How does socketIO handle the functions I give to him? - angularjs

It's a project including angularJs, nodeJs and mongoDb.
I have this client side code :
webSocket.emit('createNode', node, function(node){
/* ^ */
/* Where does this goes ? */
And this server side code :
socket.on('createNode', function(node, callback) {
/* ^ */
/* Where does this comes from ? */
mongo.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/test", function(err, db) {
db.collection('nodes').insertOne(node, function(error, data){
I want to know how does socketIo do to run the function I gave him and how can I execute a piece of code after an emit success without calling it explicitly server-side.

It's the so called acknowledgement. You can check the docs here:
It's very simple idea - when you emit something from the client, the client saves your acknowledgment callback and maps it to your specific emit call. "emit createNode - function() {}". Then it sends the info to the server and marks that this emit needs callback. When the server calls it, it's not actually calling the function on the client, it's just internally saying to socket "okay send back the acknowledgment".
Socket.IO actually makes another emit back from the server and because it's marked as acknowledgment, the client treats it like so. It browses the map it has created and calls the function that was stored previously.
It's all done internally so that you don't write logic for waiting for that callback - it's all under the hood for you.
Back to your last question - "how can I execute a piece of code after an emit success". There is no such a thing as "emit success". The client does not know if the emit reached the server or what has happened there. Sockets are simply a channel that sends information - they do not care what's going on next. That's the way it's built.
If you need to know if server got your command, you must send back that information to the client. Which means, in terms of Socket.IO, that you should use those acknowledgments and explicitly notify about success.
But don't be afraid of that - explicitly does NOT mean you are calling client side function, it's just notifying client that all went well and command was received. This approach is very powerful as you can pass params about the result of the command, stating if it was valid or not, if the result is success or not. So go ahead, give it a try :)


How to send multiple diagRequest messages in Vector CAPL?

I'm currently writing some CAPL code that is executed when clicking a button. It shall send multiple Diagnostic Requests. But CANoe is always telling me, that it can only send one request at a time. So I need to delay the requests. The diagSetRequestInterval function did not work. And since it is NOT a testcase, the testWaitForDiagResponse doesn't work either.
You have to wait until the request has been handled (either by a response from the target or by a timeout).
Since you are not in a test node you have to give back the control to the system, i.e. your function which did diagSendRequest shall end and you wait for some events on the bus to occur before you continue (otherwise the simulation would stall).
Once the request has been handled on diagRequest ... is called. Inside this event procedure, you could send the next request and so on.
Instead of:
diagRequest ECU.ProgrammingSession req1;
diagRequest ECU.SecuritySeed req2:
You would do something like this:
diagRequest ECU.ProgrammingSession req1;
on diagResponse ECU.ProgrammingSession
diagRequest ECU.SecuritySeed req2:
Timeout handling is a different topic, and left as an exercise :-)
You practically want to implement multiple TP connection simultaneously in CANoe. I presume you have only one Diagnostic Description in the Diagnostic/ISO TP configuration, which lets you to use only 1 TP connection at a time.
You can implement multiple diag layers in Diagnostic ISO/TP on the same Communication channel, as much as you want, but with different namings.
In simulation node, you will only have to declare the request you want with a different namespace, corresponding to one of the diag layer name you earlier created.
This way you can virtualize the multiple TP connection in UDS for the CANoe environment.
OR, you do not use diagnostic layer support by CANoe, and you construct the whole message with UDS payload on your data link layer (CAN, FR).
Depends what kind of Data link layer (CAN,FR) and how many comm channels with diag layer you have set.
In Flexray, for example ,you can send multiple diag requests in the same frcycle, if your frschedule provides multiple frslots in dynamic segment which the Diaglayer (or you) can use.

Dbus structure and method calls in C

I am starting to create a dbus application in C to interface with bluez. I am new to dbus and I am a little confused as how to correctly structure my application with dbus.
The first question is related to the Service, Interface, and Object path in dbus. Bluez Adapter API has the org.bluez service, a org.bluez.Adapter1 interface, and a number of methods and properties. If I wanted to call the void StopDiscovery() method, would the following be the correct call?
DBusPendingCall * pending;
// create a new method call and check for errors
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
"/", // object to call on
"org.bluez.Adapter1", // interface to call on
"StopDiscovery"); // method name
// send message and get a handle for a reply
if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply (m_dbus_conn, msg, &pending, -1))
If this is the case, when does the object path come into play?
The follow on to this is how to go about receiving information back from dbus. I've seen a few examples with a DBusPendingCall * however the function has dbus_pending_call_block() so the function blocks until the data is returned. If I wanted to do multiple calls and not block I would need to make a list of DBPendingCall pointers and check each one? Are there any callbacks?
I did create an example showing the non-blocking call based on the dbus watch and timeout mechanism, in response to the SO question dbus watch and timeout examples. Basically you run a unix select() loop and everything is dispatched around it.
And I did not touch the multiple outstanding pending-call part. I assume one way is to check each pending-call to see whether it is completed when the watched event is received. Checking pending complete is non-blocking. If you keep a small number of outstanding pending calls it should be ok, though that is not an efficient solution if the number becomes big.
It looks like according to the API document, a better solution is to use dbus_pending_call_set_notify() to register a callback to a pending call.
So it appears that both the object path and the interface are required when talking to bluez over dbus.
// create a new method call for the adapter
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
"/org/bluez/hci0", // object to call on
"org.bluez.Adapter1", // interface to call on
"StopDiscovery"); // method name
// create a new method call for a characteristic on
// a given service
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
The select on Unix sockets for pending looks like a solid, scaleable way to go, I will consider this architecture as the application grows

How do I cancel an asynchronous operation in Silverlight/WCF?

I am calling an asynchronous service from my Silverlight app and I want to be able to cancel that call after it is made. There is an option for e.Cancelled once the service has finished (i.e. If e.Cancelled Then), but how to you set that cancelled to true after you have called it? How do you cancel that asynchronous call?
Let me clarify a bit... what I am trying to do is call the SAME method twice, one right after the other, and get the results of the last call into my collection. If I call an asynchronous method twice there is no guarantee that the second call will return first, so I may end up with the results of the first call coming in last and having the wrong results in my collection. So what I would like to do is cancel the first call when I make the second so I don't get results back from the first call. Seeing as how there is a Cancelled flag in the completed event args I figure you should be able to do this. But how?
It's async... the transfer is passed off to a remote server and it does not return until the server is done with it.
Basically the server will keep going, but you don't have to wait for the response. Disconnect your service completed event handler and pretend it was never called. That will give the effect of cancelling the operation.
If you really need to cancel something in progress on the server you would need to make another call to the server to cancel the first call. Assuming the first call is a very slow one, this might be possible.
Update (as question changed)
In the case you specify, it will be up to the server to cancel a operation in progress if a second one comes through, not up to the client. e.Cancelled is set server-side.
However... :)
You have exposed a client usability issue. Shouldn't you also delay sending any service request until an idle delay has passed. That way rapid selections will not result in multiple service calls.
Also... :>
You may also want to send a sequence number to your service calls and return that as part of the result. Then you will know if it is the latest request or not.
It sounds like what you really want to do is ignore the responses of all but the most recent call.
Set a unique ID (could be request #, a Guid, timestamp, or whatever) with the request, and make sure the service sends that same value back. Keep around the ID of the most recent request and ignore response that don't match that ID.
This will be safer than cancelling the first request, since if the service has already started sending the response before the cancel request happens, you still get your error condition.

Can I Send to Socket and receive from it in the same place in C

I have a dll written in C.
I would like to send data to a socket and receive the answer in the same function.
BOOL SendToSocketAndRecv(...)
// ...
retval = recv(...);
// ...
In another word, my dll should not follow Client Server pattren.
Is this possible ?
any help ?
Thank you - Khayralla
You may work in either blocking (synchronous) or non-blocking (asynchronous) mode. Depending on this you may or may not send more data before you receive something from the peer.
"Stream" sockets (like TCP) are "tunnels". If the peer sends several packets you may receive them in a single call to recv, and vice-versa - a sinle "message" from the peer may take several calls to recv. Hence you should read the message in a loop.
You have a lot to learn about network programming.
I am sending a commands to Robot and then wait to get answer
Yes, what you have will work.
But things start to get interesting when you factor in the chance that the robot will not respond for whatever reason. Then you need to provide for a timeout on the response. Soon other things start to creep in. For example, you may not want to be stuck in the read for the duration of the wait, because you may need to service other events (user input or other sources) as they comes in.
A common architecture to handle this is to use select() and make it the hub of all your incoming events. Then you drive a state machine (or machines) off these events. You end up with an event driven architecture. It would look something like this:
select(fds for event sources, timeout);
if (timeout)
call robot state machine(timeout);
iterate through fds
if (fd has data)
read data into buf
if (fd is for robot)
call robot state machine(buf)
else if (fd is for source1)
call source1 state machine(buf)
In this model, sends can be done from anywhere in the code. But you wind up sitting in the select() after, waiting for events. Also, you will have to figure out the details of doing the correct timeout and select in general, but there is enough of that out there.
Yes this is both possible and legal. The API itself isn't concerned about being used from the same function.
not only is this possible, it is a classic coding idiom for a client in a client server system. Usually the function is called something like ExecuteRequest

Is Socket.SendAsync thread safe effectively?

I was fiddling with Silverlight's TCP communication and I was forced to use the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class which, on the Silverlight runtime has only asynchronous methods.
I was wondering what happens if two threads call SendAsync on a Socket instance in a very short time one from the other?
My single worry is to not have intermixed bytes going through the TCP channel.
Being an asynchronous method I suppose the message gets placed in a queue from which a single thread dequeues so no such things will happen (intermixing content of the message on the wire).
But I am not sure and the MSDN does not state anything in the method's description. Is anyone sure of this?
EDIT1 : No, locking on an object before calling SendAsync such as :
will not help since this serializes the requests to send data not the data actually sent.
In order to call the SendAsync you need first to have called ConnectAsync with an instance of SocketAsyncEventArgs. Its the instance of SocketAsyncEventArgs which represents the connection between the client and server. Calling SendAsync with the same instance of SocketAsyncEventArgs that has just been used for an outstanding call to SendAsync will result in an exception.
It is possible to make multiple outstanding calls to SendAsync of the same Socket object but only using different instances of SocketAsyncEventArgs. For example (in a parallel universe where this might be necessay) you could be making multiple HTTP posts to the same server at the same time but on different connections. This is perfectly acceptable and normal neither client nor server will get confused about which packet is which.
