How to trigger a function when a MongoDB Cursor property is changed? (Angular-Meteor) - angularjs

I don't know if i titled my question correctly but here is what i want to achieve and what i have so far (simplified as much as possible):
What I have so far:
For each Visitor I create a "Visitor" Object:
mouseX:"31", // The mouseposition is constantly updated
{text:"Message Text",prop:"other property"},
{text:"Another Message"}
After that I bind the Object to the scope:
visitor: () => Visitors.findOne({"_id":id})
The Messages are shown inside a ng-repeat over the visitor.messages model:
<div ng-repeat="msg in visitor.messages">
<span class="text {{msg.class}}"> {{msg.text}} </span>
Another Visitor can send a new Message with:
{_id: visitor._id},
{$push: {messages: {"text":"New Message"}}}
What I want to do
When Bob receives a new message i want to trigger the function newMessageArrived() and to animate the new Message in.
The Problem and what i tried so far
First i tried to use angular:angular-animate package and animate new messages with css-classes but ng-enter triggered for alle messages each time visitor.mouseX was updated and even if nothing other than the messages in the Visitors-Object where pushed still ng-enter triggered for all messages instead only for the new ones.
Thats ok because i guess that the whole DOM is rebuild when the Visitor-Object changes. Now i tried to simply watch the messages prop of the Visitors-Object like:
scope.$watch("visitor.messages", function ( newValue, oldValue ) {
Again newMessageArrived() is triggering with each update to the Visitors-Object. Of course i could catch this stupidly with something like checking the length of the messages array but in my understanding even using $watch without this is wrong already.
The Question
So what is the Angular-Meteor way of reacting on changes in a property of a MongoDB Cursor (Object)?
Please consider my examples are extremly simplified to focus on my problem but also i am new to Meteor and not even very experienced in Angular. Also this is for a "proof of concept" project and not for any commercial or professional context, so security, performance and maintainability are not as crucial as usual.
Thanks for your time and hopefully for any help

I found a solution I guess.
Uringo from Angular-Meteor explained in another similar question on Github:
#gooor this is how Meteor's autorun works. it executes on every change
on any reactive thing inside it and a Meteor cursor is a reactive
object. If you want to re-run something only when field is changing
you can use Angular's $watch:
$scope.$watch('field', function(){ console.log('calling');
this.foos = Foos.find({field: this.field}); });
In my particular case I needed to add true as the third parameter to the $watch function. Therefore newMessageArrived() is only called when the property messages is changed.
So my initial concerns where wrong but when someone has a better, more meteorish solution i would appreciate.


Backbone JS - event problems adding multiple Views into same parent container

My code fetches a Collection from the server and iterates through it. For each model fetched it creates a View that is appended to the same parent element. Each of these views has a "click" event that triggers a function.
The problem is that clicking on any item in the list causes the event function to trigger for ALL elements in the list. The only workaround I have is to make the function itself dynamic and try to determine if it should run based on things like the ID of the item clicked:
'click .request_box': function(e) {
var myid = $(e.currentTarget).attr("id");
// code here which determines whether the function runs
This is a workaround, but it is also a hack, and I'm sure there has to be a better way of dealing with what must be a common problem (creating a list). Repeat searching around the web does not suggest any better way, so I am posting in the hope someone with more experience using Backbone can offer suggestions on a better way to approach this problem....
Thank you in advance.

ui-bootstrap pagination with filter

after some research and study of examples I implemented a pagniation with a filter function.
Im very new to angular, so I need your help if this application is ok or it has some bugs/logical errors.
The target is to select a collection (in this application load1 or load2) and create new objects, manipulate existing, or delete some of them. On every update of the data, it has to be checked if the pagination is synchronous to the collection size.
If the user enters something into the search field, a watcher in the controller is fired for updating the filtered data:
$scope.$watch('', function (newVal, oldVal) {
$scope.filtered = filterFilter($scope.items, {name: newVal});
}, true);
I would be very happy if some of you angular pros can look into this code and give me some feedback. I want to use this in a productive system, so every answer would be great!
Here is a working plunkr:
Thank you!
Watchers are heavy if you use them explicitly throughout your large application.
Use ng-change instead. Also, by passing true to that watcher means you're deep watching which is really a bad thing to do, since it will check each property of the object in the array which is performance intensive.
Since I can't see that you need old and new value for a reason, you can simply use $ Whenever you type in something, $ has the updated value. Just need to call a function on ng-change.
Remove watch and use:
$scope.updateSearch = function () {
$scope.filtered = filterFilter($scope.items, {name: $});
<label>Search:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="Search" ng-change="updateSearch()" />
Previous answer is still the correct, but you will have to make sure to replace the "page" inside the pagination tag and change it to ng-model.
From the changelog (
Since 0.11.0:
Both pagination and pager are now integrated with ngModelController.
page is replaced from ng-model.

Post-load event Angularstrap modal

I'm using angular chosen with angularstrap and i'm having problems with the initial value of the selector to be selected. The way i got it to work is i set a Timeout on the model attached to the selector to wait for the dom and then set the model value. So my guess is that chosen needs to wait for the dom to be created before it can initialize the selected option.
$scope.showModal = function() {
// hack to make chosen load
$timeout(function () {
myModal.$scope.SelectedColor = "green";
}, 500 );
in my opinion this timeout solution is not a good one and i would like to find a better way to set the model after the dom has been created.
This is because chosen directive is calling trigger("chosen:updated") before the DOM is actually loaded. A fix would be adding $timeout() to the $watchCollection trigger.
This has been discussed and looks like the solution is here in the answer from kirliam.
Someone should issue a pull request for this issue.
edit: I issued a pull request for a fix regarding this issue. Hope it gets merged in.

Angular UI Sortable get index after updated

I really dislike how angular-ui is documented. Sometimes they really don't explain a lot. This is the documentation to sortable-ui:
First, I cannot pass in options.
$scope.sortableOptions = {
I also changed "move" to "pointer" or "crosshair". Nothing happens.
Second, I need to update the backend by the new order of which the user has sorted. I am not a great javascripter at all (more of a back end developer). The only order-related js function I can find is indexof(). Then it gets very complicated because I need to iterate through all elements and find the new order since the user has rearranged all the elements.
Is there an easier way to get the current order of the list whenever the sortable directive is updated?
I created a demo on plunker (since it allows me to add extra libraries)
Again the cursor part is not working, and I have no idea how to get the order of these items.
I see there are methods on the Sortable UI page...I'm new to angularJS. I just couldn't figure out how to call these methods within AngularJS code.
Seralize method/toArray might not be a good idea..The actual data I'm dealing with does not look like ["one", "two", "three"]. It's more like:
[{"id":"5","article_name":"New Article
Title","article_order":"1","article_author":"Author","article_body":"Start typing your
article here!","is_visible":"1","created_date":"2013-10-27
{"id":"13","article_name":"New Article
Title","article_order":"2","article_author":"Author","article_body":"Start typing your
article here!","is_visible":"1","created_date":"2013-10-27
If you guys look into this data stream..there is one attribute called article_order. This is the attribute (database column) I am trying to modify...
Read the jQuery UI Sortable docs. There are lots of events you can bind to and methods for serializing the sorted elements. Within the event callbacks you want to use you can make ajax calls to server with updated data
This angular module is simply a wrapper for jQuery UI Sortable.
Create a demo in jsfiddle or plunker that shows the problems you are having
If you use my new sortable Angular.js directive, you would do it like this:
$scope.items = [{"id":"5","article_name":"New Article
Title","article_order":"1","article_author":"Author","article_body":"Start typing
your article here!","is_visible":"1","created_date":"2013-10-27
{"id":"13","article_name":"New Article
Title","article_order":"2","article_author":"Author","article_body":"Start typing
your article here!","is_visible":"1","created_date":"2013-10-27
$scope.onChange(fromIdx, toIdx) {
$scope.items[fromIdx].article_order = toIdx;
$scope.items[toIdx].article_order = fromIdx;
// OR
// var temp = $scope.items[fromIdx].article_order;
// $scope.items[fromIdx].article_order = $scope.items[toIdx].article_order;
// $scope.items[toIdx].article_order = temp;
<ul ng-sortable="items"
<li ng-repeat="item in items" class="sortable-element" ng-style="{backgroundColor: item.color}">
{{}}, {{item.profession}}
See demo + documentation here:
I guess I got into an issue similar to you. If we subscribe the update callback we don't get the latest order of items. But using the stop event handler helped me. While using angular ui sortable, we get the model updated with the latest order in the stop event handler. You can post this data to backend or wherever you want to store..Hope this helps...:)
You can refer the jquery ui sortable documentation for stop here

Backbone.js model validate method fails to fire

I'm trying to understand how Backbone.js model validation works, but I'm seeing some odd inconsistencies. In one place in my app, the validate method is getting called as expected. In another place, however, Backbone.js seems to be passing in a { silent: true } object to the validator, even though I don't want it to.
Here's a jsFiddle that illustrates the issue. The validate method should be called When the Copy buttons are clicked or the values change, but when I step through the code it's clear that the _validate function is being passed the { silent: true } option.
What am I missing?
Update: Figured out what was going on here. I created this jsFiddle originally to replicate an issue I was having that was actually the opposite of this question--I was trying to add an empty model to a collection and validation was firing and preventing me from doing so. When I made the Fiddle, though, it worked as I wanted my app to work. Validation wasn't firing when an empty model was added. I couldn't figure out the difference.
Turns out I was using Backbone.js 0.9.0 in my application and version 0.9.1 in my jsFiddle. Jeremy made changes to validation in 0.9.1 to make it work the way I wanted it to work in my app (see this issue on GitHub). Mystery solved.
Backbone specifically does not call _validate when you're making a new model.
Jeremy suggests that you do:
var mymodel = new MyModel();
Here's our exchange on github: can't override silent:true
From the Backbone docs, it seems you have to either call set or save on the model in order for validate to trigger.
I updated the jsfiddle so that set is called, and the now the validation function gets triggered:
