Mixing native code with react-native - reactjs

I'm just learning React Native for a cross platform app I am building.
I just need to know if it is (a) possible (b) supported (c) relatviely simple to mix native, platform specific code (java, swift, objc, etc.) into a react native project.
I want to do some pretty specific things with camera/hardware that will require writing some native code.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction or at least tell me that what I want to do is supported by React Native before I dive in too far.

Yes to a, b, and c. See the official guides for iOS and Android.


Is it possible to make a standalone React.tsx project?

I'm still a student so this might be a stupid question.
For a school project we need to make a programm that does some speciffic stuff related to boats.
the programming language we all feel most comfortable with is React.tsx but we where wondering if it's possible to make a standalone programm( so not in a browser) in React.tsx
React.tsx itself is not a programming language. React is rather a library and the programming language you use is Javascript (Incase of .tsx it's TypeScript)
If you are already familiar with React you can try React Native for Windows + MacOS. It helps you create Native Apps with React.
Yes you can, you can use electronJS

Does React Native Web Library support both PWA and Native APP?

Sorry for this idioit question. I’m a beginner developer of React. I know this library https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web can compile React Native runs as PWA, so does it mean that I just need to write the codes one time for both iOS and Android app and PWA?
Do I understand correctly?
The answer is a little bit more complicated but +/- yes. Mostly you write one code and its working everywhere, but there are platform needs that are different and you need to cover it sometimes differently.

Besides using Expo, what are some good IDE for writing React Native and React code?

I'm trying to find a better way to write and compile my React-based code.
For a class, we wrote our code primarily in Expo.io, which emulated a mobile experience as well as optionally connecting to our phones. I did not find this to be very usable due to the automatic error tagging.

React Native list of required items for ios/android

Please be experienced with react native So I was wanting to get involved creating my app. I do want it to be on android and ios. So maybe two different list and everything I need to get setup for it. I already have node.js and react-create-my-app installed, I know I will probably need the android sdk and ios dev tools or something, but if someone has all the specific items I will need before starting and also any tips about say building the android version then just changing files and dependencies a, b and c to cross-platform the app. Anything like that would be greatly appreciated

Will React Native work with ad SDK's?

I know this isn't a specific code question, but I have asked in a lot of places and haven't gotten a completely clear answer. I'm hoping SO can help me.
I'm about to start a moderately complicated React Native project for both iOS and Android.
I'm confident the whole app can be built just fine with RN or a mix of RN and native code.
The one thing I want to make 100% sure of before I start, is that there won't be any problems or hangups with any advertisement SDK (tremor media, bright roll, flurry, tap joy, etc, etc).
I'm ok with having to code them in pure native code, so long as there are no conflicts which RN might introduce which would make it flat out incompatible/impossible to have (probably intricate) ad SDK implementations.
I wrote admob wrapper for RN, If you want to admob please check this out: melihmucuk#react-native-admob-sample
If you want to others, you should find wrapper or write yourself.
I’ve been doing some digging on this myself. And here is what I've found so far.
AdMob: Supported and verified
I managed to make this work. In terms of dependency, AdMob requires FireBase. But FireBase does not support React Native out of box. I used a wrapper called React-Native-Firebase to make it work. https://rnfirebase.io/
FB Ads: Supported
I haven’t verified it myself. But it seems to be well documented. (And React Native being related to Facebook, I’d be surprised if it weren’t supported.) https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-fbads
Flurry: NOT supported
Flurry Analytics supports React Native but Flurry Ads do not. Below is message from their support team when I asked them about this.
"Thank you for contacting Flurry Technical Support. We offer a React Native wrapper, however it does not currently support ads, only analytics. You can read more about it here: https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/integrateflurry/react-native/ "
MoPub: Not really
I’ve found two React Native wrappers. One is old and no longer updated. (The authors seem to be actively monitoring the discussions and replying to queries. But they are no longer providing tech support.) And the other is very new and doesn’t seem to have enough documentation or evidence that it actually works.
