px){
.modal{ top: 0; height: 70%; }
body.keyboard-open.modal{ height: 90%; }
body.keyboard-open.modal.scroll{ overflow-y: scroll !important; }
overflow-y: scroll;
height: 100% !important;
top: 0;

Had to come up with this fix. it worked for me, so give it a try: Put the code in your app.run
NOTE: this issue is normally caused when you set android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" in your AndroidManifest.xml
Make sure jquery is included in your app.
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardshow', keyboardShowHandler);
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', keyboardHideHandler);
function keyboardShowHandler(e){
setTimeout(function() {
var originalHeight = window.innerHeight-30;
var newHeight = originalHeight - e.keyboardHeight;
$('ion-modal-view ion-content').css("height", newHeight);
}, 0);
function keyboardHideHandler(e){
setTimeout(function() {
var newHeight = '100%';
$('ion-modal-view ion-content').css("height", newHeight);
}, 0);


Scroll bar in Highcharts tooltip

I have a lot of data in the tooltip of a highcharts bar chart. Each tooltip data has some 50-60 lines and the complete tooltip is not being able to be displayed in the graph container. In order to view all of it, i want a scroll bar in tooltip. Is it possible?
Here is an example of the code.
Working jsFiddle example
Here is the tooltip code. I don't know where to add the scroll bar code.
tooltip: {
useHTML: true,
pointFormatter: function() {
var string = '';
Highcharts.each(toolTip[this.series.data.indexOf(this)], function(p) {
string += p + '</a><br>'
return "Incident<br>" + string + "<br />";
Just add the following CSS:
.highcharts-tooltip>span {
overflow-y: auto;
However,there would be a problem regarding the auto-closing of the tooltips. You might have to tweak the events of the highchart.
.highcharts-tooltip {
pointer-events: auto !important;
.highcharts-tooltip > span {
max-height: 200px;
overflow-y: auto;
set overflow-y and pointer-events can scroll On PC. But on mobile, click tooltip will change.

How to get height of a div in Ionic

I'm working to develop a mobile app using Ionic.
A bit of background first as to what I am trying to achieve.
I've got a challenging bit of design I am coding in. I am placing an image of fixed height, in the bottom right hand corner of a div which has a flexible height. The text within the div then needs to wrap around the image.
Like this:
What the end result should be like
The HTML and CSS side of things
I've got the CSS and HTML sussed (at least I think!). The HTML is:
//this line is in the head
<style ng-bind-html="myStyles"></style>
//the rest is in the body of the HTML
<div class="score_block">
<div class="description">
<div class="image_container">
<img src="img/emotional_man.png">
<div class="habits_button">
<button ng-click="$state.go('app.planner')" class="button button-stable button-icon button-block">Plan habits</button>
And the CSS (written using SASS) is like this:
.score_block {
text-align: center;
position: relative;
.description {
text-align: left;
margin: 10px 0;
.image_container {
clear: both;
float: right;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
img {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
.score_block:before {
content: "";
float: right;
height: 200px;
width: 0;
If I change the height of the 'score_block:before' class I can reposition the image just I need.
The Javascript so far
So with the Javascript side of things I'm hoping that if I can figure out the height of the .description div, I can subtract the height of the image from it and tell the CSS how to position the image. I need some AngularJS to do this - I think that's what I need as JQuery doesn't work in Ionic as far as I know.
So far I have JS code that does this:
.controller('emotionalCtrl', function ($scope, $state, AreasService, _) {
//these commented out lines are to show things I have tried but don't work
//var blockH = $(".description").height();
//var descriptionHeight = angular.element('description');
//var number = descriptionHeight('offsetHeight');
var number = 0;
$scope.myStyles = "#habit_area_homepage .score_block:before { height:" + number + "px; }";
I'm looking to do a calculation on the variable number and pass that back in. I can manually change the value of number of it works fine so I know everything else is good. I've read some stuff about doing directives etc but all the examples I've seen confuse me. Maybe I need to put a directive in here or something to help me get the height of the .description element but I just can't figure out to do this. I've spent nearly two days getting this far!
I'm pretty new to AngularJS and Ionic so any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
There are multiple ways to accomplish dynamic styles.
According to your provided code. I recommend you add styles to head.
Run below codes in your controller or "run":
var stylesTpl="<style>#habit_area_homepage .score_block:before { height:" + number + "px; } </style>";
Check this post for built-in directives of angular to achieve dynamic styles:
How do I conditionally apply CSS styles in AngularJS?
If you want to get the height of a specific div, you have two ways:
Assign an id to the div, and use
var element = document.getElementById("id");
Use querySelectors, this returns the first and only one element:
var element = document.querySelector(".description");
Using directive is also a good way, check:
Get HTML Element Height without JQuery in AngularJS

Can I use the !important css keyword with Angularjs ng-style directive?

I'm having an issue with boostrap3 and it's default background: transparent !important; print setting.
I have the need to show a heatmap in my webapp and have these printable.
I'm using an ng-style directive for that to dynamically calculate the needed background-color.
In short, this is the html part
<div class="heatmap" ng-style="scalecolor(10)">lorem ipsum</div>
and this is the controller part
$scope.scalecolor = function(perc) {
return { backgroundColor: plnkUtils.scaleColorInt('#EE0000', '#88FF00', perc) }
However, because bootstrap3 sets all backgrounds to transparent with the !important keyword, I can't print these.
This is the part of bootstrap 3.1.0 css causing the issue with missing background-color:
#media print {
* {
color: #000 !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
background: transparent !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
Since the inverse of background: transparent !important; is background: color hex code !important;
(see here )
I'm trying to set that using the ng-style, but then the exclamantion mark causes Angularjs to flip when I try this:
$scope.scalecolor = function(perc) {
return { backgroundColor: plnkUtils.scaleColorInt('#EE0000', '#88FF00', perc) !important }
or alternatively when I try this in the html template
ng-style="scalecolor(10) !important"
Anyone out there that knows how I can use the !important css keyword with the Angularjs ng-style directive to override the bootstrap3 wildcard?
For those who want to see this with their own eyes, here's a plunker showing the issue
Apparently you can't and it's a known issue but there is some workaround that can be found here:
The solution below has been copied from the site just in case the link breaks, or get changed.
You're not able to use the !important directive in the DOM style property in either Chrome nor FF (probably others too). The style attribute gets parsed as CSS, but the HTMLElement.style property doesn't. Unfortunately you're not able to set a property's priority here (in Gecko/Blink/Webkit, at least).
So, there are some workarounds here:
Workaround #1
<ANY data-ng-attr-style="{{ blue && 'background-color: blue!important' || '' }}">
This would be your best way to go in terms of browser-support, because the CSS property priority will get parsed correctly here.
Workaround #2
Alternatively, you can also do the following in javascript:
function conditionalStyle() {
if ($scope.blue) {
$element[0].style.setProprety('background-color', 'blue', 'important');
} else {
$element[0].style.backgroundColor = '';
Where $element is a jQuery/jqLite object referencing an HTMLElement.
Note: caveats are not supported in IE < 9 so workaround #1 is probably your best bet for this behavior where you depend on property priority...
Using the tips for #Wawy I updated my code to get it to work.
For anyone landing on this page, for clarification I made an updated Plunker that can be found here
In short, this is now the html part
<div class="heatmap" ng-attr-style="{{ngAttrScaleColor(10)}}">YES, ng-attr-style works !</div>
and this is the controller part
$scope.ngAttrScaleColor = function(perc) {
return 'background-color: ' + plnkUtils.scaleColorInt('#EE0000', '#88FF00', perc) + '!important';

ExtJS Window Position Changing On Resize

Using ExtJS 4, I have the following window:
var mainWin = Ext.create('Ext.Window',{
title: 'IE Screwup Illustration',
id: 'MAINWIN',
constrain: true,
constrainTo: 'appdiv',
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: '100%',
height: 518,
moveable: false,
closable: false,
layout: {
type: 'border',
padding: 3
renderTo: Ext.Element.get('appdiv'),
Note the rendering to an element called "appdiv", which is a element whose style is shown below:
#appdiv {
position: absolute;
left: 10px;
width: 90%;
height: 520px;
border: 1px solid;
overflow: hidden;
border-color: #000000;
There is no problem rendering the window. It appears within the appdiv without problems with a nice border around it.
The problem begins when I resize the browser. It appears that the window attempts to center itself on the screen instead of within the appdiv DIV. This causes it to be displaced within the DIV so that it renders below and to the right of the left corner.
I have tried various tricks, including an attempt to reposition the window when it resizes. Nothing seems to work and I cannot think of anything else.
Could someone please give some idea how to keep this window within its DIV when a browser is resized? Thanks...
I have created a JS Fiddle to illustrate how I usually solved the problem in my projects.
The solution is to listen to the resize event of the Component over which you would like to center your window, and then calculate your window's new position. In my example this component was the viewport.
Here is the listener, that gets the job done:
viewPort.on('resize', function(vp, width, height) {
var me = this,
winWidth = me.getWidth(),
winHeight = me.getHeight(),
left = (width -winWidth) / 2,
top = (height -winHeight) / 2;
me.setPosition(left, top);
}, mainWin);
I found the answer to the problem. It turns out to be a question of timing.
It didn't make sense that the setPosition() method suggested by Matyas seemed to be ignored, so I checked the "move" event. Apparently, when an Ext window is rendered to a <div>, it receives move events after resize events. I do not know why (perhaps experts in ExtJS internals can help here?).
So instead of doing the calculations shown in Matyas' resize listener, I created a move listener in mainWin. Mine was somewhat simpler, since I wanted the window to stay put at the <div>'s upper left corner:
listeners: {
move: function(theWin,xP,yP,theOp) {
if((xP != 0) || (yP != 0)) {
This way, any time the browser moved the window to a position other than where I wanted it, I would set it back. This solved the problem.
Thanks for all who responded to this question (including the comments). Without those responses, I would not have had the clues I needed to solve this problem.
Try this:
}, this, {buffer: 1});
Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(function() {
if(mainWin.isVisible()) {
}, this, {buffer: 1});

jqplot line chart legend oversize

I have a jqplot for a line graph but my legend is becoming too huge. I want to implement a scrollable functionality for the legend. I tried to do the following :
table.jqplot-table-legend {
display: block;
height: 350px;
overflow-y: scroll;
in the css file and in my ctp file, i tried
legend: {
show: true,
location: 'ne',
rendererOptions: {numberColumns: 2}
as was mentioned in previous posts but none seem to work for me.
Please help.
If I apply your css before or after the chart has rendered, it works fine with one change. I had to increase it's z-index so the scroll bar is on top and clickable. Here's an example of applying it after the chart has rendered:
plot1 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart1', data, opts);
var legendTable = $($('.jqplot-table-legend')[0]);
See fiddle here.
