MS Excel: "MATCH()" does not find cells containing text if lookup array is too large - arrays

I am creating a large and complicated schedule, and I want one view which shows the schedule as a day-time grid, and another which allows one to look up a speaker by name from an alphabetical list. I have posted a simplified example here:
In the alphabetical list, the day and time should be populated by a function using MATCH. Just as an example, I manually typed what I would like to have happen for Jones.
I cannot get MATCH() to locate the speaker's name in the timetable correctly. There are no hidden characters: notice that in cell D15, Excel correctly recognizes that G2 and C7 are identical.
Here is what happens if I put various code in H2:
=MATCH(G2,$A$1:$D$9) results in #N/A
=MATCH(G2,$C$2:$C$9) results in #N/A
=MATCH(G2,$B$7:$D$7) results in 2 (correctly!)
=MATCH(G2,$A$7:$D$7) results in #N/A
What I would like is to put =MATCH(G2,$A$1:$D$9) into H2 and then fill cells down to H25, and have Excel indicate the column number of the day in which the adjacent name appears, then use INDIRECT or something to convert this number into the day of the week.
It may be that including column A in the search array causes problems because of the different data types. As an experiment, I made the first column into TEXT, and in this case =MATCH(G2,$A$7:$D$7) incorrectly returns 1!
And even so, I cannot understand why $B$7:$D$7 works but neither $C$2:$C$9 nor $B$7:$D$8 will.
Any workarounds or alternative strategies would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

To do this you need to add in some other logic to find the correct column and row. This AGGREGATE() Function does the job.
For Day use:
For Hour:
The AGGREGATE() Function was introduced in Excel 2010.
For other Versions:
Pre 2010, they will need to be Array Formulas:
Being an Array Formula it must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter when exiting Edit mode. When done correctly Excel will automatically put {} around the formula to denote an array formula.
Newest Office 360 or online:
As to the reason MATCH will not work in this case:
MATCH() only works with a single row or column and not a multiple column/row range. It is set up to return a number equal to the order place found and therefore must be a 1 dimensional array.

The most efficient way to do this given your dataset is to use three MATCH queries - one for each column.
For the Day, that looks like this:
For the Time, that looks like this:
=INDEX($A$2:$A$10,IFERROR(MATCH(G2,$B$2:$B$10,0),0) + IFERROR(MATCH(G2,$C$2:$C$10,0),0) + IFERROR(MATCH(G2,$D$2:$D$10,0),0))
...but truth be told, on small datasets such as this one, you won't notice any performance difference on this approach vs Scott's AGGREGATE approach. On large datasets (thousands of rows) you probably will.
Note that another reason your initial approach failed is that you did not specify the 3rd argument of MATCH, and so Excel used the default value that assumes your list data is sorted alphabetically. You almost never want to omit that argument, and you almost always want to use FALSE (or Zero, which means FALSE to Excel)

Alternative solution with vba & listobjects (you need to give the two tables the names as appear in the code below)
sheet screenshot
Public Sub makeAppointmentList()
Dim aSheet As Worksheet
Set aSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1")
Dim aSchedule As ListObject
Set aSchedule = aSheet.ListObjects("schedule")
Dim anAppointmentList As ListObject
Set anAppointmentList = aSheet.ListObjects("appointmentList")
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Dim c As ListColumn
Dim r As ListRow
Dim newRow As ListRow
For Each c In aSchedule.ListColumns
For Each r In aSchedule.ListRows
If c.Index > 1 And Intersect(c.Range, r.Range) <> "" Then
Set newRow = anAppointmentList.ListRows.Add
Intersect(newRow.Range, anAppointmentList.ListColumns("Name").Range).Value = Intersect(c.Range, r.Range)
Intersect(newRow.Range, anAppointmentList.ListColumns("Day").Range).Value = Intersect(c.Range, aSchedule.HeaderRowRange)
Intersect(newRow.Range, anAppointmentList.ListColumns("Time").Range).Value = Intersect(aSchedule.ListColumns(1).Range, r.Range)
End If
Next r
Next c
anAppointmentList.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Intersect(anAppointmentList.HeaderRowRange, _
anAppointmentList.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Intersect(anAppointmentList.HeaderRowRange, _
anAppointmentList.ListColumns("Day").Range), _
anAppointmentList.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Intersect(anAppointmentList.HeaderRowRange, _
Dim s As SortField
End Sub


How do I use an array of ranges to propagate data for a search

it's 3:20 am and I'm about spent, so I'm tossing this up here in hopes someone can help me. I'm not sure this is a difficult problem, but I don't honestly know how to ask this clearly.
I made a User Form a couple of weeks ago with some help here to let users store information into a table. I'm now making a Search form to allow them to search the table (namely the full name column) and as there will be multiple entries with the same name, have it propagate a combo box so that the user can choose which entry they want to view. Depending on which entry they choose in the combobox will also propagate all the fields below it.
First, I think I've got the search function working correctly and building the array of ranges right. I had originally stored the array as strings and it populated my combo box perfectly, but then I had lost the range/address to propagate other data later. So I switched it back to an array of ranges and from there I'm having problems. Currently if I use the Combobox.additem I will of course only get a range from my array, but I can't do something like LookUpTable.Range(Array(i)).Value for my AddItem either. So, I'd like to be able to figure out how to propagate the combobox with the values in those stored ranges. I think once I learn how to do that, propagating the other fields afterwards will be pretty straightforward.
I hope this makes sense. Apologies, my brain is fried and I need some sleep.
The combobox will be propagated with all the duplicates as well as an identifier to easily separate them (in this case the date and person who did the evaluation) so that the user can choose which evaluation they would like to view. Right now it just shows the Full Name which is the stored range. I want to be able to essentially use the stored range to grab the entire row of values in another array that can then propagate all the fields for that report. I could make an array for every result at the time of searching, but this would be inefficient I think. Instead it should be created once the user chooses which report they want to view so it's limited to only making one array. I think I can maybe figure that out, but because it happens after they choose from the combobox, I'm unable to figure out to use that one range and pull two more columns of data with it. If I try using ,Offset with it I get an "Expected Object" error. If I try using my Table and the Array value for a range, I get a different error. I hope all this makes sense.
Public Sub Search_button_Click()
Dim NameColumn As Range
Dim NameLookUp As Range
Dim SearchResultsArray() As Variant
Dim SearchResultsCounter As Integer
Dim ResultsPropagate As Integer
Dim FirstResult As String
'Sets/Resets counter to 1 each time search button is pressed
SearchResultsCounter = 1
'Converts the text box values to strings and uppercases the first character and combines them into a full name value.
FirstLookUp = StrConv(StudentFirst_textbox.Value, vbProperCase)
LastLookUp = StrConv(StudentLast_textbox.Value, vbProperCase)
FullLookUp = FirstLookUp & " " & LastLookUp
'Sets NameColumn to the Full Name column in the table
Set NameColumn = LookUpTable.Range.Columns(3)
'Sets NameLookUp to the Full Name column in the table and searches for the FullLookUp string
Set NameLookUp = LookUpTable.Range.Columns(3).Find(What:=FullLookUp, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
'Saves the first result to prevent infinit looping and readjusts the array to match results size.
If Not NameLookUp Is Nothing Then
FirstResult = NameLookUp.Address
ReDim Preserve SearchResultsArray(SearchResultsCounter)
SearchResultsArray(SearchResultsCounter) = NameLookUp
ReDim Preserve SearchResultsArray(SearchResultsCounter)
SearchResultsArray(SearchResultsCounter) = NameLookUp
Set NameLookUp = NameColumn.FindNext(NameLookUp)
SearchResultsCounter = SearchResultsCounter + 1
Loop Until NameLookUp Is Nothing Or NameLookUp.Address = FirstResult
SearchResults_combobox.AddItem ("Choose a result to view.")
For ResultsPropagate = LBound(SearchResultsArray) To UBound(SearchResultsArray)
SearchResults_combobox.AddItem (SearchResultsArray(ResultsPropagate)) 'Here I want to use the range stored in the array and pull the value from the table.
Next ResultsPropagate
SearchResults_combobox.ListIndex = 0
MsgBox "Sorry, no entries matched your search.", vbOKOnly
End If
End Sub

Excel VBA: Create Array from Filter Field Items?

A report I am creating in Excel involves several very similar pivot tables needing to be specifically filtered many times (i.e. a Year-to-Date table, a Quarter-to-Date table, etc, all needing to be filtered the exact same way before exported, then filtered again, then exported, etc)
So I looked into VBA as a way of accepting a few filter criteria, then filtering multiple tables that way, before looping.
However, I'm having a very tough time properly targeting PivotTables and specific fields, as it appears an integrated Value field is targeted and filtered via code differently than, say, a "filter' field I have attached to the top of the PivotTables, where they can accept no "begins with", "contains", etc, strings. They are just checkboxes, and one or multiple can be selected.
So it's one thing for me to tell it via VBA to select one item, and having it select all but one item. The latter requires the code to target every single possible value, but not the one that I want excluded.
My idea for this, then, is to create an array from every possible existing value in this filter field, then going through a loop where each value is added to my code as a value to check.
I have some code so far:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("QTD_Pivot_By_Category").PivotFields( _
"[Range].[Address_1].[Address_1]").VisibleItemsList = Array( _
"[Range].[Address_1].&", "[Range].[Address_1].&[0]", "[Range].[Address_1].&[101]" _
, "[Range].[Address_1].&[INC]", "[Range].[Address_1].&[KRT]", _
"[Range].[Address_1].&[LTD]", "[Range].[Address_1].&[RPO]", _
"[Range].[Address_1].&[ INC]", "[Range].[Address_1].&[CORP]", _
"[Range].[Address_1].&[INC.]", "[Range].[Address_1].&[LTD.]", _
"[Range].[Address_1].&[LTEE]", "[Range].[Address_1].&[PAWS]", _
Now, if I just record this macro from actions in Excel, and do "select All", then de-select the one I don't want, it will error. It errors because it's selecting ~300 values, and while it's 'writing' this code, it errors when it hits the limit of "_" delimited breaks in one straight line of VBA code.
If my field is called "Address_1" as above, part of the range..."Range" (not sure where that's defined or why, but it works), can I get some help as to the most efficient way to define said ".VisibleItemList" as all POSSIBLE items in the list from a dynamic array rather than needing to be selected manually? This list will be different day-to-day so it can't just be a hardcoded flat list.
Ideally, also in a way that circumvents the max limit on "_" line breaks in a line of code in VBA for Excel.
If it's of any use for context, my table looks like this. See that checkbox drop-down? I want a snapshot of every updated value sitting in there to be put into an array and then iterated upon being added in a way similar to my example code:
Since that filter field's values are being pulled from a local datasource, I decided to just grab those and make an array that way! So I'm starting my code this way:
Dim OGDataRange As Range, OGDataLastRow As Long
Dim ValueArray As Variant
OGDataLastRow = Worksheets("DATA QTD").Range("U2").End(xlDown).Row
Set OGDataRange = Worksheets("DATA QTD").Range("U2:U" & OGDataLastRow)
ValueArray = OGDataRange.Value
"ValueArray" is now my array. So I need help one-by-one pulling the values of this array, and adding them to my VisibleItemList as seen above.
Thank you so much for any assistance.
This might help you
Private Sub this()
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strPVField As String
strPVField = "this"
Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(strPVField)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
pf.AutoSort xlManual, pf.SourceName
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
pi.Visible = False
Next pi
pf.AutoSort xlAscending, pf.SourceName
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
borrowed from
Deselect all items in a pivot table using vba

How to select 2-dimensional ranges using variables and not "A1"-format?

I realize this must be a really basic question but I can't seem to get this right. This last month of trying to learn VBA always sees me stuck on problems relating to this. I have searched for the answer but still struggle. Some help would be appreciated!
So, what I want to do is to select and manipulate ranges based on their numeric order, like row1,col1 to row 15,col7. Instead of "A1:G15".
For instance, the following code should format the copy of a pivot table:
Sub layout()
Dim searchterm As String: searchterm = "Grand Total"
rad = RowIndexer(searchterm) 'finds location of last row
kolumn = ColIndexer(searchterm) 'finds location of last column
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(15, 1), Cells(rad, kolumn)).Style = "SAPBEXfilterItem"
End Sub
I have also tried converting the range to "A1"-style, to no avail:
Start = Cells(counter, 1).Address
Finish = Cells(counter, kolumn).Address
Range("Start:Stop").Style = "SAPBEXfilterItem"
This question is very generic though so don't focus too much on the actual application. Just tell me how to work with ranges when you usually have just indices :)
In both cases I'm only able to select the first column and not the entire range. I heard someone mention that VBA is not "matrix based" and a lot of code I look at seems to overuse loops. Is the problem actually that you can only manipulate one one-dimensional array at a time? That would be really annoying...
You can indeed select ranges by using Range and using Cells(row, column). The correct usage is as follows, to select A1:G15
Dim wS as Worksheet
Set wS = ActiveSheet
Range(wS.cells(1,1), wS.cells(15,7)).select
Note that I did specify which sheet I am using INSIDE the Range method and applied to the cells object. That's the proper way to do it.

Generate graph automatically based on a set of data table in excel using VBA

I'm very new in VBA.. Currently I'm on my project which required me to creating a automation tool by plotting 2 bar chart automatically based on 2 table data as shown below
However as the table data was generated out from another automation tool thus the number of rows can be increase or decrease. And the number of rows could be more/less than 5, I couldn't select the cells by specifying the address of the cell such as "A7" or "B6".
And these are the expected output of the chart:
Hope some kind soul could help me on this..
I don't think you need a macro.
All you need is some dynamic named ranges:
Microsoft Support
And set your data range to those named ranges.
If the different blocks of data in a given worksheet are separated by blank rows and columns, and the bloc you want is the only one containing the word "Date", you could use a simple VBA routine to find the word "Date", determine the block of data is sits within, and insert a chart using that data. Like the following:
Sub PlotRangeUsingFind()
Const SFind As String = "Date"
Dim rng As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(SFind).CurrentRegion
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.SetSourceData rng
End With
End If
End Sub
You can modify this to look for any unique word in the block of data. It need not be the entire cell's contents; for example, you could use "Accepted" based on your screenshot.

Database access excel formatting or if statement or grouping

I have a database formatting problem in which I am trying to concatenate column "B" rows based on column "A" rows. Like So:
Sorry I couldn't post a picture. I don't have enough reputation points YET. I'LL Get them eventually though
So I'd like to solve this problem within Excel or Access. Its currently an access database, but I can export it to excel easily. As you can see, I want to find "userid" in column A and where there are multiple column A's such as "shawn" I'd like to combine the multiple instances of shawn and concatenate property num as such.
Even though there are multiple instances of column A still, I could just filter all unique instances of the table later. My concern is how to concatenate column B with a "|" in the middle if column A has multiple instances.
This is just a segment of my data (There is a lot more), so I would be very thankful for your help.
The pseudo code in my head so far is:
If( Column A has more than one instance)
Then Concatenate(Column B with "#"+ "|" +"#")
I'm also wondering if there is a way to do this on access with grouping.
Well Anyways, PLEASE HELP.
In excel we can achieve it easily by custom function in vba module. Hopefully using vba(Macros) is not an issue for you.
Here is the code for the function which can be added in vba. (Press Alt+F11, this will take you to visual editor, right click the project and add a module. Add the below code in module)
Public Function ConcatenatePipe(ByVal lst As Range, ByVal values As Range, ByVal name As Range) As String
ConcatenatePipe = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To lst.Count
If name.Value = lst.Item(i).Value Then ConcatenatePipe = ConcatenatePipe & "|" & values.Item(i).Value
ConcatenatePipe = Mid(ConcatenatePipe, 2)
End Function
This function you can use in excel in F Column of your example. Copy the below formulla in F2 and the copy paste the cell to rest of F column. =ConcatenatePipe($A$2:$A$20,$B$2:$B$20,E2)
I believe you can solve this with an SQL GROUP BY function. At least, here's how I'd do it in MySQL or similar:
SELECT userid, GROUP_CONCAT(propertynum SEPARATOR '|') FROM Names GROUP BY userid
as described in this stack overflow post: How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in MySQL?
Here's a link on how to use SQL in MS Access:
Unfortunately there is not a GROUP_CONCAT function in MSAccess, but this other SO post explains some ways round that: is there a group_concat function in ms-access?
