$watcher count exploding in ng-repeat virtual scolling - angularjs

I am trying to implement a virtual scrolling tree directive in Angular using this guide as a reference. However, when I start scrolling, the $watcher count explodes to 17k-20k+ watchers (which crashes the page), scrolling is consistently slow, and nothing I have tried seems to help.
Plunker with my current code: HERE
(Note, above not showing up for me in Firefox, but is working in Chrome). If you have any thoughts of what else I can try so the scrolling is not a disaster, I am open for ideas. Been working on this for way too long...
Other methods I have tried:
Was called in onScroll(). Result: The list no longer displayed at all/still lagged badly and I got continual "Cannot call method 'insertBefore' of null on $compile" errors until the page crashed.
<li ng-repeat="node in nodeList" vs-node="node"></li>
Aka, I tried to give each element an isolated scope of its own in hopes that its scope and any watchers associated with it would be destroyed when the list was updated. Result was no difference with the watcher issue of above.
function clearVisibleProvider(nodeList){
for(var i=nodeList.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
nodeList[i] = null;
return nodeList;
function clearNode(node){
for(var j=node.nodes.length-1; j >= 0; j--){
nodeList[i] = null;
An attempt to clear old list elements before replacing them. Again, no difference. It was called within updateDisplayList() before the main list was updated.

Achieved my goal by redesigning to use a regular list view instead. Displayed nodes are flattened into a list, manual indexing is used to keep track of things, and there is no nesting. Any elements that would be nested have padding calculated based on their level of depth in the tree.
There was also a bug where I was getting too many nodes at once as well. Instead of 50, I'd get 200-500. Fixing that did not solve the watch count exploding however, so I don't consider it the source of the original problem.


How to get root element for scope in angular?

I usually need the element's scope which is something like $(element).scope() or angular.element(..).scope()
But now I have the opposite problem - I have a scope, and I need to find which element generated it.
How can I find out from the developers' console which element it is?
Why do I need this?
I am working on someone else's code, fixing a bug.
I am still trying to figure out some stuff, but some of the code is quite hard to follow. Very generic and a lot of copy-paste, so searches don't always help.
There's a lot of ng-includes and directives that use the parent scope.
There's a view calling a service somehow - it is unclear how yet..
I do have a reference to a scope, which is different from the one in the view that triggers the function.
So if I find the element from which that scope came from, it could sort out the relation between them etc.. At least give me some lead.
Obviously some refactoring and best practices are required in the future, but I have to focus on this bug first.
I know of nothing 'out-of-the-box', but every $scope variable has a unique $id property; and in addition, every element that has a $scope gets marked with the 'ng-scope' class. So something along the lines of the following VERY UGLY METHOD! may help (I'm assuming you have jQuery; otherwise substitute angular's jqueryLite methods):
function findById(id) {
var els = $('.ng-scope');
for (var i=0; i<els.length; i++) {
if ($(els[i]).scope().$id===id) {
return els[i];
return null;
And if this is actually helpful, then I feel your debugging pain.

Expand specific rows in Angular-ui-grid

I'm using angular-ui-grid 3.0.5 with the treeview extension to display a tree. The data loads normally, everything works as expected, except that expandRow fails silently.
My use case is this: suppose we have a path like a > b > c and I need c shown to the user as preselected. I know the selection is correctly done because when I manually expand the parent rows, the child row is indeed selected.
Should I call expandAllRows, all rows would be expanded. However, calling expandRow with references on rows a and b taken from gridOptions.data leads to nothing happening: all rows will remain collapsed.
Is there any precaution to be taken that I have maybe overlooked, or is this a bug?
There's one mention in a closed issue that may be related to this but problem I'm having, but I'm not even sure it's related, given how dry the comment/solution was.
There's no example of using expandRow in the documentation but it's in both the API and the source code.
The gridRow objects mentioned in the documentation http://ui-grid.info/docs/#/api/ui.grid.treeBase.api:PublicApi are not the elements you put into the data array (though this seems to be not explained anywhere).
What the function expects is an object that the grid creates when building the tree, you can access them by looping through the grids treeBase.tree array. This will only be valid when the grid has built the tree, it seems, so it is not directly available when filling in the data, that's why registering a DataChangeCallback helps here https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-grid/issues/3051
// expand the top-level rows
// https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-grid/issues/3051
ctrl.gridApi.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(function() {
if (ctrl.gridApi.grid.treeBase.tree instanceof Array) {
angular.forEach(ctrl.gridApi.grid.treeBase.tree, function(node) {
if (node.row.treeLevel == 0) {
self.onContentReady = function (e) {
selec which row you wanna expand

element.remove() method doesn't work sometimes

I have a test case that shows that angular element.remove() removes elements from the DOM sometimes, and fails miserably at other times even though I don't see an error. Here is the JSFIDDLE.
To see it working, click the Search button (no need to put in any data in the input field). This does two things:
deletes elements above the field and
deletes any elements below the fields (nothing to delete the first time around) and adds new ones.
This is the code that should clear out the elements below the search button.
var resultNode = angular.element(document.getElementById('id_' + target.name));
if(resultNode != undefined)
Repeatedly clicking on the search shows that the number of elements below the search button keeps increasing - even though it should really be staying at 3 elements. Why does the remove() method fail here?
Take a look at this forked fiddle:
You need to reset the search results during each search using $scope.searchResults = [];
I also refactored to code a bit, to merge 3 loops that basically can be done in 1 loop.

AngularJS - ng-grid sliding window - table not updating from array change

I'm trying to use ng-grid with a sliding window of 100 records. The data is coming in realtime via signalR and every message trigger the following method:
onNewTrades(records) {
console.log("onNewRecord", records);
if (connectionStopped) return;
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
if ($scope.recordsData.length > maxRecordsInTable)
t: new Date(records[i][0]),
p: records[i][1],
a: records[i][2]
I have a threshold of 100 maxRecordsInTable before I start popping items off the end (before adding the new message to the front)
However, when it reaches my threshold the table simple stops updating. Strangely though, if I set a breakpoint on unshift(), the table does update with every "continue".
I suspect it's some kind of angular timing issue? I tried using $timeout()
Or may when I pop() and unshift() at the same time it doesn't pick up a change in the array? I tried using $apply() (error already in digest cycle)
There are a few things that could be happening here.
First of all, if onNewTrade is using an external, non-angular, library making xhr requests outside of angular's framework (i.e. not using $http or $resource), you have to call $scope.$apply(function(){ }) around the code you want the scope's digest to know about. That part's not clear from what you've provided. edit: Read more about when to use $scope.$apply
Second, angular's digest phase does a minimum of two passes (first to make changes, second to make sure there are no more changes). It does at most 10 passes by default. If angular evaluates the scope 10 times and it is not consistent, it gives up. see documentation. It does this because you can have multiple watch functions where one watch affects the scope higher in the hierarchy, which makes changes and affects the same watch.. basically causing an evented infinite loop. Do you see a console error about '10 $digest iterations, aborting!' or something similar?
There are a couple of other questionable things:
is onNewRecord asynchronous? If so, I would doubt connectionStopped is being done correctly. You could be returning early. Because you say a breakpoint shows values on unshift, its probably not the cause of this issue (and most likely missing $scope.$apply is the problem), but I'd rethink this code.
Your function is onNewTrade(records), but you log onNewRecord(record). If you have nested variables here, make sure you haven't excluded code that may contain typos (e.g. record instead of records). You might be working on an unexpected object.

Winform treeview sorted property is slow

I have a winforms TreeView control with the Sorted property set to true. I also override the default sorter by assigning and instance of IComparer to the TreeViewNodeSorter property.
Unfortunately adding a few thousand nodes using the AddRange function takes perhaps 10 seconds. If I set Sorted to false the AddRange function is < 1/2 second. (please no discussions about the validity of adding so many nodes)
Aha I hear you say.. there is a problem in my IComparer object. Not according to the profiler. Barely any time is spent in the sorting object and yet the AddRange function is right at the top of the list of slow functions.
The problem is easy to replicate in a test project. Simply create a list of TreeNodes and add it to the an existing expanded tree node using the AddRange function. This will use the default sort on the tree text - again it is disproportionately slow.
To demonstrate how disproportionately slow it is if I disable the Sorted property in the test probject and use the List<T>.Sort function (with a delegate that compares the Text of the nodes) on my list of nodes before adding them to the tree there is virtually no delay.
This leads to the workaround of sorting the nodes manually before using AddRange. That's OK but it means a lot of work to find the correct insertion point when adding nodes to an existing set of child nodes - rather less convenient than simply setting Sorted to true.
Is there anyway to speed up the behaviour?
EDIT - it seems the only way is to sort before adding.. it's a bit of a hassle but I came up with the following extension method:
public static void AddSortedRange(this TreeNodeCollection existingNodes, IList<TreeNode> nodes, TreeView treeView, IComparer sorter)
TreeNode[] array = new TreeNode[nodes.Count + existingNodes.Count];
existingNodes.CopyTo(array, 0);
nodes.CopyTo(array, existingNodes.Count);
Array.Sort(array, sorter);
It is quicker to copy the existing nodes to an array, append the new nodes, sort the array and then replace that trying to manipulate nodes inline in the tree view - the slowest operation in the above code is the existingNodes.Clear() call
The performance problems you have are related to the fact that you are adding items to a sorted TreeView. What happens behind the scenes when you add to a sorted list is that for each item that you are adding, it tries to find it's place, which means that it needs to go through the whole list for each item, now imagine how many iteration that makes for each new item :)
What you can do is this:
TreeView tv = new TreeView(); // Just so I have a TreeView variable
TreeNode[] nodes = ... // Well, your list of nodes that you want to add
tv.Sorted = false;
tv.Nodes.AddRange( nodes );
tv.Sorted = true;
For performance reasons we are using the SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout methods to disable the painting process used by the TreeView when manipulating it's items, which we would cause by removing the items and then adding them as well, since it would need to repaint to add the new item that you are adding (for each of the items).
Right before we are doing any changes to the Nodes Collection we have to call Sorted = false; to disable the sorting (this is just temporary - the user will not see any changes because of SuspendLayout).
Then just add the items to the collection (since the TreeView is not sorted for the time being it should be really quick).
Then we enable the sorting again by calling Sorted = true; setting the Sorted Property to true will cause for the collection to do a sort.
This way, the sort will be performed only once (and therefore the TreeView will just go once through the items).
One more thing, if you have a custom sorter defined for the ListView (tv.ListViewItemSorter), set it to null before adding the items as well, just temporary of course, re-enable it again before the ResumeLayout call.
I experienced a locking situation using the Sort() method.
It worked fine for weeks, then once, it stucks, stucking my application with 25% CPU in the task manager.
var allTags = _TagEngine.GetTags(1, force);
foreach (var rec in allTags)
... adding nodes in the tree
TagTree.Sort(); // <= stuck here !
So I watch inside the Sort() method using a decompiler, and I noticed it handles already the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate feature internally.
Then I moved the TagTree.Sort() outside the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate, and it works fine since.
var allTags = _TagEngine.GetTags(1, force);
foreach (var rec in allTags)
... adding nodes in the tree
I hardly understood what happened here. Why it worked in the past, and suddenly stoped. Frankly, I did not had time enough to dig further and anyway, the most important is here : it works again.
I made a simple extension to the TreeView control. It is very fast. It moves internal storage to a Dictionary which makes a huge difference. In my real world example I have 100000 records that I need to load. It took 37 minutes before, but now it takes 2.2 seconds!!
You can find example and code on CodeProject: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/679563/Fast-TreeView
