vba mapping function behaving unexpectedly - arrays

why the function below works sometimes and fails at others?
The function idea
a string gets passed to this function by a user or a procedure
the string will be split by multiple delimiters into an array of words
each word is cleaned from non-letter characters except for the characters (dash and single quote mark inside the word) an example of words having these two char. would be (man's spirit, life-loving)
if the single quote marks are found surrounding the word, they get trimmed too
after processing each word in the string, and if the word is not empty it gets stored into the array Along with it's starting position and end position
the start and end positions refer to the position of that word within the input string and excluding any non-letter characters that might surround the word.
Here's the code
Sub test()
Dim d$: d = ThisDocument.Range.Text
Dim Arr(), i&
Arr = ExtractWordsFromDoc_2(d)
For i = 0 To UBound(Arr)
ThisDocument.Range(Arr(i)(1) - 1, Arr(i)(2)).HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
End Sub
Function ExtractWordsFromDoc_2(ByRef doc As Document, Optional ByVal Delimiters)
' Take a string, and return it as a one dimensional array of individual arrys, each array
' has three values (single delimited string, start range of delimited str, end range of delimited str)
' the input string is delimited by any of several characters. None of those characters are returned in
' the result. Provide a default list of Delimiters, which Should come from registry.
' But allow override.
Dim InputString$: InputString = doc.Range.Text
'return an array of empty string when input string is empty
If InputString = "" Then
ExtractWordsFromDoc_2 = Array("", 0, 0)
Exit Function
End If
Dim DelimitList As Variant, ArrayOfWords() As Variant, TmpArr() As Variant
Dim OneChar$, TempWord$, WordCount&, InputStringLength&, CharIndex&, ArrUbound&
'if delimiters are missing, We should get these from a Registry
If IsMissing(Delimiters) Then
DelimitList = Chr(34) & Chr(147) & Chr(148) & Chr(32) & "," & "." & vbCr & vbTab & "/" & "!" & "|" & ";" & ")" & "(" & "?"
'Chr(34)= straight double quotes mark
'Chr(147) & Chr(148) =opening and closing double quotes marks
'Chr(32) = space
DelimitList = Delimiters 'user can override if needed
End If
InputStringLength = Len(InputString) 'get the input string length
For CharIndex = 1 To InputStringLength 'loop through each character
OneChar = VBA.Strings.Mid(InputString, CharIndex, 1) 'Read one character at a time
Select Case InStr(DelimitList, OneChar) 'Test if the character is a delimiter character
Case 0 'it is not a delimiter
TempWord = TempWord & OneChar 'Add the character to the current word
Case Is <> 0, Is = InputStringLength 'it is a delimiter or it is the last character
'if the temp word is not empty and not a quotation mark
If TempWord > "" And Not (TempWord = "'" Or TempWord = Chr(145) Or TempWord = Chr(146)) Then
TmpArr = TrimSingQuotes(TempWord) 'send that word to be cleaned from single quotaion mark
If (Not TmpArr(0) = "") Then 'if the returned word has length, count it
WordCount = WordCount + 1
ArrUbound = WordCount - 1 'set the new upper dimension for the storing array
ReDim Preserve ArrayOfWords(ArrUbound) 'expand storing array when we have a cleaned word with length
'Save new word in the last place inside the array, along with the word start and end ranges
ArrayOfWords(ArrUbound) = Array(TmpArr(0), _
CharIndex - Len(TempWord) + TmpArr(1) - 1, _
CharIndex - Len(TempWord) + TmpArr(2) - 1)
End If
TempWord = "" 'reset the Temp Word
End If
End Select
Next CharIndex
ExtractWordsFromDoc_2 = ArrayOfWords 'Return the storing array through function name
'do some cleaning
Erase ArrayOfWords
Erase TmpArr
End Function
Sub testTrimSingQuotes()
TrimSingQuotes (Empty)
End Sub
Function TrimSingQuotes(ByVal TempWord$)
'SSQP =starting single quote position
'ESQP = ending single quote position
If TempWord = "" Then
TrimSingQuotes = Array("", 0, 0)
Exit Function
End If
Dim SSQP&: SSQP = 1
Dim ESQP&: ESQP = Len(TempWord)
'trim starting single quotes
Do While (Mid(TempWord, SSQP, 1) = "'" Or Mid(TempWord, SSQP, 1) = Chr(145) Or Mid(TempWord, SSQP, 1) = Chr(146)) And SSQP < ESQP
'trim ending single quotes
Do While (Mid(TempWord, ESQP, 1) = "'" Or Mid(TempWord, ESQP, 1) = Chr(145) Or Mid(TempWord, ESQP, 1) = Chr(146)) And (ESQP > SSQP)
'get the trimmed word
TempWord = Mid(TempWord, SSQP, ESQP - SSQP + 1)
'test the trimmed word for output
If TempWord > "" And Not (TempWord = "'" Or TempWord = Chr(145) Or TempWord = Chr(146)) Then
TrimSingQuotes = Array(TempWord, SSQP, ESQP)
TrimSingQuotes = Array("", 0, 0)
End If
End Function

To be honest, I didn't spend a lot of time (i.e. none) figuring out why your code isn't working as intended. I suspect it has something to do with calculating your position in the input string.
It is much simpler to leverage the build in Split function to do your heavy lifting, and probably much more performant than relying on the string functions like Instr and Mid. Note that this relies on 2 quirks of the Split function:
First, if you call Split on an empty string, it returns an array with a UBound of -1.
Second, VBA's version of Split doesn't remove empty entries - so, Split("foo", "foo") results in the array { vbNullString, vbNullString }. This is good, because you can tell by the result how many delimiters were in the string based on the size of the resulting array (number of delimiters in the input will always equal the number of array elements minus one. In VBA terms, delimiterCount = UBound(Split(inputString, delimiter)).
Your requirement makes this easy in that your delimiters are all 1 character.
Try something like this:
Private Function MultiSplit(inValue As String, delimiters() As Variant) As Variant()
Dim output() As Variant
Dim bound As Long
ReDim Preserve output(bound)
Dim tokens() As String
Dim index As Long
tokens = Split(inValue, delimiters(0))
If UBound(tokens) = -1 Then
MultiSplit = Array(vbNullString, 0, 0)
Exit Function
End If
'Process each delimiter.
For index = 1 To UBound(delimiters)
tokens = SubSplit(tokens, CStr(delimiters(index)))
Next index
Dim position As Long
For index = LBound(tokens) To UBound(tokens)
If tokens(index) = vbNullString Then
'This means a delimiter was removed, so increment the position to account for it.
position = position + 1
'Resize the output array and write the result for the remaining token.
ReDim Preserve output(bound)
output(bound) = Array(tokens(index), position, position + Len(tokens(index)) - 1)
position = position + Len(tokens(index)) + 1
bound = bound + 1
End If
Next index
MultiSplit = output
End Function
Private Function SubSplit(inValue() As String, delimiter As String) As String()
Dim tokens() As String
Dim substring As Variant
Dim token As Variant
Dim output() As String
output = Split(vbNullString)
For Each substring In inValue
tokens = Split(substring, delimiter)
'Test for an empty token - these need to be preserved in the output.
If UBound(tokens) = -1 Then
ReDim Preserve output(UBound(output) + 1)
For Each token In tokens
ReDim Preserve output(UBound(output) + 1)
output(UBound(output)) = token
Next token
End If
Next substring
SubSplit = output
End Function
Test code:
Private Function TestCode()
Dim delims() As Variant
Dim results() As Variant
Dim test As String
delims = Array(Chr(34), Chr(147), Chr(148), Chr(32), ",", ".", vbCr, vbTab, "/", "!", "|", ";", ")", "(", "?")
test = "foo|||bar,,baz?crux"
results = MultiSplit(test, delims)
Dim result As Variant
For Each result In results
Debug.Print result(0) & vbTab & result(1) & vbTab & result(2)
Next result
End Function
Note that I didn't examine the existing code even far enough to determine if your output positions were 1 or 0 based. The example above is 0 based. If you need 1 based, insert position = 1 after Dim position As Long.
Quote removal is left as an exercise for the reader.


Trying to use Trim and Rtrim function to remove trailing spaces in array

I have arrays with string values that have trailing spaces. I am trying to implement a way to remove them in the arrays they are stored in. But for whatever reason it does not work. This is what I have tried:
For i = 1 To c
Names(i) = RTrim(Names(i))
State(i) = RTrim(State(i))
Where c is the length of the array. I have also tried this with Trim() and no luck. Any reason this isn't working?
This is a common problem. Trim, LTrim and RTrim only remove spaces. A much more useful function is provided below.
To use the code below you will need to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime or revise to code to create the scripting.dictionary using CreateObject.
IpTrimchars may be provided as a string or as a scripting.dictionary, where the Keys of the Scripting.Dictionary are the characters to be trimmed.
And of course, the trimmer method can be revised to trim characters that are not in a preferred list. Just change ipTrimChars to ipAllowedChars (contains characters you allow in your sttrings) and the exists statements to Not exists and then everything that is not an allowed character will be trimmed. I leave that as an 'exercise for the reader'
Sub Test()
Dim mystring As String
mystring = "xyz;+ Hello Worldxyz;+ xyz;+ "
Debug.Print mystring
mystring = Trimmer(mystring, "xyz;+ ")
Debug.Print "Trimmer should give 'Hello World'", mystring
End Sub
'#Description("Removes designated characters (ipTrimChars) from both ends of ipSource")
Public Function Trimmer(ByRef ipSource As String, Optional ByRef ipTrimChars As Variant = " ") As String
Dim myLen As Long
myLen = VBA.Len(ipSource)
If myLen = 0 Then
Trimmer = ipSource
Exit Function
End If
' A Scipting.dictionary is being use for tthe keys exists method only.
' The same could be achieved using the .Contains method of the ArrayList
Dim myTrimChars As Scripting.dictionary
Set myTrimChars = New Scripting.dictionary
If VBA.IsEmpty(ipTrimChars) Then
myTrimChars.Add " ", " "
ElseIf VBA.TypeName(ipTrimChars) = "String" Then
Dim myIndex As Long
For myIndex = 1 To VBA.Len(ipTrimChars)
' myindex is used to satisfy the .add requirement for a Key and an Item
myTrimChars.Add VBA.Mid$(ipTrimChars, myIndex, 1), myIndex
ElseIf VBA.TypeName(ipTrimChars) = "Dictionary" Then
Set myTrimChars = ipTrimChars
Err.Raise 17, "Trimmer", "ipTrimchars:Expecting a String or a Scripting.Dictionary"
End If
Dim mystring As String
mystring = ipSource
' Remove characters from the start of the string
myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
If myTrimChars.Exists(VBA.Left(mystring, 1)) Then
mystring = VBA.Mid$(mystring, 2)
End If
Loop Until myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
' Remove characters from the end of the string
myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
If myTrimChars.Exists(VBA.Right(mystring, 1)) Then
mystring = VBA.Mid$(mystring, 1, myLen - 1)
End If
Loop Until myLen = VBA.Len(mystring)
Trimmer = mystring
End Function
Trim only trims space characters (Ascii 32). Likely you have something else at the end of your strings, candidates are Tab, Carriage Return or Line Feed, but there are also some characters that look like a space, for example the Non-breaking space.
First thing is to figure out what characters are at the end of your string. You can do that for example with this small routine:
Sub Dumpstring(s As String)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(s)
Dim c As String
c = Mid(s, i, 1)
Debug.Print i, AscW(c), c
End Sub
Look for characters with Code 9 (Tab), 13 (CR), 10 (LF), 160 (Non break Space) or everything else that should be removed.
Then you can write your own simple trim functions. The following functions define a string (trimChars) that contain all characters that should be "trimmed". You can pass it as parameter, or use the default. The logic is that from left resp. right, it is checked if the character of the string you want to trim (s) is within this string. If not, quit the loop because we found a character that is not to be trimmed and return the according substring.
Function MyRTrim(s As String, Optional trimChars) As String
If IsMissing(trimChars) Then trimChars = getDefaultTrimChars()
Dim i As Long
For i = Len(s) To 1 Step -1
If InStr(trimChars, Mid(s, i, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
If i = 0 Then Exit Function ' Emtpy string
MyRTrim = Left(s, i)
End Function
Function MyLTrim(s As String, Optional trimChars) As String
If IsMissing(trimChars) Then trimChars = getDefaultTrimChars()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If InStr(trimChars, Mid(s, i, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
If i = Len(s) Then Exit Function ' Emtpy string
MyLTrim = Mid(s, i)
End Function
Function MyTrim(s As String, Optional trimChars)
MyTrim = MyLTrim(MyRTrim(s, trimChars), trimChars)
End Function
Function getDefaultTrimChars()
getDefaultTrimChars = " " & vbTab & vbCr & vbLf & ChrW(160)
End Function
Note that I have created the getDefaultTrimChars for readability and to have the same default for LTrim and RTrim. I would prefer to have a constant, but in VBA you can't use a function like ChrW for a constant definition. You can adapt this function and add other characters if you want.

Remove characters from a word - VBA

I want to remove characters from a string based on the position. i use the below code and i manage to:
Insert all word letters in an array
Loop the array and replace the letters that i want with nothing
BUT i dont know have to remove nothing from the array, recreate array index and create the word again without those characters.
'Create an array with all letters
For j = 1 To Len(SheetName2)
ReDim Preserve arrWord(k)
arrWord(k) = Mid(SheetName2, j, 1)
k = k + 1
Next j
Counter = (Len(SheetName2) - 31) * 2
'Loop array and replace with nothing
For w = Counter - 1 To 0 Step -2
arrWord(w) = ""
Next w
You don't need an array of the characters. Just read every second character into a new string.
Public Sub OutputEverySecondChar()
Dim TestString As String
TestString = "abcdefghij"
Dim OutputString As String
Dim iChar As Long
For iChar = 1 To Len(TestString) Step 2
OutputString = OutputString & Mid$(TestString, iChar, 1)
Next iChar
Debug.Print OutputString 'output is: acegi
End Sub
Or even better as re-useable function:
Public Sub test()
Debug.Print ReturnEveryXcharcter(InputString:="abcdefghij", FirstChar:=1, xChar:=2, CharLength:=1)
End Sub
Public Function ReturnEveryXcharcter(InputString As String, FirstChar As Long, xChar As Long, CharLength As Long) As String
Dim iChar As Long
For iChar = FirstChar To Len(InputString) Step xChar
ReturnEveryXcharcter = ReturnEveryXcharcter & Mid$(InputString, iChar, CharLength)
Next iChar
End Function
So the function is even more flexible and you can eg use the following to delete every 3ʳᵈ character (beginning with the first):
Debug.Print ReturnEveryXcharcter(InputString:="abcdefghij", FirstChar:=2, xChar:=3, CharLength:=2)
'output will be: bcefhi
Edit according comment:
Then loop until it is less then 31 characters:
Public Sub test()
Dim SheetName As String
SheetName = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
SheetName = ReturnEveryXcharcter(InputString:=SheetName, FirstChar:=1, xChar:=2, CharLength:=1, LengthLimit:=31)
Loop While Len(SheetName) > 31
Debug.Print SheetName
End Sub
My solution:
If Len(SheetName1) > 31 Then
SheetName2 = Replace(SheetName1, " ", "")
'Third check - Remove letter by letter starting from the beginning
If Len(SheetName2) > 31 Then
Counter = (Len(SheetName2) - 31) * 2
Part_1 = Left(SheetName2, Counter)
Part_2 = Mid(SheetName2, Counter + 1, Len(SheetName2) - (Counter))
Semi_Part = ""
For j = 1 To Counter Step 2
'Use only Part_1 because it ll be the same in all occurance
Semi_Part = Semi_Part + Mid(Part_1, j, 1)
Next j
FinalSheetname = Semi_Part & Part_2
FinalSheetname = SheetName2
End If
FinalSheetname = SheetName1
End If
Just for interest, you can also do this with a worksheet function if you have one of the more recent versions of Excel (O365 or 2016+) that has the CONCAT function.
The "trick" is to create an array that includes the positions of the characters you wish to retain.
In the case of deleting every even space positioned character (retaining the odd positions):
Since this is an array formula, you need to "confirm" it by holding down ctrl + shift while hitting enter. If you do this correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula as observed in the formula bar

VBA - How to build an array with multiple delimiters of varying sizes?

How can I build an array if I have multiple delimiters, where some delimiters are single character and others are multiple characters?
Sub Example()
Dim exString As String
Dim myString() As String
exString = "A,B C;D > E"
myString() = Split(exString, "," & " " & ";" & " > ")
End Sub
The result I want in my array is:
myString(0) is A
myString(1) is B
myString(2) is C
myString(3) is D
myString(4) is E
But using Split() in this way doesn't work. I do know that I can use Replace() to replace every single delimiter with a common one, but I have a lot of different delimiters and variations of multiple character delimiters. Using Replace() isn't desirable to me. What can I do?
You can have lots of problems in VBA as well:
'Add a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 (Tools -> References...)
Dim exString As String
exString = "A,B C;D > E"
Dim re As New RegExp
re.Pattern = "(,| |;|>)+"
re.Global = True
Dim myString() As String
myString = Split(re.Replace("A,B C;D > E", ","), ",")
Setting re.Pattern defines what to look for. | represents finding A or B, so the regular expression will match on , or or ; or >.
Multiple instances should be treated as one (e.g. between the D and the E there are three characters, but there should be only one split), so add a + at the end (and wrap everything else in ()).
Replace then replaces any of the matched patterns with , and gives back a string like this:
on which we can simply call Split to get back the array.
Reference: VBScript Regular Expressions
Instead of using regular expressions to match the delimiter characters, you could use regexes to match the non-delimiter characters:
Dim re As New RegExp
re.Pattern = "[^, ;>]+" 'The ^ unmatches any characters within the []
re.Global = True
Dim match As Match
For Each match In re.Execute(exString)
'do something with each result here
Debug.Print match.Value
This is sufficient if all you need is to iterate over the results and do something with them. If you specifically need an array with the results:
Dim re As New RegExp
re.Pattern = "[^, ;>]+"
re.Global = True
Dim matches As MatchCollection
Set matches = re.Execute(exString)
ReDim myString(matches.Count) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To matches.Count - 1
myString(i) = matches(i).Value
You were on the right track with your function. Using a ParamArray you can easily change the number and position of your delimiters.
Function MultiSplit(SourceText As String, ParamArray Delimiters()) As String()
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In Delimiters
SourceText = Replace(SourceText, v, "•")
MultiSplit = Split(SourceText, "•")
End Function
Sub Test()
Const example As String = "A,B C;D > E"
Dim a1, a2, a3, Incorrect
Incorrect = MultiSplit(example, " ", " > ")
a1 = MultiSplit(example, " > ", ",", ";", " ")
a2 = MultiSplit(example, " > ", ",")
a3 = MultiSplit(example, " > ")
End Sub
NOTE: When using multi-character delimiters, the order that the delimiters are processed matters. Notice that A1 is split proper but Incorrect is not split as intended because the space delimiter came before " > ".
In this situation, I found the following function to be perfect for my needs:
Function MultiSplit(SourceText As String, Optional SingleCharDelimiter As String, Optional MultiCharDelimiter As String, _
Optional Separator As String) As String()
'Created by Tyeler for use by all.
'SourceText is your input string.
'SingleCharDelimiter is a string of desired delimiters.
'SingleCharDelimiter format is a string fully concatenated with no character separation.
' (ex. "-.;:, " MultiSplit will use those 6 characters as delimiters)
'SingleCharDelimiter's will remove blanks from the array in the event two single delimiters
' are next to each other.
'MultiCharDelimiter is a string of specific multi-character delimiters.
'MultiCharDelimiters can be separated by the optional Separator
'Separator is an optional value used to separate multiple MultiCharDelimiters.
' (ex. MultiCharDelimiter = "A A,B B,C C" // Separator = "," // This will make the function
' delimit a string by "A A", "B B", and "C C")
'MultiSplit will make an array based on any delimiter (Including delimiters with
' multiple characters).
If MultiCharDelimiter = "" And SingleCharDelimiter = "" Then Exit Function
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, dlimit
Dim delColl As New Collection
Dim newString As String: newString = SourceText
Dim delArr() As String, strgArr() As String, delFull() As String
Dim delSep As String, a As Integer: a = 33
Do While InStr(SingleCharDelimiter, Chr(a)) <> 0 Or InStr(MultiCharDelimiter, Chr(a)) <> 0 _
Or InStr(Separator, Chr(a)) <> 0 Or InStr(SourceString, Chr(a)) <> 0 'Find intermediate delimiter
a = a + 1
delSep = Chr(a)
If MultiCharDelimiter <> "" Then
If Separator <> "" Then 'If there's no delimiter for the delimiter array, assume MultiCharDelimiter is the delimiter
delArr() = Split(MultiCharDelimiter, Separator)
For i = 0 To UBound(delArr)
If InStr(newString, delArr(i)) <> 0 Then newString = Replace(newString, delArr(i), delSep)
Next i
newString = Replace(newString, MultiCharDelimiter, delSep)
End If
End If
Erase delArr
For i = 1 To Len(SingleCharDelimiter) 'Build a collection of user defined delimiters
delColl.Add Mid(SingleCharDelimiter, i, 1)
Next i
For Each dlimit In delColl 'Replace all delimiters in the string with a single common one
newString = Replace(newString, dlimit, delSep)
Next dlimit
strgArr() = Split(newString, delSep)
ReDim delFull(LBound(strgArr) To UBound(strgArr))
n = LBound(strgArr)
For i = LBound(strgArr) To UBound(strgArr) 'Get rid of empty array items
If strgArr(i) <> "" Then
delFull(n) = strgArr(i)
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
n = n - 1
ReDim Preserve delFull(LBound(strgArr) To n)
MultiSplit = delFull 'Send the delimited array
Erase delFull
Erase strgArr
End Function
This function will return an array of values that were separated by user defined delimiters.
To use this function, simply call on it and supply your full string and desired delimiters:
Sub Example1()
Dim exString As String
Dim myString() As String
Dim c, n
exString = "A,B C;D > E"
myString() = MultiSplit(exString, ", ;", " > ")
n = 0
For Each c In myString
Debug.Print "(" & n & ") = " & c
n = n + 1
Next c
End Sub
This will yield the desired result where the array is filled with only ABCDE.
A more complicated example:
Sub Example2()
Dim myString As String, c, n
n = 0
myString = "The,Quickupside-downBrownjelloFox_Jumped[Over] ThegiantLazyjelloDog"
For Each c In MultiSplit(myString, ",_[] ", "upside-down,jello,giant", ",")
Debug.Print "(" & n & ") = " & c
n = n + 1
Next c
End Sub
This will yield the following:
The following is a built-upon version of the code that Thomas Inzina graciously provided.
The following limitations have been removed:
The order that the delimiters are listed in the function.
The temporary delimiter being a set specific character.
The option to include or remove empty array items.
The function changing the reference (ByRef vs ByVal)
Passing an array of delimiters vs listing individual delimiters
Function MultiSplitX(ByVal SourceText As String, RemoveBlankItems As Boolean, ParamArray Delimiters()) As String()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, n As Integer
Dim i As Integer: i = 251
Dim u As Variant, v As Variant
Dim tempArr() As String, finalArr() As String, fDelimiters() As String
If InStr(TypeName(Delimiters(0)), "()") <> 0 And LBound(Delimiters) = UBound(Delimiters) Then
ReDim fDelimiters(LBound(Delimiters(0)) To UBound(Delimiters(0))) 'If passing array vs array items then
For a = LBound(Delimiters(0)) To UBound(Delimiters(0)) 'build that array
fDelimiters(a) = Delimiters(0)(a)
Next a
fDelimiters = Delimiters(0)
End If
Do While InStr(SourceText, Chr(i)) <> 0 And i < 251 'Find an unused character
i = i + 1
If i = 251 Then 'If no unused character in SourceText, use single character delimiter from supplied
For a = LBound(fDelimiters) To UBound(fDelimiters)
If Len(fDelimiters(a)) = 1 Then i = Asc(fDelimiters(a))
Next a
End If
If i = 251 Then 'If no single character delimiters can be used, error.
MsgBox "SourceText uses all character type." & vbCrLf & "Cannot split SourceText into an array.", _
vbCritical, "MultiSplitX Run-Time Error"
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Print i
For a = LBound(fDelimiters) To UBound(fDelimiters) 'Sort Delimiters by length
For b = a + 1 To UBound(fDelimiters)
If Len(fDelimiters(a)) < Len(fDelimiters(b)) Then
u = fDelimiters(b)
fDelimiters(b) = fDelimiters(a)
fDelimiters(a) = u
End If
Next b
Next a
For Each v In fDelimiters 'Replace Delimiters with a common character
SourceText = Replace(SourceText, v, Chr(i))
tempArr() = Split(SourceText, Chr(i)) 'Remove empty array items
If RemoveBlankItems = True Then
ReDim finalArr(LBound(tempArr) To UBound(tempArr))
n = LBound(tempArr)
For i = LBound(tempArr) To UBound(tempArr)
If tempArr(i) <> "" Then
finalArr(n) = tempArr(i)
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
n = n - 1
ReDim Preserve finalArr(LBound(tempArr) To n)
MultiSplitX = finalArr
Else: MultiSplitX = tempArr
End If
End Function
Use of this function doesn't change from how Thomas had it, with the exception that there's an added boolean statement.
Example 1
In this example, RemoveBlankItems has been set to True.
Sub Example1()
Dim myString As String, c, n
n = 0
myString = "The,Quickupside-downBrownjelloFox_Jumped[Over] ThegiantLazyjelloDog"
For Each c In MultiSplitX(myString, True, ",", "-", "upside-down", "jello", " ", "[", "]", "giant", "_")
Debug.Print "(" & n & ") = " & c
n = n + 1
Next c
End Sub
This results in the following output:
Example 2
In this example we have RemoveBlankItems set to False.
Sub Example2()
Dim myString As String, c, n
n = 0
myString = "The,Quickupside-downBrownjelloFox_Jumped[Over] ThegiantLazyjelloDog"
For Each c In MultiSplitX(myString, True, ",", "-", "upside-down", "jello", " ", "[", "]", "giant", "_")
Debug.Print "(" & n & ") = " & c
n = n + 1
Next c
Debug.Print myString
End Sub
This results in the following output:
Example 3
In this example, instead of listing our delimiters in the function, we have them typed out in a string and insert an array in the function instead:
Sub Example3()
Dim myString As String, c, n
Dim myDelimiters As String
n = 0
myString = "The,Quickupside-downBrownjelloFox_Jumped[Over] ThegiantLazyjelloDog"
myDelimiters = ",|-|upside-down|jello| |[|]|giant|_"
For Each c In MultiSplitX(myString, True, Split(myDelimiters, "|"))
Debug.Print "(" & n & ") = " & c
n = n + 1
Next c
Debug.Print myString
End Sub
This has the same result as if they had been listed individually:
The Reason RemoveBlankItems Is Desirable
There are some instances in which you DON'T want to have blanks in your array. An example of this would be if you're using your array as a bank of search words that are cycling through a range on a spread sheet. Another example would be if you're manipulating strings of text based on values in the array.
There are also times when you would want to retain the blanks in the array. As Thomas described, in the event you're using this on a CSV file, where maintaining the spaces as columns is desired. Or you're using it to break apart, for example, HTML coding and wish to retain the line format.
Sub Example()
Dim exString As String
Dim myString() As String
exString = "A,B C;D > E"
exString = Replace(exString, ",", " ")
exString = Replace(exString, ";", " ")
exString = Replace(exString, ">", " ")
exString = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(exString)
myString() = Split(exString, " ")
msg = ""
For Each a In myString
msg = msg & vbCrLf & a
Next a
MsgBox msg
End Sub

Regex expression and match function in text file

I have problem with my matching function actually I have to count number of lines with specific string and return line number ,so I have one dimensional array of string that contain the unique strings of text file {33,7,77,3 23,6} and text file with the same strings in array I have read lines of text file to array , but with duplicate of these strings ,when I use regex.match it works not bad expect when I check if line 2 contain 3 the function return True it's consider 3 in 23 as 3 , and the above explanation is just example of what I need any help please
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim txt As String = File.ReadAllText("e:\ii.txt")
' Use regular expressions to replace characters
' that are not letters or numbers with spaces.
Dim reg_exp As New Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
txt = reg_exp.Replace(txt, " ")
' Split the text into words.
'Dim words() As String = txt.Split( _
' New Char() {" "c}, _
' StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim words = txt.Split(New String() {" ", Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
' Use LINQ to get the unique words.
Dim word_query = _
(From word As String In words _
Order By word _
Select word).Distinct()
Dim stra() As String = word_query.ToArray()
For i = 0 To stra.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine(" " & stra(i))
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("e:\ii.txt")
For i = 0 To lines.Length - 1
Dim linecount = 0
Dim regex As New Regex(stra(i), RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
Dim match As Match = regex.Match(lines(1))
If match.Success Then
linecount += 1
Console.WriteLine("linecount= " & linecount)
End If
End Sub
End Module
You many not have to split the text into words. Is your word list very long? From what I understand you want the following:
1.Read a text file and return the line number for a given word or phrase.
Is the word or phrase complex? If not, why not use a the Contains extension method?
For example:
Dim myString = "Hello World"
If myString.Contains("World") Then
'Add line number to line count.
End if
If you are using this as an opportunity to learn regular expressions, I highly recommend "Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey Friedl. When I first begun I invested in a program RegexBuddy, which is worth the money. But now there are so many online regex testers now, that could be an alternative for something free.
Enhance your regex with anchors. These will ascertain that the whole test string matches instead of a substring. The following code also assembles all match patterns of interest into a single regex pattern which will be used against each line of the target file:
Dim strall As String
strall = ""
For i = 0 To stra.Length - 1
If i > o Then
strall = strall & "|"
End If
strall = strall & stra(i)
Console.WriteLine(" " & stra(i))
strall = "^(" & strall & ")$"
Dim regexall As New Regex(strall, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
Dim linecount = 0
Dim match As Match = regexall.Match(lines(i)) '... was 'lines(1)', probably a typo
If match.Success Then
this code is working with me thanks for all
Public Function countlines(ByVal st As String) As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim linecount As Integer = 0
Dim substrings() As String = Regex.Split(st, " ")
Dim stt() As String = {23, 7, 3}
For i = 0 To stt.Length - 1
'For j = 0 To substrings.Length - 1
'For i = 0 To substrings.Length - 1
Dim matchQuery = From word In substrings Where word.ToLowerInvariant() = stt(i).ToLowerInvariant() Select word
' ' Count the matches.
count = matchQuery.Count()
Console.WriteLine("count=" & count)
If count > 0 Then
linecount += 1
Console.WriteLine(" linecount=" & linecount)
End If
Console.WriteLine("linecount= " & linecount)
Return linecount
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("e:\ii.txt")
For Each line As String In lines
End Sub

In Excel VBA creating a wordwrap function

Through much research I have figured out a code to truncate sentances stored in cells to 100 characters or less, and add the excess to a second string. I have been really struggling trying to turn this into a function.
I would like to have the function accept a range of (1 column by various rows) OR, if that isn't possible, an Array of the same range values. Also there should be a way to set the number of characters that each output string can hold, output as an array of strings.
i.e. wordWrap(Input 'range or array', maxLength as integer) output of wordWrap will be an array of the results
Here is my current code:
Sub wordWrap()
'This procedure is intended to check the character length of a string and truncate all the words over 100 characters
'To a second string. (basically a word wrap)
Dim sumCount As Integer, newCount As Integer, i As Integer
Dim newString As String, newString2 As String
Dim words As Variant
Dim lenwords(0 To 1000) As Variant
Dim myRange As Range
sumCount = 0
newCount = 0
newString = ""
newString2 = ""
With Range("Q:Q")
.NumberFormat = "#"
End With
Set myRange = Range("B3")
words = Split(myRange.Value, " ")
For i = 0 To UBound(words)
lenwords(i) = Len(words(i))
Range("Q3").Offset(i, 0) = CStr(words(i)) 'DEBUG
Range("R3").Offset(i, 0) = lenwords(i) 'DEBUG
If sumCount + (lenwords(i) + 1) < 100 Then
sumCount = sumCount + (lenwords(i) + 1)
newString = newString & " " & words(i)
newCount = newCount + (lenwords(i) + 1)
newString2 = newString2 & " " & words(i)
End If
Range("S3") = CStr(newString)
Range("T3") = Trim(CStr(newString2))
Range("S4") = Len(newString)
Range("T4") = Len(newString2)
End Sub
So if a range of ("B2:B6")or equivalent array are entered at max 100 characters:
c = wordWrap(Range("B2:B6"),100)
Basically what this should do is count the length of each cell(or element) and truncate any extra words that make the string over 100 characters and concatenate them to the front of the next element in the output array to the next element of the output array. If that would put that element over 100 characters, then do the same process again until all of the elements contain sentence strings less then 100 characters long. It should add an extra element at the end to fit any leftover words.
I have been tearing out my hair trying to get this to work. I could use the advice of the experts.
Any help appreciated.
Example asked for:
The ouput should be into an array, though, and not directly back to the worksheet.
The function:
Function WordWrap(ByVal Rng As Range, Optional ByVal MaxLength As Long = 100) As String()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim arrOutput() As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim OutputIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
ReDim arrOutput(1 To Evaluate("CEILING(SUM(LEN(" & Rng.Address(External:=True) & "))," & MaxLength & ")/" & MaxLength) * 2)
For Each rCell In Rng.Cells
If Len(Trim(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text)) > MaxLength Then
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = Trim(Left(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text, InStrRev(Left(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text, MaxLength), " ")))
sTemp = Trim(Mid(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text, Len(arrOutput(OutputIndex)) + 2))
For i = 1 To Len(sTemp) Step MaxLength
If Len(sTemp) < MaxLength Then Exit For
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = Trim(Left(sTemp, InStrRev(Left(sTemp, MaxLength), " ")))
sTemp = Trim(Mid(sTemp, Len(arrOutput(OutputIndex)) + 2))
Next i
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = Trim(sTemp & " " & rCell.Text)
sTemp = ""
End If
Next rCell
OutputIndex = OutputIndex + 1
arrOutput(OutputIndex) = sTemp
ReDim Preserve arrOutput(1 To OutputIndex)
WordWrap = arrOutput
Erase arrOutput
End Function
The call:
Sub tgr()
Dim arrWrapped() As String
arrWrapped = WordWrap(Range("B2:B6"), 100)
MsgBox Join(arrWrapped, Chr(10) & Chr(10))
End Sub
Instead of a msgbox, you could output it to a sheet, or do whatever else you wanted.
going to say you get passed a string, and want to return an array
performance might be slow with this approach
dim words(1) as variant
dim lastSpace as Integer
dim i as Integer
words(1) = Cells(1, 1)
while(Len(words(UBound(words) - 1)) > 100) 'check if the newest array is > 100 characters
Redim words(UBound(words) + 1)
'find the last space
for i = 0 to 100
if(words(i) = " ") Then
lastSpace = i
words(UBound(words) - 1) = Mid(words(UBound(words) - 2), lastSpace) 'copy words after the last space before the 100th character
words(UBound(words) - 2) = Left(words(UBound(words) - 2), 100 - lastSpace) 'copy the words from the beginning to the last space
Not sure if this will compile/run but it should give you the general idea
