MATLAB: use strcmp(s1,s2) for variable length vector with strings - arrays

I have a query which I am trying to solve
I know that one can use strcmp(s1,s2) to compare two different strings to see whether they are the same. It gives 1 if that is the case.
However, how would one tackle this problem if you have a variable length array full of strings and you want to the whether all strings in the array are the same.
For example: ['NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'] we can see that all the strings are the same in this array. However, how would one go about with using strcmp(s1,s2).
Thanks guys!

If you want all pairwise comparisons between strings: call ndgrid to generate indices of all combinations, and then index into your cell array of strings and call strcmp:
x = {'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'};
[ii, jj] = ndgrid(1:numel(x));
result = strcmp(x(ii), x(jj));
In this case
result =
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
because all strings are the same.

You probably had a pairwise comparison using strcmp in mind, but you can use it directly on cell arrays:
x={'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'}
Compare the first element to the remaining elements. It returns true only if all elements are equal. For a pairwise comparison you could us:

If you're solving the problem with a matrix (i.e. every row is a string) there are no particularly nice solutions in my opinion, but if your strings are contained into a cell array, things are getting easier and nicer.
So we start by creating such cell array:
myStrings={'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'};
where each cell contains a string. This will make your code more robust as well since every string can have a different length (this is not true if you concatenate all your strings in a matrix).
Then you specify which string you want to find inside such cell array:
Now you can use cellfun(), which is a function that applies another function to every cell of a given cell array as follows:
results=cellfun(#(x) strcmp(x,stringThatMustBeTested),myStrings);
Such line simply means "apply strcmp() to every generic cell x inside myStrings and compare the cell with stringThatMustBeTested".
Variable results will be a logical output in which element j will be true if the j-th cell in your cell array is equal to the string you want to test. If results is entirely composed by 1s (which you can check as if sum(results)==length(results)), then all the strings are the same in myStrings (given that stringThatMustBeTested is the unique string in your cell array but anyways, this solution can be extended to a broader string search inside a cell).


Get specific cells from a cell array

I have a numeric array sized 1000x1 which have values 0 and 1, called conditionArray.
I have a cell array called netNames with the same size (1000x1) and its cells contain string values (which are name of some circuit nets).
I want to extract net names which from netNames which their pairwise condition bit is 1 in conditionArray.
E.g. if conditionArray(100) is equal to extract its net name from netNames{100}.
Output of this process can be stored in an string array or cell array.
Are there any ways to do this operation with pairwise operations or I should use a for statement for this?
You shall check out cellfun in Matlab anytime you want to manipulate each element inside a cellarray without using a for loop.
As I understand, you have:
N = 1000;
% an array with 0s and 1s (this generates random 0s and 1s):
conditionArray = randi([0,1],N);
% a cell array with strings (this generates random 5-character strings):
netNames = cell(N);
netNames = cellfun(#(c)char(randi([double('a'),double('z')],1,5)), netNames, 'UniformOutput',false);
To extract the elements from netNames where conditionArray is 1, you can do:
This uses logical indexing into the cell array.

Matlab replacing 0 with empty cell in Cell array

I have a 10,000 x 65 Cell with 0's and 1's so for example if I type
C(1,1) I get [0] returned or likewise C(3,4) a [1] is returned
I need a way to turn every 0 into a blank cell and every 1 into a char t
I've tried the following with little success
[rows, cols] = size(M);
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:cols
if strcmp(M(i,j), 1)
M(i,j) = 't';
It returns the same thing, I'm guessing its not recognising the 1's as strings. Any idea sort of simply doing the conversion straight in Excel.
You are not accessing the cell data-structure correctly.
First of all, if M really is a cell array, you will have to use M{i,j} to access the data.
What M(i,j)does is just create a sub-cell-array, which contains M{i,j} as entry.
Also strcmp isn't used correctly, if your cell array contains strings you should use strcmp(M{i,j}, '1').
If your cell array on the other hand contains integers, you would have to use: M{i,j}==1.

length in 2 dimension array

var example is a 2-dimension array. example.length will give values like 14.3
But how can I get an integer for the length of example in second dimension, like 3 in this case?
Thank you!
If the array is homogeneous (which is always the case when such an array is the result of a getValues() call in a spreadsheet range for example) you can simply write :
EDIT : a few comments to be more clear ...
The 2D array you get from example = range.getValues() is always an array of rows data.
The number of rows is represented by example.length and the inner array length (representing rows content) is always example[0].length, which is actually the number of columns

Binsearch in cell matrix in Matlab

I have a cell matrix with 2 rows - sorted cell array of different strings and array of numbers. Also I have an example string. It's guarantied that this string appears in the 1st row in the cell array. I want to get index of example's appearance in cell array of strings.
Is there any function in Matlab, that provides solving with logarithmic complexity (something like binary search)?
If you look at ismember code (type open ismember), you'll see that it basically
Checks if the array is sorted (by calling issorted);
If not, it sorts the array;
Then it applies binary search.
So you can directly use ismember.
>> strings = {'a', 'aa', 'be', 'day', 'yes'};
>> [tf, loc ] = ismember('day', strings);
>> loc
loc =
Or maybe modify ismember (save it with another name) to bypass step 1, since you already know your array is sorted.

array1(1:A)=array2(1:C,D) Fortran 90 what is the function of the colon

I am not 100% what the role of the 1: is here. At which index to start the copy? But then why not two such parameters for the rank 2 array?
To be a little more explicit:
In Fortran90 and up you access a single array value by giving a single index, and access a subarray (a window of the array) by giving a range of indices separated by a colon.
a(1) = 0.
a(2:5) = (/3.14,2.71,1.62,0./)
You can also give a step size.
a(1:5:2) = (/0,2.71,0./)
And finally, you can leave out values and a default will be inserted. So if a runs from index 1 to 5 then I could write the above as
a(::2) = (/0,2.71,0./)
and the 1 and 5 are implied. Obviously, you shouldn't leave these out if it makes the code unclear.
With a multidimensional array, you can mix and match these on each dimension, as in your example.
You're taking a slice of array2, namely the elements in the D'th column from row 1 to C and putting them in the slice of array1 which is elements 1 through A
So both slices are 1-dimensional arrays
Slice may not be the correct term in Fortran
