I have a 'product" vertex that has several relations/edges to 'user' vertices (several possible roles) These roles/edges have state (like so: NON, IN_PROGRESS, DONE). Where best to save these states in the Titan Graph setup? In edge properties? The states are temporary during a sequence of transactions, but they need to be persisted to backend store if user interrupts sequence of transactions or disconnects by network failure or so. (clients that make request come from lossy mobile connections)
So I have my own "states" for my vertices and edges, that have meaning as events and for my log, and I am looking for a best way to save (temporarily) and store (persistently) those states? Anybody that can advise me on the issue (working with a titan graph-dynamoDB setup, now locally, meant to be remote/cloud)? Much appreciated!
Since these states are related to the roles/edges, then they should go into the edge as an edge property. Edge properties can change and you should update these states as they change from non to done.
I have some questions regarding SolrCloud:
If I send a request directly to a solr node, which belons to a solr cluster, does it delegate the query to the zookeeper ensemble to handle it?
I want to have a single url to send requests to SolrCloud. Is there a better way of achieving this, than setting up an external load balancer, which balances directly between individual solr nodes? If 1 isn't true, this approach seems like a bad idea. On top I feel like it would somewhat defeat the purpose of zookeeper ensemble.
There is an option to break up a collection in shards. If I do so, how exactly does SolrCloud decide which document goes to which shard? Is there a need and/or an option to configure this process?
What happens if I send a collection of documents directly to one of the solr nodes? Would the data set somehow distribute itself across the shards evenly? If so, how does it happen?
Thanks a lot!
Zookeeper "just" keeps configuration data available for all nodes - i.e. the state of the cluster, etc. It does not get any queries "delegated" to it; it's just a way for Solr nodes and clients to know which collections are handled by which nodes in the cluster, and have that information be stored in resilient and available manner (i.e. dedicate the hard part out of managing a cluster to Zookeeper).
The best is to use a cloud aware Solr client - it will connect to any of the available Zookeeper nodes given in its configuration, retrieve the cluster state and connect directly to one the nodes that has the information it needs (i.e. the collection it needs to query). If you can't do that, you can either load balance with an external load balancer across all nodes in your cluster or let the client load balance if the client you use supports round robin, etc. - but having an external load balancer gives you other gains (such as being able to remove a node from load balancing for all clients at the same time, having dedicated http caching in front of th enodes, etc.) for a bit more administration.
It will use the unique id field to decide which node a given document should be routed to. You don't have to configure anything, but you can tell Solr to use a specific field or a specific prefix of a field, etc. as the route key. See Document Routing. for specific information. It allows you to make sure that all documents that belong to a specific client/application is placed on the same node (which is important for some calculations and possible operations).
It gets routed to the correct node. Whether that is evenly depends on your routing key, but by default, it'll be about as even as you can get it.
I have previously done some very basic real-time applications using the help of sockets and have been reading more about it just for curiosity. One very interesting article I read was about Operational Transformation and I learned several new things. After reading it, I kept thinking of when or how this data is really saved to the database if I were to keep it. I have two assumptions/theories about what might be going on, but I'm not sure if they are correct and/or the best solutions to solve this issue. They are as follow:
(For this example lets assume it's a real-time collaborative whiteboard:)
For every edit that happens (ex. drawing a line), the socket will send a message to everyone collaborating. But at the same time, I will store the data in my database. The problem I see with this solution is the amount of time I would need to access the database. For every line a user draws, I would be required to access the database to store it.
Use polling. For this theory, I think of saving every data in temporal storage at the server, and then after 'x' amount of time, it will get all the data from the temporal storage and save them in the database. The issue for this theory is the possibility of a failure in the temporal storage (ex. electrical failure). If the temporal storage loses its data before it is saved in the database, then I would never be able to recover them again.
How do similar real-time collaborative applications like Google Doc, Slides, etc stores the data in their databases? Are they following one of the theories I mentioned or do they have a completely different way to store the data?
They prolly rely on logs of changes + latest document version + periodic snapshot (if they allow time traveling the document history).
It is similar to how most database's transaction system work. After validation the change is legit, the database writes the change in very fast data-structure on disk aka. the log that will only append the changed values. This log is replicated in-memory with a dedicated data-structure to speed up reads.
When a read comes in, the database will check the in-memory data-structure and merge the change with what is stored in the cache or on the disk.
Periodically, the changes that are present in memory and in the log, are merged with the data-structure on-disk.
So to summarize, in your case:
When an Operational Transformation comes to the server, two things happens:
It is stored in the database as is, to avoid any loss (equivalent of the log)
It updates an in-memory datastructure to be able to replay the change quickly in case an user request the latest version (equivalent of the memory datastructure)
When an user request the latest document, the server check the in-memory datastructre and replay the changes against the last stored consolidated document that might be lagging behind because of the following point
Periodically, the log is applied to the "last stored consolidated document" to reduce the amount of OT that must be replayed to produce the latest document.
Anyway, the best way to have a definitive answer is to look at open-source code that does what you are looking for, e.g. etherpad.
I have a Flink project that receives an events streams, and executes some logic to add a flag of this event, then it saves the flag and the eventID for a while to be reused or to be queried by other system.
in this case, the volume of data is not too many, and need to be good reliability, of course, better to be updated in time before being used.
Traditionally, we can use an external database to save this kind of data.
But after I learned the state, I saw it seems to be very useful, and has a good backends mechanism, and can be queryable.
So I am asking question to listen more to your arguments and evidence.
I am moving my last two comments to here as an answer since I realized I am essentially doing that.
Ok, It might have been the Uber keynote then. But the bottom line is that there are companies that are using extremely large state to hold data that you need to perform calculations against effectively.
For example, I made a program that took in messages that with an unique ID and a value field(int). I then had a stateful function that was keyed by the ID of the received message and every message I received for that ID would be added to a stateful value object, updating the the total for that ID. You could make a stateful list object to hold all the messages you received if you needed that. An alternative to that is to use a "new age" database that is designed for quick read/writes, like Cassandra, to store that. But that approach comes with its own limitations because of the I/O (long story short, Flink and Cassandra could handle lots of dat fast, the network bandwidth could not).
So keeping all that data in state in flink can be done and used well and has many benefits.
The one thing that I have to caveat this with is that I do not know if Flink's state has the same sort of failsafes like that of Cassandra or Kafka. Whereas they replicate their data across nodes so that if one goes down, then the others can handle everything and repopulate the other node when it is restarted. Flink's state can be stored on a remote backend like an s3 bucket or hdfs
(see: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/ops/state/state_backends.html), but I do not know if there is replication of the state. So if the state is stored all on one node that goes down, if it is gone for good or is backed up on another node. That is something to look into more since that should be a big decision in your choice.
Hope that at least gave you some info and a brief idea of what questions to ask.
We need to keep our Firebase data in sync with other databases for full-text search (in ElasticSearch) and other kinds of queries that Firebase doesn't easily support.
This needs to be as close to real-time as possible, we can't just export a nightly dump of the Firebase JSON or anything like that, aside from the fact that this will get rather large.
My initial thought was to run a Node.js client which listens to child_changed, child_added, child_removed etc... events of all the main lists, but this could get a bit unweildy and would it be a reliable way of syncing if the client re-connects after a period of time?
My next thought was to maintain a list of "items changed" events and write to that every time an item is created/updated, similar to the Firebase work queue example. The queue could contain the full path to the data which has changed and the worker just consumes that and updates the local database accordingly.
The problem here is every bit of code which makes updates has to remember to write to this queue otherwise the two systems will get out of sync. Some proxy code shouldn't be too hard to write though.
Has anyone else done anything similar with any success?
For search queries, you can integrate directly with ElasticSearch; there is no need to sync with a secondary database. Firebase has a blog post about integrating and a lib, Flashlight, to make this quick and painless.
Another option is to use the logstash-input-firebase Logstash plugin in order to listen to changes in your Firebase real-time database(s) and forward the data in real-time to Elasticsearch using an elasticsearch output.
I'm implementing an app that keeps track of how many times a post is viewed. But I'd like to keep a 'smart' way of keeping track. This means, I don't want to increase the view counter just because a user refreshes his browser.
So I decided to only increase the view counter if IP and user agent (browser) are unique. Which is working so far.
But then I thought. If Youtube, is doing it this way, and they have several videos with thousands or even millions of views. This would mean that their views table in the database would be overly populated with IP's and user agents....
Which brings me to the assumption that their video table has a counter cache for views (i.e. views_count). This means, when a user clicks on a video, the IP and user agent is stored. Plus, the counter cache column in the video table is increased.
Every time a video is clicked. Youtube would need to query the views table and count the number of entries. Won't this affect performance drastically?
Is this how they do it? Or is there a better way?
I would leverage client side browser fingerprinting to uniquely identify view counts. This library seems to be getting significant traction:
I would also recommend using Redis for anything to do with counts. It's atomic increment commands are easy to use and guarantee your counts never get messed up via race conditions.
This would be the command you would want to use for incrementing your counters:
The key in this case would be the browser fingerprint hash sent to you from the client. You could then have a Redis "set" that would contain a list of all browser fingerprints known to be associated with a given user_id (the key for the set would be the user_id).
Finally, if you really need to, you run a cron job or other async process that dumps the view counts for each user into your counter cache field for your relational database.
You could also take the approach where you store user_id, browser fingerprint, and timestamps in a relational database (mysql?) and counter cache them into your user table periodically (probably via cron).
First of all, afaik, youtube uses BigTable, so do not worry about querying the count, we don't know the exact structure of the database anyway.
Assuming that you are on a relational model, create a column view_count, but do not update it on every refresh. Record the visists and periodically update the cache.
Also, you can generate hash from IP, browser, date and any other information you are using to detect if this is an unique view, and do not store the whole data.
Also, you can use session/cookie to record the view being viewed. Since it will expire, it won't be such memory problem - I don't believe anyone is viewing thousand of videos in one session
If you want to store all the IP's and browsers, then make sure you have enough DB storage space, add an index and that's it.
If not, then you can use the rails session to store the list of videos that a user has visited, and only increment the view_count attribute of a video when he's visiting a new video.