array1(1:A)=array2(1:C,D) Fortran 90 what is the function of the colon - arrays

I am not 100% what the role of the 1: is here. At which index to start the copy? But then why not two such parameters for the rank 2 array?

To be a little more explicit:
In Fortran90 and up you access a single array value by giving a single index, and access a subarray (a window of the array) by giving a range of indices separated by a colon.
a(1) = 0.
a(2:5) = (/3.14,2.71,1.62,0./)
You can also give a step size.
a(1:5:2) = (/0,2.71,0./)
And finally, you can leave out values and a default will be inserted. So if a runs from index 1 to 5 then I could write the above as
a(::2) = (/0,2.71,0./)
and the 1 and 5 are implied. Obviously, you shouldn't leave these out if it makes the code unclear.
With a multidimensional array, you can mix and match these on each dimension, as in your example.

You're taking a slice of array2, namely the elements in the D'th column from row 1 to C and putting them in the slice of array1 which is elements 1 through A
So both slices are 1-dimensional arrays
Slice may not be the correct term in Fortran


N-dimensional array indexing in Matlab : find array in middle

I am working with N-dimensional array and have a problem with the array indexing. I have a task to find an (N-1)-dimensional array in the middle N-dimensional array.
Let me explain in detail with 3D array. A is a 3-dimensional array that has split into groups. In each group, there are b - number of 2-dimensional arrays in the group. I have simulated it as:
groups = reshape(A, size(A,1), size(A,2),b, []);
groups is 4-dimensional array, the 4-th dimension is a number of groups ( here it 4).
To find a middle in each group I have added the following loop:
for ii=1:size(groups,4) % Loop over all groups/slices
middle(:,:,ii) = groups(:,:,(w-1)/2+1,ii); % 1 2 3 4 5 : the middle is 3
middle is 3-dimensional array that collects middle array in each group.
As you see in my example I have used b=5( odd number). My problem is with even number b.
I have tried to implement it as ( rewrite the loop above);
for ii=1:size(groups,4) % Loop over all groups/slices
if l==1
middle(:,:,ii) = groups(:,:,(w-1)/2+1,ii);
middle(:,:,ii) = groups(:,:,(w-1)/2,ii);
But it doesn't work. Matlab gives me an error in the line l=rem(w,2);
Could you suggest to me how I can fix it? Is there another way to implement it?
You should use floor of ceil to round the index to whichever element you want:
middle_index = floor((w-1)/2+1);
Here, the middle of 4 is 2, using ceil you’d pick index 3.
Next, you can extract the arrays in a single indexing operation:
middle = groups(:,:,middle_index,:);
Finally, use squeeze or reshape to get rid of the 3rd index:
middle = squeeze(middle);

Mapping a 2D array into 1D array with variable column width

I know mapping 2D array into 1D array has been asked many times, but I did not find a solution that would fit a where the column count varies.
So I want get a 1-dimensional index from this 2-dimensional array
Col> _0____1____2__
Row 0 |_0__|_1__|_2__|
V 1 |_3__|_4__|
2 |_5__|_6__|_7__|
3 |_8__|_9__|
4 |_10_|_11_|_12_|
5 |_13_|_14_|
The normal formula index = row * columns + column does not work, since after the 2nd row the index is out of place.
What is the correct formula here?
The specific issue is that I have a list of items in with the layout like in the grid, but a one dimensional array for the data. So while looping through the elements in the UI, I need to get the correct data, but can only get the row and column for that element. I need to find a way to turn a row/column value into an index for the data-array
Bad picture trying to explain it
A truly optimal answer (or even a provably correct one) will depend on the language you are using and how it lays out memory for such arrays.
However, taking your question simply at face value, you have to know what the actual length of each row is in order to calculate a 1D index.
So either the row length follows some pattern that can be inferred from the data, or you have (or can write) a rlen = rowLength( 2dTable, RowNumber) function.
Then, depending on how big the tables are and how fast you need to run, you can calculate a 1D index from the 2d table by adding all the previous row lengths until the current row length is less than the 2d column index.
or build a 1d table of the row lengths (or commulative rowlengths) so you can scan it and so only call your rowlength function for each row only once.
With a better description of your problem, you might get a better answer...
For your example which alternates between 3 and 2 columns you can construct a formula:
index = (row / 2) * (3 + 2) + (row % 2 ? 3 : 0) + column
(C-like syntax, assuming integer division)
In general though, the one and only way to implement what you're doing here, jagged arrays, is to make an array of arrays, a.k.a. an Iliffe vector. That means, use the row number as index into an array of pointers which point to the individual row arrays containing the actual data.
You can have an additional 1D array having the length of the columns say "length". Then your formula is index=sum {length(i)}+column. i runs from 0 to row.

MATLAB: use strcmp(s1,s2) for variable length vector with strings

I have a query which I am trying to solve
I know that one can use strcmp(s1,s2) to compare two different strings to see whether they are the same. It gives 1 if that is the case.
However, how would one tackle this problem if you have a variable length array full of strings and you want to the whether all strings in the array are the same.
For example: ['NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'] we can see that all the strings are the same in this array. However, how would one go about with using strcmp(s1,s2).
Thanks guys!
If you want all pairwise comparisons between strings: call ndgrid to generate indices of all combinations, and then index into your cell array of strings and call strcmp:
x = {'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'};
[ii, jj] = ndgrid(1:numel(x));
result = strcmp(x(ii), x(jj));
In this case
result =
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
because all strings are the same.
You probably had a pairwise comparison using strcmp in mind, but you can use it directly on cell arrays:
x={'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'}
Compare the first element to the remaining elements. It returns true only if all elements are equal. For a pairwise comparison you could us:
If you're solving the problem with a matrix (i.e. every row is a string) there are no particularly nice solutions in my opinion, but if your strings are contained into a cell array, things are getting easier and nicer.
So we start by creating such cell array:
myStrings={'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010' 'NACA64A010'};
where each cell contains a string. This will make your code more robust as well since every string can have a different length (this is not true if you concatenate all your strings in a matrix).
Then you specify which string you want to find inside such cell array:
Now you can use cellfun(), which is a function that applies another function to every cell of a given cell array as follows:
results=cellfun(#(x) strcmp(x,stringThatMustBeTested),myStrings);
Such line simply means "apply strcmp() to every generic cell x inside myStrings and compare the cell with stringThatMustBeTested".
Variable results will be a logical output in which element j will be true if the j-th cell in your cell array is equal to the string you want to test. If results is entirely composed by 1s (which you can check as if sum(results)==length(results)), then all the strings are the same in myStrings (given that stringThatMustBeTested is the unique string in your cell array but anyways, this solution can be extended to a broader string search inside a cell).

matlab rearrange (permute) string array

I have a string array:
ans =
1 19413
I would like to rearrange the array to 4853 rows and 4 columns:
output=permute(entries,[4853 4]);
but get following error:
Error using permute ORDER contains an invalid permutation index.
What is the (probably obvious thing) I am doing wrong? thanks
You currently have 19413 elements, yet you wish to reshape this into a 4853 x 4 matrix that consists of 4853 * 4 = 19412 elements. No function in the world will help you do this because the original and target amount of elements don't match - they're off by one element. If you remove one of the elements...say... the last one, then we're getting somewhere.
Supposing you made a mistake and included that extra element by accident, you don't use permute here, but you use reshape. The second argument to reshape is the amount of elements to spread out for each target dimension, and that's what you're looking for. First remove the extraneous element that appears at the end of the array, then reshape the matrix:
output = reshape(entries(1:end-1),[4853 4]);
I'm 3 years late, but here's to anyone still looking for an answer.
In your case as mentioned above, yes you should use reshape() while minding that you preserve the total number of elements.
You use permute() when you want to reorder the dimensionality of an n-dimensional (ND) matrix.
The ORDER parameter specifies the order of the columns.
For example, if matrix A is LxMxN, the following line would make it MxLxN.
A = permute(A,[2 1 3]);
Hope this clears things.

Why, if MATLAB is column-major, do some functions output row vectors?

MATLAB is well-known for being column-major. Consequently, manipulating entries of an array that are in the same column is faster than manipulating entries that are on the same row.
In that case, why do so many built-in functions, such as linspace and logspace, output row vectors rather than column vectors? This seems to me like a de-optimization...
What, if any, is the rationale behind this design decision?
It is a good question. Here are some ideas...
My first thought was that in terms of performance and contiguous memory, it doesn't make a difference if it's a row or a column -- they are both contiguous in memory. For a multidimensional (>1D) array, it is correct that it is more efficient to index a whole column of the array (e.g. v(:,2)) rather than a row (e.g. v(2,:)) or other dimension because in the row (non-column) case it is not accessing elements that are contiguous in memory. However, for a row vector that is 1-by-N, the elements are contiguous because there is only one row, so it doesn't make a difference.
Second, it is simply easier to display row vectors in the Command Window, especially since it wraps the rows of long arrays. With a long column vector, you will be forced to scroll for much shorter arrays.
More thoughts...
Perhaps row vector output from linspace and logspace is just to be consistent with the fact that colon (essentially a tool for creating linearly spaced elements) makes a row:
>> 0:2:16
ans =
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
The choice was made at the beginning of time and that was that (maybe?).
Also, the convention for loop variables could be important. A row is necessary to define multiple iterations:
>> for k=1:5, k, end
k =
k =
k =
k =
k =
A column will be a single iteration with a non-scalar loop variable:
>> for k=(1:5)', k, end
k =
And maybe the outputs of linspace and logspace are commonly looped over. Maybe? :)
But, why loop over a row vector anyway? Well, as I say in my comments, it's not that a row vector is used for loops, it's that it loops through the columns of the loop expression. Meaning, with for v=M where M is a 2-by-3 matrix, there are 3 iterations, where v is a 2 element column vector in each iteration. This is actually a good design if you consider that this involves slicing the loop expression into columns (i.e. chunks of contiguous memory!).
