Testing component that opens md-dialog - angularjs

I am trying to write a unit test for an Angular component that opens a dialog, but am unable to do so because I cannot trigger the closing of the dialog.
How can I cause the md dialog to resolve from the test case?
I have created a repository with a basic example where the problem can be reproduced, and copied the central bits below. There is an index.html to manually verify that the code is working, a test case that displays the problem and an example of how the tests are written in the md code.
Repository - https://github.com/gseabrook/md-dialog-test-issue
The component is extremely basic
.module('test', ['ngMaterial'])
.component('dialogTest', {
template: '<button ng-click="showDialog()">Show Dialog</button>',
controller: function($scope, $mdDialog) {
var self = this;
$scope.showDialog = function() {
self.dialogOpen = true;
var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm()
.title('Dialog title')
$mdDialog.show(confirm).then(function(result) {
self.dialogOpen = false;
}, function() {
self.dialogOpen = false;
And the test is also very simple
it("should open then close the dialog", function() {
var controller = element.controller("dialogTest");

I managed to resolve the issue by setting the root element as the problem seemed to be related to element being compiled in the test being unconnected with the root element that angular-material appended the dialog too.
I've updated the github repository with the full code, but the important bits are
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
rootElem = angular.element("<div></div>")
$provide.value('$rootElement', rootElem);
beforeEach(inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$compile_, $mdDialog, _$material_) {
element = getCompiledElement();


Implementing notification alerts in angularjs

I was wondering how an error alert would be implemented using angularjs.
Required functionality:
An alertQueue consists of all the alerts to be displayed to the user. These alerts are deleted from the queue after a span of 3 seconds. The user himself can close the alert by clicking the close button.
This AlertService must be the core service. Alerts are rendered in the view as <alert-list></alert-list>i.e using a component alertList.
Should be able to update alerts from other controllers like: AlertService.alert("my alert").
so far what I have done?
factory('AlertService', [function() {
var alertQueue = [];
var addAlert = function(message, type){
message = {message: message, type: type};
var deleteAlert = function(alert){
alertQueue.splice(alertQueue.indexOf(alert), 1);
warning: function(msg){
addAlert(msg, "warning");
success: function(msg){
addAlert(msg, "success");
removeAlert: function(alert){
getAlerts: function(){
return alertQueue;
component('alertList', {
templateUrl: '/static/js/app/aurora-alert/aurora-alert.template.html',
controller: ['$routeParams','$scope', 'Aurora',
function AlertController($routeParams, $scope, AlertService) {
var self = this;
self.alertQueue = AlertService.alertQueue;
self.alert = function(){
var message = arguments[0];
self.removeAlert = function(alert) {
I know that I'm doing something wrong in the above code and in its logic. I said above that I require the <alert-list></alert-list> component. So the alertService is injected as a dependency into alertController. But how am I going to raise the alert from other controllers? I know we can use $scope.$broadcast but that doesn't feel right.
Please explain how to achieve this? No third party libraries are to be used.
I think you are going about it only slightly incorrectly. Your alert-list should be responsible only for displaying and removing alerts, not for creating them. Leave the creation of alerts to your controllers
So for example, if you run into an error with an ApiSerivce:
DemoCtrl(AlertService, ApiService) {
ApiService.submitForm({some:data}).then(function() {
//something successfull happened
}).catch(function(error) {
AlertService.warning("Something bad happened calling the API serivce");
Then you can change your AlertService to broadcast an event when a new alert is created that the alert-list can listen to:
factory('AlertService', ["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
var alertQueue = [];
var addAlert = function(message, type){
message = {message: message, type: type};
$rootScope.$broadcast("new-alert"); //notify the list that there are new alerts
This is how you would listen to it in your alert-list:
$scope.$on("new-alert", function() {
self.alertQueue = AlertService.alertQueue;
This way, as soon as an alert is created, the alert-list is instantly updated with the latest queue of alerts.
You would probably want to do the same thing for alert deletion.

Receiving an unknown provider error while trying to unit test angular 1.5 components

So I'm unit testing a component I made with Angular 1.5. For security purposes, I can't copy and paste that code here, but I can give some mocks.
It's a simple component that has some basic selection action, with an binding event when something is selected.
So the code would look like this:
.module( "myModule" )
.component( "myComponent", {
template: "Some random HTML Template",
bindings: {
onSelect: "&"
controller: function () {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.$onInit = init;
ctrl.selection = selection;
function init() {} function selection() {
ctrl.onSelect(ctrl.selected) }
} } );
That's the basic component. I'm trying to unit test it, with a format such as this:
describe( "Component Test", function() {
beforeEach (module( "myModule") );
var ctrl, onSelectSpy;
beforeEach (inject( function( _$componentController_) {
ctrl = {}
onSelectSpy = jasmine.createSpy("onSelect");
var $componentController = _$componentController_;
ctrl = $componentController("myComponent", null, { onSelect:
} ) );
it ("Controller defined", function() {
expect ( ctrl ).toBeDefined();
} );
When I try running a test that looks very similar to this, I get this error:
Unknown provider: myComponentDirectiveProvider <- myComponentDirective
And it gives an angular url about the line where it fails.
Not sure why it's not getting defined and why this isn't working. I thought components were directives.
Using Angular 1.5.8 and Angular-mocks 1.5.8

AngularJS - scenario.js code

In the application building tutorial on angularjs.org, step-8, testing part, what does the following lines of code mean-
element.all(by.css('.phones li a')).first().click();
Thanks in advance!
The exact URL is- https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_08 and the code file (scenarios.js) is-
'use strict';
// Angular E2E Testing Guide:
// https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/e2e-testing
describe('PhoneCat Application', function() {
describe('phoneList', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
it('should filter the phone list as a user types into the search box', function() {
var phoneList = element.all(by.repeater('phone in $ctrl.phones'));
var query = element(by.model('$ctrl.query'));
it('should be possible to control phone order via the drop-down menu', function() {
var queryField = element(by.model('$ctrl.query'));
var orderSelect = element(by.model('$ctrl.orderProp'));
var nameOption = orderSelect.element(by.css('option[value="name"]'));
var phoneNameColumn = element.all(by.repeater('phone in $ctrl.phones').column('phone.name'));
function getNames() {
return phoneNameColumn.map(function(elem) {
return elem.getText();
queryField.sendKeys('tablet'); // Let's narrow the dataset to make the assertions shorter
'Motorola XOOM\u2122 with Wi-Fi',
'Motorola XOOM\u2122 with Wi-Fi'
it('should render phone specific links', function() {
var query = element(by.model('$ctrl.query'));
element.all(by.css('.phones li a')).first().click();
It is testing of the routing to /phones/nexus-s.
It is written in Protractor.
The first line reads the DOM and finds all the .phones li a css rules. It then takes only the first one and calls click() on it.
element.all(by.css('.phones li a')).first().click();
The second line expects the output of the function browser.getLocationAbsUrl() to be the string /phone/nexus-s
So all in all the test framework clicks a button and expects it to be routed to a new page.

How to properly unit test directives with DOM manipulation?

Before asking my real question, I have a different one... Does it make sense to unit test DOM manipulation in Angular directives?
For instance, here's my complete linking function:
function linkFn(scope, element) {
var ribbon = element[0];
var nav = ribbon.children[0];
scope.ctrl.ribbonItemClick = function (index) {
var itemOffsetLeft;
var itemOffsetRight;
var item;
if (scope.ctrl.model.selectedIndex === index) {
scope.ctrl.model.selectedIndex = index;
item = nav.querySelectorAll('.item')[index];
itemOffsetLeft = item.offsetLeft - ribbon.offsetLeft;
itemOffsetRight = itemOffsetLeft + item.clientWidth;
if (itemOffsetLeft < nav.scrollLeft) {
nav.scrollLeft = itemOffsetLeft - MAGIC_PADDING;
if(itemOffsetRight > nav.clientWidth + nav.scrollLeft) {
nav.scrollLeft = itemOffsetRight - nav.clientWidth + MAGIC_PADDING;
item: scope.ctrl.model.items[index],
index: index
$timeout(function $timeout() {
var item = nav.querySelector('.item.selected');
nav.scrollLeft = item.offsetLeft - ribbon.offsetLeft - MAGIC_PADDING;
This is for a scrollable tabbed component and I have no idea how to test the 3 instances of nav.scrollLeft = x.
The first two if statements happen when an item - which is only partially visible - is clicked. The left/right (each if) item will be snapped to the left/right border of the component.
The third one, is to place the selected item in view if it's not visible when the component is loaded.
How do I unit test this with Karma/Jasmine. does it even make sense to do it or should I do functional tests with Protractor instead?
When testing directives, look for things that set or return explicit values. These are generally easy to assert and it makes sense to unit test them with Jasmine and Karma.
Take a look at Angular's tests for ng-src. Here, they test that the directive works by asserting that the src attribute on the element gets set to the right values. It is explicit: either the src attribute has a specific value or it does not.
it('should not result empty string in img src', inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
$rootScope.image = {};
element = $compile('<img ng-src="{{image.url}}">')($rootScope);
The same with ng-bind. Here, they pass a string of HTML with to the $compiler and then assert that the return value has had its HTML populated with actual scope values. Again, it is explicit.
it('should set text', inject(function($rootScope, $compile) {
element = $compile('<div ng-bind="a"></div>')($rootScope);
$rootScope.a = 'misko';
When you get into more complicated scenarios like testing against viewport visibility or testing whether specific elements are positioned in the right places on the page, you could try to test that CSS and style attributes get set properly, but that gets fiddly real quick and is not recommended. At this point you should be looking at Protractor or a similar e2e testing tool.
I would 100% want to test all the paths of your directive even if it isn't the easiest thing. But there are approaches you can take to make this process simpler.
Break Complicated Logic into Service
The first thing that stands out to me is the complicated piece of logic about setting the nav scrollLeft. Why not break this into a separate service that can be unit tested on its own?
app.factory('AutoNavScroller', function() {
return function(extraOffsetLeft) {
this.getScrollPosition = function(item, nav) {
var itemOffsetLeft, itemOffsetRight;
itemOffsetLeft = item.offsetLeft - extraOffsetLeft;
itemOffsetRight = itemOffsetLeft + item.clientWidth;
if ( !!nav && itemOffsetRight > nav.clientWidth + nav.scrollLeft) {
return itemOffsetRight - nav.clientWidth + MAGIC_PADDING;
} else {
return itemOffsetLeft - MAGIC_PADDING;
This makes it much easier to test all the paths and refactor (which you can see I was able to do above. The tests can be seen below:
describe('AutoNavScroller', function() {
var AutoNavScroller;
beforeEach(inject(function(_AutoNavScroller_) {
AutoNavScroller = _AutoNavScroller_;
describe('#getScrollPosition', function() {
var scroller, item;
function getScrollPosition(nav) {
return scroller.getScrollPosition(item, nav);
beforeEach(function() {
scroller = new AutoNavScroller(50);
item = {
offsetLeft: 100
describe('with setting initial position', function() {
it('gets the initial scroll position', function() {
describe('with item offset left of the nav scroll left', function() {
it('gets the scroll position', function() {
scrollLeft: 100
describe('with item offset right of the nav width and scroll left', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
item.clientWidth = 300;
it('gets the scroll position', function() {
scrollLeft: 25,
clientWidth: 50
Test That Directive is Calling Service
Now that we've broken up our directive, we can just inject the service and make sure it is called correctly.
app.directive('ribbonNav', function(AutoNavScroller, $timeout) {
return {
link: function(scope, element) {
var navScroller;
var ribbon = element[0];
var nav = ribbon.children[0];
// Assuming ribbon offsetLeft remains the same
navScroller = new AutoNavScroller(ribbon.offsetLeft);
scope.ctrl.ribbonItemClick = function (index) {
if (scope.ctrl.model.selectedIndex === index) {
scope.ctrl.model.selectedIndex = index;
item = nav.querySelectorAll('.item')[index];
nav.scrollLeft = navScroller.getScrollLeft(item, nav);
// ...rest of directive
$timeout(function $timeout() {
var item = nav.querySelector('.item.selected');
// Sets initial nav scroll left
nav.scrollLeft = navScroller.getScrollLeft(item);
The easiest way to make sure our directive keeps using the service, is to just spy on the methods that it will call and make sure they are receiving the correct parameters:
describe('ribbonNav', function() {
var $compile, $el, $scope, AutoNavScroller;
function createRibbonNav() {
$el = $compile($el)($scope);
beforeEach(module(function ($provide) {
AutoNavScroller = jasmine.createSpy();
AutoNavScroller.prototype.getScrollLeft = function(item, nav) {
return !nav ? 50 : 100;
spyOn(AutoNavScroller.prototype, 'getScrollLeft').and.callThrough();
$provide.provider('AutoNavScroller', function () {
this.$get = function () {
return AutoNavScroller;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, $rootScope) {
$compile = _$compile_;
$el = "<div id='ribbon_nav' ribbon-nav><div style='width:50px;overflow:scroll;float:left;'><div class='item selected' style='height:100px;width:200px;float:left;'>An Item</div><div class='item' style='height:100px;width:200px;float:left;'>An Item</div></div></div>";
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
$scope.ctrl = {
model: {
selectedIndex: 0
afterEach(function() {
describe('on link', function() {
it('calls AutoNavScroller with selected item', inject(function($timeout) {
it('calls AutoNavScroller with selected item', inject(function($timeout) {
it('sets the initial nav scrollLeft', inject(function($timeout) {
describe('ribbonItemClick', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
it('calls AutoNavScroller with item', inject(function($timeout) {
.toHaveBeenCalledWith($el[0].children[0].children[1], $el[0].children[0]);
it('sets the nav scrollLeft', function() {
Now, obviously these specs can be refactored a 100 ways but you can see that a higher coverage is much easier to achieve once we started breaking out the complicated logic. There are some risks around mocking objects too much because it can make your tests brittle but I believe the tradeoff is worth it here. Plus I can definitely see that AutoNavScroller being generalized and reused elsewhere. That would not have been possible if the code existed in the directive before.
Anyways, the reason why I believe Angular is great is the ability to test these directives and how they interact with the DOM. These jasmine specs can be run in any browser and will quickly surface inconsistencies or regressions.
Also, here is a plunkr so you can see all the moving pieces and experiment: http://plnkr.co/edit/wvj4TmmJtxTG0KW7v9rn?p=preview

Missing injection for test (unkown provider)

I am trying to write unit tests for my Angular.js application but I cannot manage to inject what I need (it is not able to find a suitable provider).
Does anyone see what I missed?
Firefox 21.0 (Linux) filter staticList should convert static list object into its display value FAILED
Error: Unknown provider: staticListProvider <- staticList in /path/to/my-app/public/third-party/angular/angular.js (line 2734)
The application:
angular.module('myApp', ['myAppFilters', 'ui.bootstrap', '$strap.directives']).
// Some other stuff
The filters:
"use strict";
angular.module('myAppFilters', []).
filter('staticList', function () {
return function (listItem) {
if (!listItem) {
return '';
return listItem.value;
The test:
'use strict';
describe('filter', function () {
describe('staticList', function () {
it('should convert static list object into its display value',
inject(function (staticList) {
expect({key: 'A', value: 'B'}).toBe('B');
The Karma configuration:
basePath = '../';
files = [
colors = true;
autoWatch = true;
browsers = ['Firefox'];
junitReporter = {
outputFile: 'test_out/unit.xml',
suite: 'unit'
If anybody wants to see the full code, the application repository is here: https://github.com/adericbourg/GestionCourrier
Thanks a lot,
In your inject code
it('should convert static list object into its display value',
inject(function (staticList) {
expect({key: 'A', value: 'B'}).toBe('B');
replace "inject(function (staticList)" with "inject(function (staticListFilter)". This is some random convention angular is following. You can check comments on this page for more info http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_09
I faced similar problem, but in my case my filter name contained suffix 'Filter' which caused the same injection problem.
.filter('assetLabelFilter', function(){
return function(assets, selectedLabels){
// Implementation here
I was finally able to solve the problem by manually injecting the filter to my test
'use strict';
describe('assetLabelFilter', function() {
var asset1 = {labels: ['A']};
var asset2 = {labels: ['B']};
var asset3 = {labels: []};
var asset4 = {labels: ['A', 'B']};
var assets = [asset1, asset2, asset3, asset4];
var assetLabelFilter;
beforeEach(inject(function($filter) {
assetLabelFilter = $filter('assetLabelFilter');
it('should return only assets with selected label', function() {
var selectedLabels = ['B'];
expect(assetLabelFilter(assets, selectedLabels)).toEqual([asset2, asset4]);
The nice answer above made me realize that in order to use the angular tutorial way:
it('should ', inject(function(assetLabelFilter) {
var selectedLabels = ['B'];
expect(assetLabelFilter(assets, selectedLabels)).toEqual([asset2, asset4]);
The filter name can't have the suffix 'Filter' because it is magic word as mentioned in the answer above.
To demonstrate the scenario I also created a Plunker
