switch hex view to graph view on IDA - disassembly

is anynonehere familiar with IDA (disassembler) program? I've switched the graph view to hex view and for about an hour trying to switch it back with no luck.. no guide online says how to switch back..
If anynone knows the secret I'd like to know how.. really short in time.
thank you very much

The space bar toggles between the graph view and disassembly view. Use the '-' and '+' keys to toggle between proximity view and disassembly view.
There doesn't seem to be a standard shortcut for going from the hex view to any of the other views, except for CTRL+TAB and SHIFT+CTRL+TAB which cycle through the open views (just as in most other programs).
Via the menu item View > Open subviews > Disassembly you can open a new disassembly window, should the old one have been closed accidentally. The menu item Options > Shortcuts... pulls up a dialog that shows all currently active keyboard shortcuts (i.e. those that are valid for the currently active view).


Making one menu for all the screens in wpf

I have been trying lately to have one constant menu for all the screens, but I couldn't find any solution for that! The only solution was to copy the menu code and paste it in every single screen with their click events code. Do you have any ideas about this?
I want one stable / constant menu in my whole project.
Approach 1: You can create a user control that wraps whole menu and its item commands. This seems more proper, flexible and straightforward approach than 2nd one below. Get started on how to create user controls in WPF.
Approach 2: Have a one main window in application with a Menu and a Frame that will host rest of the views of your application. These views will be result of the menu item command. Frame and Page are generally used in application where navigation is desired. For your case I repeat Approach 1 suits and sound logical more.

How to close the view in Kdevelop?

Kdevelop allows for split views (splitting the editor window horizontally or vertically) like known from Emacs and other editors. There are even shortcuts to create such splits (Ctrl+Shift+T, Ctrl+Shift+L), but I couldn't find any shortcut to close view. How to close the view in Kdevelop? I feel that this is rather stupid question, but I checked menus, shortcut list, context menu and see nothing about that...
The KDevelop editor is based on Kate, so you'd think that using the equivalent Kate command to close a view (Crtl+Shift+R) would work, but it doesn't seem to be implemented. Many of the Kate shortcuts are available to be assigned in the Configure Shortcuts dialog, but again, not close window.
The only canonical way to close the view is to close all the open files in it.
It's sub-optimal, but if you are desperate for a keyboard shortcut, Crtl+Shift+W will close all but your current document, which has the side effect of also removing any other views.
This might be a good candidate for a feature request.
It appears that there is no keyboard shortcut for this feature.
But, as of KDevelop 5, you can grab an edge of the split and drag it all the way up for a horizontal split and to all the left or right for a vertical split. This will close the other split view.
Any files opened in the other split view will be closed.

SSMS shortcut to navigate between open query windows

I sometimes have a large amount of query windows open in SSMS 2008.
Is there a keyboard shortcut to navigate between open query windows? Go to previous/next open query window?
I know there is Ctrl+Tab that allows you to select a query window, but it's only helpful if you have named windows.
A challenge you'll find here is what does "next" really mean? Since you can tear off tabs, split the UI, even move tabs onto different monitors, I think "next" and "previous" lose a little meaning, unless you know what order they were opened in.
Anyway, some solutions, with older versions (based on when the question was asked) left intact:
SSMS 2008
Ctrl+F6 will switch between two most recent tabs. And honestly, Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab work like next/previous except you have to hit Tab twice (you can ignore knowing what the name of the tab in the list is).
SSMS 2012
Ctrl+F6 will cycle through open tabs in the order they are displayed, and Ctrl+Shift+F6 will cycle in the reverse direction.
Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab will open a temporary window and allow you to cycle through open queries in the order they were last opened.
In more recent decades
Ctrl+Alt+[Page Up|Page Down] will cycle through windows (as bridge_burner added), but there's a catch. This only works when the query window is active - and it will stop working if you get to a query window where, previously, you had an item in the grid selected, for example.
You can make your own keyboard shortcut, as Stuart Smith explains.
the equivalent of Ctrl+Tab in browsers for SSMS would be Ctrl+Alt+PageDown for next tab and Ctrl+Alt+PageUp for previous tab.
Here's my approach that get's me closer to coding utopia. Make sure you keep your SSMS query windows sorted by name from left to right. SQLQuery1.sql, SQLQuery2.sql, etc. These are the default names SSMS gives these tabs when you create them (by clicking New Query).
To change the current query window tab, press "alt" then "w" then "w". A window is shown listing all of your open query windows sorted by their names (which should be the same order in which you have them laid-out from left to right). Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the tab you want to activate and press enter. Your desired tab should be open now.
This allows me to quickly change query windows while keeping my fingers on the keyboard (less mouse usage).
I know this is a very old thread, but I thought I would add one more suggestion in case someone else comes across this: Redgate's SQL Prompt comes with a nifty "Tab History" applet that gets added as a button to a toolbar. I know that that means you would have to leave the keyboard and reach for the mouse to access it, but the interface and its functionalities are worth it! Not only do you have access to the currently opened tabs (with visual mini previews of the code in each tab) but also you have access to recently closed tabs (Yes, it may save you in case you accidentally close a tab without saving your work...)
Just my two cents. Best, Raphael
I found a way to map the browser style next/previous tab shortcuts in SSMS.
Select Tools > Options. Under 'Environment' select 'Keyboard'. In the 'Show commands containing:' area type 'Window.'.
Find 'Window.NextTab'. Toggle the 'Use new shortcut in:' to 'SQL Query Editor' then enter Ctrl + PgDn in the 'Press shortcut keys:' area and select 'Assign'. Do the same steps for 'Window.PreviousTab' with Ctrl + PgUp.
SSMS Keyboard Shortcuts Screenshot

word addin tool tips and balloons

Do you know of a way to show a tool tip ( or a balloon) similar to that, that appears in MS word 2007 and 2010 when you select a text and move you're mouse over it ( the one containing font options and other options) , from within an addin ?
Not without a LOT of work.
Word doesn't source any events of the mouse moving. About the only thing you get is the selection changed and the docchanged events, and those aren't terribly useful.
You could hook into system wide mouse events via API stuff and monitor it.
Alternately, you could poll, say, every second or two, for the active selection location in the document and check your context from the selection, and then pop up your own tooltip window. Gotta be careful with polling though, or you could swamp the machine and introduce a drag on performance.
And finally, depending on what you need, you could use the AutoTextList field in Word. It is the only field type that has a "tool tip" argument. Whatever you enter for that argument is displayed as a tooltip by Word whenever you hover over that field.

Best way to show screens to user on application

I'm developing a Winforms application which has been running for years with an explorer view (TreeView left, screen right). I means that:
All the screens have an hierarchy organization
All the nodes on TreeView have one and only one screen related.
A screen gets activated when a node on treeview gets selected.
One of the advantages is that the user has an ordered stucture and one of the inconveniencies is that with hundreds of screens the user gets confused.
I see other options: use classical menus, use tabs or a mix of everything.
Any advice for a good way to show a lot of screens to user in a user-friendly way?
Update: I'm changed "hundreds screens" by "a lot of screens". The most important thing is not show all at time but that the user can find what they need easily.
Update2: In this proposal, the user only see one screen at time.
Update3: I'm talking about handling multiple screens not showing multiple screens. No MDI, only one ontime.
I have used other applications similar to this is the past, and the major problem is trying to find the exact screen you want. There are two common solutions to this problem, shortcut codes and favorites menu.
With the shortcut codes, allocate a short code (5 or 6 characters) to each screen. The user then inputs this shortcut code into a text box which will then jump to the correct screen. Users will create their own list of often used codes.
For the favorites menu, allow users the ability to be able to create their own menu list in the structure they want. They will find things easier, if they organize it themselves.
Why do you need to show so many seprate screens at once? Why not just show the screen for the currnetly selected node, why are all needed at once?
If it is all tabular data is is probably too much to be consumed all at once, if it is graphical data, could it not be combined?
There may be a valid reason to show all the data at once or there may not, hard to tell from what is provided in your question. With that said, better to keep it simple than overload the user. MDI apps are never easy to use.
Tabs may work for a small set of items but still is not a good UI for hundreds of items.
If you are only showing one element at a time, out of hundreds possible on the tree nodes, then that is fine. The one screen showing at a time would be contextual to the item selected as the user moves through the nodes. Think of the Outlook approach where what is selected in the left pane is displayed in the right pane in whatever form fits the data being displayed.
Have you considered the Office Ribbon?
The Ribbon gives you a lot of flexibility on how to show and
organize functions and it's highly visual.
Here is a good link about the Ribbon and also here
To use the Ribbon you have to license it from Microsoft. You can do that online.
Providing the user with ketboard shotcuts is usually a good thing too.
I also like to provide the user with an "autocomplete" field on the menu
so that they can can find the function by name (or part of it) and be
able to navigate directly to where they want to go.
I general I find trees to be a bad idea, especially if your "hierarchy" is of a small fixed depth.
If you have a small fixed depth, consider replacing the tree with a list. At the top of the list can be drop-downs for filtering based on the node-level properties. It will use up less screen real-estate because it is vertical-only, with no horizontal component.
Clicking on an item can display it in the view (like currently), but it may be a good idea to allow a user to double-click on more than one item which could launch more windows, or tile with the existing displayed items. (I am assuming that currently, the user only sees a single detailed view at once in any given window.)
Actually, it’s hard to beat a hierarchy for organizing large numbers of items. I wouldn’t favor a classical pulldown menu for vast numbers of windows because it would be even harder to keep track of where you are than in a tree (e.g., a tree lets you look in multiple branches at once). But here’s a few alternatives:
I’m not clear how you ended up with so many windows, but maybe it comes from combinations of classes, views, content, and detail, or maybe it comes from using a task-centered UI structure for something far too complex (I’ve more on that at http://www.zuschlogin.com/?p=3). For complex apps, you want a different primary window for each significant class of data object (e.g., invoices, employees). These are listed on one menu, and typically there’s few enough (15 or less) that it can be single non-cascading pulldown menu. The content of each window is set by a separate menu, perhaps by a menu item that opens a dialog that may include a list box (like an Open dialog) or other controls for querying/searching. The “view” of each window (how the data objects are shown, e.g., table versus form) is set by menu items in the View menu. Details for any given object in a window can be shown in a separate pane within the window in a master-detail relation, essentially turning you data objects into a menu for details. A single window can have multiple detail panes for the user to open and close to select the specific detail to show. Tabs may also be used within a single pane to fit subdivisions of content.
You say it’s not important to show all window options at once, but often showing all options at once makes it easiest for users to find what they need. Maybe you need a “home” window that lists all the other windows in organized, labeled, and separated categories. This is will be easier to use than the tree if your users select a window then stick with it for most of the session. Your tree is better if there's frequently selection of windows throughout the session, owing to the overhead of getting to the home window. If all windows/options don’t fit on a single home window, then show only selected common windows for each category on the home window and provide a button or link to show an exhaustive list.
If you’re talking 100’s of windows, maybe you should have Search, perhaps in addition to a menu-based browse approach to getting to a window.
In any case, providing easy access to the few most commonly used windows is a good idea. Such windows can be explicitly selected by the designer, based on user research, or selected by the the user (favorites), but it also typically works well to make it automatic with an algorithm that uses some combination of frequency and recency of use.
