Cannot delete a link (Windows 7) - file

I have a file here on an NTFS which is not owned by me. It's a .LNK file and points to a file that does no longer exist. Right clicking on the file and opening the security tab doesn't work since the actual file doesn't exist any more. I tried with the so called "Take Ownership" registry hack which is available as a download from various sites. But at the moment I have even the problem of getting this "take Ownership" tool working under Windows 7. It simply doesn't show up in the explorer popup menu as it is supposed to do.

I was about to delete my post but now I decided to share what I did. First I created a physical file in the location where the .LNK was pointing to.
This allowed me to right click and select the security tab. Don't ask me what I actually did now. Somehow I managed to enable read/write/delete for Everone and finally I was able to delete the file.
The Explorer pop up menu item "Take Ownership" doesn't show on every file or folder when you hat the registry hack installed. It didn't show on this orphaned link nor did it when the physical file it was pointing to had been established (faked). That must be a peculiarity of "Take Ownership" by itself.


Where do I find the SmartGit trash?

When deleting untracked files in SmartGit (on Windows) you have to option to actually delete or "Move to trash". Often I use "Move to trash" when I am not 100% sure about deleting something.
I just did "move stuff to trash" which I now need back, but where the **** do I find that trash?
Even a Google search on "SmartGit trash" or "SmartGit recycle bin" does not bring me anywhere.
I looked in the Windows Trashbin, I searched in the AppData dirs... not a clue.
Does anyone have a clue?
After some debugging and with a little help from SmartGit's support I found out that the problem is a Windows-problem (not a SmartGit problem) and it is by design.
If a Git-repository is on a local disk the Move To Trash functionality works like expected: it moves the file to the Windows trashbin.
If though - as in my case - the repository is on any mounted disk (network or VM) it doesn't work.
Then I found out that if I simply create a file on such a disk, navigate to it in Windows Explorer and delete it from there, Windows asks if I want to delete it permanently (it is never moved to the trashbin).
So case closed.

How do you uninstall / remove MarkLogic 7 on MacOS X?

Does anyone know how to completely remove MarkLogic 7 on MacOSX?
I've read their documentation which says:
To entirely remove MarkLogic, remove the following directories:
~/Library/Application Support/MarkLogic
But I don't have those folders. I have no idea where it's been installed!
Then it says:
To make Mac OS X completely forget it ever had a MarkLogic installation, run the following command from a terminal window:
sudo pkgutil --forget com.marklogic.server
But that didn't seem to do anything. I still have it in my System Preferences.
My guess is that when you say you don't have those folders, you mean that you don't see ~/Library when you open Finder (please comment if that's not the case). You can make the Library directory appear by:
Open Finder
Click on your home directory
Click the Settings icon (gear)
Click Show View Options
Check the Show Library Folder option
Now you should be able to see the Library folder and you'll be able to remove those directories.
Note: I don't know your background, so forgive me if this is too basic, but the ~/Library directory contains a bunch of stuff that OS X uses to make your system run. It's hidden because making mistakes in there can cause problems that are tricky to fix. If the contents of ~/Library are not familiar to you, you might want to un-check that option when you're done.
Dave is probably right. But just in case, you can use that prefpane to stop MarkLogic, then use the Error Log button to open the log. Start MarkLogic and the first new line in the log will tell you where it is:
Notice: Starting MarkLogic Server 7.0-3 x86_64 in /Users/${USER}/Library/MarkLogic
with data in /Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/MarkLogic/Data
Also, don't delete ~/Library/PreferencePanes/MarkLogic.prefPane, but remove the preference pane by right-clicking on it in System Preferences. It will then be deleted, but you can't remove its icon from System Preferences if you have deleted the preference pane.

editing a batch file from shortcut causes the path of the shortcut to change

I've encountered a strange situation and I cant find any information for why it's keep happenning.
My enviorment: I got couple of terminals servers in my domain. I got all the users profiles stored in a diffrent "Main-server". When a user logs in there is a startup script that runs and copy the icons for the user-desktop to its currnet session from the "Main server". One of this icons is a shortcut to a batch file. The batch file itself is located in each of the Terminals servers, and the path for the shortcut is "C:\1st-dir\2nd-dir\run-script.bat".
The strange situation: When I press right-click on the shortcut and choose "Edit", the batch file itself is openned - no supprises here. I then close the file with no changes but now I see that the path for the shortcut have changed, and it's now go to "\\Terminal-serverX\C$\1st-dir\2nd-dir\run-script.bat". Even thou I got couple of terminals servers, it's keep reffering to the same one. I repeated this on diffrent shortcuts and got the same result.
Anyone know why does this happen ?
Looking closely at your post, the original C: got changed to \\Terminal-serverX\C$ when you used the short-cut.
It sounds like 'automated shortcut resolution' might be going on.
From the Microsoft page Disabling Automatic Network Shortcut Resolution
When you create a shortcut to a resource on a mapped network drive, and then remap the same drive to a different network resource, Windows attempts to connect to the original network resource when you access the shortcut.
Furthermore, when you re-establish the original connection, a different drive letter may be mapped to the original resource. This may cause programs to fail because the expected drive mappings are not present.
(I can't tell from your question what OS you are using, and admitedly that page only refers to Windows 95 and NT - so the details might be slightly different for a newer Windows version, but it does look very much like what you described)

Access a local file in Silverlight

I want to get the string from a local file (probably a Csharp file), which is attached to current project and its build action was set to Compile. Is there any way to do that. I cannot set the files' build action into Resource.
I'm not clear which of these two questions you're asking:
Question 1) Can I get the text of a source file used during compilation, after compilation?
Answer 1) You'd need to set the build action to Content or Resource to do that, but realize that means you'd be shipping your source with your xap, so make sure that's what you want to do (i.e. most employers probably wouldn't like this).
You can have the file added to the xap twice by using "Add -> Existing Item -> (pick the file) -> Add As Linked Item (the little drop-down arros next to Add buton)" and set one to Compile and one to Content/Resource to accomplish this.
Question 2) Can I access a local file on the hard drive of a user of the Silverlight application?
Answer 2) Yes, by using OpenFileDialog and having the user choose the file.
Or, if you're in a Trusted Out of Browser Application (SL4 and above), then you can use the System.IO APIs to access files in My Documents, My Pictures, My Videos or My Music (on Windows an Mac) without needing to prompt the user.
Or, if you're in a Trusted OOB app, running on Windows, you can use COM and access the full file system (up to what the user can see permission-wise), again without prompt.

Cannot delete, a file with that name may already exist

This is starting to vex me. I recently decided to clear out my FTP, and stumbled across an old Wordpress install I forgot I had (oh yes, very security conscious me). Anyway, for some reason deleting the directory failed so I investigated to see what was causing the blockage and I've narrowed it down to a file in wp-content.
Now when I try to delete this file I can get two errors. I've tried in Windowx Explorer (FTP) and the Web Control Panel's File Manager. Here's some error shots:
As you can see my File manager thinks the file is a Symbolic Link. While it scares me that
my web server is host to an obviously religoious artifact I'm also heavily confused by the situation.
I've tried renaming the file.
I've refreshed the FTP view.
I've tried moving the file to another dir (which worked, no success on deletion though).
I've tried editing the file and then deletion.
And I'm at a loss. Is there a special way to delete SymLinks? I've never heard of them, until now.
Oho Windows you really are a magician of sorts. I decided to take a look at my FTP via command prompt and guess what? The file doesn't exist. Whether ftp ignores symlinks I don't know but I'm about to give up :P
First of all, try emailing your webhost either for SSH-access or to remove the symlink for you.
If you get SSH-access, use:
unlink index.php
Or if neither works: Create a PHP file there (for instance remove.php) that contains:
<?php unlink("./index.php") ?>
Then open that file in your browser, afterwards remove the remove.php file.
