How to Track Mobile Device Rotation in Unity - mobile

I am trying to make a 2D mobile game where the game's gravity changes as the device is rotated. However, the only relevant input that I can find in the Unity Docs is DeviceOrientation, which doesn't help me because it is an enum with only 7 possible values. Is there any way to capture continuous changes in rotation, using Unity's scripting engine?
Your help is much appreciated!

I asked this same question on the UnityAnswers forum. To future Googlers that land here, you can check out the answer I got there.


where to start learning programming, goal creating map apps

totally newbie,
for long time I want to start learning but when I ask question I get question "for what purpose do u want to learn programming? u want make android apps? web development? etc etc".
I am totally new and dont have clue, I just want to start learning, and discover on the way what is more interesting for me. dont have clue whats the difference between android app developers or web developers.
now I have "goal" to create maps app, google maps always show wrong directions, and my country is not in their support list, they dont do changes when i report wrong streets etc. so I want to create map app or whatever its called. I want to take for example google maps source, and start recreating it, adding streets buildings, changing road directions, etc. but googling it does not help me at all, can anyone give me direction from where I should start? 3 years ago I gave up because when I followed articles i wasted months "studying" maybe absolutely not related stuff, I just need guidance. for first even it will be good to tell me where should I ask where should I search for answers, advices. which programming languages which books, or online courses, not going to pay for any courses till I have idea what I am doing. so am after free lessons. I am forced to write tag on post... dont have clue what to write. maybe maps? thats how clueless I am.
If you want to create mapping software to publish your own maps I think a good starting point can be ArcGIS Online from Esri. They offer a free resources for developers (create dev account here for free)
There is a lot of samples to learn from, and you can go through different technologies and programming languages, check resources page.
If you decide that you want to prepare some software components to easier collect GIS data (GIS stands for Geographic Information System) I would suggest to give a chance to QGIS application (QGIS website) which is mature mapping software with plugins system on board. It bases on plugins prepared with the python language to change UX of base QGIS application. There are also a lot of samples - you can even check how existing plugins are designed because most of them is open source.

Building web app which interacts with device cameras

I am posting this question as I would need some good advice to start building my very first app.
First, I'd like to share the aim of the app: being able to take pictures from (different) mobile devices' cameras, having a graphic (like a mask, an image) showing up when looking into the camera. The intent is to have a virtual car which I can place next to real people when shooting my pictures, see the preview and save them.
My first thought was, not to cover how to build apps for different specific devices (e.g. android, iOS, windowsphone), to make a web app. I am fairly fine with programming and web frameworks in general. Is it a reccomendable way to go?
Then, I would like some advices on the lanuages I should use. I am using a linux pc and have understanding in HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, and a bit of JavaScript. Would this be enough?
Can you point me to some useful link/tutorial?
Thanks in advance and sorry if the question is broad, I hope my points are specific enough to be answered without too much pain.
As far as i understand your question, you want to konw about web technologies wich provides you access to camera.
Whrer is an special method, thats returns object in JS, thats can capture camera and mic data:
but it requires sequre protocol https for you server.
You should read about them. In this way, you cat get data from device's camra vai js object, and process, share it as you want.

Best Mobile Game Engine to make a casual game similar to Breakout and Billiards

In your opinion, what is the best mobile game engine to make a game like this:
There is a menu. From the menu you go to the level selection. The level select scene knows what levels you have completed because of a variable saved on the device (maybe in the cloud).
You select a level. It goes to what level you selected.
There is a ball in the middle of the screen, you can touch anywhere and the ball will start off in that direction. It will bounce of walls, but never slow down. Once you have completed the stage, or you have failed, a screen will pop up with the options to either restart the game, go back to the menu or continue to the next level (if you passed).
That is the basic overview of the game I want to make (without giving away too much detail). I am trying to do this with Corona SDK, but Corona's Storyboard API is pretty hard to do if you want to be able to go from the level select to the game and repeat that over and over again.
Please only suggest engines that have good documentation.
Otherwise, any game engine would do as long as it has a free option.
Honestly , There are tons of mobile engines out there that can help you get the job done. Knowing that it's huge and vast, I find Unity as your best bet. It makes implementing the menu easier and plus you can make menus pretty easily. In addition to that, It also now offers 2D support which I think helps you achieve your goal pretty easily with free mobile deployment.
Alternatives to Unity are :
Corona - Which you have already tried
App Game Kit - Which is also amazing :
I find those engines the three best engines for the game your looking to build since it's easy and needs some fast mobile game development engines.
You can also try some WYISWYG programming environments such as Scirra's Construct 2.
Hope you find that useful.
V-Play (I am part of the developer team), a cross-platform 2D game engine, has a breakout demo game template that you can take as a base for your game. There is also a tutorial and template that shows scene and level switching that will be helpful.
The engine is not free, but it has a free trial version where you can test it.
If you are using C++ you could try Oxygine 2D framework. It could be build on top of SDL2 or Marmalade.
You might also want to try GameSalad (I'm one of the co-founders). It's a cross platform 2D game engine and drag and drop development tool. On the manuals page there an example project called Crazy Wall Breaker which is a Breakout clone and I know there's a billiards template floating around somewhere.

Plotting library for Windows Phone 7 / Silverlight

Is there any plotting control/library for Windows Phone 7 / Silverlight? I want to plot a signal, ideally with the ability to pinch zoom it and pan it (but thats too much to expect probably :)?
Here's a free one, and if you're only plotting one set of data, it's great. Pinch-Zoom on the horizontal axis.
I have played around with the tools here:
They have a 30 day trial, but you have to buy the full version if you want to actually use it for your apps. It is pretty nice, and it supports zooming and scrolling. I didn't end up using it very much in the app I was making though, so I don't really know how comprehensive or useful it will end up being.
Hope that helps!
You should check out Quick Charts by amCharts. It's a set of free controls that might be able to do the job. Check out their website here

Silverlight 3 - 3D Engine

I understand that with the new Projection feature of Silverlight 3, it should be relatively easy to display simple 3D objects like cubes. Is there a 3D engine in works, that uses those SL 3 features to produce 3D scenes?
I know that there is Kit3D, but it seems it still runs on SL 1 or 2 and the project website is updated very rarely.
If there still is not such engine, I would need some help with my own. Using PlaneProjection, I made this simple demo (move using WASD).
However, I have problems creating composite objects and transforming object positions according to the camera looking direction. I will provide more explanation and source code, if there is no engine that already does this.
You might want to check too.
Edit: I thought it was opensource but I guess I was wrong....
