Twitter Api 1.1 , Get feeds using ngCordova - angularjs

I have been working on twitter feed in cordova using angularjs.
I have created app in my account and have generated consumer key and secret key and also access token.
User cordova-twitter plugin
I have tried this few links but nothing working for me.
Please help me out with this issue as am beginner with this twitter and could'nt find any tutorial for beginners.

Thank you everyone.
I found it difficult to implement twitter in cordova. Hence i went in other way. I have used PHP to get feeds from twitter and then call that api in my app.
Integrating in php was much simpler. But still if some one has better idea please post it here, it might be helpfull in future.


Send mail by using Strapi and React.js

Since one month me and my team are working on a project with React as frontend and Strapi as our backend.
We need to do a form that has to automatically send e-mails by using the Strapi e-mails plugin.
However, we're still beginners with those technologies, and we aren't able to implement this kind of functionnality.
Is anyone familiar with Strapi and also this plugin ?
We don't find a lot of tutorials and documentation about it on the web.
Thank your for paying attention.
you can follow instructions of this guide -
You can create a custom route/controller to manage your contact form.
Here is an example -
Make sure to create a POST route.
Then in your controller, get your form data with ctx.request.body

How to connect AngularJS with WordPress?

I have a mobile app that I am constructing with Ionic Framework, I've been researching trough the web trying to get any tutorial which give me the answer to my question: how can I connect my app with WordPress?
all I see is questions like this
I don't want/need to touch anything in the WordPress part, unless I need any plugin or something, all I need is to display the posts of WordPress account in my mobile app main view, so, is there any tutorial you can show me which goes straight to the point? do you have any example?
My app is running with Angular, so I need to do everything with it.
I saw this tutorial but he is doing it with something named Freshly-Pressed, how can I do it but with my own WP ?
I didn't find any tutorial but you can acheive this with WP-REST API. Which gives you to fetch posts or create posts and more.
OR If you want to acheive it through a plugin then follow this post

Creating a mobile App with Laravel and AngularJS

I've been reading up on AngularJS lately (always used jQuery) and I'm starting to understand and like it. Normally I would build webapplications with Laravel. Now i'd really like to dig further and learn about connecting these two frameworks to build an awesome SPA. In this case, Laravel serves as a REST api and Angular handles the front end. This article and also this video helped me a lot, but still raises questions.
The biggest one (maybe very stupid) is: could the HTML/CSS/JS be converted to a native mobile app, for example with PhoneGap? Because that is what I'm wishing to achieve if possible.
Also, if this is possible, is it a good way or does it get too tricky?
This is still very new to me, just need some help on the way. I hope my question makes some sence, thanks in advance.

Laravel and Angular.JS - Web App Dev

I have started learning Laravel and Angular, for one of my project at university. I want to rebuild the website with these two frameworks but I cant figure out exatly the best way to do that. From Laravel I want the less posible, because I will focus on Angular.
Can someone with more experience help me?
For example, do I need to use routing on both sides? Which functions of the website I should cover with Laravel(Mailer, Auth, Routing...) and which using Angular?
I just need to understand a bigger image, not in details.
Tnx a lot.
All the best :D
There's quite some information on the net regarding Laravel and Angular, but this one in particular is one that I found useful:
You may also want to consider writting a front-end app in Angular and a separate back-end app in Laravel. The back-end app can then expose an API, consumed by the Angular front-end.

Making web apps non crawlable

This question might seem a little dump but we are building an app that has important data atleast for us and we cant afford , these data crawled by any site (google or any other). How can I do that ??? I was relying on angular and how do I acheive the same in Angular .
Thanks ::!!
Many SPA-developers are trying to solve opposed problem, so you can just do nothing at this moment, if you build SPA. But I hope soon Google will learn how to index SPA, and I believe your only 100% solution is authentication.
