GAE NDB Sorting a multiquery with cursors - google-app-engine

In my GAE app I'm doing a query which has to be ordered by date. The query has to containt an IN filter, but this is resulting in the following error:
BadArgumentError: _MultiQuery with cursors requires __key__ order
Now I've read through other SO question (like this one), which suggest to change to sorting by key (as the error also points out). The problem is however that the query then becomes useless for its purpose. It needs to be sorted by date. What would be suggested ways to achieve this?

The Cloud Datastore server doesn't support IN. The NDB client library effectively fakes this functionality by splitting a query with IN into multiple single queries with equality operators. It then merges the results on the client side.
Since the same entity could be returned in 1 or more of these single queries, merging these values becomes computationally silly*, unless you are ordering by the Key**.
Related, you should read into underlying caveats/limitations on cursors to get a better understanding:
Because the NOT_EQUAL and IN operators are implemented with multiple queries, queries that use them do not support cursors, nor do composite queries constructed with the CompositeFilterOperator.or method.
Cursors don't always work as expected with a query that uses an inequality filter or a sort order on a property with multiple values. The de-duplication logic for such multiple-valued properties does not persist between retrievals, possibly causing the same result to be returned more than once.
If the list of values used in IN is a static list rather than determined at runtime, a work around is to compute this as an indexed Boolean field when you write the Entity. This allows you to use a single equality filter. For example, if you have a bug tracker and you want to see a list of open issues, you might use a IN('new', 'open', 'assigned') restriction on your query. Alternatively, you could set a property called is_open to True instead, so you no longer need the IN condition.
* Computationally silly: Requires doing a linear scan over an unbounded number of preceding values to determine if the current retrieved Entity is a duplicate or not. Also known as conceptually not compatible with Cursors.
** Key works because we can alternate between different single queries retrieving the next set of values and not have to worry about doing a linear scan over the entire proceeding result set. This gives us a bounded data set to work with.


Datastore efficiency, low level API

Every Cloud Datastore query computes its results using one or more indexes, which contain entity keys in a sequence specified by the index's properties and, optionally, the entity's ancestors. The indexes are updated incrementally to reflect any changes the application makes to its entities, so that the correct results of all queries are available with no further computation needed.
Generally, I would like to know if
datastore.get(List<Key> listOfKeys);
is faster or slower than a query with the index file prepared (with the same results).
Query q = new Query("Kind")(.setFilter(someFilter));
My current problem:
My data consists of Layers and Points. Points belong to only one unique layer and have unique ids within a layer. I could load the points in several ways:
1) Have points with a "layer name" property and query with a filter.
- Here I am not sure whether the datastore would have the results prepared because as the layer name changes dynamically.
2) Use only keys. The layer would have to store point ids.
KeyFactory.createKey("Layer", "layer name");
KeyFactory.createKey("Point", "layer name"+"x"+"point id");
3) Use queries without filters: I don't actually need the general kind "Point" and could be more specific: kind would be ("layer name"+"point id")
- What are the costs to creating more kinds? Could this be the fastest way?
Can you actually find out how the datastore works in detail?
faster or slower than a query with the index file prepared (with the same results).
Fundamentally a query and a get by key are not guaranteed to have the same results.
Queries are eventually consistent, while getting data by key is strongly consistent.
Your first challenge, before optimizing for speed, is probably ensuring that you're showing the correct data.
The docs are good for explaining eventual vs strong consistency, it sounds like you have the option of using an ancestor query which can be strongly consistent. I would also strongly recommend avoiding using the 'name' - which is dynamic - as the entity name, this will cause you an excessive amount of grief.
In the interests of being specifically helpful, one option for a working solution based on your description would be:
Give a unique id (a uuid probably) to each layer, store the name as a property
Include the layer key as the parent key for each point entity
Use an ancestor query when fetching points for a layer (which is strongly consistent)
An alternative option is to store points as embedded entities and only have one entity for the whole layer - depends on what you're trying to achieve.

How to fetch thousands of data from database without getting slow down?

I want auto search option in textbox and data is fetching from database. I have thousands of data in my database table (almost 8-10000 rows). I know how to achieve this but as I am fetching thousands of data, it will take a lot of time to fetch. How to achieve this without getting slow down? Should I follow any other methodology to achieve this apart from simple fetching methods? I am using Oracle SQL Developer for database.
Besides the obvious solutions involving indexes and caching, if this is web technology and depending on your tool you can sometimes set a minimum length before the server call is made. Here is a jquery UI example:
"The minimum number of characters a user must type before a search is performed. Zero is useful for local data with just a few items, but a higher value should be used when a single character search could match a few thousand items."
It depends on your web interface, but you can use two tecniques:
Paginate your data: if your requirements are to accept empty values and to show all the results load them in block of a predefined size. goggle for example paginates search results. On Oracle pagination is made using the rownum special variable (see this response). Beware: you must first issue a query with a order by and then enclose it in a new one that use rownum. Other databases that use the limit keyword behave in a different way. If you apply the pagination techique to a drop down you end up with an infinite scroll (see this response for example)
Limit you data imposing some filter that limits the number of rows returned; your search display some results only after the user typed at least n chars in the field
You can combine 1 & 2, but unless you find an existing web component (a jquery one for example) it may be a difficult task if you don't have a Javascript knowledge.

CouchBase view get for multiple ranges

I'm evaluating CouchBase for an application, and trying to figure out something about range queries on views. I know I can do a view get for a single key, multiple keys, or a range. Can I do a get for multiple ranges? i.e. I want to retrieve items with view key 0-10, 50-100, 5238-81902. I might simultaneously need 100 different ranges, so having to make 100 requests to the database seems like a lot of overhead.
As far as I know in couchbase there is no way to implement getting values from multiple ranges with one view. May be there are (or will be implemented in future) some features in Couchbase N1QL, but I didn't work with it.
Answering your question 100 requests will not be a big overhead. Couchbase is quiet fast and it's designed to handle a lot of operations per second. Also, if your view is correctly designed, it will not be "recalculated" on each query.
Also there is another way:
1. Determine minimum and maximum value of your range (it will be 0..81902 according to your example)
2. Query view that will return only document ids and a value that range was based on, without including all docs in result.
3. On client side filter array of results from previous step according to your ranges (0-10, 50-100, 5238-81902)
and then use getMulti with document ids that left in array.
I don't know your data structure, so you can try both ways, test them and choose the best one that will fit your demands.

How does an index work on a SQL User-Defined Type (UDT)?

This has been bugging me for a while and I'm hoping that one of the SQL Server experts can shed some light on it.
The question is:
When you index a SQL Server column containing a UDT (CLR type), how does SQL Server determine what index operation to perform for a given query?
Specifically I am thinking of the hierarchyid (AKA SqlHierarchyID) type. The way Microsoft recommends that you use it - and the way I do use it - is:
Create an index on the hierarchyid column itself (let's call it ID). This enables a depth-first search, so that when you write WHERE ID.IsDescendantOf(#ParentID) = 1, it can perform an index seek.
Create a persisted computed Level column and create an index on (Level, ID). This enables a breadth-first search, so that when you write WHERE ID.GetAncestor(1) = #ParentID, it can perform an index seek (on the second index) for this expression.
But what I don't understand is how is this possible? It seems to violate the normal query plan rules - the calls to GetAncestor and IsDescendantOf don't appear to be sargable, so this should result in a full index scan, but it doesn't. Not that I am complaining, obviously, but I am trying to understand if it's possible to replicate this functionality on my own UDTs.
Is hierarchyid simply a "magical" type that SQL Server has a special awareness of, and automatically alters the execution plan if it finds a certain combination of query elements and indexes? Or does the SqlHierarchyID CLR type simply define special attributes/methods (similar to the way IsDeterministic works for persisted computed columns) that are understood by the SQL Server engine?
I can't seem to find any information about this. All I've been able to locate is a paragraph stating that the IsByteOrdered property makes things like indexes and check constraints possible by guaranteeing one unique representation per instance; while this is somewhat interesting, it doesn't explain how SQL Server is able to perform a seek with certain instance methods.
So the question again - how do the index operations work for types like hierarchyid, and is it possible to get the same behaviour in a new UDT?
The query optimizer team is trying to handle scenarios that don't change the order of things. For example, cast(someDateTime as date) is still sargable. I'm hoping that as time continues, they fix up a bunch of old ones, such as dateadd/datediff with a constant.
So... handling Ancestor is effectively like using the LIKE operator with the start of a string. It doesn't change the order, and you can still get away with stuff.
You are correct - HierarchyId and Geometry/Geography are both "magical" types that the Query Optimizer is able to recognize and rewrite the plans for in order to produce optimized queries - it's not as simple as just recognizing sargable operators. There is no way to simulate equivalent behavior with other UDTs.
For HierarchyId, the binary serialization of the type is special in order to represent the hierarchical structure in a binary ordered fashion. It is similar to the mechanism used by the SQL Xml type and described in a research paper ORDPATHs: Insert-Friendly XML Node Labels. So while the QO rules to translate queries that use IsDescendant and GetAncestor are special, the actual underlying index is a regular relational index on the binary hierarchyid data and you could achieve the same behavior if you were willing to write your original queries to do range seeks instead of calling the simple method.

Is batch fetching db.get(keys) preserving the keys order?

Google App Engine supports a fetch operation based on a list of keys google.appengine.ext.db.get(keys).
I'd be interested to figure out if there is any guarantee that the result list preserves the order of the keys (i.e. keys = [k_1, k_2, k_3] then for the result [r_1, r_2, r_3] is always true that r_i.key() == k_i).
As far as I know, the API is performing the IN selects by internally issuing N sub-selects for each value in IN. I would expect this to happen for db.keys and so the call would preserve the keys order.
Anyways, I am not sure and I cannot find any reference that db.keys is equivalent to an IN select though and if there aren't any optimizations for its execution in place. Otherwise, the workaround would be quite simple (I would iterate and query myself for each key and so I'll have the guarantee that the I don't depend on db.keys implementation).
I have run some basic tests and the results are showing that:
db.get() performs best
db.get() preserves the keys order
the alternative Model.get_by_id (for which the order of results will always be guaranteed) is performing slower
While the results seem to confirm my assumptions, I am wondering if others have investigated this and have reached similar or different conclusions.
Doing some more research I have found the following (documentation for both db.get() and Model.get():
If ids is a list, the method returns a list of model instances, with a None value when no entity exists for a corresponding Key.
Even if it doesn't underline it, I think it is clear that the order is guaranteed.
You're correct: db.get returns entities in the same order as the keys you provided. The performance difference you observe is because it only has to make one round-trip to the database instead of many, and because it can simultaneously fetch all the entities, rather than acting serially. It's not equivalent to 'SELECT ... IN ...', however, because it's based on Bigtable, and you're selecting on the primary key, so it can do lookups directly on the table.
One thing to bear in mind when doing performance comparisons: Always do these on the production server, never on dev_appserver. The two have totally different performance characteristics.
The quote from the documentation clarifies my question.
